The fundamental factor behind nearly four decades tragedies of the country is the foreign interferences, invasions, selfishness and incompetence of internal (Afghan) rulers. The invasion of 2001 ushered in many tragedies and issues for the Afghan people which are well-known and still continue. These issues could not be resolved by the use of force.
The Islamic Emirate has started Jihad for obtainment of righteous and lofty goals rather than for any material gains. War is its necessity not a choice. The Islamic Emirate is committed to peace when its goals for which it has started Jihad, are met, i.e. the end of occupation and establishment of independent Islamic system.
Peace should not be used as an instrument for achievement of one’s political, personal and party objectives. Unfortunately, foreigners and the Kabul Administration are (now) engaged in these activities and do not have a real intention for peace.
Some preliminary steps should be taken prior to starting peace because without them, progress towards peace is not feasible. Establishment of official venue for the Islamic Emirate; removal of blacklist and prize list; release of prisoners and ending poisonous propaganda are among the preliminary steps needed for peace. Peace is viable only when practical ways of peace are identified and assessed.
The Political Office of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is the only authorized and responsible entity assigned by the Islamic Emirate to carry out talks. Issues pertaining foreigners, particularly USA, should be directly discussed between the Islamic Emirate and USA but as to issues pertaining the Afghans, the Islamic Emirate believes, the Afghans have preparedness and capability to resolve these issues themselves.
Islamic Emirate considers it its obligation– as required by its faith and conscious–to serve the Afghan people. The Islamic Emirate is committed to civil activities; to the freedom of speech and to the women’s rights in the light of Islamic rules, national interests and values. It considers it its responsibility to provide to the sons of the nation access to education and protect and construct national installations and assets of public benefits. The Islamic Emirate supports all projects of public benefit including the TAPI project which is aimed at achieving advancement of the country, well-being and prosperity of the people.
Our Jihad is focused on ending the occupation and bringing about Islamic system. We do not want to interfere in others affairs, nor do we use our soil to harm others, nor allow others to interfere in our affairs. We want good relations with the world on the basis of mutual respect. The Islamic Emirate is not against international laws which are not contrary to Islamic rules and our national interests and values.
To end, we urge the public of the world to stand by the Afghan people and the Islamic Emirate in their cause for restoration of independence of the country. The invaders should leave the country and give the Afghan people opportunity to determine their fate themselves; avoid futile propaganda; give the Islamic Emirate right to have its voice and last but not least, to talk directly with the Islamic Emirate for resolution of issues and alleviation of concerns.
Category: Qatar
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Concerning Participation By the Delegation of the Islamic Emirate in the Pugwash Research Conference"
On Saturday 23/01/2016 members of the Political Office of Islamic Emirate will participate at a conference convened by Pugwash international NGO in the capital city of Qatar, Doha.
Pugwash international NGO regularly holds conferences throughout the globe in order to find solutions to armed conflicts and has also convened a research conference in the country of Qatar previously. It has once again invited the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to take part in a new conference aimed at finding a solution to the conflict in Afghanistan.
The Islamic Emirate has accepted this invitation and members of its political office shall take part in the research conference. The Islamic Emirate seeks to take healthy advantage of such opportunities and conferences to relay the legal demands of our nation and our just policy to the world directly. It must be reminded that this conference is purely for research purposes with academic debates held on finding solutions to problems.
According to our information other Afghan academics, sides and countries have also been invited to take part in this conference.
Pugwash is an impartial international NGO which regularly holds research conferences around the world aimed at ending armed conflicts so that every side is afforded an opportunity to present their views and policy regarding conflict.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
12/04/1437 Hijri Lunar
02/11/1394 Hijri Solar 22/01/2016 Gregorian
New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Full Text of Statement Delivered By the Delegation of the Political Office In the International Pugwash Research Conference"
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Gracious.
الحمد لله رب العلمین والصلا ة والسلام علی سیدنا ونبینا محمد و آله وأصحابه أجمعین. أما بعد:
قال الله تعالی، أعوذ بالله من الشیطن الرجیم:
( لاخَيْرَ فِي كَثِيرٍ مِّن نَّجْوَاهُمْ إِلاَّ مَنْ أَمَرَ بِصَدَقَةٍ أَوْ مَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ إِصْلاَحٍ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ ابْتَغَاء مَرْضَاتِ اللّهِ فَسَوْفَ نُؤْتِيهِ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا .) صدق الله العظیم .سورة النسأ, أ یة ﴿۱۱۴﴾
Translation: (There is no good in many of their conferences except the conferences of such as enjoin charity, or goodness or the making of peace among men. And who so does that, seeking the pleasure of ALLAH, WE shall soon bestow on him a great reward.) Chapter – ‘Al-Nisa’ (the women) (verse – 114)
First of all, I would like to express my appreciation to the ‘Pugwash International Conference on Science and World Affairs’, particularly to its Secretary General Prof. Paolo Cotta-Ramusino including his colleagues whose collective efforts made this gathering possible. Similarly, we express our gratitude to the brotherly Islamic government of Qatar which fully facilitated all the participants of this meeting. We pay our good wishes and regards to all the participants.
Respected participants! If we ponder over the recent past history of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban emerged at a critical juncture of time when everything was at stake in our beloved homeland. Every warlord was a tyrant in his own area. His word was his own law and the country was on the verge of disintegration. The international community was a mere spectator of this chaotic situation. It had neither any plan nor any intention of doing anything. In these circumstances, some sincere Afghan Mujahidin and students of religious educational institutions (i.e. madrassas) emerged in the form of the Islamic Movement of Taliban under the leadership of His Excellency the honorable Amir-ul-Momineen, Mulla Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may Allah safeguard him).
This was completely an Islamic and Afghan movement whose only source of rejuvenation was its popularity and support among the people. This was the focal point which enabled this movement in successfully restoring law and order in most parts of the country. The lives, honor and properties of the people were safeguarded, drug trafficking and poppy cultivation were outlawed. The disintegration of the country was halted and a pure Islamic system was implemented in the country. But unfortunately, various countries and circles initiated negative propaganda against this newly established system and newer conspiracies were planned against it on the daily basis.
We admit that the members and officials of the Islamic Emirate had shortcomings as they committed some mistakes in the beginning. Inefficiencies were there but their main objective was to accomplish the objectives of those sacrifices of Mujahidin which were delayed due to the internal factional fighting. These factional wars had deeply undermined both Jihad and Mujahidin. Unfortunately these conspiracies were constant until the United States and her Allied forces finally invaded Afghanistan under the pretext of combatting terrorism and the prevalent control of the Islamic Emirate was terminated.
It has been nearly fourteen years after the invasion in October 2001, all types of tactics and weapons were used by the Americans and her allies against the Afghan masses and Mujahidin. Thousands of Afghans who had nothing to do with the September incident were relentlessly martyred and injured. Numerous of them suffered from fatal diseases due to the frequent use of chemical and biological weapons. Numerous innocent people were incarcerated in Bagram, Guantanamo and other open and secret jails and were ruthlessly tortured. They were kept in detention without any trial and a lot of them are still suffering in these jails. They demolished our houses and orchards. Our sanctities and the pious bodies of martyrs were desecrated even condolence gatherings, funerals and wedding processions were bombarded. But this strategy of force and oppression had no achievement except killing and destruction. It only resulted in a bitter human chaos for Afghans.
On the other side, Americans also suffered material and corporeal losses and their international prestige was undermined. Their own high claims of respecting and protecting basic human rights were violated and rescinded by them. Their short-term and long-term colonial plans remained a dream. If this strategy remains incessant, it will have no constructive outcome even in the future. Instead, besides inflicting sufferings on the Afghans, Americans and their allies will inevitably suffer too as they did in past. If the invading countries are really interested in transforming the present situation in Afghanistan then prior to everything, a realistic policy should be initiated. The legitimate right of the Afghan masses which is sovereignty and an independent system should be recognized as peace and stability can only be restored when justice is maintained and not in the wake of suppression, invasion, discrimination and despotism. The history of our beloved homeland is fraught with evidences.
After this foreword, we would like to express our viewpoint regarding the following issues:
The present scenario:
The present scenario of Afghanistan is the outcome of occupation and the policies adopted in the wake of occupation. On one hand, the country is virtually occupied as the Afghan homes are constantly raided by foreign troops at night in which innocent people are martyred in front of their family members. They are indiscriminately bombarded. The sanctities of the Muslim Afghan masses are desecrated. Arbaki militiamen and other armed personnel related to Kabul based administration play with the lives, honor and properties of the masses and usurp their lands. Above all, women lives which is their basic human right is at risk. There are authentic reports that hundreds of women are victimized in various ways and numerous of them have even lost their lives.
Afghanistan holds top spot in the world in corruption and drug trafficking. Due to these reasons, the country is on a path towards chaos and an unpredictable future. On the other side, efforts are underway to destroy the Islamic and national identity of the state, visible and invisible forces are planting seeds hatred and acrimony among the brotherly nations of our country. Such circles and individuals are deployed inside the country who prefer external vested interests to our own national interests and in this way our national interests are jeopardized. All these factors play a crucial role in the present chaotic scenario of our homeland.
The ongoing resistance is an Islamic and national movement against all these indecencies. Had the ongoing Jihadi resistance not been a national movement, in this world of cause and effect, no group or organization could possibly compete with nearly fifty countries of the world who are fully equipped with sophisticated weapons and modern technology. Nevertheless, our practical observation is that Islamic Emirate is dominant in most part of the country and instead of Kabul based administration courts, the masses prefer to refer their lawsuits to the judges of the Islamic Emirate.
Thousands of electronic and print media outlets of invaders and their supporters are busy in spreading negative propaganda against the ongoing Islamic and national resistance as they want to sabotage the identity and reputation of this Jihadi process. However since it is a national movement therefore they have not succeed in creating a cleavage between Mujahidin and the masses and neither have they pacified the collective will and vigor of the Afghan Mujahid nation. Instead, with the passage of time the Islamic Emirate is engrafted even more deeply in its own masses.
Americans and their allies have invaded militarily the sovereign state of Afghanistan. They have martyred and incarcerated thousands of innocent people. They have desecrated the sanctities of the masses and have demolished their houses, lands and orchards. Therefore, prior to everything, foreign occupation which is the root cause of all these adversities should be terminated so that peace process and mutual inter-Afghan negotiations could proceed. On the other side, regional countries are also solicitous about the presence of foreign forces inside Afghanistan. So the extension of occupation means the persistence of war.
It is a fact that in the presence of foreign forces, an independent government cannot be formed in Afghanistan. Neither can the sovereignty of the country be restored nor can any policy based on Islamic and national interests be implemented. Therefore, as the war was instigated in our beloved homeland with the beginning of foreign occupation, Insha-Allah (God willing) the withdrawal of foreign troops will initiate peace process amongst the Afghans as they will find an opportunity to get together on the basis of their common grounds and establish an Afghan-inclusive Islamic system of life.
What do the Afghans demand?
Afghans love their creed and country. From the time Alexander till the present American invasion, whosoever has violated their land and Islamic and national values, they have resisted both with their lives and properties. Even today they superbly defended their rights which is the Islamic, human and internationally
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Clarification Regarding Participation By the Delegation From the Political Office at the Conference by Pugwash International Organization in Qatar"
A two day research conference is scheduled to take place in the country Qatar on Sunday, 2nd May 2015.
This research conference is prepared by Pughwash International Organization where individuals from various countries are invited to participate. Pugwash is an impartial international organization based in Canada with branches in London, Switzerland and a few other countries. The said organization routinely convenes conferences concerning world affairs in various parts of the globe, bringing together experts from different places.
It is worth mentioning that all participants of this conference attend in an individual capacity, no one participates as representatives for any government or party. Since this is a research conference therefore every participant gives their opinion on a range of issues.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will also be sending an eight-man delegation headed by Mr. Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai to this conference in order to personally deliver the message of its oppressed nation and other such issues to the world just like it previously sent delegations to conferences in France and Japan. A statement for participation in the conference has also been prepared which will be shared with our respected readers at an appropriate time.
It must be stressed that participation in this conference by a delegation from the Political Office of Islamic Emirate should not be misconstrued as peace or negotiation talks. This issue has already been discussed with and accepted by the organizers of Pughwash and an understanding has been reached that every attendee will participate in an individual capacity and not as representatives of a side or government.
The participants of Islamic Emirate in this conference are as listed below:
1. Mr. Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai
2. Mr. Maulawi Jan Muhammad Madani
3. Mr. Maulawi Sayed Rasoul Haleem
4. Mr. Maulawi Shahabuddin Delawar
5. Mr. Qari Deen Muhammad Haneef
6. Mr. Maulawi Abdul Salam Haneefi
7. Mr. Sohail Shaheen
8. Mr. Hafiz Aziz Rahman
Zabihullah Mujahid
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
12/07/1436 Hijri Lunar
12/02/1394 Hijri Solar – 01/05/2015 Gregorian
New statement from Jabhat al-Nuṣrah’s Abū Māriyyah al-Qaḥṭānī: "About the Rumors on the Separation of Jabhat al-Nuṣrah From al-Qā’idah"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Māriyyah al-Qaḥṭānī — “About the Rumors on the Separation of Jabhat al-Nuṣrah From al-Qā’idah”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Reports About Peace Talks With America In Qatar Are Baseless"
Some media outlets irresponsibly reported that the Islamic Emirate will initiate peace talks with America in Qatar today and has sent envoys to Qatar.
We strongly reject this claim. There is no plan of any such talks with any party at our office in Qatar and these rumors have no bases.
There are no new changes in the policy of the Islamic Emirate regarding negotiations and neither has the Islamic Emirate yet taken a serious stance on this issue. Afghanistan is still under occupation, there are thousands of foreign troops currently present and operating inside Afghanistan, the Kabul administration has a security pact with America, is embroiled in corruption, is encouraging anti-Islamic activities and stresses on the continued presence of foreign invaders.
Zabihullah Mujahid
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
30/04/1435 Hijri Lunar
30/11/1393 Hijri Solar 19/02/2015 Gregorian
al-Imārah Studio presents new interview from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "With the Spokesman in Qatar"
The flag of The Islamic Emirate which is decorated with the Islamic creed of “لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله ”, “There is no god but Allah and Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah”, is still hoisting there.
On Tuesday, 18th June, the office of the Islamic Emirate was officially inaugurated inside Qatar. It was widely welcomed by the Afghan Nation. A large number of our countrymen sent their messages of felicitations through the Alemara website and other social media and have considered this office as the sign of Mujahidin’s success and the end of occupation; but on the other side the Kabul administration has shown their strong opposition with the inauguration of this office particularly with the name and white flag of the Islamic Emirate, therefore, if you, the spokesman of the political bureau of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Qatar, Dr. Mohammad Naeem, could please answer the following questions of the Alemara website! We will be thankful to you.
Alemara: Dr. Mohammad Naeem, the spokesman of the official bureau of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Qatar, how would the Islamic Emirate make use of this office?
Answer: First of all, I would like to say that the inauguration of the political bureau of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Qatar is great news, specially for the brave and courageous Mujahidin because whatever we possess, is just due to their persisting sacrifices that after 11 years, at last, the occupiers realized that the Islamic Emirate is a fact and a ground reality which can never be overlooked; while 11 years ago, the members of the Islamic Emirate had no right to live on the surface of earth, but today, it is recognized as a political force on the international level.
Now let me answer your query. This office will be used, as announced in the declaration which was read out on the first day of the inauguration of this office and was published through the Alemara website, for five main objectives:
- Negotiations and understanding for improving the relations with the world countries.
- Supporting a political solution which could guarantee the end of Afghanistan’s occupation and establishing an independent Islamic system of life there which is the aspiration and demand of the entire nation.
- Meetings with the Afghans in accordance with the need of time.
- Making contacts with the United Nations, international and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations.
- Issuing political statements regarding the existing political situation and providing them to the media.
Alemara: Will the Islamic Emirate pursue negotiations only with Americans through the office in Qatar or they will follow the policy of negotiations with other occupiers of Afghanistan?
Answer: Talks will be conducted with all sides involved in Afghanistan. Americans are mentioned mostly because they are on the top and in point of fact, the occupation was started by them; others supported it.
Alemara: Mr. Mohammad Naeem, if you could explain the agenda of the forthcoming meeting with Americans; in this meeting, only the issue of exchange of prisoners will be discussed or other issues will also be brought under consideration; if the issue of exchange of prisoners will be discussed, what kind of prisoners, those who are kept inside the country or those who are abroad?
Answer: Let me clarify first that the Islamic Emirate has postponed that meeting which was under consideration due to various reasons. Whenever it will take place, it will be the first such meeting between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and America as known to all; and usually, in preliminary meetings, both sides exchange their views only, therefore, specific points of the agenda cannot be pointed out now. As far as the issue of prisoners is concerned, it is quite crucial and will definitely be discussed. The Islamic Emirate has determined to have discussions about all the prisoners of the Afghan Nation and endeavors for the release of all of them. As far as, the response of the other side is concerned, it will be seen later by all of us.
Alemara: Mr. Dr. Naeem! Does the Islamic Emirate intend sooner or later to discuss the points of mutual interest for getting its relations better with the neighbouring countries of Afghanistan?
Answer: Why not! As the first paragraph of the declaration says, the Islamic Emirate will make the use of this office for improving its relations with all countries of the world and the neighbouring countries will be on the top of the list.
Alemara: Does the Islamic Emirate want or anticipate to discuss the termination of Afghanistan’s occupation through this political office in Qatar with the Islamic Conference, the United Nations, Arab League, European Union and the Shanghai Pact?
Answer: In this regard, I would like to say that as the declaration say, the Islamic Emirate will make contacts with the United Nations and other international and regional and non-governmental organizations and will share its viewpoint for solving the issues of the people of Afghanistan.
Alemara: The office of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar will remain on its previous stance over discussions with the Kabul admin or it has some plans under consideration, if you could explain?
Answer: As the Islamic Emirate has openly expressed in its declarations that the dilemma of Afghanistan has two main aspects; one is external which is related with the foreigners and the other is internal which is related with Afghans. Until the issue of the external aspect is not solved with the occupiers, it is useless to tackle the internal aspect. The third paragraph says that meetings with Afghans will also be held in accordance with the developments.
Alemara: Whether the office in Qatar will hold negotiations with parties and political and intellectual figures inside Afghanistan apart from the dependent regime of Kabul?
Answer: As we told you earlier that the third paragraph of the declaration clearly says that meetings will be held with all Afghans according to the exigency of situation. It is worth mentioning that all this will take in the light of Islamic principles and keeping in mind the national interests of Afghans.
Alemara: Our last question is about the rumors in media that due to the opposition and disappointment of the Kabul regime, the white flag and sign-board bearing the name of the Islamic Emirate are removed, if it is right, whether it is the infringement of the agreement regarding the inauguration of office or not?
Answer: It is a reality that the hoisting of flag and the sign-board of the Islamic Emirate troubled the Kabul administration. Let me say that the flag which was hoisted there, only the Islamic creed of “لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله ” was written there and this the creed which cannot be denied by any Muslim.
In my opinion, if someone calls himself a Muslim, how can he oppose this creed and if someone opposes it then how can he call himself a Muslim. This creed should be accepted by each and every Muslim from the core of his hearth and I am sure that every Muslim does believe it and has a reverence for it. Allah Almighty says in His Holy Quran that “وکلمة الله هی العلیا”, “The creed of Allah is always superior.” One, who opposes this creed, is in fact opposing Allah Almighty and His Messenger, Mohammad (peace be upon him).
The flag of the Islamic Emirate which is embellished with “لا اله الله محمدرسول الله” is still waving there. Rumors of its lowering are only propaganda and the sign-board is changed neither, it is only shifted from one wall to the other.
From legal point of view, the Islamic Emirate has the right to hang a sign-board of its own inclination, because now it is the property of the Islamic Emirate and no one else has the right to make or dictate any alteration in it.
Musings of an Iraqi Brasenostril on Jihad: "HAMAS and Syria"
NOTE: An archive of the Musings of an Iraqi Brasenostril on Jihad column can now be found here.
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
The past couple of weeks has seen Hamas’ tensions with Hezbollah come to the forefront despite past cooperation as the former has urged the latter to withdraw from the Syrian conflict immediately. At first sight, one may be tempted to accuse Hamas of hypocrisy on the basis of widespread rumors of the group’s involvement in Syria in aid of the rebels against the Assad regime. But how far, if at all, is Hamas really participating in the civil war?
Mainstream Media Reports
The main basis for claiming Hamas involvement in Syria lies in a few reports in media outlets. Thus in April the British newspaper The Times claimed Izz ad-Din al-Qassam fighters were training rebels in Damascus- citing anonymous Western diplomats. In the same month, the Kuwaiti paper ‘As-Sayaasah al-Kuwaitiya’ claimed that Hamas was preparing to send a thousand fighters from Lebanon into Syria to take on Hezbollah.
More recently, Rania Abouzeid wrote a piece for The New Yorker on arming rebels of Syria where she claimed in passing that rebels in Idlib had produced projectiles resembling the Qassam rocket, attributing the production to the provision of know-how from Hamas. Abouzeid offered no source for the conveying this information to her.
The problem with these claims is that they are all second-hand in nature, and they have all been denied vigorously by Hamas, whose leadership stresses an official policy of non-intervention in the Syrian conflict, even as Hamas officials abandoned Syria out of alienation from the Assad regime’s harsh repression against the mainly Sunni Arab uprising.
Hamas and the Social Media of Jihadis and other Rebels
Outside of the scanty media report testimony, claims of Hamas fighters’ presence in Syria primarily come from pro-regime media. For instance, one video was circulated recently of a Syrian soldier beside the bodies of several men, whom the soldier claimed were Hamas fighters and showed a photo of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin that one of the men purportedly had as proof.
In contrast, one can find extensive first-hand evidence of Hezbollah involvement even from before the Battle for Qusayr, most notably through pro-Hezbollah social media (Twitter, Facebook and chat forums) featuring photos of Hezbollah ‘martyrs’ killed in Syria. Far more reliable evidence by any measure than rebel media circles. By the same standard, the only real way to ascertain a Hamas presence in Syria is through acknowledgement in rebel media organs, jihadist organs, and so on.
Yet such acknowledgement is sorely lacking. There are of course many cases of Palestinian martyrs killed in Syria while fighting for rebel forces, but they are of a Salafist orientation in line with the rebel-battalion coalition known as the Syrian Islamic Front (SIF), rather than the Muslim-Brotherhood-alignment of Hamas.
From Gaza itself, I have counted only two martyrs via forums and social media. One of them- called Mohammed Ahmad Quneiṭa– had gone to Syria some months before his death, participating in battles and training rebels. He is said to have been a commander in the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
There are also conflicting reports as to whether he was acknowledged by Hamas in Gaza as one of its own: here is one report from the pro-regime site ‘Syria Now’ that claims so, pointing to the alleged acknowledgement of Quneiṭa as definite proof of Hamas involvement in Syria, besides giving citations from a ‘Syrian military source.’ Here is another Arabic news report that claims Hamas acknowledged the fighter.
However, the pro-regime site Zanobia denies that Hamas acknowledged him. Zanobia claims that Quneiṭa went on to become leader of a Jabhat al-Nusra contingent in the Idlib countryside near the Turkish border, but Hamas did not support his enterprise and apparently tried to dissuade him from doing so.
On balance, I am inclined to go with Zanobia’s account, for there is nothing in pro-Hamas social media to corroborate the claim of the group’s acknowledgment of him. It is merely on the basis of Quneiṭa’s apparent senior connections within Hamas that Zanobia takes as proof of Hamas involvement in Syria on the side of the rebels.
It is also of interest to note that the authoritative jihadi news agency- Dawaa al-Haq- claims that Quneiṭa was dismissed from the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades for going to Syria to fight jihad. The entire report is worth reading, with claimed citations of close friends of Quneiṭa that purportedly show that despite his membership in the Qassam Brigades, he was always more sympathetic to the Salafi circles at odds with Hamas, such that he had even been arrested a number of times.
The other Gazan martyr- Niḍal al-Ashi– was a Salafist fighter killed in the Aleppo area and was claimed by jihadi sources to have been subject to persecution by Hamas’ security services, including time served in Hamas prisons for firing rockets at Israel and involvement in a plot to assassinate the former head of the International Relief Agency in Gaza.
Salafis in Syria and Hamas
Indeed, the Hamas-Salafist rivalry in Gaza has not escaped the notice of the SIF or al-Qa’ida-aligned battalions like the Katiba al-Muhajireen, both of which have issued statements criticizing Hamas for alleged mistreatment of Salafist mujahideen in Gaza.
Neither acknowledges any Hamas contribution to aiding the uprising against Assad. The SIF in particular made its sentiment clear as its statement was released with a subheading ‘On Hamas’ betrayal of the Syrian revolution’. The SIF then accused Hamas of still being beholden to Iran, noting Hamas officials’ denial of involvement in Syria.
Summary Analysis
In short, we can say at most that to the extent that any Hamas fighters have been involved in Syria, they have been doing so without approval from the Hamas leadership, and either travel to the country from abroad out of their own accord- perhaps with Hamas in Gaza passively allowing this- or could be left-behinds from Hamas’ evacuation of Syria. This is quite far removed from the level of Hezbollah’s involvement in the civil war.
In any event, attempting to infer a Hamas presence from rebel tactics can be easily explained by the fact that many Palestinian fighters of Salafist orientation were once Hamas-aligned and then defected.
Conclusion: Hamas, Syria and the Wider Region
Examining Hamas’ stance vis-à-vis Syria is important for analyzing the group’s wider position in the region. While it is conventional to talk of Hamas’ shift to the ‘Sunni bloc’, the reality is that the group is very much in a state of limbo, with all sides harboring some form of reservation towards it.
Iran- angered by Hamas’ withdrawal from Syria and abandoning of Assad- has drastically cut financial support for the group. Salafist factions in Gaza and Syria accuse it of collaborating with Egyptian intelligence to suppress true jihad against Israel. One particularly egregious accusation came from an Egyptian Majlis Shura al-Mujahideen commander in the Sinai, who claimed some Hamas military leaders fund takfiri terrorists.
Egypt, which has now given a green light for citizens to fight in Syria, has not been any more relaxed about border controls with Gaza, preoccupied with economic troubles at home and concerned about security threats posed by militants in the Sinai with links to Gaza.
Finally, Gulf states like Qatar have not been all that forthcoming on aid promises to Gaza, such that the Hamas government there faces its own financial crisis.
While Hamas’ popularity may flare up every time there is a conflict with Israel, the fact is that the group is more isolated than ever, with few reliable friends in the region. If Hamas is going to get more involved in Syria, then the Egyptian and Qatari governments in particular will at the minimum have to demonstrate a greater willingness to aid the Hamas government in Gaza.
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Inauguration of the Political Office in Qatar"
Everyone is aware that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been waging Jihad and working tirelessly to bring an end to the invasion of Afghanistan and establish in it an independent Islamic government and has always utilized every legitimate method to achieve this goal.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has both military as well as political objectives which are confined to Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirate does not wish to harm other countries from its soil and neither will it allow others use Afghan soil to pose a threat to the security of other nations! The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants to have cordial relations on basis of mutual respect with all the countries of the world including its neighbors and desires security for its nation as well as security and justice on international level.
Undoubtedly the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers it its religious and national obligation to free its country from occupation and has used every legitimate method for this goal which it will keep on doing in the future. Similarly, it considers the struggle of every oppressed nation working for their due rights and independence to be their legitimate right because every nation deserves to secure freedom from imperialism and attain their rights.
It is due to these objectives that the Islamic Emirate considered it necessary to open a political office in the Islamic country of Qatar for the following reasons:
- 1.To talk and improve relations with the international community through mutual understanding.
- 2. To back such a political and peaceful solution which ends the occupation of Afghanistan, establishes an independent Islamic government and brings true security which is the demand and genuine aspiration of the entire nation.
- 3.To have meetings with Afghans in due appropriate time.
- 4.To establish contact with the United Nations, international and regional organizations and non-governmental institutions.
- 5.To give political statements to the media on the ongoing political situation.
We also thank the government of Qatar and its Emir ‘Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani’ to have agreed with inaugurating the political office of Islamic Emirate and to have made everything easy in this regard.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
28/03/1392 18/06/2013
Check out my new Foreign Policy piece co-authored with Daveed Gartenstein-Ross: "Uncharitable Organizations"
In 1997, employees of the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (AHIF), a Saudi-based charity, were mulling how best to strike a blow against the United States in East Africa. According to the U.S. Treasury Department, one employee indicated that the plan they hatched “would be a suicide bombing carried out by crashing a vehicle into the gate at the Embassy.” A wealthy foundation official from outside the region agreed to fund the operation.
The employees’ plans would go through several iterations, but AHIF would eventually play a role in the ultimate attack. In 1998, simultaneous explosions ripped through the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya — attacks eventually traced back to al Qaeda operatives. Prior to the bombings, a former director of AHIF’s Tanzanian branch made preparations for the advance party that planned the bombings, and the Comoros Islands branch of the charity was used, according to the Treasury Department, “as a staging area and exfiltration route for the perpetrators.” The ultimate result was deadly: 224 people killed and more than 4,000 wounded.
This was, of course, before the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent crackdown on wealthy Islamist charity organizations such as AHIF, which provided a large portion of the funding that made international terrorism possible. As a monograph produced for the 9/11 Commission noted, prior to 9/11, “al Qaeda was funded, to the tune of approximately $30 million per year, by diversions of money from Islamic charities and the use of well-placed financial facilitators who gathered money from both witting and unwitting donors.”
But despite all the efforts made to shut down such groups, Islamist-leaning international charities and other NGOs are now reemerging as sponsors of jihadi activity. In countries like Tunisia and Syria, they are providing the infusion of funds that have allowed extremist groups to undertake the hard work of providing food, social services, and medical care. Jihadists, meanwhile, have discovered that they can bolster their standing within local communities, thereby increasing support for their violent activities. And governments are struggling to keep up.
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