New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Remarks Concerning Ongoing Talks in Qatar”


Amid the ongoing talks between the negotiation teams of Islamic Emirate and United States in the Qatari capital of Doha, extensive discussions were held about the method of foreign troops withdrawal from Tuesday till Wednesday noon and from that time onwards, discussion revolved around preventing Afghanistan from being used against others. The meetings ended last night as both negotiation teams agreed to take a break today and tomorrow for consultations and preparation for the third meeting which shall be held on Saturday.

Meanwhile the Political Deputy of Islamic Emirate, the respected Mullah Baradar Akhund, met with the deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Abdul Rahman al-Thani, National Security Advisor Muhammad al-Masnad, US State Department’s Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad and commander of occupying forces in Afghanistan Scott Miller. The meetings focused on discussions about the ongoing negotiations process and withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan. Respected Mullah Baradar Akhund clarified the policy of Islamic Emirate regarding foreign forces withdrawal and changing situation of Afghanistan while emphasizing our committed to the current peace process along with peace and establishment of an Islamic system in Afghanistan.

*Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan*

*Zabiullah Mujahid*

*23/06/1440 Hijri Lunar*
*09/12/1397 Hijri Solar*
*28/02/2019 Gregorian*


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Deputy of Political Affairs Mullā Baradar Akhūnd Participated In the Negotiation Process Meetings in Qatar”


On Monday (today) the 20th of Jamadi-ul-Thani 1440 Hijri Lunar corresponding with 25th February 2019, the Deputy of Islamic Emirate in Political Affairs, the respected Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar participated in the negotiation process meetings held in the Qatari capital of Doha and introduced members of the negotiation team of Islamic Emirate to the participants.

The meeting between the United States and the Islamic Emirate commenced on the first day of the fifth round of talks of the negotiations process in Qatar.

The respected Mullah Baradar Akhund arrived to the meeting yesterday on the 24th February after a formal invitation by the Foreign Minister of Qatar and in a private airplane sent by the said country where he was warmly received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar and members of the Political Office of Islamic Emirate.

The respected Mullah Baradar Akhund participated in the negotiation meeting today and following the introduction of the negotiation team, he elucidated upon the importance of negotiations, authority of the negotiation team and the future roadmap.

It should be mentioned that the negotiations process will be advanced by Al Haj Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanekzai, the head of negotiation team of Islamic Emirate, and guidance will be sought from the respected Mullah Baradar Akhund when necessary.

*Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan*

*Zabihullah Mujahid*

*20/06/1440 Hijri Lunar*

*06/12/1397 Hijri Solar 25/02/2019 Gregorian*


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Reuters Report Concerning Non-Participation By Deputy of the Islamic Emirate Ḥāj Mullā Baradar Akhūnd in Qatar Meeting Is Baseless”


A number of media outlets have again begun a propaganda campaign regarding negotiations process with the United States.

Reuters news agency again tried to spread propaganda against the Islamic Emirate by publishing a report listing reasons for non-participation by the deputy of Islamic Emirate Al Haj Mullah Baradar Akhund in the upcoming Qatar meeting.

Reuters news agency had also previously published propaganda by a number of their biased journalists that were later proven as fabrications and seriously damaging to the reputation of Reuters.

This time around Reuters quoted unknown sources as saying that the reason for non-participation by Al Haj Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is due to disagreement among the ranks of Islamic Emirate about him.

We strongly reject this propaganda.

A meeting will take place between the negotiation team of Islamic Emirate and US representatives in Qatar and Allah willing, it will prove positive.

However, the respected Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar will not participate in the meeting because he announced a negotiations team, introduced its leader and members and authorized it to carry out negotiations with the United States.

Since Al Haj Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is the Deputy of the Islamic Emirate in Political Affairs and there was an absence of his peer in the US team hence no need was seen for Mullah Baradar Akhund to participate in the meeting.

All other rumors in this regard are baseless reports that only seek to confuse common thought and should not be given any worth.

*Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan*

*Zabihullah Mujahid*

*17/06/1440 Hijri Lunar*

*03/12/1397 Hijri Solar 22/02/2019 Gregorian*


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Remarks Regarding Negotiations With the U.S. in Doha”


The meetings taking place for the past six consecutive days in the Qatari capital of Doha between the negotiation team of Islamic Emirate and the United States finally came to an end today.

In accordance with the agenda, this round of negotiations revolving around the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan and other vital issues saw progress; but since issues are of critical nature and need comprehensive discussions therefore it was decided that talks about unsolved matters will resume in similar future meetings in order to find an appropriate and effective solution and also to share details of the meetings and receive guidance from their respective leaderships.

The policy of the Islamic Emirate during talks was very clear – until the issue of withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan is agreed upon, progress in other issues is impossible.

In the end the delegation of the Islamic Emirate thanked Qatar for their facilitation role.

Reports by some media outlets about agreement on a ceasefire and talks with the Kabul administration are not true.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
26/05/1440 Hijri Lunar
06/11/1397 Hijri Solar 26/01/2018 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Talks With U.S. Representatives Started in Doha”


Following American acceptance of the agenda of ending invasion of Afghanistan and preventing Afghanistan from being used against other countries in the future, talks with American representatives took place today in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

The session will also continue tomorrow.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

15/05/1440 Hijri Lunar

1/11/1397 Hijri Solar 21/01/2019 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Summary by the Representatives of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Given in the Pagwash Conference in Doha"

The fundamental factor behind nearly four decades tragedies of the country is the foreign interferences, invasions, selfishness and incompetence of internal (Afghan) rulers. The invasion of 2001 ushered in many tragedies and issues for the Afghan people which are well-known and still continue. These issues could not be resolved by the use of force.
The Islamic Emirate has started Jihad for obtainment of righteous  and lofty goals rather than for any material gains. War is its necessity not a choice. The Islamic Emirate is committed to peace when its goals for which it has started Jihad,  are met, i.e. the end of occupation and establishment of independent Islamic system.
Peace should not be used as an instrument for achievement of one’s political, personal and party objectives. Unfortunately, foreigners and the Kabul Administration are (now) engaged in these activities and do not have a real intention for peace.
Some preliminary steps should be taken prior to starting peace because without them, progress towards peace is not feasible. Establishment of official venue for the Islamic Emirate; removal of blacklist and prize list; release of prisoners and ending poisonous propaganda are among the preliminary steps needed for peace. Peace is viable only when practical ways of peace are identified and assessed.
The Political Office of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is the only authorized and responsible entity assigned by the Islamic Emirate to carry out talks. Issues pertaining foreigners, particularly USA, should be directly discussed between the Islamic Emirate and USA but as to issues pertaining the Afghans, the Islamic Emirate believes, the Afghans have preparedness and capability to resolve these issues themselves.
Islamic Emirate considers it its obligation– as required by its faith and conscious–to serve the Afghan people. The Islamic Emirate is committed to civil activities; to the freedom of speech and to the women’s rights in the light of Islamic rules, national interests and values. It considers it its responsibility to provide to the sons of the nation access to education and protect and construct national installations and assets of public benefits. The Islamic Emirate supports all projects of public benefit including the TAPI project which is aimed at achieving advancement of the country, well-being and prosperity of the people.
Our Jihad is focused on ending the occupation and bringing about Islamic system. We do not want to interfere in others affairs, nor do we use our soil to harm others, nor allow others to interfere in our affairs. We want good relations with the world on the basis of mutual respect. The Islamic Emirate is not against international laws which are not contrary to Islamic rules and our national interests and values.
To end, we urge the public of the world to stand by the Afghan people and the Islamic Emirate in their cause for restoration of independence of the country. The invaders should leave the country and give the Afghan people opportunity to determine their fate themselves; avoid futile propaganda; give the Islamic Emirate right to have its voice and last but not least, to talk directly with the Islamic Emirate for resolution of issues and alleviation of concerns.

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Concerning Participation By the Delegation of the Islamic Emirate in the Pugwash Research Conference"

On Saturday 23/01/2016 members of the Political Office of Islamic Emirate will participate at a conference convened by Pugwash international NGO in the capital city of Qatar, Doha.
Pugwash international NGO regularly holds conferences throughout the globe in order to find solutions to armed conflicts and has also convened a research conference in the country of Qatar previously. It has once again invited the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to take part in a new conference aimed at finding a solution to the conflict in Afghanistan.
The Islamic Emirate has accepted this invitation and members of its political office shall take part in the research conference. The Islamic Emirate seeks to take healthy advantage of such opportunities and conferences to relay the legal demands of our nation and our just policy to the world directly. It must be reminded that this conference is purely for research purposes with academic debates held on finding solutions to problems.
According to our information other Afghan academics, sides and countries have also been invited to take part in this conference.
Pugwash is an impartial international NGO which regularly holds research conferences around the world aimed at ending armed conflicts so that every side is afforded an opportunity to present their views and policy regarding conflict.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
12/04/1437 Hijri Lunar
02/11/1394 Hijri Solar                    22/01/2016 Gregorian

New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Full Text of Statement Delivered By the Delegation of the Political Office In the International Pugwash Research Conference"

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Gracious.


الحمد لله رب العلمین والصلا ة  والسلام علی سیدنا ونبینا محمد و آله وأصحابه أجمعین. أما بعد:

قال الله تعالی،  أعوذ بالله من الشیطن الرجیم:

( لاخَيْرَ فِي كَثِيرٍ مِّن نَّجْوَاهُمْ إِلاَّ مَنْ أَمَرَ بِصَدَقَةٍ أَوْ مَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ إِصْلاَحٍ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ ابْتَغَاء مَرْضَاتِ اللّهِ فَسَوْفَ نُؤْتِيهِ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا .)  صدق الله العظیم .سورة النسأ, أ یة ﴿۱۱۴﴾

Translation: (There is no good in many of their conferences except the conferences of such as enjoin charity, or goodness or the making of peace among men. And who so does that, seeking the pleasure of ALLAH, WE shall soon bestow on him a great reward.)                        Chapter – ‘Al-Nisa’ (the women) (verse – 114)
First of all, I would like to express my appreciation to the ‘Pugwash International Conference on Science and World Affairs’, particularly to its Secretary General Prof. Paolo Cotta-Ramusino including his colleagues whose collective efforts made this gathering possible. Similarly, we express our gratitude to the brotherly Islamic government of Qatar which fully facilitated all the participants of this meeting. We pay our good wishes and regards to all the participants.
Respected participants! If we ponder over the recent past history of Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Taliban emerged at a critical juncture of time when everything was at stake in our beloved homeland. Every warlord was a tyrant in his own area. His word was his own law and the country was on the verge of disintegration. The international community was a mere spectator of this chaotic situation. It had neither any plan nor any intention of doing anything. In these circumstances, some sincere Afghan Mujahidin and students of religious educational institutions (i.e. madrassas) emerged in the form of the Islamic Movement of Taliban under the leadership of His Excellency the honorable Amir-ul-Momineen, Mulla Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may Allah safeguard him).
This was completely an Islamic and Afghan movement whose only source of rejuvenation was its popularity and support among the people. This was the focal point which enabled this movement in successfully restoring law and order in most parts of the country. The lives, honor and properties of the people were safeguarded, drug trafficking and poppy cultivation were outlawed. The disintegration of the country was halted and a pure Islamic system was implemented in the country. But unfortunately, various countries and circles initiated negative propaganda against this newly established system and newer conspiracies were planned against it on the daily basis.
We admit that the members and officials of the Islamic Emirate had shortcomings as they committed some mistakes in the beginning. Inefficiencies were there but their main objective was to accomplish the objectives of those sacrifices of Mujahidin which were delayed due to the internal factional fighting. These factional wars had deeply undermined both Jihad and Mujahidin. Unfortunately these conspiracies were constant until the United States and her Allied forces finally invaded Afghanistan under the pretext of combatting terrorism and the prevalent control of the Islamic Emirate was terminated.
It has been nearly fourteen years after the invasion in October 2001, all types of tactics and weapons were used by the Americans and her allies against the Afghan masses and Mujahidin. Thousands of Afghans who had nothing to do with the September incident were relentlessly martyred and injured. Numerous of them suffered from fatal diseases due to the frequent use of chemical and biological weapons. Numerous innocent people were incarcerated in Bagram, Guantanamo and other open and secret jails and were ruthlessly tortured. They were kept in detention without any trial and a lot of them are still suffering in these jails. They demolished our houses and orchards. Our sanctities and the pious bodies of martyrs were desecrated even condolence gatherings, funerals and wedding processions were bombarded. But this strategy of force and oppression had no achievement except killing and destruction. It only resulted in a bitter human chaos for Afghans.
On the other side, Americans also suffered material and corporeal losses and their international prestige was undermined. Their own high claims of respecting and protecting basic human rights were violated and rescinded by them. Their short-term and long-term colonial plans remained a dream. If this strategy remains incessant, it will have no constructive outcome even in the future. Instead, besides inflicting sufferings on the Afghans, Americans and their allies will inevitably suffer too as they did in past. If the invading countries are really interested in transforming the present situation in Afghanistan then prior to everything, a realistic policy should be initiated. The legitimate right of the Afghan masses which is sovereignty and an independent system should be recognized as peace and stability can only be restored when justice is maintained and not in the wake of suppression, invasion, discrimination and despotism. The history of our beloved homeland is fraught with evidences.
After this foreword, we would like to express our viewpoint regarding the following issues:
The present scenario:
The present scenario of Afghanistan is the outcome of occupation and the policies adopted in the wake of occupation. On one hand, the country is virtually occupied as the Afghan homes are constantly raided by foreign troops at night in which innocent people are martyred in front of their family members. They are indiscriminately bombarded. The sanctities of the Muslim Afghan masses are desecrated. Arbaki militiamen and other armed personnel related to Kabul based administration play with the lives, honor and properties of the masses and usurp their lands. Above all, women lives which is their basic human right is at risk. There are authentic reports that hundreds of women are victimized in various ways and numerous of them have even lost their lives.
Afghanistan holds top spot in the world in corruption and drug trafficking. Due to these reasons, the country is on a path towards chaos and an unpredictable future. On the other side, efforts are underway to destroy the Islamic and national identity of the state, visible and invisible forces are planting seeds hatred and acrimony among the brotherly nations of our country. Such circles and individuals are deployed inside the country who prefer external vested interests to our own national interests and in this way our national interests are jeopardized. All these factors play a crucial role in the present chaotic scenario of our homeland.
The ongoing resistance is an Islamic and national movement against all these indecencies. Had the ongoing Jihadi resistance not been a national movement, in this world of cause and effect, no group or organization could possibly compete with nearly fifty countries of the world who are fully equipped with sophisticated weapons and modern technology. Nevertheless, our practical observation is that Islamic Emirate is dominant in most part of the country and instead of Kabul based administration courts, the masses prefer to refer their lawsuits to the judges of the Islamic Emirate.
Thousands of electronic and print media outlets of invaders and their supporters are busy in spreading negative propaganda against the ongoing Islamic and national resistance as they want to sabotage the identity and reputation of this Jihadi process. However since it is a national movement therefore they have not succeed in creating a cleavage between Mujahidin and the masses and neither have they pacified the collective will and vigor of the Afghan Mujahid nation. Instead, with the passage of time the Islamic Emirate is engrafted even more deeply in its own masses.
Americans and their allies have invaded militarily the sovereign state of Afghanistan. They have martyred and incarcerated thousands of innocent people. They have desecrated the sanctities of the masses and have demolished their houses, lands and orchards. Therefore, prior to everything, foreign occupation which is the root cause of all these adversities should be terminated so that peace process and mutual inter-Afghan negotiations could proceed. On the other side, regional countries are also solicitous about the presence of foreign forces inside Afghanistan. So the extension of occupation means the persistence of war.
It is a fact that in the presence of foreign forces, an independent government cannot be formed in Afghanistan. Neither can the sovereignty of the country be restored nor can any policy based on Islamic and national interests be implemented. Therefore, as the war was instigated in our beloved homeland with the beginning of foreign occupation, Insha-Allah (God willing) the withdrawal of foreign troops will initiate peace process amongst the Afghans as they will find an opportunity to get together on the basis of their common grounds and establish an Afghan-inclusive Islamic system of life.
What do the Afghans demand?
Afghans love their creed and country. From the time Alexander till the present American invasion, whosoever has violated their land and Islamic and national values, they have resisted both with their lives and properties. Even today they superbly defended their rights which is the Islamic, human and internationally

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Clarification Regarding Participation By the Delegation From the Political Office at the Conference by Pugwash International Organization in Qatar"

A two day research conference is scheduled to take place in the country Qatar on Sunday, 2nd May 2015.
This research conference is prepared by Pughwash International Organization where individuals from various countries are invited to participate. Pugwash is an impartial international organization based in Canada with branches in London, Switzerland and a few other countries. The said organization routinely convenes conferences concerning world affairs in various parts of the globe, bringing together experts from different places.
It is worth mentioning that all participants of this conference attend in an individual capacity, no one participates as representatives for any government or party. Since this is a research conference therefore every participant gives their opinion on a range of issues.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will also be sending an eight-man delegation headed by Mr. Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai to this conference in order to personally deliver the message of its oppressed nation and other such issues to the world just like it previously sent delegations to conferences in France and Japan. A statement for participation in the conference has also been prepared which will be shared with our respected readers at an appropriate time.
It must be stressed that participation in this conference by a delegation from the Political Office of Islamic Emirate should not be misconstrued as peace or negotiation talks. This issue has already been discussed with and accepted by the organizers of Pughwash and an understanding has been reached that every attendee will participate in an individual capacity and not as representatives of a side or government.
The participants of Islamic Emirate in this conference are as listed below:
1. Mr. Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai
2. Mr. Maulawi Jan Muhammad Madani
3. Mr. Maulawi Sayed Rasoul Haleem
4. Mr. Maulawi Shahabuddin Delawar
5. Mr. Qari Deen Muhammad Haneef
6. Mr. Maulawi Abdul Salam Haneefi
7. Mr. Sohail Shaheen
8. Mr. Hafiz Aziz Rahman

Zabihullah Mujahid

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

12/07/1436 Hijri Lunar

12/02/1394 Hijri Solar – 01/05/2015 Gregorian
