The editor of the Kavkaz Center received a message from Emir Dokku Abu Usman, dedicated to the 4th anniversary of the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate.
Ramadan 1428 (October 7, 2007). This date has come down as an important event in the modern history of the peoples of the Caucasus.
25 Ramadan 1428 was also the day of distinction, which revealed sincere Muslims, dedicated to spread Allah’s word, and the hypocrites, who for many years have concealed their duplicity under verbiage about freedom and independence.
In his message Emir Dokku Abu Usman reveals some little known details about the preparation for the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate, which has been declared not spontaneously, as opponents of Sharia tried to claim, but as a result of several years of intense debate.
The decisive factor for the cardinal change of course towards the restoration of historically conditioned single Islamic state of the Muslims of the Caucasus, was the fact that the Islamic Jihad attracted young people who sacrificed their lives for the sake of not ephemeral slogans and goals, but establish laws for the sake of Allah and the conquest of Paradise.
Shamil asked me: “When you become Emir, are you going to proclaim the Emirate?
The name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful!
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Who created us Muslims and favored us with Jihad, giving us a chance to win the Paradise.
Peace and blessings be upon the Leader of all Mujahideen, Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgment. And then…
For those who become martyrs in the jihad for the Mujahideen, for the Muslims who experience difficulties, we make Dawat, or appeal, Insha’Allah, or God’s willing. We endeavor and spare no effort and we will persevere to alleviate the burden they experience.
I praise Allah for the developments that are taking place in the Islamic world today. Muslims are waking up, people are going out against the dictators and tyrants. Many of them suffer as victims. Since they have come for the establishment of the Sharia of Allah, they will be rewarded. Those who fell in this fight will go to paradise, Insha’Allah!
But if, following a deposition of one dirty slave of infidels, another one comes to power, be it an Amr Moussa or a Mohamed ElBaradei, the dead can only regret, forgive them God. And those who led these people and made them go under fire, they will not escape punishment on Judgment Day, Insha’Allah.
We make appeal for the death of those who fell for the sake of Allah, that Sharia be established in their countries and that Muslims realize the truth and follow it.
Not once has the Islamic Ummah, or Community, experienced difficulties in their history. And always have these occurred when the Muslims were divided. At the time of the Mongols the first one to fall was Khorezm Shah. Neither the Abbasid Caliphate nor Egypt has offered him assistance.
The Mongols obliterated the caliphate. The Caliph himself was killed. Muslims went panicking. The mullahs and corrupt scholars of the time, like today, conducted their dastardly work. They argued that the Mongols were Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog). No way to fight against them, we should await the arrival of the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) in prayer that God would respond and destroy both Gog and Magog. Having heard such opinions, many Muslim armies just fled not to engage in battle with the Mongols.
The Mongolian army numbered 100,000 men, and the greatest number of them reached up to 150 000. However, they have killed about 10 million Muslims.
At a difficult time, Egyptian Muslims who remained so few that if they died, the religion of Islam could disappear, according to the will of God exhibited Iman, or faith, resilience and courage. They fought the Mongols, defeated them and saved the religion of Allah.
This fact, I recall especially to our brothers in Egypt that they would not forget their true heroic story, the enemies are trying to distort, and to spread worship of filthy Egyptian pharaohs among the Muslims.
Fitnah, or split, existed in the past, the same way it does today. However, we are continuing Jihad, God’s willing, because it has been entrusted to us by Allah.
And those Muslims who are not following jihad (yes, save us Allah from that), or do not intend to pursue it will die as hypocrites.
Today, we are doing jihad as far as we can and may, if we had more forces, we would do it more. In our jihad the enemies are infidels and apostates. When we put another blow to the disbelievers, hypocrites and apostates respond stronger against us than infidels themselves.
We hit them a blow in Moscow. By Allah’s will the polytheists accurately established identity of our brother who has committed Istishhad, or self-sacrifice (at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport). We had learnt about it even before the video record was sent for publication. Only after the invaders had established the identity of our brother, did we distribute our coverage.
The Russians intensely discussed why we had not published the record earlier, in an effort to ascribe to it some importance. We know the methods of Russian infidels and therefore tried to keep relatives and friends of our brother away from their tyranny. But the enemy will still interpret events his own twisted way.
This year has started well for us, Alhamdulillah, or Praise to God. With patience, we have overcome fitnah also this year. So please, make Dawat for us. Sure, we are also experiencing difficulties. No matter how much do we try to anticipate all the nuances, not everything works.
The enemy does not sleep and also plots against us, trying to respond to our actions. Some of our plans have been thwarted, but God’s willing, all that we can do, we will do, and the result is up to Allah.
Now I would like to refer to the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate. Many things have reached my ears recently. So, I think it will be useful to highlight some points that were not particularly well known.
Allah in His mercy has given us an understanding of what is happening in this world. As we know from the Hadith, all Muslims are like one body. Mutual love, support and brotherhood. And if one part of the body hurts, then the whole body hurts. This hadith tells us to be bound by our unity and to support one other.
Jihad goes all over the world, and the time came for us to settle its details. And if you do not correct them, the question is about your Aqida, or creed. And then, when this question arose, we proclaimed the Emirate.
We must pay attention as with whom keep contacts the hypocrites who spread lies about the Emirate. Let me quote a hadith which says that on the Judgment Day, each of us will be raised with those whom he loves in this world.
The Humpty-Dumpty Kadyrov said: “I respect Mr. Putin, I like Mr. Putin”. Hence, on the Day of Judgment he will be resurrected along with Putin, Insha’Allah.
Another one is doing time with Berezovsky. We must remember that neither Berezovsky nor anyone else in Moscow could earn money, if he hadn’t been under the umbrella of the KGB, could not and can spend his earnings without permission awarded by “the office”. We also know that the KGB, the FSB and the related people never retire. They can only change the scope of their activities up to the need of their organization. Berezovsky’s money is a fund of the KGB, which is replenished at the expense of its business in Russia.
Zakayev, who also draws from the fund, teaches children and provides for his family, on the Day of Judgment also will join those whom he loved in this world, God’s willing.
Therefore, anything those people said or spoken or will say about the Emirate – is a lie There isn’t but one gram of truth in their words.
I joined jihad to raise Allah’s word, God’s willing, to perform the fard, or obligatory, because I love God, love His religion, like the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Just come with me and my brothers in Islam, Insha’Allah.
Aslan Maskhadov, subject to the global geopolitical configuration, for political reasons, in an effort to give people a break and a rest to gather strengths, played by their rules, to confront those who firmly insisted on moving to the position of Islam.
In keeping with this position and policy, he nurtured hope that the West would indeed accomplish its declarations in expectation of some sort of justice from them.
I dealt with him a lot. Aslan in his heart knew the price of all these western leaders. I can testify it that he was a genuine Muslim brother and he loved Islam.
So in 2002, Aslan chose Abdul-Khalim his naib, or deputy. And in the event of Abdul-Khalim’s death, the function would devolve to Abu-Usman (Dokku Umarov).
Why did Aslan choose me, why did he establish that chain? Because my views have not been firmly fixed yet, although I knew the price of the infidels. Aslan knew my relationship with Zakayev and therefore he hoped that, via those channels, the options would remain open to reach out for a sort of Western intermediation in order to ease the situation of the people. For this reason I was chosen naib to Abdul-Khalim.
In fact misunderstanding prevailed among the people. In 2002, Arsanov, Khamzat Gelayev, and Abdul-Malik Mezhidov refused to swear Bayat, or an oath of obedience, to Aslan Maskhadov.
We met with them. We asked them to state the motivation to refuse Bayat, and their first argument was that they were supposedly called FSB agents, insulted, and so on …
The meeting was attended by Shamil
Category: Kavkaz Center
Kavkaz Center presents a new interview with the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "About Bin Lāden, the Caucasus Emirate, and Casualties Among the Mujāhidīn"
KC: The beginning of this spring has been marked by casualties among the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate. The leading commanders of the Emirate – Emir Supyan, Emir Hassan, Emir Abdullah and others – martyred (Insha’Allah). These are tangible casualties. Can we say that the Mujahideen are weakened?
Dokka Abu Usman: The casualties we incurred have not weakened us and will not weaken us in the future, Insha’Allah. War is impossible without casualties. Since 1999, we have lost many of our emirs and leaders, but the Jihad did not stop, but vice versa, it expanded and strengthened. Generations of the Mujahideen replace each other. New young men take place of the deceased. More and more young men want to join the Mujahideen, but unfortunately we can not accept all the newcomers.
Another thing is that due to casualties, we have to correct our plans, to change tactics on the fields. However, that does not mean that a relative calm, for example, in Ingushetia, testifies about the weakening of the positions of the Mujahideen.
At one place, the activity of the Mujahideen could be reduced for tactical reasons, and in other place, they could be intensified. There could be a calm in Nalchik, but a major sabotage attack could be carried out in Vladivostok. We consider the Caucasus Emirate and Russia as a single theater of war.
We are not in a hurry. The path has been chosen, we know our tasks, and we will not turn back, Insha’Allah, from this path. Today, the battlefield is not just Chechnya and the Caucasus Emirate, but also the whole Russia. The situation is visible to everybody who has eyes. The Jihad is spreading, steadily and inevitably, everywhere.
I’ve already mentioned that all those artificial borders, administrative divisions, which the Taghut drew, mean nothing to us. The days when we wanted to secede and dreamed of building a small Chechen Kuwait in the Caucasus are over. Now, when you tell the young Mujahedeen about these stories, they are surprised and want to understand how those plans related to the Koran and the Sunnah.
Alhamdulillah! I sometimes think that Allah has called these young people to the Jihad, so that we, the older generation, could not stray from the right path. Now we know that we should not be divided, and must unite with our brothers in faith. We must reconquer Astrakhan, Idel-Ural, Siberia ´- these are indigenous Muslim lands. And then, God’s willing, we shall deal with Moscow ulus (district – KC).
KC: As you know, the US said that they had been able to kill bin Laden. There was a statement on behalf of al-Qaida posted on the Internet, which confirmed the martyrdom of their Emir. What is your assessment of what happened? The US says that the death of bin Laden will positively (for the West) affect the overall situation in the world.
Dokka Abu Usman: If the death of Sheikh Osama bin Laden is confirmed, then we will only say the words from the Holy Koran – “We all belong to Allah and to Him shall be our return”.
We ask Allah that He accepts the martyrdom of Sheikh bin Laden, because that man abandoned his wealth and peaceful worldly life for the sake of protecting Islam. And that is a great goal, and the reward for it is great.
With regard to the question of whether bin Laden’s death will affect the situation in the world, I think that the infidels do not believe themselves that their life became easier. According to all signs, it is clear that the world is in such situation that the death of the leaders of the Jihad cannot stop the process of the revival of Islam.
That development will go forward, regardless of the fact if the United States, Russia or the UN want it or not.
We all see that the world has changed very much.
For the first time in decades, the awakening of the Islamic Ummah from hibernation has become so clear and widespread. The Mujahideen and true scholars operate more than ever simultaneously in different regions of the globe, supporting each other and realizing the common goal. Ordinary Muslims take to the streets and express their support for the Mujahideen, demanding to restore the Sharia.
And in response, the infidels are frightening the public with al-Qaeda that allegedly became more active in the Caucasus, the Philippines, Yemen and Somalia.
KC: In this regard, we would like to hear your opinion about so-called “Arab revolutions”. Some experts say that these revolutions were initiated by Western countries.
Dokka Abu Usman: For the West, these developments were as much a surprise as for the Arab regimes. It is obvious. And it is all nonsense that America planned here, and the CIA acted there…
Allah, praise to Him, shook those regimes by His Will and Wisdom, humiliated those Taghuts who were in power for many years and humiliated the religion, and humiliated the Muslims.
And it is another problem that Western countries are trying to use the wave of “Arab revolutions”. And they manage to do it, although not everywhere.
At present, it is not all clear, and it is not clear how the events will unfold further.
Everybody sees today how America and other Western countries betray their allies, puppets, who faithfully served them for many years. Subhan’Allah, these dictators sought greatness from the infidels, while all the glory belongs to Allah and his Messenger (pbuh). Now the masters rejected them and left them to be devoured by the crowd.
The time has come for collapse of dictatorial regimes, which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) warned about, and it is obvious.
Even if the infidels manage put in power new puppets, I’m sure that there will be no longer former control over these countries now. A completely new situation emerges before our eyes, Allah opens up new opportunities for the Muslims.
Another problem is how this opportunity will be used by the Muslims. Because Allah does not change the condition of the people unless they change it themselves.
At present, there is a state of confusion in Libya. Although, according to incoming information, groups of Mujahideen are operating there. There is a hope that they will be able to lead the Muslims.
There is no sufficient information about the situation in Egypt and Tunisia. We hope for the best, but at present, a certain calm is felt there, and, unfortunately, news reaches us that some well-known Jamaats are again going to play the game of “Democratic Islam”.
Events in Syria, as it seems, just start to unfold. There is unrest in Algeria, Morocco and Jordan.
Perhaps, the most interesting events, of all Arab countries, can be expected in Yemen, where the positions of the Mujahideen are most promising and from where a serious military movement could start.
The only thing I can say for certain is that if there are no armed force of Muslims, no Jihad and no fighting, nobody would allow us to establish the Sharia of Allah. If it were possible, it would have been done already by our Prophet (pbuh).
KC: May Allah reward you in goodness for the interview and your comments.
Kavkaz Center presents a new video message: "Amīr Supyan: A Life in the Jihād!"
NOTE: The below video is a tribute to the recently killed Amīr Supyan during a Russian raid on one of the Caucasus Emirates camps. It was originally believed that the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umrov was also killed, but he was not and later called into RFE/RL’s North Caucasus Service to announce that he was okay. Amīr Supyan was a deputy leader in the Caucasus Emirate and was usually by the side of Umarov in many previous propaganda videos. Movladi Udugov, the head of the Caucasus Emiarte’s Informational-Analytical Service, already wrote a tribute to Amīr Supyan, which you can read here.
Kavkaz Center presents a new statement from Movladi Udugov of the Caucasus Emirate: "Amīr Supyan: 17 years in Jihād"

A confirmation of the martyrdom (Insha’Allah) of Emir Supyan (Supyan Abdullayev), one of the most experienced commanders of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus, a mentor of young Muslims, a teacher and educator of the Mujahideen, the closest companion of Emir Dokka Abu Usman, has come.
Supyan went to the Jihad on November 26, 1994, the day when Russian armored columns of Kantemirov and Taman divisions first entered Grozny (Jokhar) under a banner of so-called “opposition forces”.
His first fighting Supyan had near the House of the Press and the military camp of a newly formed Islamic military Jamaat which has become the Islamic Battalion that day.
There were hundreds of such fightings since then, including the bloody battles for Grozny in 1994-1995-1996-1999.
An audacious assault on the positions of Russian troops in a sewing factory, and their defeat in the first days of the battle for Grozny by a small, hastily formed detachment of volunteers from village boys, whom Supyan brought with him, showed him as a talented commander, instructor and organizer.
Then there were many other battles, injuries, death of relatives and brother-in-arms, the hardest days of ordeals and defeats, joy of victories and bitterness of losses. He was always calm, thoughtful, smiling and kind, but stern and resolute towards the enemy.
Being an experienced teacher, scout and commander, Supyan trained hundreds of young Mujahideen in warfare, Islam and Jihad.
The last 17 years of his life – November 26, 1994 to March 28, 2011 – Supyan spent in the Jihad. He was one of those men who never ask for help, but always ready come to help, never complain, but always ready to share the woes and sorrows of the others. And they never, never give up…!
He was a dada (father) as the Mujahideen in Chechnya and Ingushetia respectfully called him.
The enemies cursed him as a Wahhab. They cursed him using one of the greatest names of the Almighty – Al-Wahhab (meaning The Bestower), thereby attesting with their own words that Supyan was really a true servant of Allah, Who bestows the martyrs the highest place in Paradise – Jannatul Firdaus, Insha’Allah!
It is impossible to make the time of parting more distant or close. The pen was picked up and the ink dried. And it happens only what the Lord of the Worlds wishes. I feel sadness in my heart of and tears the eyes while parting with the beloved brother, but we will say only what Allah be pleased with – wa inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un – we all belong to Allah and to Him shall we return!
Movladi Udugov
Пришло подтверждение о Шахаде (иншааЛлах) амира Суфьяна (Супьяна Абдуллаева), одного из самых опытных командиров моджахедов Кавказа, наставника молодых мусульман, учителя и воспитателя моджахедов, ближайшего соратника Амира Докку Абу Усмана.
Супьян вышел на Джихад 26 ноября 1994 года, в тот день, когда российские танковые колонны Кантемировской и Таманской дивизий впервые вошли в Грозный (Джохар) под флагом т.н. «оппозиции».
Свой первый бой Супьян принял в районе Дома печати и военного городка в составе только что сформированного исламского военного джамаата, ставшего в тот день Исламским Батальоном.
С тех пор таких боев у Супьяна были сотни, в том числе и кровавые сражения за Грозный в 1994–1995, 1996, 1999 г.г.
Дерзкий штурм позиций русских войск на швейной фабрике и их разгром в первые дни боев за Грозный, небольшим, наспех сформированным отрядом добровольцев из числа сельских парней, который провел Супьян, выявил в нем талантливого командира, наставника и организатора.
Затем было очень много других сражений и битв. Ранения, гибель родных и соратников, тяжелейшие дни испытаний и поражений, радость побед и горечь потерь. Всегда спокойный, рассудительный, улыбчивый и добрый, но с врагом суровый и решительный.
Опытнейший воспитатель, разведчик и командир, Супьян успел обучить сотни молодых моджахедов военному делу, Исламу и Джихаду.
Последние семнадцать лет своей жизни — с 26 ноября 1994 года по 28 марта 2011 года Супьян провел в Джихаде. Он был из тех мужчин, которые никогда не просят о помощи, но сами всегда приходят на помощь, никогда не жалуются, но всегда готовы разделить беды и печали других. И никогда, никогда не сдаются…!
Дада (отец) – уважительно называли его моджахеды Чечни и Ингушетии.
Ваххабист — ругали его враги. Ругали одним из Прекрасных Имен Всевышнего – Аль-Ваххаб, (что означает Дарующий в изобилии), тем самым засвидетельствовав собственными языками, что Супьян был искренним рабом Аллаха, Который дарует Шахидам место высшей награды и почёта в своём Раю – Фирдаус, иншааЛлах!
Срок расставания не отдалить и не приблизить. Перо поднято и чернила высохли. И происходит только то, что пожелает Господь миров. В сердце печаль, а в глазах слёзы от расставания с любимым братом, но мы скажем только то, чем будет доволен Аллах – инна лиЛляхи ва инна илейхи раджи’ун – Все мы принадлежим Аллаху, и к Нему наше возвращение!
Мовлади Удугов
نفر سفيان إلى الجهاد في 26 نوفمبر 1994م، اليوم الذي دخلت فيه الأرتال المدرعة الروسية من وحدات كانتيميروف وتامان إلى غروزني (جوهر) تحت راية ما يسمى “المعارضة”.
وكان أول قتال لسفيان قرب بيت الصحافة ومعسكر الجماعة الإسلامية العسكرية المشكلة حديثا التي أصبحت الكتيبة الإسلامية في ذلك اليوم.
وكان هناك المئات من المواجهات كتلك، بما فيها المعارك الدموية في غروزني في 1994-1995-1996-1999.
والهجوم على الجريء على مواقع القوات الروسية في معمل الخياطة، وهزيمتهم في الأيام الأولى لمعركة غروزني على يد فوخ صغير شكل بسرعة من المتطوعين من أبناء القرى، الذين جلبهم سفيان معهم، وقد أظهره ذلك كقائد، وموجه، ومنظم موهوب.
بعد ذلك كان هناك العديد من المعارك غيرها، والجراحات، وموت الأقارب وإخوة السلاح، وأشد أيام المحن والهزائم، وأفراح الإنتصارات ومرارة الخسائر. وكان دائما هادئا، وعميق التفكير، ومبتسما وعطوفا، ولكنه كان صارما وحازما تجاه العدو.
ونظرا لكونه معلما، ومستطلعا، وقائد متمرس، درب سفيان المئات من الشباب عن الحرب، والإسلام، والجهاد.
خلال 17 عاما الأخيرة من حياته – 26 نوفمبر 1994 إلى 28 مارس 2011م – التي قضاها سفيان في الجهاد. كان أحد أولئك الرجال الذين لم يسألوا أبدا المساعدة، ولكنهم دائما مستعدين للمساعدة، ولم يشتكوا أبدا، ولكنهم كانوا دائما مستعدين ليشاركوا المحن والمصائب الآخرين. وهم لم يستسلموا أبدا…!
وكان دادا (والد) كما كان المجاهدين في الشيشان وإنغوشيا يسمونه إحتراما له.
وكان الأعداء ينعتونه بالوهابي. إنهم كانوا ينتعونه بأحد أسماء الله الحسنى – الوهاب -، وبذلك يشهدون بأفواههم أن سفيان كان عبدا مخلصا لله، الذي يهب الشهداء أعلى الدرجات في الجنان – جنات الفردوس، إن شاء الله!
من المستحيل تأخير أو تعجيل وقت الرحيل. لقد رفع القلم وجفت الصحف. وما شاء الله تم. وأنا أشعر بأسى في قلبي ودموعا في عيني على رحيل أخ شقيق، ولكنني أقول
Kavkaz Center presents a new video message from the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Warning in Connection with the Reaction of the Russian Invaders on the Martyrdom Operation at the Moscow Airport"
NOTE: It appears that this video was recorded at or around the same time that Dokku Umarov also recorded his video titled “To the Muslims of Egypt, Tunisia, and Other Arab Countries.” For other videos Umarov has released regarding the Domodedovo attacks see:
- “Taking the Responsibility for the Moscow Martyrdom Operation of January 24, 2011″
- “Visiting the Base of the Riyāḍ us-Ṣāliḥīn Martyrs Brigade”
In addition to the video below, here is an English translation of it:
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds! Praise be to Allah, Whose help and forgiveness we are seeking for! We are seeking refuge in Allah from the evil of our own selves!
He whom Allah leads to a straight path, nobody can ever put him down from the straight path, he whom Allah leaves to wander, nobody can lead him to the straight path!
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger!
“O you who believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die as others but Muslims”.
May peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you!
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
I want to appeal to you, Muslims of Russia and Caucasus! I appeal to you with a question: how can you combine your life today in peace with the people who is responsible for the crimes and tyranny committed against your brothers and sisters in Caucasus?
How can you be loyal to the government of Putin and the FSB that wage war against Islam and Muslims?
Pay attention how these parasites are mocking at our brothers and sisters! Pay attention how and with what cruelty and cynicism they capture our sisters and young children!
In this regard, I recall a well-known parable about four bulls. I want to tell you this parable. Why? Because today, when disaster falls upon your brothers and sisters, you look at it with apathy, indifference and think that this disaster will not come into your house! … But there is no doubt that this disaster will also touch you!
Four bulls, three blacks and a white one, lived in a dangerous area where there were many wolves and predators. The bulls survived thanks to the fact that they stood together and sought their food together.
But three black bulls separated from the white one, saying that this bull was not of the same color as they – he, they say, unmasks us.
Look at the similarity to what is happening today! When our sisters, young children are seized, we say that they are the brothers of terrorists, the brothers of the Mujahideen, or the sisters of the Mujahideen, or the wives of the Mujahideen.
You are not say that. Why? Because tomorrow this disaster will come to your house, and this label will be hung upon you too! They will invent another label. If it is not the word terrorist, then they will find another word.
And now the continuation of the parable – when the wolves saw the discord among those four bulls, they immediately attacked and ate the white bull, and the other three bulls calmly watched how the wolves ate their mate.
Today, we are also seeing how our sisters are tormented, how our brothers are tormented, as how our elderly are tormented, we think that this disaster will not touch us – that it will pass us by. But I swear by Allah, it will not pass us by if we are not true Muslims, if we do not preach the religion of Allah on this earth!
When the wolves ate the white bull, they were quick to attack the others. They attacked and ate the bulls one after another, and when it came to the last bull, they chased this last bull for a long time, knowing that it will not escape from them. And at the last moment, when the wolves caught it, it said the words which we should think over:
“I do not die now, I died when the white bull was eaten! The day, when I left the white bull alone, that day I was eaten, and that day I was murdered!”.
Think it over, today they capture our brothers and sisters, and everybody is silent and watches, thinking that it does not concern them.
They listen to the words of those stooges, those hypocrites who say that the sisters and brothers of the Mujahideen are terrorists. But no, they are ordinary Muslims who adhere to the religion of Allah and who perform the orders of Allah because they are sincere Muslims!
Therefore, I urge you to awaken, so that you do not to allow these atrocities to be committed, so that these parasites do not mock at you!
The Ummah is strong when it is united, when it is united in mutual love and brotherhood, as stated in the famous hadith.
Therefore, I urge you today for unity, I say to you: if you cannot make jihad against the infidel with arms, then show them at least with words, with your disagreement that you belong to the Muslim Ummah!
We, the Mujahideen of the Caucasus, we will give, Insha’Allah, a prompt response and carry out retribution to the infidels for their misdeeds that they commit! For the desecrated honor of our sisters, whom they seize, for those youngsters, whom they seize today and proclaim terrorists! Insha’Allah, that is all by the will of Allah, Insha’Allah. And if it is the will of the Almighty, we will give our prompt answer!
I would like to say some words about the last operation at the airport that was carried out in Moscow.
Everybody knows how many discussions there were after this operation, how many words were spoke and how much was told about it. To make a video prior to that operation, it was a wish of our brother Seyfullah. He insisted on making the film even though I asked him not to show his face.
I kept this video as long as the infidels didn’t establish the identity of our brother Seyfullah, and only after that, knowing their treachery, knowing their lawlessness, knowing how much sufferings they will bring to his family -only then I published this video, when I was definitely convinced that they know our brother – Martyr Seyfullah.
Now there are all sorts of speculations, although I do not care about them! But to those who accuse me today of terrorism and atrocities, I will answer.
I witnessed the beginnings of the two wars that occurred in Caucasus, especially in Nokhchicho Province. I’d seen how the vultures of infidels, their aircraft, dropped tons of bombs on our civilian international airport, killing the entire population that was around and inside the airport!
It is war, that is war! And the infidels, Putin and his stooges, his military stooges, knew that we did not have any fighter jets or Apache helicopters, that there were no anti-aircraft batteries at the airport. But an airport is a strategic facility which must be destroyed. Therefore, they attacked, dropped tons of bombs at the beginning of both wars.
So let Russia know that it is at war with Caucasian Muslims and that we strike back exactly on strategic targets, and that such strikes will continue in the future exactly on strategic targets!
Everybody should know – war is war, and wars have their own methods, be they good or bad.
Our goals are holy. We preach the religion of Allah, we set the goal to establish justice on the earth, and their goal is to enslave Muslims, to make war against the Muslims till their elimination.
So do not forget, “dear” Putin’s stooges, and Putin, that you are at war with the Muslims of Caucasus! Insha’Allah, Insha’Allah, such operations will be carried out further, Insha’Allah, no matter what atrocities and crimes you commit against the civilian population, against our brothers and sisters, we will deliver you such strikes that you will be unhappy of them!
The crimes, which the infidels commit against the Seyfullah’s family, seizing his innocent brothers and sisters, will not stop the Mujahideen. Our Mujahideen do not lose courage from that! On the contrary, they will want even more to perform such operations! Insha’Allah, these operations, if it is the will of Allah, will continue in future!
I conclude my appeal with a wish to call down blessings on all Muslims of Caucasus, Russia and the whole world.
Peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions! May Allah bestow His blessing to His servants on the true path!
All praise and thanksgiving belong to Allah, the Lord and Sustainer of all the worlds!
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!
New video message from the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "To the Muslims of Egypt, Tunisia, and Other Arab Countries"
UPDATE 3/29 12:15 PM: The Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum translates the below video message into English as part of their series in support of the Caucasus Emirate.
NOTE: For more on the uprisings in the Arab world see here for other jihādī responses. The below video was recorded at an unspecified time in February.
New video message from the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "A Total War is in Progress, Fight the Enemy Wherever You Can"
UPDATE 3/4 8:43 AM: Here is an English translation of the below video message:
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Whom we ask forgiveness, seek refuge from the evil of our own selves and from evil consequences of our actions.
He whom Allah guides to the straight path, he will never be , and he whom Allah leaves, no one can guide him to the straight path.
I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
“O you who believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die as others but Muslims”.
May peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you, dear brothers and sisters, dear brothers Mujahideen.
I, Abu Usman, your brother in religion, appeal to you and want to begin with the words of our great Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):
“Whoever died and did not fight or intend to fight died in one of the kinds of hypocrisy”.
These words show us that Jihad is the greatest act of Islam, that Jihad is becoming mandatory for the salvation of the Ummah.
Today, dear brothers, Ummah is in such a degraded state, in such a poor condition that Jihad becomes obligatory for all of us. Jihad is a fard al-ayn.
Today, children are allowed not to ask permission from their parents go to the Jihad, debtor may not ask the permission from lender to go to Jihad, today wives may not ask permission from their husbands to participate in Jihad as far as they can, and help the Mujahedeen.
Dear brothers the Mujahideen, we see in what disastrous state our Ummah is. Today, the Ummah is 1.5 billion in numbers, and we know that even .05% of these numbers of this Ummah do not wage the Jihad, .05% of this Ummah wage the Jihad neither with their souls, nor with their property. Therefore, we see in what miserable condition the Ummah is.
In this regard, I recall a hadith of our great Prophet (pbuh) when he told his companions:
“‘Peoples will fall upon you like greedy eaters upon a bowl of food’. And the companions asked the Prophet (pbuh): ‘Will that be because we are small in numbers?’ The Prophet (pbuh) replied: ‘No. You will then be too many but rather like foam floating over water. And Allah will take off from the hearts of your enemies fear of you, and cast Wahn into your hearts’. So the companions asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is Wahn?’ He said: ‘The love for this world, and the fear of death’.”
And today, we see that our Ummah loves this world and hates death. Today, there exists such a situation, as it was described by the Prophet (pbuh).
I appeal to the Mujahideen: we are today the vanguard of the Jihad, we are today the saviors of this Ummah.
The Mujahedeen are on the forefront today. Why? Because the Mujahedeen love Allah, they love His religion and their Prophet (pbuh).
I want to appeal to the brothers in Dagestan, to the Mujahedeen. I want to appeal to the brothers in Kabarda, to the Mujahedeen, to the brothers in Balkaria, to the brothers in Adygea, Karachai, Nogai Steppe, Ingushetia, Nokhchicho. I pray to Allah for you. First and foremost, I want to bring condolences for the losses of the brothers who left us.
We know that they are not dead, that they are alive and receive their lot from their Lord. We know that they are waiting for our accession to Paradise, Insha’Allah. We ask Allah that He gives us faith and allows to join our brethren, that He gives us a degree of Martyrdom in the Jihad.
Today, we carry out the order of Allah and we are at the forefront of this Ummah. The spring came already, now it’s the end of February, so, brothers, I ask you to step up the Jihad, to intensify operations on elimination of the enemies of Allah.
I also want to appeal to the Muslim brothers, who live on the Russian-occupied territories of Muslim lands Idel Ural, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and throughout Russia, where Muslims live.
Do not forget that Jihad is also a holy fard al-ayn for you today. Do not forget that we are the one Ummah.
The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Similarity of the believers in their mutual love and brotherhood is similarity of the single organism. When one part hurts, the whole body hurts”.
Therefore, dear brethren, we are the one Ummah, we are the single organism. If there is the Jihad here in the Caucasus against the enemy that wants to destroy Islam, then for you it is also the Jihad, for you it becomes a fard al-ayn.
I urge you to destroy the enemies of Allah wherever you are. I urge you to destroy the enemies wherever your hands reach them, that you open the fronts of the Jihad.
Today there is a total war going on. It is not us who had declared it on Russia, it was Russian who declared it on us. When there is a total war, there are not peaceful people left. If we have been declared a total war, then Allah permits us to fight with them as they fight with us.
Therefore, today we have the right to fight against them the way they are fighting against us. I urge you, fight with them, destroy them. This is the order of Allah. And we, as God-fearing, sincere believers, must obey the orders of Allah.
I also want to warn you that you do not yield to puppets of Satan who promote their venality and promote how they sold the religion of Allah for this worldly life. They sold their honor, they sold Islam.
About these corrupt puppets, Prophet (pbuh) said that everyone will be with those whom they love. We know that these puppets publicly convey, always and everywhere, their love for Putin – for Taghut, and other infidel leaders.
We also know that all infidels will be in Hell, Insha’Allah, they will all be in Hell. And with them will be resurrected those who loved them in this life, i.e. they will be together on the Day of Judgment, and that suffices for reasonable people to come to their senses.
Therefore, the infidels are not an example for us. The example for us is our Prophet (pbuh). And so I ask you to resist these temptations.
In conclusion of my appeal to you, dear brothers, I want to say that I am the Emir not because I’m better than you. No, I’m worse than you, but today this responsibility lays with me, by will of Allah.
I want sincerely to convey my love to all those who are sincere believers in Allah and His religion. I love you for the sake of Allah. And I hope that we’ll be the inmates of Paradise.
May Allah help us on this straight path and save from those who put us out of the path. Peace be with you and the mercy and blessings of Allah, dear brothers.
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!
NOTE: Here are some key quotes via the AFP:
Jihad is becoming necessary for all of us. Spring has come, so, brothers, I ask you to step up Jihad against enemies of Allah.
Today children don’t have to ask their parents for permission to start Jihad, wives don’t have to ask their husbands’ permission.
I call on you to destroy Allah’s enemies wherever you have them, wherever your hands reach you may open a front… When there is a total war, there are no more civilian objects or civilian population.
New video message from the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Taking the Responsibility for the Moscow Martyrdom Operation of January 24, 2011"
UPDATE 2/15 6:35 PM: Here is an English translation of the below video message:
I seek refuge in God from the cursed Satan. In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!
Verily, all praise is due to God, we praise Him, we seek Him and we ask for His forgiveness and guidance, and we seek refuge in God from the evil of our own selves and from evil consequences of our actions, whom God guides, nobody can misguide, and whom God leaves astray nobody can guide.
I testify there is no God but God, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of God.
And then:
May peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you!
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters. Today, I want to address to you with this letter, a video letter. Before I address to you, I would like to ask the Almighty that He makes my words beneficial for Muslim people and beneficial for the Nation of the Prophet (pbuh). I am not getting tired giving praise to God who made me a holy warrior, who made me a Muslim, and I praise Him for putting me in the ranks of holy warriors.
By addressing now to you, I want at least one Muslim to see the truth in the events which occur in this world. After the special operation was carried out on January 24 in Moscow, we heard how all the politicians and clergy accused the people, who did that, of terrorism and, among other things, of being inhuman and barbaric evil doers. But look. This operation was carried out on my orders and, God willing, such special operations will be carried out in the future.
Look at the events which are now developing in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. By what right do they kill our brothers in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Algeria and all over the Muslim world?
Why is the Nation of the Prophet (pbuh) being destroyed today, as much as they like it, with every method they like it and nobody condemns this destruction? But when we carry out an operation, everybody comes down on us and tries to tarnish us and blame us. But why don’t they make assessments for themselves? Why are they trying to make barbarians out of us today? Look how they kill our brothers in every Muslim state, where true Muslims strive for freedom, freedom to profess their religion. Why is the whole world silent when they destroy and kill our brothers and sisters?
And when we answer to something for which we have a right to do, the world immediately pounces on us. Look at the events which are happening in Sudan, where the president (or Emir, I don’t know what he is called) made his first concession many years ago by agreeing not to rule by Sharia and the Sunah of the Prophet (pbuh), he should have known that this was only the first of many forthcoming concessions, and that they would tear him apart with all force. Look how the largest Muslim state is being divided and cut apart today. America and “Israel” are dividing the very part of Sudan which possesses energy resources, where there is oil and gold, where there is oil and gas, and taking it away from Sudan. Why is it that the world looks at these events so calmly and does not react?
Look, if now we are not given the right for freedom, if we are not given the right for profess our faith, under cover of the slogans that our faith is not ancient and our faith is short sighted, that our people are small in numbers, then all the rights belong to numerous peoples and their cultures, rooted in antiquity,
We are not to invent anything new in that case. Russia and America should simply acknowledge that the right to be the masters of the world belongs to China because it has most of the people and the most ancient culture. Therefore, it is necessary to give all the rights to China.
Today, this right given is given to every man, this right is given at birth by the Almighty, and nobody has the right to deprive anyone of this right anywhere in the world. Therefore, we, the holy warriors of Caucasus, are now striving for freedom, which was given to us by the Almighty, we are striving to make our Caucasus free, we are striving for human rights to be proclaimed in Caucasus, for the right for life because life is given by the Almighty and nobody has a right to deprive anyone of life but only under the right, under the law of God.
We want that Caucasus today has the right for freedom, the right for worship, the right for (political) convictions, and the right for justice, because a court can only be the court from God, according to the Sharia, the right for defending honor and dignity, the right for an asylum for the persecuted, the right for defending property.
I want to ask those who listen to me today, those who view me now: where are these laws observed today by these infidel states that occupy and oppress the peoples who have a right to be free in this world? Where are these states? Is it America, or “Israel”, or Russia, or China? Where are these rights respected? Nowhere! Nowhere! They are only declared on a sheet of paper. Their laws are used as a truncheon to beat you on your head wherever it is possible for them and wherever there is no resistance.
Look at the events which are happening in Tunisia, Algeria and many other Arabic countries. Do not be fooled that these events bring some benefit to the Nation of the Prophet (pbuh) or Islam. No. One puppets are simply being replaced by the others. If the slogans of God and the laws of the Sharia were really proclaimed there, if the Truth were present there, then all the actions would have been carried out by Muslims and these occupiers, the Americans, would have long bombed these cities. Simply, one stooges are being replaced by other stooges. And that is all. Look what happens everywhere where Satan is rejected, where their laws are rejected, everywhere – take Caucasus, take Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Kashmir- look at their methods of destroying our brothers and sisters.
There is no doubt about that: anywhere where is Truth, where events, behind which God would stay, take place, where the laws of God are proclaimed, where the laws of Satan are rejected, everywhere the infidels destroy our Muslim Nation, destroy our brothers, who proclaim these slogans. But the world is somewhat silent.
The whole world looks at us with condemnation. At it looks with sympathy at the actions by the infidels, by the Satanic regimes, and presents its feigned condolences. Why is it so? Because those people who present feigned condolences, those people who are at the top of the Muslim Nation and Muslims governments, they are puppets, they are henchmen of infidels. When some of them go too far and do not satisfy their masters any more, they are destroyed: they are killed or sent to prison or hung as in the case of Saddam Hussein. And they put other puppets at their place.
But I think it is time to awake. Life was given to us by God in order we sacrifice it to God. And it doesn’t matter how many thousand years we live in this world, our life will be taken by God in any case. Is it not better to bring our life as a gift to God ourselves and to fight in truth on the path of God in order to establish the word of God? What is more sacred for a man than to enter the Paradise? God willing, I hope that my words will open the hearts of our brothers and sisters. God willing, I hope that at least one brother or one sister looks through a clean lens at the events which happen in the world and at least one head in a Muslim community gets free from the garbage that those Satanic regimes put in it.
Today, we, the holy warriors of Caucasus, wage the Holy War in the name of God and in the name of God only, only in order to establish the word of God in Caucasus.
If you are interested in the events that are happening in Caucasus, then ask: why did out ancestors fight? Why is the Caucasian part of the Nation of the Prophet (pbuh) is scattered throughout the world? Why didn’t many generations of them ever see their homeland and died in other countries? They never saw their homeland. Why did that happen?
This is already a law of injustice, this is a law of Satan. There are peoples in Caucasus that have been totally eliminated. That is why we want to stop this injustice, it should not be so. Because God bestowed upon us our land, and God bestowed upon us our religion. God ordered us to wage the Holy War for our religion, for our land and for our honor. Therefore, we, the holy warriors of Caucasus, God willing, are carrying out the God’s order and, God willing, we will continue to carry it out. God willing, we will strive to establish the word of God on this land. And, God willing, even if there is no more Abu Osman, then, God willing, the generation that comes after us will establish the word of God.
These special operations, which are being carried out on the territory of Russia, they will be carried out also in the future, no doubt, because there will be hundreds of brothers among us who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of establishing the word of God and for the sake of revenge against the enemies of God because they are the enemies of God. God willing, I demonstrate again to you, I demonstrate to the Putin’s regime out there in Moscow that we do not carry out these operations on a regular basis because we want to demonstrate to the people, to the chauvinistic people, to the chauvinistic regime of Russia that we can carry out these operations at anytime, wherever we want to and whenever we want to.
This is a further demonstration of the fact that we are capable to carry out these operations regularly, to carry out deeper operations, more aggressive operations against you. But I would like not to shed so much blood and not to make such enormous sacrifices, I would like that Russia thinks it over and leaves Caucasus.
But I would like to ask again the
New statement from the Amīr of The Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Brief Comment on the Issue of the State Language of the Caucasus Emirate"
NOTE: The Caucasus Emirate’s media mouthpiece the Kavkaz Center discussed the issue of the official language of the Caucasus Emirate back in November too.
I want to stress again the importance of this issue. We should weigh all the pros and cons, and carefully examine the prospects of a solution, since this question is of strategic importance for the peoples of the Caucasus and our state.
There are advantages in the choice of Ottoman or Arabic language. The Arabic language is the language of the Holy Quran, the native language of Islam and its study is both necessity and obligation for the Muslims.
The Ottoman language is the language of the Ottoman Caliphate, which in 600 years of its existence had an enormous influence on the Caucasus, the Caucasian languages and the culture of our peoples.
For many centuries, the Ottoman Caliphate was the mainstay of the Islamic Ummah and Caucasian Muslims, and it left a deep mark on the consciousness of our peoples.
In our choice, we must take into account all the nuances of today’s situation, both in the Caucasus and the situation in the world which entered into a period of global instability and change.
Therefore, we must take into account not only cultural priorities, but also historical perspectives and political aspects in the light of rapidly changing political configurations in the geographic regions that are important for us.
I think that the discussion on the state language of the Caucasus Emirate should be expanded; suggestions, comments, and arguments must be systematically and carefully analyzed.
We have no doubt in our victory, and so today we must prepare for the arrangement of our state, as Allah commands. And Allah is sufficient for us as a protector, and He’s the best of the protectors!
I ask Allah, praise Him, the Most High, to forgive us our sins and mistakes that were made voluntary or involuntary, and ask Him to instruct us on the right path. He is One Knowledgeable and Experienced.
Allahu Akbar!
Kavkaz Center presents: "'Īd al 'Aḍḥā Message from Emir Dokku [Abū 'Uthmān] Umarov"
UPDATE 4/8 9:15 PM:
NOTE: About a week ago, the Mujāhidīn Command of the United Wilayat of Kabarda, Balkaria, and Karachay also released an ‘Īd message.