UPDATE 3/22 1:58 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
al-Furqān Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq]- “Risen Alive #4” (Ar)
NOTE: The third edition of this martyrology series was released on December 25, 2010, which you can watch here.
[wpvideo wlBQBY1L]
Category: AQI
New statement from the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq]: "On the Battles in Sāmarrā’ and Ramādī and Denying the False Allegations of Baghdād"
NOTE: The below statement refutes the news reports from last week that stated the War Minister of the Islamic State of Iraq was killed.
الحمد لله ربّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبيّنا محمّد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين… وبعد:
فبعد التوكّل على الله والأخذ بالأسباب المتيسّرة، وضمن سلسلة غزوات التحدّي المباركة التي تستهدف المشروع الصّفوي وأركان حكومته وأسباب قوّته في هذه البلاد، انطلق مُجاهدان من أبناء دولة الإسلام في عمليّتين مباركتين بولايتي صلاح الدّين والأنبار..
أمّا العمليّة الأولى فاستهدفت مقرّ ما يسمّى بقوات الطوارئ في مدينة سامراء، وهي قوّات رافضيّة قذرة يعرفها الناس باسم (فوج طوارئ العمارة)، استقدمتها الحكومة الصّفوية من مدينة العمارة جنوب العراق لتتمركز قرب قصر العاشق شمال سامرّاء، في سعيٍ حثيثٍ لتنفيذ مشروعها الصّفوي المُعلن لتشييع هذه المناطق بحرب أهلها والتّنكيل بهم، وحماية قوافل المُشركين الرافضة المتوجّهة نحو وثن العسكريَيْن في عُقر دار أهل السنّة بسامراء الأبيّة، فكان لها بطلٌ من أبطال الإسلام بالمرصاد، حيث اقتحم بمركبته المفخّخة بناية المقرّ المحصّنة وأدّت قوة التفجير لتدمير جزء كبير من الهيكل ومقتل وإصابة العشرات من هؤلاء الأنجاس ضبّاطاً وجنوداً، وليشفي الله بذلك صدور قومٍ مؤمنين ويذهب بعضاً من غيض قلوبهم ولله الحمد والمنّة..
أمّا الغزوة الثانية فاستهدفت رأساً من رؤوس الكفر والإجرام في مدينة الرّمادي، والمدعو حكمت جاسم زيدان نائب محافظ الأنبار، حيث رابط له ليثٌ من ليوث هذه الولاية العصيّة متربّصا بحزامه الناسف بعد أن تأكّد خبر خروجه من جحره ووصوله المنطقة المرصودة، وما أن لاح المذكور وسط معاونيه وأفراد حمايته حتى انغمس أخونا في الموكب، وأدى التفجير القوي لمقتل وإصابة العشرات بينهم المجرم المُستَهدف، وقد أشاع الفجّار في إعلامهم كذباً وزوراً أنّ التفجير استهدف تجمّعا للمحتفلين بالمولد النّبوي في منطقة 17 تمّوز، وهو كذبٌ مفضوح سارت به فضائيات السّوء كما عوّدتنا لتشويه صورة المجاهدين…
ولا يفوتنا في هذا الموطن أيضاً أن نردّ على مزاعم أخرى جديدة لكذّاب بغداد أطلقها مؤخراً وسط الفوضى والاضطراب الذي تعيشه حكومة السّفهاء بالمنطقة الخضراء هذه الأيّام، حيث زعم الكذّاب مقتل الشيخ المجاهد وزير الحرب بدولة العراق الإسلاميّة حفظه الله، في قصّة لفّقها على عجلٍ وبثّها على استحياءٍ ليضيفها إلى قائمة “انجازات” الحكومة الفاشلة و”بطولات” أجهزتها الأمنيّة، وفي سعي غبيّ معهود للتّغطية على جرائم العصابة الصفويّة وفضائح الفساد الذي أكلَ جسدها والذي أزكمت رائحته النّتنة الأنوف، ودفعت الآلاف للخروج في مسيرات الجمعة رغم محاولات منعها بشتى السّبل…
ونحنُ إذ نبشّر المسلمين أنّ ما ذُكر هو محض أكذوبة رخيصة لا أساس لها من الصحّة، فإننا نقول لهم أنْ ليس في جعبة الأقزام هؤلاء إلا الهُراء والافتراء، وما سينتظرهم في قابل الأيام قد يعيد إليهم بعض رشدهم فيكفّوا عنّا كذّابيهم، وإنّ غداً لناظره قريب..
al-Furqān Media presents new poetry from Abū Ḥamzah al-Muhājir: "Concerns and Pain"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abu Hamzah al-Muhajir — “Concerns and Pain”
al-Fajr Media presents a new statement from the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq]: "To Our Muslim Family in Beloved Egypt"
UPDATE 2/9 7:14 AM: Here is an English translation of AQI’s statement below:
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists, and may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, the Truthful and Trustworthy, and upon all his family and companions. To proceed:
O’ Muslims of Egypt and those nearby. Asalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakaatuhu.
In the midst of these rapid events taking place in the honored land of “Kinanah (Egypt)”, the huge uproar and the size of the international reaction, and due to the fact that there can be some dangerous results if the true people do not stand for the truth, we present to you some facts which we have noted in summary, which we believe to be part of fulfilling the obligation of supporting [our brothers], implementing the hadeeth of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasalam, in which he said:
“Religion is sincerity and well-wishing,” thrice. We asked, “To whom?” He said, “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their masses.”
So we say, seeking help in Allah:
1) Understand well, may Allah have mercy upon you, that Allah created you for His worship and Tawheed, and He has made you successors on earth to establish His Religion, to govern with His Shariah, to rule with His Book, and so His Word reigns supreme and His Religion reigns superior over all other ways of life. Indeed this is the crux of Tawheed of Worship, which is the very reason behind why Allah created, and the goal to which Muslims must give preference over themselves and their belongings. If all Muslims were to be killed in fulfilling this great goal, it is still better for them than to live even one day under the un-Islamic rule of the Taghoot. You are Muslims who Allah has chosen over his creation, has raised your rank by his alliance and protection, and has honored you through His religion. Give this its due rights and bite on to it with your molars. This, by Allah, is the true success in this life and the next.
Do not replace that which is better with that which is worse. Beware of the tricks of un-Islamic ideologies, such as filthy and evil secularism, infidelic democracy, and putrid idolic patriotism and nationalism, all ideologies which are sought by some to govern your land, after the rulers of Egypt made it a grazing field for its proponents, and thus it gaining popularity and them increasing in their evil. Are not most of the dilemmas faced by the Muslim Ummah today due to their empowerment? Be fully aware of reversion and being satisfied with the current state of affairs and seeking ends through [unlawful] means which falsely seem to be advantageous, for this is from the tricks which Satan plays so his followers can steal the fruits [of other’s efforts]. The Believer is intelligent and wise and does not get stung from the same hole twice.
2) Allah has obligated Jihad in Hs Cause upon His monotheist slaves. Fighting the enemies of Allah and repelling them with one’s life and wealth in the current condition of the Ummah today is an individual obligation upon every mature and sane person amongst you. This matter is clear and one which the Muslims have agreed to past and present. Here in your midst has the market of Jihad opened and become easy to reach as it is in your own homeland. The doors of martyrdom have opened, and the sales have been documented by the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. No mature, able-bodied has any excuse to stay behind with those who refrain from making Jihad. Remember that Allah’s commodity is expensive and surrounded by things disliked by human nature. It can not be attained except by those with defiant souls and high motivation…
3) The enemy you are facing is one which is sinful and depraved, who hold no value for either kinship or covenant. They have waged a war against Allah and have ridiculed His religion. They have allied with the enemies of Allah and have inflicted much harm on His believing slaves. They have empowered the depraved, lowly and promiscuous, and have usurped blood, honor and wealth. Their kufr and tyranny has reached its extent. Their day of reckoning and defeat has already or nearly arrived. The Way of Al-Jabbar (The Compeller), Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger) in their regards and the regards of their likes from the Taghoot has come into effect, and this is a gift from Allah which you, O’ people of Tawheed, should show no shortcoming in its regard, nor should you let it slip from your hands. You are the hope of the weak and oppressed, and the vanguard of the Ummah for change and rescue from the darkness of confusion, and blind tunnel of ignorance into which some seek to to force the Ummah for even more decades. You have no other choice, O’ people of Tawheed, in the likes of these times, except to confront, repel, and stand for the truth, so that Islam and its call is empowered over all others, and the flag of Pure Tawheed is raised over the land of Kinanah once again, by Allah’s leave.
4) Organize yourselves, and do all possible to convene. Call each other by phone and gather yourselves and your resources. Try as much as possible to join those who are more experienced in this field, and if it is not possible, organize yourselves into small areas and appoint an Ameer over you from the best of you who all agree to and like and not differ about. Seek secrecy in all matters, and secure your homes, villages and areas. Be good to the masses around you and help the weak, seek justice for the oppressed, and try to gain the favor of their leaders and elders and leave aside the ignorant. Show people the mercy of Islam and its manners and the justice of the Shariah. Place your trust in Allah in all your affairs, for it is He who helps and aids the Believers, and He will not let your deeds go to waste. Understand that it is the strong and armed who will be listened to and heard, while his feet are firm and heavy after the dust of these events settle and the ranks become clear and divided. Show no concern for the number of demised opposers nor the deserting fitnah-mongers. Do not feel alone due to the patient few in this path, for indeed this is the path of the Prophets and the Way of Allah in regards to their followers:
“…so that those who were to be destroyed (for their rejecting the Faith) might be destroyed after a clear evidence, and those who were to live (i.e. believers) might live after a clear evidence.” (Al Anfal:42)
5) Fear Allah in regards to the Muslim prisoners in the prisons of oppression! Indeed freeing the prisoners is from the foremost of obligations upon you. Do not let things settle unless you free every last one of them, and then, seeking Allah’s help, turn them into pulverized dust, with no one brick left to support another.
6) Do not fear that which will be said to you about the plots of the enemies and thestrength of the “Greater Nations”, the disadvantages of enticing them, and other tricks of Satan. Know that Allah has given you what other Mujahideen dream about. America today is is weaker than ever, and its military might has drowned in Afghanistan and Iraq. It eyes the legion of truth in Yemen, Somalia and the Islamic Maghreb, while its body trembles under the pressure of their exhausting financial and economical crisis, ready to fall and go bankrupt. Your activities in the heart of the global geography will only increase their blunders and the hasten their fall and digression.
7) Indeed your Jihad today, O’ brothers, is in defense of the religion of Allah, in defense of the weak and oppressed of Egypt, in defense of your fellow Muslims in Gaza, in defense of your fellow Muslims in Iraq, and in defense of every Muslim affected by the tyranny of the Taghoot of Egypt and his leaders in Washington and Tel Aviv. Be defenders, supporters and helpers of Allah, and think well of your Lord. Fulfill your duties and take to your fronts, and be careful that the Muslims are not harmed due to your shortcomings. Allah says:
“O you who believe! Shall I guide you to a trade that will save you from a painful torment? That you believe in Allah and His Messenger and that you and fight in the Cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives: that will be better for you, if you but know! (If you do so) He will forgive you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow, and pleasant dwellings in ‘Adn (Eden) Paradise; that is indeed the great success. And also (He will give you) another (blessing) which you love, – help from Allah (against your enemies) and a near victory. And give glad tidings to the believers. O you who believe! Be you helpers (in the Cause) of Allah…” (As-Saff: 11-14)
And our final prayer is that all praise is due to Allah. Was-Salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh
NOTE: This is the first official communication from al-Qā’idah as it pertains to Egypt. It will be interesting to see whether AQ Central, AQAP, or AQIM chime in regarding the events in Egypt. al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb already released two messages dealing with Tunisia, which you can see here and here. For more jihadist reactions to the continuing uprisings in the Arab world check out this list that I collated.
أيها الإخوةُ المسلمونَ في مصر وما حولها… السلامُ عليكم ورحمةُ اللهِ وبركاتُهُ،
في خضمّ الأحداث المتسارعة التي تمرّ بها أرض الكِنانة العزيزة، وارتفاع صخبها وتعاظم تفاعلاتها الإقليميّة والدّولية، وما قد يترتّبُ على ذلك من نتائج خطيرة إن لم يتواصى أهل الحقّ بالحقّ فيما بينهم، نضع بين أيديكم بعض الحقائق التي قُيّدت ملخّصة
New video message from the Islamic State of Iraq's [al-Qā’idah in Iraq] al-Furqān Media: "The Most Effective Packages"
UPDATE 4/17 8:26 PM: Here is an Urdu translation of the below video:
[wpvideo OfC58KaI]
NOTE: The Islamic State of Iraq has released an hour long video dedicated to the manufacture and detonation of explosive devices, and called it a gift to AQAP.
[wpvideo Gjg8v5og]
Jihādī Primary Source Material Data Dump, December 23-January 2
NOTE: Below are all of the primary source materials that I did not post while on vacation. All materials are posted by date that they were first released to the various fora. I hope this is helpful to those who were also on vacation during this time period and did not get the opportunity to follow the fora activities.
December 23:
‘Abdullah ‘Azzām Brigades — Statement Number 3 within the series- Identifying the Way of the Offenders
December 24:
al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula releases its Arabic language magazine Ṣadā al-Malāḥim Issue #14
Ḥarakat al-al-Shabāb al-Mujāhīn releases an Arabic and English translation of their statement, which announced an alliance with Ḥizb al-Islām. See here for the original in Somali language.
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum in honor of its two year anniversary presents an English translation of As-Saḥāb’s Ramaḍān Sermons series #1 by Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī “Ramaḍān Intensive Course”
The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan presents its list of martyrs for the year 1431 H. According to them, fifty-two individuals were killed.
December 25:
al-Furqān Media, which is affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq] has released “Risen Alive #3,” which is one of their many martyrology series’
December 26:
Kavkaz Jihād Blog translates into English a jihādī story titled “Fight in the Forest,” which was originally published by Hunafa.
December 28:
Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkestan Islamic Party] released its martyrology video series “Lovers of Paradise #5,″ which you can see below. For previous videos see #3 and #4.
Dār al-Jabhah Publications and Distribution and the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) released “The Explosives Course” by Shaykh Abū Khabbab al-Miṣrī
Ma’sadat al-Mujāhidīn — Claiming Responsibility for the Attack on the Israeli Train
December 29:
al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula releases its Arabic language magazine Ṣadā al-Malāḥim Issue #15
December 30:
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum publishes an English translation of the Global Islamic Media Front’s release by Abū Qandahār al-Zarqāwī “The Blazing Light- In Inciting for Jihād”
New article from member of the Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum titled “Refute the Unbelievers- Mujāhidīn Fighters, Mercenaries Without Boundaries?”
Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī’s Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa’l-Jihād Sharī’ah Council published a new fatwā by Abū Hamām Bakr Bin ‘Abd al- ‘Azīz al-‘Atharī: “What is the Ruling on Congratulating Christians During New Years?”
December 31:
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases In Fight Magazine #24. For previous issues see: #23, #22; #21; and #20.
Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī’s Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa’l-Jihād Sharī’ah Council published two new fatāwā:
- Abū al-Walid al-Maqdisī: “What is the Ruling on Killing Women and Children of the Apostates?”
- Abū al-Mundhir al-Shanqīṭī: “Are Christians in Muslims Countries Ahl Dhimmah [Protected People]?”
January 1:
Statement from Ḥarakat al-al-Shabāb al-Mujāhīn on Opening the Door of Communication with al-Katāi’b Media
The January 2011 issue of Nawaī Afghān Jihād Magazine released
Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī has released a new video sermon titled “Three Assets:”
January 2:
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum has translated “The Last Will of the First Sister Who Attacked the Moscow Subway,” which was attack in March 2010.
Abū Muḥammad Jibrīl of Sawt al-Jihād in Nusantara wrote a new article titled “De-Radicalization, The Effort To Extinguish The Light Of Shari’a And Jihad In Indonesia”
New announcement from the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq]: "To the Leaders of the Communities, Organizations, and Christian Churches in Iraq"
NOTE: The below letter was sent to Iraqi Christian leaders to warn against their continued injustices. It also reiterated its warning against the Egyptian Church, which they discussed earlier in these two messages at the end of October and beginning of November.
Announcement from the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq]: “To the Leaders of the Communities, Organizations and Christian Churches in Iraq”
[scribd id=45765019 key=key-tl056qhetwl0b5fc934 mode=list]
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum translates Issue #44 in the Biography of the Prominent Martyrs series on Abū Ḥaṣan al-Ṣan'ā'nī
Biographies of the Prominent Martyrs Issue 44 — Abū Ḥaṣan al-Ṣan’ā’nī
[scribd id=45346977 key=key-rth8x0qxmmerl31blt2 mode=list]
Audio Message from the Bomber in Sweden
UPDATE 5: Here is the full audio message:
UPDATE 4: Click here for the statement from the Islamic State of Iraq (al-Qā’idah in Iraq) in 2007 calling for attacks on Sweden. Key quotes:
We know how best to force you to back down… If you do not apologize, then your industrial giants will be attacked.
Companies such as Ericsson, Scandia, Volvo, Ikea, Electrolux… will be legitimate targets. You have been warned.
UPDATE 3: Here is a copy of Taimor’s profile on the dating site Muslima (click the picture to see a larger version of it):
UPDATE 2: Here is an excellent overview of Taimour from my colleague Florian Flade.
UPDATE: The Swedish bombers name has been released. His name is Taimour Abdulwahab (28), who lived in Tranås (Jönköping county). He had a Facebook profile here. And there is already a group memorializing him on Facebook here. Below are some pictures of the bomber:
Also, here are some more updated stories:
HT to Lars Akerhaug for the translation below and excellent updates on Twitter. You can follow him here. For more on the attack here are some preliminary stories:
Now your children, daughters and sisters will die, just like our brothers, sisters, and children.
Our actions will speak louder than words. As long as you don’t stop your war against Islam, mocking the Prophet, and your stupid support for the Pig Vilks.
Now it’s time to strike, don’t wait any longer. Come forward with whatever you’ve got, even if it’s only a knife. I know you’ve got more coming up.
Don’t fear anybody, don’t fear anyone.
Apologies to my family: I never went to the Middle East for work or to make money. I went for jihad.
New statement from the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq]: "Regarding the Recent Lies of the Green Zone Government"
NOTE: This new statement from the Islamic State in Iraq is in response to the recent news reports that the Iraqi government has arrested 39 members of AQI. The ISI disputes this claim and suggests it is false and that the Iraqi government is trying to patch up the failings and setbacks they have had against the ISI.
{وَيَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُمْ عَلَى شَيْءٍ أَلا إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ الْكَاذِبُونَ}[المجادلة: من الآية18]. الحمد لله ربّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبيّنا محمّد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين… وبعد: زعم إعلامُ السّفهاء لحكومة المنطقة الخضراء قبل أيّام، إلقاء القبض على من وصفتهم بأنّهم “أخطر خليّة إرهابيّة في بغداد”، وكعادتهم في التّرقيع لفشل أجهزتهم الأمنيّة الخائبة وتلميع صورتها بعد النّكسات المستمرّة التي لحقت بها، خلعت على هؤلاء ألقاباً ومسمّياتٍ، ثمّ جعلتهم المسئولين عن أغلب العمليّات التي أحالت خططهم الأمنيّة في بغداد هشيماً تذروه رياح كتائب التّوحيد. ونحنُ إذ نُعلن أنّ هذا الخبر عارٍ عن الصّحة تماماً، فإنّنا ندعو هؤلاء السّفهاء لأن يحترموا عقول النّاس، خاصّة بعد إعلانهم المتكرّر عن أسرِ المسئولين عن تلك العمليّات، وإن كان عشرةٌ من “الإرهابيّين” أو دون ذلك –كما زعموا- استطاعوا أن يزلزلوا الأرض تحت أقدامهم في بغداد، فكيف بالعشرات من أمثال هؤلاء، أو المئات؟ فكيف إن كانوا ألوفاً؟، وصدق إمام المُجاهدين صلّى الله عليه وسلّم القائل: (نُصرْت بالرّعبِ؛ فيرعبُ منّي العدوّ عنْ مسيرةِ شهر).
والله أكبر
{وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ}
وزارة الإعلام / دولةُ العِراق الإسلاميّة
المصدر: (مركز الفجر للإعلام)