New statement from the Amīr of The Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Brief Comment on the Issue of the State Language of the Caucasus Emirate"

NOTE: The Caucasus Emirate’s media mouthpiece the Kavkaz Center discussed the issue of the official language of the Caucasus Emirate back in November too.

I want to stress again the importance of this issue. We should weigh all the pros and cons, and carefully examine the prospects of a solution, since this question is of strategic importance for the peoples of the Caucasus and our state.
There are advantages in the choice of Ottoman or Arabic language. The Arabic language is the language of the Holy Quran, the native language of Islam and its study is both necessity and obligation for the Muslims.
The Ottoman language is the language of the Ottoman Caliphate, which in 600 years of its existence had an enormous influence on the Caucasus, the Caucasian languages and the culture of our peoples.
For many centuries, the Ottoman Caliphate was the mainstay of the Islamic Ummah and Caucasian Muslims, and it left a deep mark on the consciousness of our peoples.
In our choice, we must take into account all the nuances of today’s situation, both in the Caucasus and the situation in the world which entered into a period of global instability and change.
Therefore, we must take into account not only cultural priorities, but also historical perspectives and political aspects in the light of rapidly changing political configurations in the geographic regions that are important for us.
I think that the discussion on the state language of the Caucasus Emirate should be expanded; suggestions, comments, and arguments must be systematically and carefully analyzed.
We have no doubt in our victory, and so today we must prepare for the arrangement of our state, as Allah commands. And Allah is sufficient for us as a protector, and He’s the best of the protectors!
I ask Allah, praise Him, the Most High, to forgive us our sins and mistakes that were made voluntary or involuntary, and ask Him to instruct us on the right path. He is One Knowledgeable and Experienced.
Allahu Akbar!

New statement from Jamā'at Sharī'at: "A warning from the Mujāhidīn of Khasavyurt"

NOTE: Jamā’at Sharī’at, is the largest jihādī groupin the Russian republic of Dagestan, North Caucasus. Jamā’at Sharī’at was established during the Second Chechen War. They were in favor of Dagestan’s independence as an Islamic state and are currently under the umbrella of the Caucasus Emirate, which is led by Dokku Umarov. The below statement is unedited in its original Russian version.


Front yard of the brothel “White Nights”, destroyed
by the Mujahideen of the Khasavyurt Jamaat on January 14, 2011.
We wish to announce that the destruction of the entertainment brothel “White Nights” a few days ago (on January 14, see here), as well as yesterday’s destruction of the supermarket “Caravan”(see here) are special military actions of the Khasavyurt Jamaat of the Dagestani Front. The owners of the supermarket “Caravan” were repeatedly warned, but they were arrogant and voiced daring statements. [But] As you can see, a tank was not requested to solve the problem. We want to warn the residents of Khasavyurt, the owners and customers of such despicable places: Keep in mind that any place where corruption is spread, such as alcohol and prostitutes, are our legitimate targets. Their destruction is only a question of time and sooner or later, they [the owners and customers of such places] will taste the punishment, first in this world, then in the hereafter, Insha’Allah. We also remind you that working in such establishments is Haram and dangerous for your life so think seven times before going to work in such haunts of vice, it’s worth it. And our advice to you is: Do not sell your soul for a kopeck (a penny). One Hadith (1) states: «Wine is the source of all evils and sins. Whoever drinks it loses reason. He respects no one, even his relatives and he doesn’t refrain from commiting evil openly. The spirit of faith and piety leaves the drinker, and only the impure and mischievous spirit, which is far from the Divine Blessing, lives in him. Allah, His angels, His prophets and true believers cursed such a man, and his prayers will not be accepted for forty days. On the Day of Judgement, his face will turn black, his tongue dangling on his chest, flowing with saliva…».
The stock of alcohol of the “establishment”.
We declare with full responsibility that this work will continue and that we are guided by the Qur’an and the Sunnah, not by the order any of the people (2) – your competitors and companions in the fire of Hell. We ask the brothers to not succumb to the rumors that our detractors are spreading – that we allegedly take money from the enemies of Allah (3) – in exchange for their security. Allah does not offer them security and we can not afford them this [security], for any money. Allahu Akbar! Khasavyurt Jamaat, Wilayah Dagestan, Caucasus Emirate Translation from Jamaat Shariat by the Kavkaz-Jihad blog. _____  1. Didn’t found the exact reference unfortunatly but apparently it has been narrated by Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq, but there is another similar Hadith narrated by Ibn al-Jawzy : «Do not sit with the drunkard, visit their sick or attend their funerals. On the Day of Judgement the drunkard will be brought with a black face, and his tongue dangling on his chest, flowing with saliva. Whoever sees him knowing that he is a drunkard will disgust him.» The 40 days are also mentionned in others hadiths as well. The face turned black is also mentionned in a hadith about musicians. 2. The Russian medias often spread the lie that the Mujahideen groups are ‘hired’ by criminal families, or politicians, in order to commit crimes against their competitors or rivals. In exchange, the Mujahideen allegedly recieve money for this ‘work’. However not a single proof supporting this tale has been ever found. Note that the financial ressources of the Mujahideen seems to be the favorite subject of the russian medias.

3. Kommerstant as well as other russian medias reported that the owners allegedly refused to pay a tax to the Mujahideen.

Владельцам злачных мест и их покровителям: танк для разрешения проблемы не понадобился
20.01.11 11:50
Хотим сообщить, что уничтожение развлекательного борделя “Белые ночи” несколько дней назад, а так же вчерашнее уничтожение супермаркета “Караван” является специальной военной акцией хасавюртовского джамаата ДФ.
Владельцы супермаркета “Караван” были неоднократно предупреждены, но они возгордились и высказывали смелые заявления. Как видите, танк для разрешения проблемы не понадобился.
Мы хотим предупредить простых жителей Хасавюрта – владельцев и посетителей таких злачных мест – подумайте о том, что любое место, где распространяют мерзость – вроде спиртного и проституток – является нашей законной целью – уничтожение которых вопрос только времени и рано или поздно они вкусят свое наказание прежде всего в этом мире, потом на том свете, иншааЛлах.
Мы так же напоминаем вас, что работа в таких заведениях является харамом и опасным для жизни и прежде чем пойти работать в такие злачные места подумайте семь раз, стоит ли оно того. А наш вам совет – не продавайте свою душу за копейки.
Один из хадисов гласит: «Вино – источник грехов. Тот, кто выпил вина, теряет разум. Он никого не уважает. Даже своих родных и близких, легко совершает дурные поступки. Дух веры и благочестия покидает его, дух мерзости и порочности вселяется в него. Его проклинает бог, ангелы, пророки и правоверные. Сорок дней его молитвы не будут услышаны. В день Страшного суда лицо его будет чёрным, язык – свисать изо рта, слюна – течь на грудь….».
Мы со всей ответственностью заявляем что работа будет продолжена и что мы руководствуемся Кораном и Сунной, а не по заказу каких-либо из людей – ваших конкурентов и попутчиков в огонь Ада.
Мы просим братьев не поддаваться слухам, которые распространяют наши недоброжелатели, что якобы мы берем деньги от врагов Аллаха – взамен на безопасность. Аллах не предлагает им безопасность и мы не можем им такое позволить ни за какие деньги.
Аллаху Акбар!
Хасавюртовский джамаат, ВД, ИК


New statement from the Kavkaz-Jihād Blog: "Regarding the Jihādī media covering the Caucasus"

UPDATE 1/21 7:54 AM: Kavkaz-Jihād Blog updated the situation:

Our brothers from caucasusemirate.maktooblog announced that they are going to continue their publishing work trough the arabic Jihadi forums (no need to mention the names nor the urls, they are pretty well known). We ask Allah (swt) to reward them and to help them in their crucial task.
As for the albttaralsunni blog, from now on, the publication is stoped over there, for unspecified reasons and for an unspecified time.
However we have hope that Insha’Allah this will not stop the publication of arabic translations of medias reports from the Caucasus.
Posted by Kavkaz-Jihad

Recently some of you may noticed that the arabic blog dedicated to the Caucasus: caucasusemirate.maktooblog is no longer available since more than a week. It has been removed by the ‘administation’ of the blog host: (see in this regard the arabic statement here and in english here). It was a highly beneficial source of informations for our arabic speaking brothers. We want to remind that it was running perfectly during years so it’s rather strange to see it down only now. We hope that Insha’Allah our brothers from caucasusemirate.maktooblog will be able to come back as soon as possible, in another way or under another form. The other arabic blog covering the events of the region, albttaralsunni.blogspot is still working but not updated since few days.
In addition, is also down since few days (it was up during a short while, yesterday but it’s down for now), those who follow it know that it has been targeted many times in the past, as well as KC. In this regard we want to express our support and our hope that Insha’Allah this important website come back soon. Insha’Allah this will not take long as its staff showed professionalism regarding these matters in the past. The others regular websites affiliated with the CE are currently working without problems.
It’s useless to speculate about who are behind these attacks (regarding Hunafa it could simply be some  technical problems but it’s unlikely) and their motives. Those who are familiar with the Jihadi medias are aware and used to such ‘disagreements’. But the Jihadi medias proved many times that they were resilient and able to deal with such problems.
And Allah (swt) said:
«They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.» (Surat At-Tawbah : 32)
As for this blog, we will continue the humble work started some month ago, however due to certain constraint, the updates could no be regular as wished initially. We thank you in advance for you understanding. In order to fix this, we will probably require some help soon.
Posted by Kavkaz-Jihad

IslāmDīn Presents a New Video Statement from Amīr Zakarī of the South-West Sector of the Caucasus Emirate About the Elimination of Aṣlān Tsipinov

UPDATE 1/10 11:30AM: See Liz Fuller’s coverage of this for the Caucasus Report at  RFE/RL.

NOTE: According to the Kavkaz-Jihād blog this was the reasoning behind his murder:

During the night of December 29, 2010, Aṣlān Tsipinov, a renowed ethnographer, has been killed in the village of Shalushka, in the Chegem sector of W. KBK. He was a Circassian nationalist and frequently criticized ‘the Islamic component of the Circassian culture.’ He was also promoting and propagating the local pre-islamic pagan customs. His execution has been decided by a Sharī’ah court and carried out by two Mujāhidīn.

New statement from the Caucasus Emirate Blog

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Alhamdulillah, who said in His granted book: (The Unbelievers say: “Listen not to this Qur’an, but talk at random in the midst of its (reading), that ye may gain the upper hand!”) 26 Surah Fussilat
And peace and blessings be upon the messenger of Allah (PBUH) who said about the poetry of Hassan bin Thabit: “It’s worst on them than arrows!”
We are sorry to inform you that on 2 Safar 1432 A.H. (2011-01-06) the Caucasus Emirate blog the administration of Maktoob deleted the blog, without any previous notification, which lead to the loss of all the data on it, ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. Those cowards couldn’t attribute this act to them, but instead kept a phrase saying “the user chose to delete his blog, thus the information is no longer available” and Allah knows that they are lairs. And we found that we were not the first ones to be exposed to this coward act.
We say to those cowards that this won’t prevent us from continuing our support for the mujahedeen in the Caucasus by media, and our property, and blood, if Allah allows us to do so. We will continue our translation of the mujahedeen publications to Arabic, Insha’Allah, and it’s the least that we can do for our mujahedeen in the Caucasus.
O’Allah make what was published on the Caucasus Emirate blog in our good deeds on the day of judgment.
اللهم اجرنا في مصيبتنا واخلفنا خيراً منها
ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
Caucasus Emirate Blog

Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum translates "The Last Will of the Second Sister Who Attacked the Moscow Subway"

NOTE: The attack on the Moscow train occurred in March 2010. For the will of the first “sister” see here under the sub-heading January 2.

“The Last Will of the Second Sister Who Attacked the Moscow Subway”
[scribd id=46257572 key=key-eivc7mvi6xv0eworcl4 mode=list]

Jihādī Primary Source Material Data Dump, December 23-January 2

NOTE: Below are all of the primary source materials that I did not post while on vacation. All materials are posted by date that they were first released to the various fora. I hope this is helpful to those who were also on vacation during this time period and did not get the opportunity to follow the fora activities.

December 23:

‘Abdullah ‘Azzām Brigades — Statement Number 3 within the series- Identifying the Way of the Offenders
December 24:

al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula releases its Arabic language magazine Ṣadā al-Malāḥim Issue #14

Ḥarakat al-al-Shabāb al-Mujāhīn releases an Arabic and English translation of their statement, which announced an alliance with Ḥizb al-Islām. See here for the original in Somali language.

Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum in honor of its two year anniversary presents an English translation of  As-Saḥāb’s Ramaḍān Sermons series #1 by Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī “Ramaḍān Intensive Course”

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan presents its list of martyrs for the year 1431 H. According to them, fifty-two individuals were killed.
December 25:

al-Furqān Media, which is affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq] has released “Risen Alive #3,” which is one of their many martyrology series’

December 26:

Kavkaz Jihād Blog translates into English a jihādī story titled “Fight in the Forest,” which was originally published by Hunafa.
December 28:
Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkestan Islamic Party] released its martyrology video series  “Lovers of Paradise #5,″ which you can see below. For previous videos see #3 and #4.

Dār al-Jabhah Publications and Distribution and the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) released “The Explosives Course” by Shaykh Abū Khabbab al-Miṣrī

Ma’sadat al-Mujāhidīn — Claiming Responsibility for the Attack on the Israeli Train
December 29:

al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula releases its Arabic language magazine Ṣadā al-Malāḥim Issue #15
December 30:

Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum publishes an English translation of the Global Islamic Media Front’s release by Abū Qandahār al-Zarqāwī “The Blazing Light- In Inciting for Jihād”

New article from member of the Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum titled “Refute the Unbelievers- Mujāhidīn Fighters, Mercenaries Without Boundaries?”

Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī’s Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa’l-Jihād Sharī’ah Council published a new fatwā by Abū Hamām Bakr Bin ‘Abd al- ‘Azīz al-‘Atharī: “What is the Ruling on Congratulating Christians During New Years?”
December 31:

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases In Fight Magazine #24. For previous issues see: #23#22#21; and #20.

Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī’s Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa’l-Jihād Sharī’ah Council published two new fatāwā:

January 1:

Statement from Ḥarakat al-al-Shabāb al-Mujāhīn on Opening the Door of Communication with al-Katāi’b Media

The January 2011 issue of Nawaī Afghān Jihād Magazine released

Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī has released a new video sermon titled “Three Assets:”

January 2:

Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum has translated “The Last Will of the First Sister Who Attacked the Moscow Subway,” which was attack in March 2010.

Abū Muḥammad Jibrīl of Sawt al-Jihād in Nusantara wrote a new article titled “De-Radicalization, The Effort To Extinguish The Light Of Shari’a And Jihad In Indonesia”

New statement from The Caucasus Emirate's Jāma'at Shari'at


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessing be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions and all those who follow him until the Judgement Day, and then … In the course of the special measures carried out by the Mujahideen in order to clarify the circumstances of the battle, it appeared that the location of the Mujahideen was known by some of the villagers, whom were known to be spies. These people, pushed by Satan, conspired to inform the disbelievers.

In mid-March 2009 (precisely on March 22), in a wooded area near the village of Kakashura, in the Temir Khan Shura (russian name: Buynaksk) district of W. Dagestan, 12 Mujahideen of the Kadar Jamaat became Martyrs (Shuhadah) Insha’Allah in a three-day battle.

As a result, an armada of infidels, consisting of more than 3 thousand soldiers (it’s not an exageration, videos documents of the deployment were featured on Russian TV) and dozens of armored vehicles, managed to surround the shelter of the Mujahideen. For their love of kufr, the miserable traitors received some pathetic pieces of worldly goods and praises from their masters among the infidels.
In the unequal battle, the Mujahideen gave a worthy rebuff to the infidels and fought well, as befits the Soldiers of Allah, killing about 30 atheists soldiers and hitting one of their helicopter. 12 soldiers of Allah heroically sacrificed their souls with smiles on their bright faces, for the elevation of the words of Allah in the land of their fathers (ancestors).
The pathetic snitches dragged a camcorder on the battlefield and started to film the bodies of the martyred brethren. In the meantime, they were swearing and kicking the lifeless bodies of brothers with their feet, they slapped them on the cheek and said: “Well done, good dog.”

It seemed that everything was over, and the traitors thought that everything would remain as it was.
But the Mujahideen were investigating all aspects of the case, and Allah has revealed a number of informants, including those who in 1999, took an active part against the Muslims, especially in the events occurring in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi*.
So, at night the 15th of Muharram 1432 of the Hijrah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), i.e. on December 21, 2010, several of the Mujahideen of Kadar Combat Jamaat of the Central Sector of W. Dagestan killed two of these collaborators while they were celebrating on the occasion of the acquisition of new vehicles from the infidels, bought with the money earned with the blood of Muslims.
These were : Djigit* Asadulaev and his friend Ruslan Adilgereev, allegedly ‘hunters’.
Allah gave them a taste of that to which they aspired. The Mujahideen successfully returned to their base, in order to continue the elevation of the words of Allah in this world and the intimidation of the hypocrites and disbelievers.
Anybody who, by words and deeds, will help against Islam and the Muslims, should expect a similar fate.
Again, we give praise to Allah, who assists His soldiers.
Victory or Paradise! Allahu Akbar!
Kadar combat Jamaat
Central Sector of the Wilayah Dagestan, Caucasus Emirate
Translation from JamaatShariat by the Kavkaz-Jihad blog
* A reference to the Dagestani villages bombed during the Summer 1999 by the russians because the Shari’a was implemented by their inhabitants. The bombing triggered a rescue operation led by Shamil Bassayev (ra), Khattab, (ra), etc… (The so-called ‘Dagestan Invasion’). It is known that some Dagestanis sided with the russians and formed some militia corps. in order to help the invaders. These events marked the beginning the 2nd Russo-Chechen war, or in others words, the 2nd Jihad of the 20th Century in the Caucasus.
* His name means literally ‘Rider’ or something like ‘knight’. In the past, in the  Caucasus a Djigit was a warrior (the word is associated with courage, honor,etc…) . You can judge how, ironically, his name has nothing to do with what he did and what he was… Russian: Эхо Какашуры. Месть была неизбежна 24.12.10 00:30 Хвала Аллаху Господу миров, мир и благословение Пророку Мухаммаду и его семье и всем тем, кто искренне последовал за ним до Судного Дня. В середине марта 2009 года в лесном массиве близ села Какашура Буйнакского района вилайата Дагестан, в ходе трехдневного боя стали шахидами иншаАллах 12 муджахидов из Кадарского боевого джамаата. В ходе специальных мероприятий проведенных муджахидами по выяснению обстоятельств наравного боя стало известо, что о местонахождении муджахидов Кадарского джамаата прознали некоторые из жителей села, известные своей стукаческой сущностью. Эти люди, подталкиваемые сатаной, сговорились сообщить об этом кафирам. В результате, армаде кафиров в количестве более 3-х тысяч солдат и нескольких десятков бронетехники удалось окружить место дислокации муджахидов. А жалкие предатели получили за свою любовь к куфру жалкий кусочек из мирских благ, и похвальбу со стороны своих хозяев из числа кафиров. В ходе неравного боя муджахиды дали достойный отпор кафирам и сражались так, как подобает воинам Аллаха, уничтожив около 30 солдат безбожников, подбили один вертолет, а 12 воинов Аллаха героически отдали свои души, с улыбками на светлых лицах, за возвышение слова Аллаха на земле своих отцов. Жалкие стукачи приволокли на место боя видеокамеры и начали снимать на видео тела, ставших шахидами, братьев. При этом исходя бранью и пиная безжизненные тела братьев ногами, дабы похлопал их “иван” по щеке и сказал: “Молодец, хороший пес.” Казалось этим все закончилось, и предатели думали что это все так им останется. Но муджахиды уточняли все моменты данного случая, и по воле Аллаха выявились еще ряд стукачей, среди которых и те, кто в 1999 году принимали активное участие против мусульман, особенно в событиях произошедших в селениях Карамахи и Чабанмахи. И вот ночью 15 числа месяца мухаррам 1432 года от хиджры Посланника Аллаха с.а.с., то есть 21 декабря 2010 года, несколько муджахидов из Кадарского боевого джамаата Центрального сектора вилайата Дагестан уничтожили двоих из предателей во время их праздничного мероприятия по случаю приобретения очередного автотранспорта от кафиров на деньги заработанные на крови мусульман. Это были Асадулаев Джигит и его друг Адильгереев Руслан, якобы охотники. Аллах дал им вкусить от того, к чему они стремились. Муджахиды успешно вернулись на свои базы, чтобы продолжить возвышение слова Аллаха в этом мире и устрашение лицемеров и неверных. Каждого, кто словом и делом будет помогать против Ислама и мусульман, ждет подобная участь. Многократно воздаем хвалу Аллаху, Который оказывает помощь своим воинам. Победа или Рай! Аллаху Акбар! Кадарский боевой джамаат. ЦС ВД ИК ДШ