New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Clarification Regarding Negotiation With United States “


Another meeting between officials of political office of Islamic Emirate and American side is going to be held tomorrow on 17th December 2018, 10th Rabbi-ul-Thani 1440 in United Arab Emirates. Representatives of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and United Arab Emirates will also attend the meeting besides officials of both sides.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
09/04/1440 Hijri Lunar
15/09/1397 Hijri Solar 16/12/2018 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

New release from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan: “Statement By the Preaching and Guidance Commission Regarding National Unity, Vigilance, and Boycotting Invaders”


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

الحمد لله وحده والصلوة والسلام علی من لانبي بعده

اما بعد: قال الله تعالی:﴿ لَا يَتَّخِذِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَاءَ مِنْ دُونِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ… الایه – آل عمران : ۲۸

Allah (SwT) says: Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliya (supporters, helpers etc) instead of the believers… (Al-Imran: 28)

وَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صلي الله عليه وسلم : الدِّيْنُ النَّصِيْحَةُ.

And Prophet (SAW) says: Religion is advice.

Respected countrymen, valiant and Jihad-loving Muslims!

May peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you all!

You are all witnesses of the needs and modality of Islamic Emirate’s rule and similarly, the reasons behind US occupation, the propaganda, promises and overall seventeen-year occupation. You understand better than anyone else that when the United States and her allies saw the extraordinary love and affection of the nation and region for the Islamic Emirate and shariah state, they immediately rolled up their sleeves for its eradication, began their attack under flimsy excuses and spoke about replacing the Islamic Emirate with a superior system even though the Islamic Emirate had eliminated miseries plaguing the country prior to the invasion and had erected an unparalleled administration of Afghan choosing.

Examples of few unprecedented activities of the Islamic Emirate prior to the invasion:

– The Taliban and Mujahideen rescued the country from disintegration and feudalism through immeasurable and extensive sacrifices.

– Feudalism, abductions, civil war and illegal-checkpoints were eliminated, fulfilling the greatest aspiration of the nation through exceptional peace.

– With the enactment of Shariah, a great number of crimes like adultery, sodomy, nudity, theft, expropriation, murder, abduction, bribery and every injustice were eliminated. No distinction was made between the powerful and weak, wealthy and poor in the court of law.

– The notions of spying, treason, apostasy, imitating Jews and Christians and adopting foreign culture were unimaginable.

– Poppy cultivation was completely eradicated with a landmark order of Amir-ul-Mumineen and the unprecedented reception and obedience of the nation.

– Through healthy competition between administrative bodies, the issues and needs of the people were cheerfully solved without any bribes or intermediary.

– Discipline, obedience and coordination in the system was such that the removal and replacement of ministers, governors and senior officers was an ordinary matter. Ten ministers would simultaneously be replaced with a single decree without any complaints or disappointments.

As the Islamic Emirate managed to weaken and bring corrupt groups under control, it immediately turned to the development and reconstruction efforts:

– It launched projects to repair and lay tarmac on roads, expanded construction machinery and attracted attention of some prominent companies.

– Signed electric power agreement with Turkmenistan.

– Began stage by stage discussions about constructing TAPI pipeline

– Held discussions and signed contracts on installing and introducing wireless telecommunication (mobile phone) systems.

– Held discussions and passed preliminary contract stages on developing major and minor dams, construction companies, building projects and the reconstruction and development of power and manufacturing factories.

– Plans for developing barren land, managing and expanding farms and forests and creating job opportunities were completed. Special teams were assigned and had begun work in some areas on the basis of exclusive orders.

– On top of tackling a myriad of problems, the Islamic Emirate had also taken essential steps towards ending the inherited economic crisis and new bank notes were approved for printing via contract with Germany. A big proof of this is the label of Islamic Emirate printed on the very first bank notes distributed during the initial stages of Hamid Karzai’s rule.

Brief look at the political, social and economical crisis following the invasion:

All people of our beloved homeland are of the firm belief that the Americans can never be well-wishers of the Afghans. If at one time they talked about humanitarianism and good-will to deceive the people, her seventeen-year occupation unequivocally proved to every individual that their strategy and modus operandi are in conflict with the religious, political, national, social, economic, educational, cultural and all higher interests of the country, as the following examples shall display:

– Under a concrete American plan, the country has been pushed towards the brink of disintegration.

– Have continuously exerted efforts to keep Afghans trapped in the cycle of reliance and servitude.

– Seek to keep the Muslim nation in perpetual state of poverty, bankruptcy and deprivation.

– Seek to deviate common Muslims especially the new generation and women away from faith and good character through thousands of NGOs, networks and channels.

– In violation of all international humanitarian laws, the cultivation and use of opioids has been legitimized and promoted.

– In violation of public health regulations, the addiction rate of alcohol, opium, hashish and other narcotics has increased. Moreover, an alarming rate of increase has been observed in health-related issues caused by the overuse in gunpowder and chemicals in warfare, obscenity and other war-related disasters.

– An administration holding second place on the most corrupt countries index scale has been imposed on the country.

– No administrative body including the judicial system operate without bribes.

– Abduction, misappropriation, expropriation and smuggling continues through use of proxy strongmen and mafia circles.

– Creating deep rifts between various ethnicities that have peacefully lived with each other for centuries by planting seeds of hypocrisy and racism to ignite a prolonged ethnic and sectarian civil war among the Muslim nation.

– Weakening the effectiveness of true patriotic Afghans by spawning alien and evil groups and parties.

– Intentions of regionally keeping the country in a state that its survival depends on to their malicious intervention.

– US has deliberately appointed irresolute individuals familiar with committing crimes to senior posts and specifically to military formations in order to spill the blood of true Afghans and continue implementation of other nefarious plans.

– Have launched efforts to loot minerals and empty Afghanistan of economic reserves in a short period of time.

– Eliminate national and religious figures through mysterious murders.

– Bombing madrassas, battering the faithful and noble families in night raids and razing their homes.

– Destroying the bazaars, shops, villages, orchards and property of the believing Afghans under the justification of combating terrorism.

– The alarming increase in displacement and migration of true religious Afghans from their homeland due to the terror and savagery of the Americans and their trained mercenaries.

Concise and Logical way forward towards ending occupation and correcting the dire political, social and economic situation:

The Americans are pursuing the above and other similar evil plans through the support of misled Afghans.

So how can we rescue our beloved homeland from such historic crisis? The only righteous and logical way forward is to remain vigilant, not waste opportunities and continually work to strengthen the ranks of Jihad and lawful resistance.

As America has been left exhausted, defeated and deterred from pursuing great malicious plans due to the seventeen-year sacred Jihad and immense sacrifices, it is necessary that we increase our efforts and pace our practical strides to safeguard ourselves from their evil and harm.

The countrymen still serving the interests of invaders by taking their salaries and guidance should understand and be made to understand that their presence under the shadow occupation is the major and most important cause for the war and sustainment of invasion. If they abandon ranks of the invaders then they (invaders) will have no other choice but to leave immediately.

Therefore, we once again call them to establish contact with the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, attain letters of security from the Preaching and Guidance department and return to living an ordinary life alongside their brethren, just as the thousands of others who left the Kabul administration over the previous years and are living among their people in a secure environment.

We assure them that the Islamic Emirate shall be a guarantor of their life, wealth and honor and they shall benefit from all the rights afforded to every free and honorable Afghan citizen.

And Allah is Surety over what we say


Head Office of Commission for Preaching, Guidance and Recruitment

28/03/1440 Hijri Lunar

15/09/1397 Hijri Solar 12/06/2018 Gregorian


Source: Telegram