It is with immense sorrow that we received confirmation that Al Haaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhond, who was the minister of defense during Islamic Emirate and the deputy of Islamic Emirate during the current barbaric invasion of Afghanistan under the leadership of America, has passed away in a Pakistani prison. Surely to Allah we belong and to Him is the return.
The honorable Mujahid was detained by the government of Pakistan on the 3rd of January 2007 in the province of Balouchistan while on a visit after which his whereabouts were unknown for a long period of time until recently, when his family received word that two years from today, on March the 5th 2010, the mentioned person passed away from heart complications while being held in a prison in the city of Karachi. To validate this distressing news, the family has attained trustworthy evidence which confirms his passing away however it is still not established if this distinguished personality of the Islamic Ummah and Afghanistan passed away due to heart complications or if he was martyred due to torture while being imprisoned.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, on the occasion of the passing away of Al Haaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhond, would like to extend its commiseration, condolences, and consolation to his distinguished family, all the Mujahideen and the people of Afghanistan as well as the entire Muslim Ummah. Just as the mentioned Mujahid devoted his soul in his Jihadi life and path to his Creator and Lord Almighty, we supplicate to Allah (SWT) to accept his martyrdom and grant him the highest ranks in Paradise (al Firdows). Similarly, we ask Allah (SWT) to grant his relatives patience and a great reward.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers the martyrdom of Shaheed Mullah Obaidullah Akhond a void for the entire Islamic Ummah and especially Afghanistan which cannot be compensated and vigorously demand from the Pakistani officials to give the complete and factual information of Al Haaj Mullah Obaidullah’s detention, illness and death to the Islamic Emirate. In this regard, we also hold the International Red Cross responsible as the news of the martyrdom of Al Haaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhond was received after a period of 2 years and also for not providing any type information about the concerned martyr and others to the families of these prisoners of Islamic Emirate who are held in Pakistan and we also demand that they fill this shortcoming in the future as it is their obligation.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, at a time when all of the non Muslim states and nations have violated its country, considers it very unfortunate that it is targeted with such inhumane actions by some Islamic countries every now and again. Today, the Afghan nation is considered homeless, helpless and oppressed only because of their crime of Islamic valor. On the account of Islamic brotherhood, we call on all the Islamic nations and its people to behave in a brotherly manner with all the Afghan immigrants, travelers and prisoners in all parts of the world.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Short biography
Al Haaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhond was the son of the Al Haaj Mullah Yaar Muhammad Akhond Sahib and the grandson of a famous religious scholar of his time, the late Al Haaj Mullah Fath Muhammad Akhond. Al Haaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhond opened his eyes to this transient world in the village of Alkozo, Nalgham area, Zhiri district in the year 1388 hijri.
The late (may Allah have mercy on him) had just reached his teenage years when the rule of the soviet invaders was forced upon our beloved country.
During this period, the late (may Allah have mercy on him), due to his religious zeal joined the front of the famous Taliban commander, Haji Mullah Muhammad Sadiq Akhond and fought shoulder to shoulder with his armed brothers against the invading infidels and was quickly promoted as the head commander of this front after showing exceptional capability and sincerity.
It is said that during the hard periods of Jihad, the late (may Allah have mercy on him) was wounded multiple times and was once wounded in Mahlajat area of Kandahar city while fighting in the same trench with the esteemed Commander of the faithful, Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid. The late (may Allah have mercy on him) was busy with his armed struggle in Kandahar until the very last moments of Jihad against Communism while continuing it in the front of Mullah Muhammad Sadiq Akhond, which was famously known as the Taliban front.
During the factional chaos that ensued, the late (may Allah have mercy on him) was one of the first persons to endure various hardships from the initial stages of the establishment of the Taliban Islamic movement to bring order. Besides bearing other responsibilities for the Islamic movement, he also served as the commander of Kandahar corps until the liberation of Kabul.
One year before the liberation of Kabul, Mullah Obaidullah Akhond (may Allah have mercy on him) was captured by the fighters of Ismail Khan during a large scale offensive in Farah province on day of Eid but was released after a forty day period after a general prisoner exchange.
When the capital of Afghanistan was liberated by the Islamic movement, Mullah Obaidullah Akond (may Allah have mercy on him) was appointed the minister of defense by the Amir ul Mumineen.
Mullah Obaidullah Akhond (may Allah have mercy on him) was wounded seven times during his time with the Islamic movement while fighting on the various fronts and was fatally wounded the last time near Kalakano district center (north of Kabul) in which his neural system was also damaged.
When the capital Kabul and other major cities were evacuated by Islamic Emirate after the American attack, Mullah Obaidullah Akhond (may Allah have mercy on him) also travelled to Kandahar from Kabul through Charasyab and Logar and with newfound spirit, presented himself with the initiation of Jihad and was later appointed as his deputy by the esteemed Amir ul Mumineen.
Mullah Obaidullah Akhond (may Allah have mercy on him) was also always busy in trying to complete his religious studies alongside his Jihadi activities and was even busy with studying books from Warha Dawrah (one year before graduation) right before being detained.
In the end, the righteous warrior and Mujahid of the right path gave up his soul to the caller of death while he had spent all his life in the service of this divine religion, Jihad, learning and establishment of an Islamic government without any distractions. May his soul rest in peace and memory live on forever.
Surely to Allah we belong and to Him is the return.