New statement from the Islamic State of Iraq [al-Qā’idah in Iraq]: "Warning to the Egyptian Christian Church"

UPDATE: Here is an unedited English translation of the below message:
In the name of God the Merciful
Almighty says: {and do not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion if they could} [Baqarah: verse 217].
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions .. After:
Fbtoger of the War Department Islamic State of Iraq, and support our sisters Muslim vulnerable prisoners in the land of Egypt, Muslim, and after planning and careful selection, sheds a group angry with the friends of Allah the Mujahideen, the Walker unclean from the nests of polytheism, which has long taken by the Christians of Iraq, the seat of war, the religion of Islam and Irsada those who fought, Vtmknua the grace of God and from the families of the meeting and in full control of the entrances,
The Mujahideen in the Islamic State of Iraq wait around for the Church of Egypt Christian warrior and the head of kufr (down eight and forty hours), to indicate if the sisters in religion, Almosurat in prisons, monasteries, infidelity and the churches of polytheism in Egypt, and release them all of them, and the announcement through the news media up to the mujahideen in grace period,
And includes this warning from the his grip the mind of the heads of Christians and their churches and their organizations in the country in the world, who have an impact on the church fight and to pressure it, otherwise you will not hesitate to Youth Unification – The Althvo belts devices – in the liquidation of the prisoners warlords of Iraq’s Christians, and open them after that in this country and other doors shall perish, God willing, Khaddraihm break the thorn and require little of God, written on them, and make them an example to all of an archetype of Satan venesection from the religion of God and dared to book and the Prophet peace be upon him and symptoms of Muslims and their rituals .. {Want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, though the Unbelievers may detest} [al-Saff: 8].
It should be noted detest Christians of all denominations and bee who Suddenly this religion Aziz weakness affiliated with it, Vtmalo the war against Islam, and the making of the book of God and a person Messenger peace be upon him object of contempt and ridicule, that the time of humiliation is gone forever, and that of Islam, men filled with faith in their hearts, So they, without the religion of Allah Nhoarham, The Hunt for God’s sake their blood, and they see these impurities and the like of them hate, even after a while, Fraip Islam to be raised, and the religion of Mohammed to be apparent however much the idolaters and hypocrites: {it is Who sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, however much the idolaters} [al-Saff: 8-9].
God is the greatest
{Glory be to God, His Prophet and the believers, but the hypocrites do not know}
The Ministry of Information / Islamic State of Iraq

Flag of al-Qaeda in Iraq.svg

  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
يقول تعالى: {وَلا يَزَالُونَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ حَتَّى يَرُدُّوكُمْ عَنْ دِينِكُمْ إِنِ اسْتَطَاعُوا}[البقرة: من الآية217]. الحمد لله ربّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.. وبعد: فبتوجيهٍ من وزارة الحرب بدولة العراق الإسلامية، ونُصرةً لأخواتنا المسلمات المستضعفات الأسيرات في أرض مِصر المُسلمة، وبعد تخطيط واختيار دقيق، صالت ثلّةٌ غاضبةٌ من أولياء الله المجاهدين، على وكرٍ نجسٍ من أوكار الشّرك التي طالما اتّخذها نصارى العراق مقرّا لحرب دين الإسلام وإرصادا لمن حاربه، فتمكّنوا بفضل من الله ومنّه من أسرِ المجتمعين فيه والسيطرة على مداخله بالكامل، وإنّ المجاهدين في دولة العراق الإسلاميّة يُمهلون كنيسة مصر النّصرانيّة المُحاربة ورأس الكفر فيها (ثمانياً وأربعينَ) ساعة، لتبيان حالِ أخواتنا في الدّين، المأسورات في سُجون أديرة الكفر وكنائس الشّرك في مِصر، وإطلاقِ سراحهنّ جميعهنّ، والإعلان عن ذلك عبر وسيلة إعلاميّة تصلُ إلى المجاهدين في فترة الإمهال، ويُشملُ بهذا الإنذار مَنْ كانت له مِسكةُ عقل من رؤوس النّصارى وكنائسهم ومنظماتهم في بلاد العالم، ممّن له تأثير على تلك الكنيسة المحاربة والضغط عليها، وإلا فلن يتردّد ليوثُ التّوحيد – وقد التحفوا أحزمتهم النّاسفة- في تصفية الأسرى الحربيّين من نصارى العراق، ولتنفتح عليهم بعد ذلك في هذه البلاد وغيرها أبوابٌ تُبيدُ بإذن الله خضرائهم وتكسرُ شوكتهم وتُلزمهم الصّغار الذي كتبه الله عليهم، وتجعلهم عبرةً لكلّ من ركبه الشّيطان فصدّ عن دين الله وتجرّأ على كتابه ونبيّه صلّى الله عليه وسلّم وأعراض المسلمين وشعائرهم.. {يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ}[الصف: 8]. وليعلم المُشركون النّصارى بكلِّ مللِهم ونِحلهم ممّن غرّه بهذا الدّين العزيز تخاذلُ المحسوبين عليه، فتمالأَ على حرب الإسلام، وجعلَ من كتاب الله وشخص رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلّم غرضاً للاستهانة والاستهزاء، أنّ زمن الذّل قد ولّى إلى غير رجعة، وأنّ للإسلام رجالاً ملأ الإيمان قلوبهم، فجعلوا دون دين الله نحورهم، وهانت في سبيل الله دمائهم، وليريَنّ هؤلاء الأنجاس وأمثالُهم منهم ما يكرهون، ولو بعد حين، فراية الإسلام لابدّ مرفوعةٌ، ودين محمدٍ لابدّ ظاهرٌ ولو كره المشركون والمنافقون: {هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ}[الصف: 8-9]. والله أكبر {وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ} وزارة الإعلام / دولة العراق الإسلامية المصدر: (مركز الفجر للإعلام)  

Halloween Special – Recent article from 'Umar Bakrī Muḥammad: "Halloween: Trick or Shirk"

NOTE: ‘Umar Bakrī Muḥammad was the founder and leader of al-Muhājirūn in Britain prior to it disbanding in 2004. Since then, there have been a variety of al-Muhājirūn successor groups in Britain as well as the United States (e.g. Islam4UK, Savior Sect, al-Ghurabā’, Islamic Thinkers Society, Revolution Muslim, Iẓhārudīn, Muslims against Crusades, and others). Following the 7/7 attack Bakrī Muḥammad moved to Lebanon after living in London for more than 20 years. He is still currently associated with the British jihadist scene through over the internet communication and live speeches online. al-Muhājirūn and its successor groups have been involved or linked to a variety of terrorist attacks or plots. Some of the larger ones include: Mohammed Bilal Suicide Bombing (India) in 2000, Mike’s Bar Bombing, Tel Aviv in 2003, Operation Crevice in 2004, 7/7 and 7/21 in 2005, Operation Praline in 2005, Toronto 18 in 2006, and 9/11 Anniversary Plot in 2009.

Every year thousands upon thousands of young children are encouraged to dress-up as devils, witches, ghosts and many other various demonic figures. This act is followed by knocking from door to door requesting a treat or being tricked as part of the Halloween festival. During the Halloween season, schools, movies, cartoons, shops etc work very hard in promoting and legitimizing Halloween as a celebration worth celebrating.
As Muslims who are firm believers in the Day of Judgement and responsible guardians of our children, it is important to take all necessary steps to safeguard ourselves and children from any practices that will lead to Hellfire, a punishment which is seventy times hotter than the fires of this world. Allah (SWT) said,
“O you who believe! save yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones..” [66:6]
Before we encourage our children or ourselves to participate in the Halloween celebrations we must know what does Halloween stand for, and what effect will it have on our deeds on the Day when we will stand before Allah, giving an account for every single deed we do in our lives.
Halloween is a mixture of Paganistic (idol worshippers) and Christian belief and practice. The Idol worshippers believed that during the night of the 31st of October the gods would play tricks/pranks on their worshipers that would bring danger and cause fear on them. To be safeguarded from the mischief of these gods, the worshippers would offer treats to their gods in the form sacrifices, food, gifts etc hence the notion “Trick or Treat”.  In current time children as well as adults dress up as creatures of the evil, scaring people (trick) unless they give a sacrifice (i.e. a treat). For the Christians Halloween is a celebration of all the Saints that have passed away or were martyred/killed in the path of serving and establishing Christianity. Christians would spend the night before (31st October) in holding all night Vigils.
To summarize Halloween is:
–           Belief in evil gods
–           Imitating evil gods
–           Offering sacrifice to evil gods to be free from their mischief
–          Praying and remembering dead Christian activist
Realising this reality of Halloween, the true believer in the One and Only true God (Allah ) we must ask what is the Islamic ruling on: Belief in false gods, pretending to be a false god, offering sacrifice to a false god and praying for the dead from the non-Muslims? What is the Islamic ruling on celebrating Halloween i.e. Dressing up in costumes, asking for treats, offering treats, decorating houses, displaying pumpkins?
To believe in or participate in Halloween is an act of Shirk (associating partners with Allah) the greatest crime any person can commit, so severe it is that Allah (SWT) will never forgive the one that commits Shirk and dies upon it. For Allah said,
“Verily! Allâh forgives not (the sin of) setting up partners in worship with Him, but He forgives whom he pleases sins other than that, and whoever sets up partners in worship with Allâh, has indeed strayed far away.” [4:116]
Any person that offers a treat on the night of Halloween will be upon him the curse of Allah, for verily the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said,
“Allah curses him who sacrifices to other than Allah.” [muslim]
Those that practice any non-Islamic celebrations or imitates/copies the behaviour any people is the same as them, because the Messenger of Allah said,
“Whoever imamates a group of people he is one of them”. [abu dawood]
As Muslims we are responsible for purifying the lands from any corruption hence we are duty bound to eradicate all evil and the worst is Shirk (giving the right of Allah to another).
Dear Muslims we must realise and understand that any practices, celebrations that do not come from Islam are evil, because if it was good then Allah (SWT) would have included it in our Deen. Halloween is an evil celebration which promotes worship and sacrifice to false gods, an evil that pollutes one’s belief and worship to Allah. Halloween is a form of Shirk and disobedience introduced by Shaytaan in the form of a trick, enjoyment and celebration.
Therefore do not participate in this evil, do not purchase anything item to do with Halloween, do not let your children go knocking from door to door for treats, do not give any treats, warn your family members, warn your relatives, warn other Muslims and the non-Muslims about this great evil.

New interview from the Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: "The Untold Reality Of Kandahar Operation (Part 2)"

NOTE: This interview is from the Afghan Ṭālibān and unedited below. To see the first part click here.

Zul Qadah 21, 1431 A.H, Saturday, October 30, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Zhiri district is located to the south of Kandahar-Herat main highway and has been a solid base and under the control of Islamic Emirate Mujahideen for the past 9 years. Previously the invaders only had outposts on the main highway but due to the recent operations have expanded those to Pashmool and Sanzari areas. For recent information on the situation in the district, Alemarah interviewed the Military commander for this district, Mullah Ateequllah Agha.
Alemarah: Can you please give us information about the recent enemy operation and on the situation in the district?
Mullah Ateequllah Agha: As you might already know that Zhiri is known as the most hostile district for the enemy for the past 9 years and especially Sang-e-Sar and Pashmool areas where the enemy has not been able to take over and has proved very deadly for its forces. The southern parts of the districts have been completely under our control which the enemy has never even attempted to enter.
The enemy was real frustrated due to the constant attacks by Mujahideen on the main highway which immensely disrupted the movement of their military and logistical convoys and therefore started the huge push towards Sang-e-Sar, Pashmool and Sanzari areas by bringing hundreds of tanks, foot soldiers bombing the areas by Jets, cruise missiles etc. Due to their cruel and barbaric blind bombings, the residents of Pashmool and Sanzari have fled during a time when they were supposed to collect their harvests. Mujahideen countered their strategy by adopting guerilla warfare from which the enemy has suffered more damage than at any other time. You might have heard through the media of the tanks being blown up every day in Pashmool and Sanzari areas and the retaliatory ambushes and attacks against their foot patrols. Similarly the invaders arrested civilians after forcing their way into their homes at night.
So due to our resistance, the enemy has not gained any ground in some parts and in others where they have gains some ground, it has come after much suffering and deadly losses. Overall the enemy’s force is winded up, they have only added 2 outposts each in Pashmool and Sanzari areas and the Mujahideen numbers which were decreased for the initial enemy push have returned back to their normal levels.
Alemarah: How much new ground has the enemy gained from this operation?
Mullah Ateequllah Agha: The enemy has not gained an inch of territory in Sang-e-Sar, which is only 100 meters away from the main highway. They have gained some ground in Sanzari but after intense bombing and making headway by demolishing people’s homes, fields and other property. They also made ground towards the south of Pashmool up to Rod area but in all areas the advance has been short term because they have all returned to the 4 new outposts made in civilians homes and all their military equipment has also been vacated from the rest of the regions.
Alemarah: It is said that the enemy has severely bombed the areas bringing huge destruction to the civilians?
Mullah Ateequllah Agha: Like in the rest of Kandahar province, Zhiri has also experienced enormous destruction to civilian property from the barbaric enemy. Although the exact facts and figures have not been compiled but I will summarize some of the damage done that we have witnessed in a few points.
1. Nearly 80% of civilians have become homeless due to the ruthless bombings from cruise missiles, canon rounds and other types of bombs dropped in all of Zhiri from Kandahar airfield. The civilians have also suffered deaths and nearly all of the people’s homes and other property have been completely destroyed.
2. Hundreds of homes have been utterly demolished in the area between the main highway and Wyala of Sang-e-Sar as the enemy claims that their convoys and bases are always attacked from this area.
3. The barbaric enemy has filled streams with dirt, demolished homes and blown apart all the greenery in Pashmool, Sanzari, Syachowi and also the other areas to make new roads due to the other roads being completely mined.
4. In all these areas, the enemy has destroyed homes with all its belongings inside. The homes were either already abandoned and if they weren’t, they would force its owners to leave by bulldozing the property’s walls.
5. The enemy has dropped types of bombs which have created massive craters and which have also burnt people’s fields and plants so to make an alternative way to enter due to fear of mines being placed on the main roads.
6. In this process, the enemy has Martyred, wounded and imprisoned countless civilians but we don’t have their exact figures.
Alemarah: The enemy claims to have caused Mujahideen many casualties, killed their leaders and also broken their hold on the district?
Mullah Ateequllah Agha: So far 10 Mujahideen have been Martyred which includes a group’s leader and he was not Martyred in Zhiri but rather in Reag district by a night raid. In contrast, the enemy has suffered immense casualties as you might also have heard from the media.
Alemarah: How do you see the result of the current situation and the operations result?
Mullah Ateequllah Agha: The current situation does not differ a lot from the situation before the operation began. Our groups in Pashmool and Sanzari have become active like before and like before, the enemy is always attacked as they come out of their newly built outposts in these areas and also the ones built on the main highway. The only result coming out of the operation is the death and destruction caused to the civilians which deplorably, the foreign and domestic media have been silent about.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New video message from the Emir of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Regarding the 'World Chechen Congress' and 'peace talks'"

UPDATE: Here is an unedited English translation of the below video via Kavkaz Center the media outlet for the Caucasus Emirate:
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful!
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you, Muslims brothers and sisters.
We had no particular wish to tell about events that are happening, but today we just have to do it, and we have to appear often in front of the camera in order to give necessary explanations for waking some people from their slumber.
Today, Iblis, or the Devil, is particularly active; he uses all his armies from amongst the infidels. Iblis also carries out his work through hypocrites. As we know, they (apostates) arranged concerts called “congresses” to deceive Muslims in Poland and here in Nokhchicho, or Chechnya, Province.
The concert in Poland was directed by Zakayev, so let us begin, perhaps, with this concert.
The Soros Foundation allocated $ 10 million to conduct the Zakayev’s concert in Poland under the name of a “congress”. Zakayev received that money.
What is the motivation for the allocation of this money? On the radio, they said money was allocated for “the congress” and for “achieving peace through political means”.
In other words, there is and there will be no use for the Jihad and Muslims from those 10 million, and no Barakat, or Blessings, from Allah will be there.
Muslims will never be allowed to establish the word of Allah on this earth by peaceful means. This was proved by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), when he (pbuh) moved to Medina.
When they gave a fight (to mushrikeen, or polytheists), people began to speak about them as a force. There were scarcely more than 300 Mujahideen with him in the first Battle of Badr.
And when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) returned to Mecca, the Mujahideen had 10 000 people, and polytheists met them with heads bowed low, which proves to us that the infidel does not recognize anything, any peaceful means, except force.
“The search for peaceful means” is carried out by them (the hypocrites and apostates) at a time when Allah is testing us (Mujahideen) with hunger and other deprivations. Enemies have seen that some of the Mujahideen are tired and deceived through preaching about a possibility of holding peace talks.
They (the hypocrites) are trying to deceive Muslims, leaning for support precisely on those (commanders who violated the pledge of allegiance), who organized here the fitna, the discord, which was announced at their Polish “congress”.
Thus, the main purpose of this “congress” was a split among the Mujahideen, a deepening of this split, taking advantage of the situation in which they (the Mujahideen) are … And there is no doubt about that.
No doubt because slogans that are used today by some brothers who arranged this fitna, such as – “we have no ray of hope”, “we have no tomorrow”, “we will not survive the winter”, “all of us were proclaimed terrorists”, and what is now told by Zakayev come from the same source.
From the same source and from the same pen, and there is no doubt about that.
I say that even if Zakayev gives today these $ 10 million or $ 100 million to the Mujahideen, they would evaporate, scatter, and there will be no use for the Muslims from it because no Soros Foundation will ever give money so that there will be some use for Islam from it. This is clear and needs no proof.
They never gave and will never give a penny for the benefit of Islam. Even if some of the money allocated by them (by the Soros Foundation and others like that) is used , for example, for building of mosques, it will be allocated only after they are convinced that the “worship” in them brings no real benefit for Islam.
The second concert of the enemies of Allah, following the first one, was held in the city (now Jokhar, formerly known as Grozny). This concert, directed by their chief “embodiment of justice”, gathered “smart” professors who made “smart” speeches, so that it might seem from aside that these people really said smart things!
One of them says that our people needs to acquire knowledge, that we need to attract knowing men for that, and makes other proposals that do not seem to be bad.
All this is good, but look! These proposals are made at a time when our people is being annihilated and abased, our men are killed, our women are kidnapped. Here is just a recent example: two women were kidnapped, and it goes on on daily basis when at least two or three women disappear not only here (in Nokhchicho), but also elsewhere in the Caucasus.
And they (the apostates/participants of the “congress”) make their “smart” speeches, when here, and all over the world we have Islam trampled, Muslims everywhere are suffering from abuse and humiliation!
This can be compared with such a picture – a man is drowning, and we stand on the bank and discuss how to help him best: maybe, this way, maybe, another way? But what is the use of our intelligent reasoning for the drowning man, if he is already drowned?
I appeal again to brothers and sisters, and especially to the Mujahideen with a call and a warning to be vigilant. And I swear by Allah, they (apostates) went out only in order to weaken us …
I will give you a short example: in 1996, somewhere in August, the first negotiation process started. The mediator was Tim Guldeman, an OSCE representative. There were about 15 field commanders among us, as they called us at that time. The fate of these commanders was different…
Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev just came. There was Shamil (Basayev) there, who stood up and addressed to all of the “field commanders”, and said, referring to the OSCE:
“Do not be fooled! These people didn’t gather today here out of solidarity with us.
These people arranged these negotiations only in order to save the infidels, defeated by the Muslims. Our demands should be: their (Russian) complete disarmament and withdrawal of troops from the Caucasus. We take an obligation to let the unarmed go”.
Our reaction (the former field commanders’) was unequivocal: I remember that all 15 men were ready to rush on Shamil, and I swear by Allah, I was among them!
At that time, we all thought he was crazy, because the war had to be finished…
Today, time showed how right he (Shamil) was, and we could obtain that from the enemy when it was really crushed and helpless!
Subsequent events showed that it was really so, because even at that time, the victory from Allah
for the Mujahideen who fought in Nokhchicho, could be only the hope in the Almighty, the Tawakkul. However, their (OSCE) mission was only to conceal and lower the significance of victorious achievements of the Mujahideen through negotiations.
In order to create an impression that they allegedly achieved a cease fire, these people (the OSCE) tried, as mediators, to impose in every possible way “free elections” and everything else, which subsequently led to a division among brothers, a split and a feud. And those who yesterday fought side by side, shoulder to shoulder, became enemies to each other. It is for this purpose that those mediators were engaged.
So I say today to the Mujahideen, and I swear by Allah that the “congress” in Poland, and the proposals for “peaceful means”, etc. – it is not true, brothers, it is a lie! We know about Bosnia, Kosovo, about everything what is happening today in the Islamic world.
Look here, brothers, a good example for that is Sudan, which is being openly divided into different parts, and nothing is asked from the authorities of the country. Southern Sudan is separated from the country by so-called “peacekeepers”.
The Koran says that disbelievers will not leave us alone until we do not follow their religion, may Allah preserve us from this! There is no sense for us to wait for help from them till the moment when we abandon our religion and follow their passions.
Therefore, brothers, I urge you to be vigilant, and I swear by Allah, those who arrange today the fitna here are deceived by those who lie from abroad, and this is evident from their similar demands: “allow us create a cabinet of ministers, open a ministry of foreign affairs, give us the right to negotiate” and so on.
Brothers, all that is not real, there is no “cabinet of ministers”, and there are no “negotiations”. The infidel is weakening and this is confirmed when he starts talking about “cabinets of ministers” and “negotiations”.
We do not need such negotiations, as we need no mediators, and no Western institutions. And if there is the will of Allah, we will do ourselves, Insha’Allah, everything which is necessary to do in this case. And you, brothers, strengthen your iman, or faith, your patience, rely on Allah and do not let be deceived.
This is my appeal to you! Brothers, beware, because the spread of the fitna comes from the emirs who have been earlier great emirs, and this fitna has a direct relationship with the fitna that comes from abroad.
The fitna which they arranged abroad came here, and so I ask you: do not let yourself turn into a speechless tree.
At this point, I conclude my speech. May Allah direct us to the true path and establish justice between us.

NOTE: The below video addresses the World Chechen Congress, which was organized by Akhmed Zakayev, the leader of the nationalist-Islamist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria

New video from the Islamic Emirate of Gaza: "Soldiers of Tawḥīd"

UPDATE: Christopher Anzalone of Views from the Occident sent me a message clarifying the issue with the logos stating:

The logo in the video is different from JaTwJ’s, though the logo that appeared in the thread where it was posted was JaTwJ’s (perhaps used as a generic marker). The video intro editing is similar to other Gazan groups, making my hunch that there is fluidity in the various groups and that they share a “media wing” (probably a handful of shabab) even stronger.

NOTE: This is the first time I have ever heard of the Islamic Emirate of Gaza. The logo used by this group appears to be similar to Jāma’at Tawḥīd wal-Jihād, a Gaza-based global jihadist group that sympathizes with the al-Qā’idah worldview. Therefore, they might have changed their name to sound more legitimate.

[item image]

Articles of the Week – 10/23-10/29

Saturday October 23:
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 33 Issue 11 released:
Gadahn and Awlaki, Together At Last? – J.M. Berger, IntelWire:
Things We don’t know – Gregory D. Johnsen, Waq al-Waq:
Thoughts and Analysis on Gadahn’s new video – Aaron Y. Zelin, Jihadology:
Monday October 25:
Militancy in Pakistan’s Borderlands – Hassan Abbas, The Century Foundation:
Al Qaeda’s media plays follow the leader – Christopher Anzalone, The AfPak Channel:
Awlaki Visited the Pentagon in 2001: Was This A Security Failure? – Mark Stout, Spy Blog:
Tuesday October 26:
A Crash Course in Jihadi Theory (Part 2) – Joas Wagemakers, Jihadica:

Experiments in Map-Making – Kal, The Moor Next Door:

Wednesday October 27:
Al-Qaeda and the Coptic Converts – Florian Flade, Jih@d Blog:
Saudi Fatwa Restrictions and the State-Clerical Relationship – Christopher Boucek, Arab Reform Bulletin:
Thursday October 28:
Dusting Off a Forgotten Counter-Narrative – Howard G. Clark, Free Rad!cals:
Grozny Attack Indicates Revival of Chechen Nationalist Insurgency – Murad Batal Al-Shishani, Central Asia – Caucasus Institute Analyst:
Charting the Revival of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan – Roman Muzalevsky, Terrorism Monitor:
Why Is Osama bin Laden Going After the French? – Andrew Lebovich, Foreign Policy:
The German martyrs and the Turkish groups – Mr. Orange’s War Tracker:
Friday October 29:
Death Toll In Grozny Parliament Attack May Have Been Far Higher – Liz Fuller, Caucasus Report:
Osama at the Top of His Game – Michael Scheuer, The National Interest:
Factional Divisions within the Chechen Separatist Movement – Mairbek Vatchagaev, North Caucasus Analysis:

New statement from the Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: "US War In Afghanistan Unjustifiable, Unwinable And Intolerable"

NOTE: This message is from the Afghan Ṭālibān and unedited below.

Zul Qadah 19, 1431 A.H, Thursday, October 28, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
The US invasion of Afghanistan which has extending more than 10 years has had nothing good to offer the Afghans and the world, except terror, torture, bloodshed and massacres.
It is an indisputable fact, that the US despite all its dirty tricks has been unable to win the hearts and minds of the Afghans, on the contrary, hundreds of thousands of Afghans, from every part of the country, have stunningly turned to Jihad which has created anti-American feelings in every corner of the country.
If armed and given the opportunity, Afghans inflict irreparable blows on the US invading forces and its allies, attacking the enemy in their homes, fields, roads and bazaars, living under constant fear has undoubtedly put the US and its allies in a state of shock and panic, in spite of enemy high-tech weaponry which it has utilized in carrying on all kind of brutalities and oppression, has failed to capture an inch of Afghan soil, nor it has been able to prevent the Afghan masses from taking vengeance and doing Jihad along with Mujahideen.
There is much to be learned from this undeniable fact that Mujahideen’s strong spirit of faith is not merely a theoretical but practical, seeing the strong resistance against the enemy in the northern Afghanistan are much the same as in southern Afghanistan, those individuals who are provided with an opportunity by Mujahideen to do Jihad keep carrying out their mission without regional, racial and linguistic prejudice and stand shoulder to shoulder with Mujahideen, supporting them and taking part in operations against the enemy, besides giving the Mujahideen shelter during the night, this proofs that all the claims by the enemy and their puppets, that day by day the Kabul puppet regime is winning the confidence of the Afghan people are unfounded propaganda and lies.
The Afghan nation has realized the fact that the only cause of the deviation of the new generation and destabilization of the Afghan national integrity and sovereignty is the continuation of the US invasion, whereas the withdrawal of the US invaders and their allies is the only way to save and maintain the Islamic values by forming a united Afghan nation.
On the other hand, there is a growing support against the Afghan war, people are openly showing their dislikes to the US invasion of Afghanistan. Last week, in a debate on the current Afghan war, the Australian parliamentary members strongly opposed to the war representing the views of the majority of the voters and described the Afghan war as “unwinable and unjustifiable”.
From the standpoint of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the US invaders forces has not only suffered defeat at the hands of Mujahideen in Afghanistan but has also faced a defeat back home and in other Western countries, we are also witnessing an increase in worldwide criticism of US, as masses around the world are willing to help Afghans to end the war and achieve their independence.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan