The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan spokesman’s remarks about Petraeus’ new propaganda machine

NOTE: This message is from the Afghan Ṭālibān and unedited below.

Gen. Petraeus, the US and NATO invaders commander’s propaganda machine is going about its deceitful business in Afghanistan. His new organized propaganda, a war zone within media is to spread disinformation, negative spin propaganda against the Mujahideen and the current situation of the country, in the hopes of clouding the truth and keeping the public especially Afghan masses disillusioned about the ground realities.
Gen. Petraeus, in his interviews with the mainstream media outlets has reiterated over and over again that the invading forces have made considerable progress in the central and southern parts of the country over the past few months and that they have pushed the Mujahideen back, limiting the areas in which they were operating and reducing the number of Mujahideen operations.
The Islamic Emirate, in an attempt to provide the world with the awareness of the facts and figures and what the reality is, invites reporters to Afghanistan to survey the overall situation, particularly in those areas in which Gen. Petaeus has claimed to have made progress.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan guarantees the safety of the media personals and offers any help in this regard providing that the invaders may do the same. We believe it is a good opportunity to surface the facts, so the propaganda of Gen. Patraeus can be exposed, who is bent on tricking the world.
Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi

Jāma’at Tawḥīd wal-Jihād: "Statement to the Islamic Ummah regarding the criminal acts committed by the government (HAMAS) of Gaza"

NOTE: Jāma’at Tawḥīd wal-Jihād is a Palestinian jihādī-takfīrī group based in Gaza. The statement discusses the crimes committed by HAMAS against the true Mujāhidīn and the civilians of Gaza. This is has become an important theme within the jihādī literature over the past few years especially from Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī (“the most influential living jihādī theorist”) and Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Usāmah Bin Lāden’s deputy.

Jam’aat Al-Tawheed wal-Jihad- Statement to the Islamic Ummah regarding the criminal acts committed by the government of Gaza
[scribd id=36580288 key=key-ci9j45cglfq1d1tqzu2 mode=list]

al-Fajr Media presents the eighth lesson within the Creating terrorism program by Abū ‘Ubaydah ‘Abdullah

Articles of the Week – 8/21-8/27

Saturday August 21:
The Shiites of Saudi Arabia – Joshua Teitelbaum, Current Trends in Islamist Ideology
Sunday August 22:
Summary & Analysis of AQIM’s new video release “On The Occasion of Ramadan Fighting is Ordained for You” – Aaron Y. Zelin, al-Maktabah Blog:
A guide to the global jihad on Facebook – Aaron Weisburd, Internet Haganah
ICT’s Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group release its Periodical Review August 2010 – No. 1
Monday August 23:
Constructing the Revolution: The Social Psychological Development of Radical Spiritual Leaders – John Ty Grubbs, Small Wars Journal
Tuesday August 24:
How Arab Governments Resist the Trend to Democracy – Amr Hamzawy, U.S. News & World Report
A Litmus Test for Yemen – Chris Harnisch, The National Review Online
Terrorism in China? – Joshua Foust, PBS Need to Know:
Wednesday August 25:
Mauritania Car Bombing at Nema – Kal, The Moor Next Door:
Jihadi Forums Silent on Cordoba Controversy – Max Fisher, The Atlantic:
Cordoba House frenzy fuels terrorists’ extremist agenda – Malcolm Nance, The National
How Arabs view the anti-mosque movement – Marc Lynch, Abu Aardvark:
From ‘Martyrdom’ Videos to Jihadi Journalism in Somalia – Christopher Anzalone, Informed Comment:
How to Handle Hamas- The Perils of Ignoring Gaza’s Leadership – Daniel Byman, Foreign Affairs
The Anarchic Republic of Pakistan – Ahmed Rashid, National Interest
Thursday August 26:
From the floods, Pakistan’s next generation emerges – Amil Khan, AfPak Channel
The Legal War on Terror for the week of 8/20-8/26 – Andrew Lebovich, Foreign Policy:
Friday August 27:
Bitter religious fighting over mosque plays right into al-Qaeda’s hands – Evan F. Kohlmann, The Washington Post
Removal of N.Ossetian Mufti Sparks Fears its Muslims May Choose Radical Path – Valery Dzutsev, North Caucasus Analysis

New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “Announcement of al-Katāayb Media News Channels New Logo"

NOTE: Al-Katāayb Foundation for Media Productions is the media center used by al-Qā’idah-linked Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn based in Somalia. For more on the history and evolution of al-Shabāb’s media read Christopher Anzalone’s, doctoral student at McGill University, recent articleFrom ‘Martyrdom’ Videos to Jihadi Journalism in Somalia.” Below is an unedited English translation of the statement in Arabic, which is below the English statement.

Thanks to Allah who said: (And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.) Prayers and peace be up-on His prophet who said: “Criticize them, whose hands my soul, it is (critics) harder on them than arrows” who also said: “Criticize them and the Holy Spirit is with you”
The Media battle waged by the Mujahideen is one of the hardest and most important in our war against the zio-crusaders infidels, which made us, the caretakers of the media jihad gaps in our beloved Somali front, to strive hard to develop methods for media combat and to advance weapon of jihadi media to report the truth to the people as it is from the battlefields. Also this is to transfer the voice of Mujahideen to the whole world and to defend the Muslims with the help of Allah.
In this sense, the sense of preparation, collection and carrying the Amanah with all our capabilities, we are pleased in the Al-Kataib Media Production, to bring the good news to all the believers about the birth of the “Al-Kataib News Channel” a specialized news channel transmitting the truth directly from the battlefield in audio and video. The team will work hard in transmitting the news of mujahideen directly to the people, away from the fraud, misrepresentation and manipulation of channels of lies and media fabrication. Their plots are reversed on them thanks to Allah the Almighty
The “Al-Kataib News Channel” came to teach.. to tell.. and to incite.. in honor of the martyrs who covered battlefields with their blood in various fronts; east and west, south and north. This came in defense of the victories of the Mujahideen who broke the pride of the infidel West, scattered its papers and made their senior commanders lose their minds. This in support of the Muwahideen’s patience and persistence in the land of pride. This for those who have made a glorious history loaded with invasions and victories. This is in preparation for the dream awaited by millions of Muslims of an Islamic caliphate, which is so close to us, so we tease the infidels and we heal the pain of believers for the sake of accomplishing the great Amanah for which precious blood and souls of our beloved sons in this beloved Ummah were shed
On this occasion, we announce the official logo of the channel, which will appear on all versions, God willing, look for it and disseminate it may Allah support you and stead-fasten you steps.

We ask Allah that this would be the right channel platform of the Mujahideen, the thorn in the throats of the infidels and hypocrites, and we ask Allah to help everyone contributing in this work and to guide them to His way.

Thanks to Allah and prayer and peace be upon the Prophet and his family and companions.

Click here for a safe PDF copy of the statement: Announcement of Al-Kataib News Channel Logo

New statement from the Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: "Few Facts Gen. Petraeus Has To Realize"

NOTE: This message is from the Afghan Ṭālibān and unedited below.

Ramadan 14, 1431 A.H, Wednesday, August 25, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
With the Gen. Petraes taking charge as a new commander of invading forces in Afghanistan, the media and analysts have began to call him as the last and best hope of the America in Afghanistan and he has been considered as a far more experienced than any other US general with extraordinary war tactics, plans and strategies, a gifted leader without equal.
But come to think of if, who knows the wisdom of Allah (swt) in bringing disgrace and humiliation to such intelligent warriors and skilled combat tacticians as previous Gen. Mc Chrystal, who was fired by his own government and was subject to hatred and has been made fool of or his replacement, Gen Petraeus who seems to have lost his sanity and preposterously does and says what makes no sense, an utter nuisance.
It may really come as a surprise that Pentagon is now trying to reveal the fact that “Modafinil” a performance enhancing and sleep removing drug, very effective while suffering from anxiety and depression are no longer working on the US forces in Afghanistan as the soldiers are living under constant fear of being attacked and killed by Afghan Mujahideen.
In spite of all this, the US generals, in talks with media and press correspondents, claim they are in command of Afghan war and that they have been making headway for the past few months on the ground in Afghanistan.
True to his words, Gen. Peraeus is to come up with the documented facts regarding their combat achievements and headways which are, indeed, drawbacks and their failure is a well established fact known to Afghan masses and mainstream media, what really accounts for his success is only the increased civilian casualties and massacre of the innocent Afghan civilians which hit a record high and that is what he has achieved during his mission in Afghanistan so far.
The strangest thing yet to come is the defeated Gen. Peraeus’ claims and good account of the success the forces in Southern Helmand and Kandahar provinces where the most fatal losses and severest damages have been inflicted on the part of the US-UK invaders forces and their allies.
Once, a Russian professor, Igor Panarin, in interview said that the US forces are no longer in the position to fight the Afghan war, not to mention wining it. Thus, the US would, at least, break into six parts due to the financial crisis which bring the US Empire to the collapse.
The way things are, Gen. Petraeus should not make hallow promises to the US nation and raise false hopes of the fact that the Afghan war is like to be won, if he really wants to carry out his mission in Afghanistan, he is to consider putting an end to the war rather wining it. It is crystal clear that the US and its allies are unable to win Afghan war.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New statement from Jamā'at Anṣār al-Sunnah claiming responsibility for an RPG and mortar attack on an Israeli army patrol east of Gaza

NOTE: Jamā’at Anṣār al-Sunnah is an al-Qā’idah-linked group based in the Gaza Strip. Jama’at Ansar al-Sunnah in Gaza claimed responsibility a for rocket attack this past March, which landed in Israel, killing a Thai worker. The attack was in response for the so-called “Judaization” of sites both holy to Jews and Muslims.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قال تعالى {فَلَمْ تَقْتُلُوهُمْ وَلَـكِنَّ اللّهَ قَتَلَهُمْ وَمَا رَمَيْتَ إِذْ رَمَيْتَ وَلَـكِنَّ اللّهَ رَمَى }الأنفال17
بفضل من الله وتوفيقه تمكن إخوانكم الموحدين في جماعة أنصار السنة أكناف بيت المقدس من إستهداف دورية للجيش اليهودي على الحدود الشرقية لمدينة غزة
بقذيفة RPG وقذيفتي هاون عيار 60 ملم وذلك في تمام الساعة 5:20 من صباح اليوم الأربعاء الخامس عشر من شهر رمضان المبارك للعام 1431 هـ
وتم انسحاب المجاهدين بسلام ولله الحمد والمنة
وتأتي هذه العملية المباركة ضمن>> صولة الفرسان في شهر رمضان <<
جهادنا مستمر وغاراتنا متواصلة حتى تحكيم شرع الله في أرضه
والله غالب على أمره ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
والحمد لله رب العالمين
جماعة أنصار السنة – أكناف بيت المقدس
الأربعاء الخامس عشر من رمضان للعام 1431 هـ
الموافق 25 /8/2010 م

New statement from The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: "Regarding Petraeus’s Latest Remarks"

NOTE: This message is from the Afghan Ṭālibān and unedited below.

Ramadan 13, 1431 A.H, Tuesday, August 24, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
The commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan David Patraeus, in an interview with BBC radio said that the momentum of the Taliban has been reversed in the south of the country and capital Kabul and that if his strategy were be implemented more forcefully, they would see a much bigger chance of success in Afghanistan.
We believe due to pressure from Washington, the heavy workload that he inherited from previous generals and his strategy’s complete failure have forced him to turn to the media to try and portray his defeat into a success story.
It is absolutely baffling to believe that a general could ridicule the intellect of the masses by making such preposterous claims about his forces complete and utter failure to reverse the Mujahideen’s gains in Kabul and especially in the south of the country.
But in reality if we look at Afghanistan’s security situation, Mujahideen operations have intensified more than ever especially in the provinces surrounding Kabul. A day doesn’t pass by but that the invaders and their stooges face immense losses in Logar, Kapisa, Maidan Wardag and Laghman. Examples of these successful operations are the capture of American soldiers in Logar, the NATO operation that went terribly wrong in Laghman, the scorched NATO logistical vehicles lying on side of the roads in Maidan Wardag and the humiliating defeat of French invaders in Kapisa which even the biased western media had to acknowledge.
As for the southern provinces especially Kandahar and Helmand, Mujahideen operations have not only increased but they are at the brink of taking over the provinces as a whole. Patraeus’s strategy has failed miserably there, like in Kandahar, their planned operation was halted to a stop by constant attacks of Mujahideen, who not only control the surrounding districts but now are on the verge of taking over the city center.
Helmand is another great example of the defeat of the enemy. An example of this is the Marjah operation, in which thousands of ISAF and Afghan soldiers took part and they made sound like a third world war had started but are now ashamed to even mention the name of Marjah due to their disgraceful defeat at the hands of Mujahideen.
It is incredible how Patraeus could claim such a sizeable victory at a stage where his soldiers in Sangin out of fear cannot abandon their bases by road out of fear and are forced to leave by helicopters at night.
We say to David Patraeus, if you really want to full fill your duties to the American people, you should start by withdrawing you soldiers and stop sacrificing your sons and daughters for a war which is unwinnable. We once again say that Afghanistan is the land of Afghans which has been usurped and its brave Mujahid people will carry on their Jihad against you so long as you are here and with the help of Allah the final victory will be ours.
Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
Spokesman for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New statement from Jaysh al-Islām: "Condolence for the Martyrdom of the brothers in Fataḥ al-Islām"

NOTE: Jaysh al-Islām is located in the Tzabra neighborhood in the center of the Gaza Strip. Jaysh al-Islām is most famous for its kidnapping of BBC reporter Alan Johnston. They demanded the release of Abū-Qatāda al-Filisṭīnī, British-based Palestinian-Jordanian, from British prisons in return for the release of Johnston.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“رثاء وعزاء”
الحمد لله رافع مقام الشهداء إلى عليين، والصلاة والسلام على إمام المجاهدين، وقائد الغر الميامين، وبعد:
قال الحق وهو أصدق القائلين: “وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ أُولَئِكَ هُمُ الصِّدِّيقُونَ وَالشُّهَدَاءُ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ لَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ وَنُورُهُمْ” [الحديد 19]،
وهو نور على نور في الدنيا والآخرة يُضئ لمن بعدهم الدرب ويهون عليهم الصعب، وينبئهم بدماء الشهداء والجماجم
والأشلاء أن هذه الأمة ودودة ولودة كلما قُتل منها رجل قام ألف مقامه، ليس تقليلاً من فضل من سلف، ولكنها الكرامة
للخلف، ولولا سنة الدفع بين القادة لخَلُد في الجهاد خالد وعمرو، ولما جاء من بعدهم من لهم تبع.

فالحمد لله الذي أقام سوق الجهاد وقوى بنيانه، وأعز أركانه برجال التوحيد في كل الثغور في الشيشان وأفغانستان
وفلسطين والعراق ولبنان، لتؤكد دماء شهداء (فتح الإسلام) – كذا نحسبهم والله حسيبهم – وعلى رأسهم الشهيد القائد “أبو
محمد عوض”، والشهيد القائد “أبو بكر مبارك” لتؤكد دماؤهم الطاهرة أن غرس التوحيد قد أينع بعد أن اشتد عوده
واستوى على سوقه، بما يستحيل معه الاصطلام والاستئصال، ولينشر ويشهر الحقيقة المجردة الدالة دلالة البدر على
منتصف الشهر أن عدو الأمة واحد وإن تزيا بألف زي أو تسمى بألف اسم، وهو إن كان (ميشيل) أو (حسن)، أو حكم
بالتوراة أو الإنجيل أو الديمقراطية فحكم الحرب لله وللرسول عليه جار، إذ العداء للتوحيد وأهله من الأحلاف الصليبية لم
يعد بحاجة لإقامة سلطان أو برهان، ومن أنكر أو أبطل فهو (المريب يقول خذوني)، وسواء العاكف فيه والباد فكلهم في
الحكم سواء.

نسأل الله الذي ميز (حمزة) على سائر الشهداء أن يجمع أولنا وآخرنا في جنات ونهر في مقعد صدق عند مليك مقتدر، وأن
يثبت أقدام من خلفهم، وأن يربط على قلوبهم، وأن يقبل براءتنا من كل حلف غير حلف الإسلام، وأن يعذرنا ربنا في
عجزنا عن نصرة إخواننا، وأن يفتح ربنا بيننا وبين قومنا بالحق، فننصر المستضعفين في الأرض إنه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه.

جيش الإسلام – أرض الرباط
الخميس 09 رمضان 1431
المصدر : مؤسسة النور الإعلامية