Fatwā from Shaykh Abū Basīr al-Ṭarṭūsī on the Jihād in the Caucasus

NOTE: Below is a fatwā published by Shaykh Abū Basīr al-Ṭarṭūsī via the Islamumma.com website, which asked al-Ṭarṭūsī for a ruling regarding his thoughts on the Caucasus Emirate and their Emir Dokku Umarov. al-Ṭarṭūsī is a Syrian Islamist who lives in London. al-Ṭarṭūsī is considered one of the most influential jihādī theorists. For instance, as highlighted by Vahid Brown on Jihadica, al-Ṭarṭūsī has 200 works in the jihādī text collection “A Mujāhid’s Bookbag.” Also, in the past al-Ṭarṭūsī has condemned Dr. Fadl for his revisions and Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī for a variety of what al-Ṭarṭūsī views as problematic rulings.
UPDATE: The following is an English translation of al-Ṭarṭūsī’s fatwā:
Q: What is needed and what is recommended for leadership of Mujahideen during this period, which the Jihad in the Caucasusrun into?
Answer: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Mujahideen under leadership of Dokku Umarov are, according to Sharia, legitimate rulers of their countries and their people, and people have an obligation to get into their submission and to ally with them. And as for Emirs, or rulers, of Jihad, then they in turn should look at the use of slaves of Allah and care about their people, and try to be the most merciful and close to the people, and be very careful about what is good for them, and that they should be ahead in all of their enemy and its employees (from local hypocrites).
And every time the people gets closer to the Mujahedeen, it will aggravate the situation and the actions of the enemies.
And if people move away from the Mujahideen, then people will help the enemies, surrender to the enemy and expose the Mujahideen, behind their backs. And thus it will be a relief for the enemy to destroy the Mujahideen, with their modern weapons, in which they have now succeeded.
There are different types of battle, of which it is a clear (muhkam), about which there is agreement by all, and vague (mutashabih). And whenever a battle closes to a clear action, then it will be a great blessing and acceptance (approval), both on the earth and in the heaven.
Any action in the jihad is caused by two criteria before they perform.
The first of them: Its relevance to Sharia.
Second: Evaluation from the benefits that it would lead – whether it is more than harm, or vice versa? And then, basing on it, to decide.
And in general we have a book on this occasion entitled “Jihad and Sharia Politics”, and we suggest you to go back to it, and given the fact that it contains a number of directives on this subject, there is not necessary now to go back to this topic, and here is a link to this book in arabic “Jihad and Sharia Politics”.
Abu Baseer at-Tartousi 2010.


ما يجب و ما يستحب لقيادة المجاهدين في هذه الفترة التي يمر بها الجهاد في القوقاز؟

جـ: الحمد لله رب العالمين. المجاهدون بقيادة الأمير ” دكو أماروف “، هم الولاة الشرعيون للبلاد والعباد، فعلى الناس أن يدخلوا في طاعتهم وموالاتهم، وعلى أمراء الجهاد بالمقابل أن ينظروا في مصالح العباد ويُحسنوا رعايتها .. وأن يكونوا أقرب إلى الناس وأرحم بهم، وأغير على مصالحهم من العدو، وعملائه

كلما كانت الشعوب أقرب إلى المجاهدين .. كلما صعبت المهمة على العدو .. وكلما كان الشعوب بعيدة عن المجاهدين، كاشفة لظهورهم .. كلما سهلت مهمة قتالهم واستئصالهم من قبل العدو الذي يتمتع بآلة عسكرية متطورة

ساحات القتال منها المتشابه ومنها المحكم؛ فكلما كان القتال أقرب إلى الساحات المحكمة المتفق عليها كلما كان أكثر بركة وقبولاً في السماء والأرض.
أيما عمل جهادي يجب أن يخضع لمعيارين قبل القيام به: أولاً موافقته للشرع، ثم النظر في المصلحة المترتبة عليه؛ هل ترجح المصالح على المفاسد أم العكس .. وعليه يتم التقرير

وعلى العموم لنا كتاب بعنوان ” الجهاد والسياسة الشرعية ” ننصح بمراجعته، ففيه جملة من التوجيهات ما يغني عن إعادتها هنا، وهذا هو رابطه الجهاد والسياسة الشرعية


Вопрос: Что нужно и что рекомендуется для руководства муджахидов в этот период, в котором столкнулся Джихад на Кавказе?
Ответ: Хвала Аллаху, Господу Миров. Муджахиды под руководством Докку Умарова, являются законными по Шариату правителями своих стран и своего народа, и на людях лежит обязанность войти в их подчинение и союз с ними. Что же касается Амиров Джихада, то им в свою очередь следует смотреть на пользы рабов Аллаха и заботится о своем народе, и стараться быть самыми милосердными и близкими к людям, и быть самыми заботливыми о том, в чём будет для них польза, и чтобы они опережали во всем этом своего врага и его работников (из числа местных мунафиков).
И всякий раз как народ будет становится ближе к муджахидам, это будет усугублять положение и действия врагов.
А если же народ будет отдаляться от муджахидов, то люди будут содействовать с врагами, сдавать врагам и раскрывать муджахидов, за их спинами. И этим самым это будет облегчение для врага в уничтожении муджахидов, своим современным оружием , в котором они сейчас преуспели .
Есть различные виды сражения, из них это – ясные (мухкам), касательно которых есть согласие всех, и неясные (муташабих). И всякий раз, когда сражение будет ближе к ясным действиям, то будет оно больше благом и принятием (одобрением) и на земле, и на небесах.
Любые действия в джихаде обуславливается двумя критериями, перед тем как их выполнять.
Первое из них: Соответствие его Шариату.
Второе: Оценка со стороны пользы, которое оно повлечет – будет ли она больше чем вред, или наоборот? А затем, опираясь на это, принимать решение.
И вообще по этому поводу у нас есть книга под названием «Джихад и Шариатская Политика» , и мы рекомендуем вернуться к ней, и с учетом того что в ней содержится ряд указаний на эту тему, то нет сейчас необходимости возвращаться к этой теме, и вот ссылка на эту книгу «Джихад и Шариатская Политика» الجهاد والسياسة الشرعية
Шейх Абу Басыр Ат-Тартуси 2010 год.

El Pais publishes an audio statement from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb regarding the release of the Spanish hostages

NOTE: I have not been able to get access to the actual audio because apparently the type of audio file does not work on Mac’s. Nonetheless, below is a translation of a key part from the Spanish newspaper El Pais in Spanish and below it is a rough translation into English via Google Translate:

“Gracias a Dios los muyahidines han encontrado una solución positiva sobre el asunto de los españoles retenidos Albert Vilalta y Roque Pascual que ha acabado el domingo, día 12 del mes de ramadán [ayer] con su liberación, tras habernos sido concedidas algunas de nuestras peticiones. Y es una lección dirigida a los servicios secretos franceses para que lo tengan presente en el futuro. Tuvieron posibilidad de actuar con cabeza y responsabilidad con los muyahidines También tuvieron la posibilidad de haber evitado la locura y el enfado que llevo a la muerte de sus propios ciudadanos. [Y este gesto de la liberación de los españoles] Es para que sepa la opinión pública que nosotros somos las víctimas a las que hacen daño. Porque las cárceles de los cristianos están llenas con miles de hermanos musulmanes inocentes, y la comunidad musulmana tiene que pedir con fuerza y por todas las vías posibles su liberación por todas las vías”.
“Thank God, the mujahedeen have found a positive solution to the issue of the Spanish held Roque Pascual Albert Vilalta and has finished on Sunday, 12th of Ramadan [yesterday] to its release , having been granted us some of our requests. It is a lesson aimed at the French Secret Service to take it into consideration in the future. They were able to act with responsibility with the head and mujahideen also had the opportunity to have avoided the madness the anger that led to the death of their own citizens. [And this gesture of liberation from Spanish] It is to know the public that we are the victims they hurt. Because the jails are filled with Christians thousands of innocent Muslim brothers, and the Muslim community has to ask hard and every way possible their liberation by all means. “

If for whatever reason the audio works on your computer one can find it here.

Summary and Analysis of al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb's new video release "On The Occasion of Ramadan Fighting is Ordained for You"

Friend of the blog Nasser Weddady, a native Mauritanian, summarized and provided local knowledge analysis of AQIM’s most recent video release “On The Occasion of Ramadan Fighting is Ordained for You” to me through twitter. He said:

  • watching the video the dudes in the first minutes are Mauritanians with a clear Hassaniya accent..figures we’re more literary
  • one of the guys was reciting a hassaniya poem
  • it’s funny to see Mauritanians reciting Qur’an in Hafs instead of warsh.. so alien to us.. clearly Saudi influence in action
  • minute 30, showing an Afro-Mauritanian preaching in Halpulaar (fulani) very worrying sign..
  • minute 33 a Touareg preaching in his language face uncovered.. another alarm sign
  • minute 41, Guinean preaching in Portuguese..
  • min 43 AQIM dude preaching in .. Haussa..
  • part one of the new video is basically AQIM bragging about the diversity of its recruits and a show of success recruiting touaregs
  • beginning of video 2 AQIM emphasizing their diversity i.e trying to spread the msg & grow it beyond Arabs
  • min 43, in the hassaniya poem the guy says in rhyme that the group in that location has 14 fighters.
  • the Hassaniya poem in part 2 shows a good deal of sophistication trying to appeal to Moorish youth. psy-ops
  • the propaganda is designed to appeal to young moors warrior ethos.. not to be confused with jihadism..much more complex sociology
  • minute 60 of the video: gives previously unknown names of 4 Muaritanian AQIM members gone KIA.

Obviously one cannot take everything in a propaganda video at face value, at the same time, AQIM is trying to show it has diversified its ranks and is no longer a strictly Arab movement or for that matter completely run by Algerians. As Weddady mentions above this is a worrying sign because it opens the playing field to operations and potential safe havens in other countries. It appears that although AQIM was fairly silent on the media front in 2009, over the past several months they have stepped up their media operations. Something to look for in future statements or video messages is whether AQIM is able to infiltrate networks in Morocco and recruit Moroccans. Also, whether there is a shift in messaging to more a Global Jihadist ideology where they focus less on local and regional issues and more on reclaiming territory occupied by Spain since in the past it was part of Muslim territory (al-Andalus).

New video release from al-Andalus Media: "On The Occasion of Ramadan Fighting is Ordained for You"

NOTE: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is based in Algeria, but also conducts activities in other countries such as Mali, Mauritania, Niger and to a limited extent in Morocco. al-Andalus Media is AQIM’s media outlet. Check out Kal’s (The Moor Next Door) recent post on maps, AQIM, North Africa, and terrorism.

New press release from Kavkaz Center: "Emir of Dagestan Sayfullah Gubdensk probably died in a Dagestan battle"

UPDATE: It has been confirmed that Gubdensk was killed in battle.
NOTE: Here is the most recent statement from Seyfullah of Gubden prior to his alleged death.

Five mujahedeen, including the Emir of the Dagestan Front of the Caucasus Emirate and Supreme Judge of the CE Seyfullah of Gubden, were blocked today in one of the houses in the village of Gunib, Gunib District, Province Dagestan, a source of the Guraba website reports.
A young Mujahid, son of a martyr (Insha’Allah) Abdulgafur Zakaryayev, Salahuddin Zakaryayev, was also in the house together with the Mujahideen. He contacted the source of the website by cell phone.
During the last call at about 9:12 a.m., he said that their group had left the house and went towards the infidels who blocked the house. He also said that Emir Seyfullah was among them.
And the last words of our brother were: “I am wounded, I am wounded… I’m going to Heavens!”
It is to be mentioned that in several conflicting reports about the battle in Gubden, Russian invaders reported first about one Mujahideen blocked in a house, and then about three.
According to the infidels, a fire broke out during the battle with the Mujahideen in the besieged house. The battle began at dawn and lasted until noon.
The occupiers said that one of the killed Mujahideen had been identified as Emir of Dagestan, Seyfullah.
Kavkaz Center

Articles of the Week – 8/14-8/20

Saturday August 14:
“The Strait of Hormuz: al-Qaeda’s Newest Jihad Zone?” – Malcolm Nance, Small Wars Journalhttps://bit.ly/afOoPU
Sunday August 15:
“Drama on the high seas – The tribulations of the S.S. Faloja” – Aaron Weisburd, The Internet Haganahhttps://bit.ly/9T51vo
Monday August 16:
“Al Qaeda’s Ramadan Gifts” – Florian Flade: https://bit.ly/avT47F
“Last Chance for Pakistan” – Ahmed Rashid, New York Review of Bookshttps://bit.ly/cqNwg6
“On Maps dealing with AQIM, North Africa, and Terrorism” – Kal, The Moor Next Door: https://bit.ly/dw3vfM
Tuesday August 17:
“Uzbek jihadist leader Yuldashev officially dead” – Florian Flade: https://bit.ly/bx3Zhy
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 33 Issue 9 2010 released https://bit.ly/96ORqx
Wednesday August 18:
“Darul Islams Ongoing Appeal” – Sidney Jones, Tempo Magazinehttps://bit.ly/9PwtCn
“Al-Wala ‘wa-l-Bara’ – part 3 – German Taliban Mujahideen” – Ahmad al-Zaky, Ma’alim fi al-Tariq Bloghttps://bit.ly/9BbSCj
Thursday August 19:
“Al-Wala ‘wa-l-Bara’ – According to the Aqeedah of the Salaf” – Ahmad al-Zaky, Ma’alim fi al-Tariq Bloghttps://bit.ly/d03F5s
“Migrating violence in the Caucasus” – Joshua Foust, PBS Need to Knowhttps://to.pbs.org/agaQ40
“Will the Turkish Flotilla Group Be Named as Terrorists?” – Jonathan Schanzer, Foreign Policyhttps://bit.ly/9LHSid
“Autumn of Kashmir’s Islamist Patriarch?” – Praveen Swami, The Hinduhttps://bit.ly/9r2Thv
“Loyalty to the Believers by Abu Zubair Adel b. Abdullah al-Abab” – Ahmad al-Zaky, Ma’alim fi al-Tariq Blog: https://bit.ly/aMPyWh
“Al-Shabaab’s Unavoidable Clash with Somaliland Democracy” – Jacob Zenn, Terrorism Monitorhttps://bit.ly/cRFZUk
“Round Seven? The Houthi Rebellion in Northern Yemen” – Michael Horton, Terrorism Monitorhttps://bit.ly/98rE6Y
“The Legal War on Terror for the week of 8/14- 8/19 – Andrew Lebovich, Foreign Policy: https://bit.ly/axeopQ
Friday August 20:
“Jihad’s Ugly American Face” – The Investigative Project on Terrorismhttps://bit.ly/9qmhzB
“Journal Roundup for August 2010” – Marisa Urgo, Making Sense of Jihad: https://bit.ly/cKlnic

New additions to Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī's English language jihādī library