New statement from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām’s Abū Khālid al-Shāmī: “Declaration”


“بعد استهداف الاحتلال الروسي المَرافق الحيوية في ريف حلب الغربي وإدلب، حيث قام بقصف مشفى الأتارب ومعمل الغاز بمنطقة باب الهوى وعدد من المناطق المأهولة بالسكان في جبل الزاوية ومنطقة جسر الشغور وريف حلب وحماة الغربيين ما أسفر عن ارتقاء أكثر من ١٠ شهداء من أهلنا وجرح نحو ٢٠ آخرين بالإضافة للخسائر المدنية”.

قمنا بالرد المباشر على جرائم الاحتلال بحق الأهالي فقام فوج المدفعية والصواريخ في هيئة تحرير الشام باستهداف مواقع الاحتلال الروسي بالمدفعية في الفوج ٤٦ وريف المهندسين وأورم الكبرى بريف حلب الغربي وقرية داديخ وكفربطيخ وتل مرديخ شرقي إدلب ومدينة كفرنبل وكفر روما والمعرة في مناطق جبل الزاوية، واستهدفنا تحصينات العدو بالأسلحة المباشرة بمنطقة جبل الزاوية ومدينة سراقب المحتلة بريف إدلب الجنوبي”.

سلاح المدفعية تمكن -بفضل الله- من تدمير عدة مواقع للعدو بريف حلب الغربي وجبل الزاوية وريف إدلب الشرقي.

كما تم استهداف ثكنات العدو بمعرة النعمان وخان السبل ومحيطهما بالقذائف الصاروخية والمدفعية، ما تسبب بوقوع خسائر بشرية ومادية أضعاف ما وقع في المحرر.

إننا سنبقى كما عهدتمونا لا ننام على ضيم وسنبقى شوكة لأهل الشام حتى تحرير جميع مدن وبلدات وقرى سوريا

أبو خالد الشامي
المتحدث العسكري في هيئة تحرير الشام


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām’s Taqī ad-Dīn ‘Umar: “Important Clarification Regarding the Claims of the Russian Occupier”



Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Taqī ad-Dīn ‘Umar — Important Clarification Regarding the Claims of the Russian Occupier


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Concerning the 41st Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan”


Forty-one years ago today on the 6th of Jaddi 1358 (Hijri Solar), the pre-eminent imperialist power of the twentieth century invaded Afghanistan in order to annex our homeland, impose upon our people a vile ideology and beliefs, and turn this proud people into perpetual slaves.

The Soviet Union utilized the entire might of its Red Army and domestic surrogates to this end, bombed and grated every inch of our beloved homeland with bullets, and martyred, orphaned, wounded, imprisoned and displaced our defenseless and persecuted people, yet they still failed to attain their objectives – and all praise belong to Allah.

The Mujahid nation of Afghanistan fought the Red basilisk of the twentieth century with sickles, axes, improvised hand bombs and rusty rifles, endured displacements and hardships, offered martyrs, suffered imprisonments and various other travails and tortures but they neither abandoned their homeland to the Red Army nor did they allow them to trample on their values.

This Mujahid nation with the divine help of its Lord Almighty (SwT), indomitable resolve and extraordinary sacrifices not only defeated the armies of communism but also relegated the Soviet Empire to the dustbin of history.

The defeat of the Soviet armies and humiliation of their domestic puppets imparts a lesson that no matter whom tries to murder the Afghan people under miscreant, terrorist or whatever name, they will ultimately fail in imposing upon them their beliefs and ideology.

Afghanistan is the home of valiant Muslims and this Mujahid nation was, is and will continue to be prepared to offer every sacrifice imaginable in defense of their religious and national values.

The Afghan nation has neither harmed anyone prior nor does it intend to do so in the future but freedom, peace, sovereignty and safeguarding values in their own land are both inviolable and a necessity. Anyone who tries to become an impediment in this path shall be resisted valiantly and (this nation) maintains a prodigious capacity and resolve for fighting for their independence, Allah willing.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

11/05/1442 Hijri Lunar

06/10/1399 Hijri Solar               25/12/2020 Gregorian


New statement from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām’s Abū Khālid al-Shāmī: “Comments On the Recent Military Escalation In Idlib By the Russian Occupiers”


Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Khālid al-Shāmī — Comments On the Recent Military Escalation In Idlib By the Russian Occupiers


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]

New release from Aḥmad al-Yūsuf: “Response to the Recent Speech of Dr. ‘Abd Allah bin Muḥammad al-Muḥaysinī on the Subject of the Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Aḥmad al-Yūsuf — Response to the Recent Speech of Dr. ‘Abd Allah bin Muḥammad al-Muḥaysinī on the Subject of the Joint Russian-Turkish Patrols


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the ‘Incite the Believers’ Operations Room: “The Astana Path and the Bitter Harvest”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: ‘Incite the Believers’ Operations Room — The Astana Path and the Bitter Harvest


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]