Dear Beloved Amir Abu Zubeyr
We thank Allah for preserving you for the mujahideen in Somalia and Kenya, and ask that Allah continue to preserve you to continue your wise and benevolent leadership over the mujahideen.
On behalf of the mujahideen in Kenya MYC is sending an open communication and plea to you our beloved Amir about the propaganda and reports that the murtad Sheikh Shariff was responsible for the planning of the martyrdom operation against the selected president murtad Hassan Sheikh (see:, and that the mujahideen are about to welcome back the murtad Sheikh Shariff into Al-Shabaab.
As our beloved Amir knows, MYC under the leadership of its Amir Sheikh Ahmad Iman Ali (May Allah keep him strong and focused for the mujahideen in East Africa), has pledged allegiance to your wise leadership through Sheikh Ahmad Iman Ali’s message on the “Bayah of the Mujahideen” released to the mujahideen of Kenya in March 2012. This allegiance is one that both MYC and the mujahideen in Kenya will continue to pledge and bear witness.
However, dear beloved Amir, the propaganda being spread by the kuffars and in their media that the martyrdom operation against the current murtad in Villa Somalia on 12 September 2012 was not an operation by the mujahideen (Al-Shabaab) but by a murtad that has betrayed the mujahideen is a cause for concern to many mujahideen. We say cause for concern because the mujahideen know that this operation was indeed executed by our beloved brothers from Al-Shabaab who have all been elevated to Jannah. For the kuffar to be aloud to spread this desperate propaganda is but an attempt by the kuffar to divide and sow disunity within the mujahideen. Allah knows that the kuffar will fail in his futile attempts to divide us but rather he will unite the mujahideen in East Africa.
Our unity dear beloved Amir, means that the murtad Sheikh Shariff must never be allowed to rehabilitate himself or be allowed to rejoin the global struggle against the kuffar. As our beloved Amir knows too well, this murtad (Sheikh Shariff) was and still remains a puppet of the West and Ethiopia. Irrespective of the West and Ethiopia discarding murtad Sheikh Shariff, there can be no sanctuary for him within the warmth of the mujahideen.
We say unto you our beloved Amir the same words our Amir Sheikh Ahmad Iman Ali said in March of this year: “know that the flag of Tawheed is already raised all over the world and everyone should be prepared to join the caravan of Jihad”. MYC is already on board this caravan and we are encourage others to join but we seek your wisdom in rejecting the likes of murtad Sheikh Shariff or overtures of murtads that seek to deceive the mujahideen.
We ask that Allah continue to protect you for the mujahideen in East Africa.
Press Office
Category: Kenya
New statement from the The Muslim Youth Center: "Presidential Selection in Somalia"
Mererani (12/09/2012) – As part of the Great Satan’s and its Kuffar coalition’s plot to keep peace-loving Somalis under occupation they have again engineered false hopes to deceive Muslims by selecting another Muslim puppet to serve their interests. MYC continues to reject any attempt by the Kuffar-led Great Satan to impose puppet governments on its Muslim brothers and sisters in Somalia.
The obvious selection of Hassan Sheikh as the so-called ‘president’ is not a step forward for Muslims in Somalia but a reinforcement of what has become the signature of the Kuffars in Somalia: oppression and occupation.
MYC urges the people of Somalia to reject such calculated attempts by the Kuffars to keep Islam under Western occupation by using apostates such as Hassan Sheikh. Somalia will only be free when the ever-present hand of the Kuffar has been severed permanently from Somalia. This can only be achieved through the sacrifices that our beloved brothers in Al-Shabaab are making.
As part of realizing a Kuffar-free Somalia, MYC will continue to stand and fight alongside our beloved brothers in Al-Shabaab to rid our Muslim land free of enemies of Allah.
Press Office
New statement from the Muslim Youth Center: "Amīr Shaykh Aḥmad Imān 'Alī to Release Message Soon"
Tanga (03/09/2012) – Following the persistent assault on Islam in Kenya and the recent unleashing of human drones on our Muslim leaders in Kenya, MYC expects its Amir, Sheikh Ahmad Iman Ali (May Allah preserve him for the Mujahideen in Kenya) to address Muslims in Kenya within the coming days.
MYC expects the Amir to offer profound guidelines on how to respond to the ongoing humiliation of Muslims in Kenya. We therefore urge the Mujahideen and Muslims in general to stand ready and prepared to receive this important message at this critical time in our struggle against the unbelievers.
Once the message has been released, MYC will ensure that this key message by the Amir reaches every Mujahideen and Muslim throughout Kenya and East Africa.
May Allah continue to make the path of the Mujahideen firm as we embark on a new journey in East Africa.
Press Office
al-Katāi’b Media presents a new statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: "Heavy Losses for Kenyans and Apostates in the Islamic State of Juba"
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله وحده أعز جنده ونصر عبده وهزم الأحزاب وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده أما بعد:
لا تزال محاولات الجيش الكيني النصراني تصطدم يوما بعد يوم بثبات وعزيمة أبطال جيش العسرة في ولاية جوبا الإسلامية، وقد سطر أبطال ولاية جوبا الإسلامية ملحمة تاريخية مساء يوم الجمعة 13 شوال 1433، بدأت المعركة بعد الظهر إثر محاولة القوات الكينية النصرانية التقدم من مدينة “أفمذو” الذي تعتبر من أكبر مقراتهم في الولاية وحاولوا التقدم باتجاه المناطق التي يتواجد فيها المجاهدين في الولاية راغبين في الوصول إلى مدينة كسمايو عاصمة الولاية الإسلامية وبعد وصولهم إلى قرية “ميدو” في ضواحي من مدينة أفمذو تفاجئوا بخط الدفاع الأول للمجاهدين وظنوا أنهم ببعض الطائرات وبالقصف العنيف على الدفاعات سيتمكنون من التجاوز وبعدما كثفوا القصف من الطائرات والمدفعية بدؤوا بالتقدم وبدأت الملحمة واشتبك معهم الأبطال لعدة ساعات وما هي إلا دقائق حتى سقطت طائرتين من أصل 4 طائرات هيلكوبتر كانت ترافق الجيش الكيني سقطت إحداها في ميدان المعركة وسقطت الأخرى خلف الكينيين وأحرقت بعض السيارات أثناء القتال فبدأ الجيش الكيني والميلشيات المرافقة له بالفرار عائدين إلى مدينة أفمذو. لكنهم وجدوا مفاجأة لم تكن في حسبانهم فبعد وصولهم إلى مشارف المدينة اكتشفوا أن إحدى الكتائب العسكرية بالولاية قد سيطرت على المدينة بالكامل وقتل جل المرتدين الذين كانوا فيها واختبأ بعضهم في المنازل ولم ينسحب المجاهدون من المدينة حتى منتصف الليل سالمين غانمين بفضل الله، وكانت حصيلة المعركة إحراق 7 سيارات عسكرية وغنيمة 3 شاحنات إحداها محملة بالذخيرة ومضادات الدبابات، وقتل في ميدان المعركة حوالي 70 من المرتدين والكينيين ونقلت جثث 2 من المرتدين و2 من الكينيين إلى مدينة كسمايو ليشفي الله بها صدور المؤمنين.
اللهم منزل الكتاب مجري السحاب هازم الأحزاب، اهزم الصليبيين ومن حالفهم من المرتدين.
اللهم اجعلهم وعتادهم غنيمة للمسلمين.
اللهم دمّرهم و زلزلهم.
اللهم أنت عضدنا وأنت نصيرنا،اللهم بك نصول وبك نجول وبك نقاتل.
والله أكبر
{وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ}
مُؤسَّسةُ الكَتائِب للإنتَاج الإعلامِي
حَركةُ الشَّبابِ المُجَاهدِين
السبت 14 شوال 1433 هـ
المصدر : (مركز صدى الجهاد للإعلام)
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from the Muslim Youth Center: "Shaykh Aboud Rogo’s Death: Embrace Change, Mujāhidīn"
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Majengo (28/08/2012) – On 27 August 2012, our beloved Sheikh Aboud Rogo (May Allah accept him as a martyr) was murdered by the Kuffar as part of Kenya’s policy of extra-judicial killings against prominent Muslim activists. Amir Sheikh Ahmad Iman Ali and MYC condemn this act of barbarity against one of East Africa’s most respected Sheikhs and hold the Kenyan authorities responsible for this targeted assassination.
Sheikh Aboud Rogo embodied a shinning example of a true and pious Muslim: unwavering and steadfast in his determination to fight injustices against Muslims all over the world. As a popular and well-respected Sheikh, Aboud Rogo used his unique gift and knowledge of Islam to inspire and inform thousands of young Muslims all over East Africa. Undeniably, MYC and its members are part of the generation of Muslim youths that have been inspired by Sheikh Aboud Rogo’s vision of the Muslim Ummah in East Africa.
While the Kuffar has robbed MYC and the Muslims of Kenya of a great Muslim leader, we must remember that the Kuffar has also deprived the family of Sheikh Rogo of a loving father and husband. We ask that Allah comfort his family and ease their pain.
For those of us that worked with, and shared the same vision as Sheikh Rogo, we fully understand and accept the path we must now follow in the wake of his brutal murder. Today, after drying our tears we must begin a new journey of embracing change – a change that has been forced upon us by the Kuffar and one that our beloved brothers in Al-Shabaab have graciously reminded us of in their solidarity with the Mujahideen in Kenya.
In his last lecture to MYC in May 2012 in Nairobi, Sheikh Rogo spoke of his readiness and wish to become a martyr for our religion. Yesterday, Allah granted Sheikh Rogo’s wish.
Press Office
New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: "Shaykh Aboud Rogo’s Death: a Catalyst for Change"
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Mogadishu (27/08/2012) – Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the cold-blooded murder of Sheikh Aboud Rogo in Mombasa and urges the Muslims to wake up to the Kenyan authority’s vicious witch-hunt against their fellow Muslim brothers.
While Sheikh Aboud Rogo was not officially a member of Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen, he, like the rest of the Muslims in Kenya, shared unbreakable religious ties with the Mujahideen. The death of the Sheikh comes at a time when the brutal murder of his brothers, Sheikh Samir Khan and Mohamed Kassim, is still remains fresh in the minds of the Muslims and exposes the latest atrocity in a spate of extra-judicial killings carried out by the Kenyan authorities against innocent Muslims in Kenya. The savagery with which the Muslim preachers were killed is vividly indicative of the Kuffar’s deep-rooted hatred towards Islam and the Muslims.
In the light of these incidents, Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen strongly advises the Muslims of Kenya to act upon the Hadith of the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, where he said: “The example of the Believers in their mutual love and mercy for one another is like that of a body; if one part of the body aches, then the whole body suffers with fever and sleeplessness” [Bukhari & Muslim]
The Muslims in Kenya must understand that they are being deliberately targeted because of their religious identity and that helping their Muslim brothers, particularly in these turbulent times, is a religious obligation upon them. They must draw upon the experiences of their Martyred brothers (we deem him so and we do not recommend anyone before Allah) as catalysts for change and not fall prey to the evil plots of the Kuffar.
Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen also calls upon the Muslims in Kenya to fully boycott the coming elections and not to be repeatedly deluded by the illusory promises of the government. Not only is the participation in the elections prohibited in Islam but also the current government has terribly failed to protect the rights of Muslims in Kenya. Therefore Muslims must take the matter into their own hands, stand united against the Kuffar and take all necessary measures to protect their religion, their honour, their property and their lives from the enemies of Islam.
Press Office
Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen
New statement from the Muslim Youth Center: "Congratulations on ‘Īd al-Fiṭr for the Year 1433 H"
Nairobi, (19/08/2012) – MYC in Kenya wishes all its brothers and sisters in Kenya, Tanzania and in Somalia Eid Mubarak.
We ask that Allah continue to preserve the Mujahideen in Somalia and the Mujahideen from Mtaani. Today we remember our brothers and sister who left on hijra to the lands of jihad and ribat. You have gone into jihad to defend Islam so that the light of Islam shines.
As we remember you our dear brothers and sisters from Kenya that are standing by our beloved brothers in Al-Shabaab, we also remember our brothers and sisters here in Kenya that have stood up against the kuffars. We remember our brother Musa Osodo, Mohamed Kassim, the Dudas who have disappeared, and our dearly missed Sheikh Samir Khan (May Allah accept him). We also remember our brothers such as Abdallah detained here in Kenya and our brothers detained in Uganda. We pray Allah makes their test easy.
Today, those of us left in Kenya promise you our Mujahideen brothers that we will never leave the path that has been set for us to liberate our Muslim lands: Jihad. Jihad is in our hearts and it is our obligation to embrace jihad. We continue to do our part to show we support you and appreciate you brothers and sisters from Kenya in +252. You are there and we are here both doing Allah’s work and Insha’Allah we will complete this work.
We know what the kuffar is planning from their news reports and say to you here is our promise: we are here waiting and will accept the obligation to defend Islam here in Kenya when you ask us to.
We ask Allah to preserve you all for us so that our dreams of Somalia, Kenya and the rest of East Africa be free of the kuffar.
Eid Mubarak Mujahideen of Majengo.
Press Office
نيروبي (2012/08/19) – مركز الشباب المسلم يتمنى لجميع الإخوة والأخوات في كينيا، تنزانيا وصومال عيدا مباركا.
ونسأل الله أن يحفظ المجاهدين في الصومال والمجاهدين في متاني. اليوم نتذكر إخواننا وأخواتنا الذي هاجروا إلى أرض الرباط والجهاد. أنتم ذهبتم للجهاد للدفاع عن الإسلام حتى يشع نوره.
ونحن نتذكر إخواننا وأخواتنا الأعزاء من كينيا الذين يقفون إلى جانب إخواننا الأحبة في حركة الشباب المجاهدين، كما نتذكر إخواننا وأخواتنا هنا في كينيا الذين نهضوا ضد الكفار. ونتذكر أخونا موسى أسودو، ومحمد خميس، الدعاة الذين إختفوا، وشيخنا الغالي الذي نفتقده سمير خان (تقبله الله). كما نتذكر الإخوة من أمثال عبدالله المعتقلين في كينيا وإخواننا المعتقلين في أوغندا. وندعو الله أن يهون عليهم بلاءهم.
اليوم، من تبقى منا في كينيا نعدكم يا إخواننا المجاهدين بأننا لن نترك السبيل الذي رسم لنا لتحرير أراضينا المسلمة: الجهاد. إن الجهاد في قلوبنا وهو واجب علينا. نحن مستمرون بأداء دورنا بإظهار الدعم لكم ونحن ممتنون لكم أيها الإخوة والأخوات من كينيا في +252. أنتم هناك ونحن هنا نقوم بعمل الله وإن شاء الله سوف نكمل هذا العمل.
نحن نعرف أن الكفار يخططون من تقاريرهم الإخبارية ونقول لكم هذا هو وعدنا: نحن ننتظر هنا وسنقبل بواجب الدفاع عن الإسلام هنا في كينيا عندما تطلبون منا ذلك.
نسأل الله أن يحفظكم جميعا حتى يتحقق حلمنا بتحرر الصومال، وكينيا، وباقي شرق أفريقيا من الكفار.
عيد مبارك يا مجاهدي ماجنغو.
مركز الشباب المسلم
المكتب الصحفي
New statement from the The Muslim Youth Center: "Persecution of Abdallah Kilume"
Mererani, (8/08/2012) – One week ago our brother and a pious Muslim was arrested in Maratib in Majengo by the Kufffar ATPU without any regard for Islam. This brother is Abdallah Kilume who works at the Mosque. According to an article in the Kuffar press Nation (, our brother “Dala” is a “terrorist” and planning to blow up Nairobi. This is yet another desperate attempt by the Kuffar ATPU to humiliate innocent Muslims. Anyone who knows “Dala” and who has worked with him knows that “Dala” is devout Muslim.
“Dala’s” crime has been like many of the rest of our brothers from Majengo: he is committed to Islam and wants to see Muslims live in dignity all over the world. However, in Kenya a Christian country Muslim are forbidden to be devout Muslims.
In charging “Dala” the Kuffar has produce no evidence because there is no evidence to prove that “Dala” wants to blow up Nairobi. “Dala” until his illegal arrest was worker at the Mosque. Where is his connection to Afghanistan? When did “Dala” go to Afghanistan? In short, the Kuffar ATPU have invented lies about “Dala” to humiliate not only his family but Muslims and the Mosque in Majengo. Like many of our brothers who have disappeared from Majengo (Musa Osodo; Duda Black; Duda Brown) , we know the Kuffar has asked fellow Muslims to point the finger at “terrorists”. MYC rejects them as being terrorists but as devout Muslims.
It is very clear that the Kuffar ATPU is not content with illegally arresting devout Muslims like “Dala” but now wants to use the Kuffar press such as Nation to claim the Riyadh Mosque in Majengo is a terrorist Mosque. Their aim is to close down the Riyadh Mosque. This will never happen, as Muslims will defend the right of this Mosque to exist.
As we have warned our brothers and sisters before, we are now living in a time that if you are a Muslim you are terrorist and criminal in the eyes of the Kuffar ATPU. We urge our brothers to be prepared for a long war with the Kuffar government. We also ask our brothers and sisters to support “Dala” in this test that Allah has put before him. He will need your prayers and support. We ask Allah to keep him firm.
Press Office
New statement from the The Muslim Youth Center: "End Humiliation of Muslims!"
Mererani, (1/08/2012) – MYC in Kenya, Tanzania and Somalia is increasingly concerned at the impunity that the Kuffar Kenyan government enjoys in the name of fighting the war on terrorism in humiliating our Muslim brothers and sisters in Kenya. As part of AQEA, MYC is advising its members in East Africa to be alert at all times and prepare for the weeks ahead as our brothers Al-Shabaab in Somalia commence battle with the Kuffar coalition.
Recently, on 30/07/2012 the Kuffar conducted an illegal raid on a cyber café at Mumbai shopping mall in Majengo. Immediately, the Kuffar asked the cyber café customers who was a Muslim and who were Christians. The Christians were release without charge and the Muslims were all arrested on terrorism-related charges. MYC is currently trying to establish more details of the brothers arrested. It is clear now that using a cyber café if you are a Muslim in Kenya in now a crime.
The raid on Monday was another attempt to weaken the Muslim Ummah in Kenya and make Muslims slaves to the Kuffar. This objective is but a Kuffar dream that will never happen.
MYC is urging the Kuffar Kenya security agencies to listen carefully to Sheikh Ahmad Iman Ali’s (May Allah protect him to complete his jihad against Kenya) video message on humiliating Muslims in Kenya. In his message he warned Kenya to stop humiliating Muslims. MYC also reminds the Kuffar Kenya security agencies to read and re-read the first edition of “Gaidi Mtaani. The message there is clear. The impunity that Kenya seeks to enjoy in humiliating Muslims will end with Muslims rising up against you under the leadership of Sheikh Ahmad Iman Ali. Our struggle against you is a struggle past on from generation to generation.
To MYC members in Kenya and Tanzania, we ask you to remain alert and prepared. May Allah make you all firm in this religious struggle against the Kuffar.
Press Office
New statement from the The Muslim Youth Center: "UN Report on MYC"
Mererani, (27/07/2012) – MYC in Kenya has recently been sent a link ( to the latest UN Monitoring Group report on Somalia in which the UN again levels false claims against Muslim youths in Kenya.
After careful reading of the lies by the so-called UN investigators on Somalia, there can be no doubt that the UN Monitoring Group is acting on behalf of the Great Satan and the Government of Kenya. The report as expected, is an attack on Islam and Muslims in Kenya. It conveniently equates Jihad as terrorism a known view held by Kuffars.
Reading through the very brief section on MYC it is obvious that the UN has attempted to repeat old lies and stories it reported in July 2011. As part of its attempt to engineer a climate of confusion and lies, the UN report claims its investigation into MYC is “strictly confidential”. This is laughable as there is no such thing as “strictly confidential” in the context of UN Monitoring reports. More importantly, the use of “strictly confidential” is firm evidence that the UN spies in Nairobi and in East Africa have failed in penetrating MYC. In short, MYC has embarrassed the UN by maintaining operational security in Kenya, Tanzania and in Somalia.
Likewise, in its desperation, the UN links MYC and Sheikh Aboud Rogo. MYC’s association with our dear Sheikh Aboud Rogo is hardly a secret but a fact that is well known. MYC has a close relationship with Sheikh Rogo and looks forward to working even closer with the Sheikh against the reign of the Kuffar over Muslims.
With the Government of Kenya and its puppet masters of Great Satan, UK and Turkey in Nairobi losing the battle against MYC and our brothers in Al-Shabaab, they have turned to the UN, a body that has always stood for injustice against Muslims. MYC is proud to have stood firm against the UN since July 2011.
In conclusion, there should be no mistake concerning MYC’s future both in Kenya and as part of AQEA: Jihad is our only way. MYC is determined and committed to waging Jihad to liberate our Muslim brothers in Somalia and the rest of East Africa under the banner AQEA. In achieving this MYC will continue to focus its efforts on keeping Kenya on the front pages of global Jihad.
Press Office