New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "The Negotiation Ploy Boomerangs On The Enemy"

NOTE: This message is from the Afghan Ṭālibān and unedited below.

Zilhajj 27, 1431 A.H, Saturday, December 04, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
The esteemed Amir-ul-Mumineen, Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid, in his Eid ul Adha message, re-affirmed the stance of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan regarding talks with the puppet Kabul regime and the American invaders.
He made it clear that the solution of the Afghan issues lies only in full withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan. The recent developments as regards our country show the far-sightedness of the Amir-ul-momineen, by not responding to the war stratagem being launched by the enemy time and again under the name of peace talks overtures. With the passage of time, it becomes more and more exposed that the enemy is only trying to create rifts among the ranks of Mujahideen through their publishing false reports of peace talks with the senior officials of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
On 22nd Nov. 2010, the New York Times wrote: “the so called “high -ranking member of Taliban” was actually a lowly shop keeper from Quetta. He had introduced himself as Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour to the British Intelligence MI6; His credentials had been confirmed by US intelligence agencies. Then, he was flown by NATO to Kabul to meet with Hamid Karzai who gave him large amount of money. The man apparently had long talks with the M16 for several days before he was whisked away to Kabul. In fact, the enemy has no clear strategy for diplomatic solutions of the issue. Instead, they resort to some hypocritical tactics aimed at weakening the Mujahideen. A western writer writes: “But wait. If we did want to weaken Taliban resolve—and surely we do—and if individual Taliban leaders aren’t really sure what the others are doing, then even a fake Taliban talker might do the trick. Isn’t it possible the false Mansour served our interests–by putting the real Taliban leaders “on edge,” worried that some of their colleagues might be cracking? If the fake Mansour didn’t exist, it might be worth paying someone take the role, no?”
After flaunting its military surge and much publicized operations in Helmand and Kandahar, the enemy has realized that their increased military presence has actually backfired by inciting resistance to their presence even in areas that were relatively peaceful in the past. By their own admission, attacks on the foreign forces from April to October 2010 have increased by 300% compared to the same period in 2009. By the Grace of Allah, the Operation Al Fath (Operation Victory) has successfully been forging ahead. Next phase of the Mujahideen operations, as pointed out by the Commander of the Faithful, will deal dashing blows at the enemy, Inshallah.
In the recent Nato summit in Lisbon, the occupying Nato forces confirmed the end of 2014 as their final withdrawal date from Afghanistan. Since the invaders has proved unable to defeat then Mujahideen militarily (as they themselves admit), they are trying fatuously to create dissension and distrust among the ranks of Mujahideen by spreading the rumor of talks. After the 9/11 attacks on America, the United States did not bother to open a comprehensive and neutral investigation of the 9/11 event to find the real culprits but instead of presenting concrete evidence, the Americans simply said that the Afghans should give in to their demands or they will invade our country. Soon, they started a barbaric aerial bombardment of Afghanistan, without regard to any principle of International law. The Nato allies, repeating mistakes of past empires, considered Afghanistan as a weak nation that they could invade and utilize for their designs in the region.
After the fall of Kabul, the Amir ul Mumineen, Mullah Muhammad Mujahid, in an interview with BBC Radio had predicted that Afghanistan would prove as a graveyard of the American Empire. Today, the Americans have been in Afghanistan for more than nine years, the same length of time that the Soviets had been in Afghanistan, and they are in no better condition than the Soviets. Their puppet regime is weak and corrupt and holds no sway beyond Kabul. They have displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghan civilians; tens of thousands of Afghans have fallen prey to the enemy’s indiscriminate bombing, and an even higher number have been wounded by them.
Their brazen lies about the ground realities have spiraled to such an extent that even their puppet President does not believe in them anymore. But most important of all, the myth of American supremacy has been shattered. America has been demoted from a supposedly “hyper-power” or “super-power” to just another regional power, unable to impose its will on other nations without the backing of other regional powers. The irony is that America was instigated into attacking Afghanistan by other regional powers, and Americas presence in the country served their interests more than it served America’s interests. And today, because of their military and political losses in Afghanistan, America does not have the strength and stomach to confront their real enemies. America’s invasion of Afghanistan will be judged as a unique moment in history when America abandoned its own principles of “Realpolitick” and decided to pull someone else’s chestnut out of the fire. The longer it stays in this fire, the more it will be burnt.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New statement from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb: "Innocence of the Mujāhidīn from the Recent Crimes of Kidnapping & Killing in the Kabylia Region"

UPDATE: Below is an English translation via Flashpoint Partners. It should be noted, though, that Flashpoint Partners mistranslates the title. It should not be tribal regions, but rather Kabyila Region. This is an understandable mistake if one does not know the area because on its own that’s what the word would translate out to, but in this case that is the actual name of the place and is referred to in English by its Arabic name not a translation of it.
Click here for a safe Pdf copy in English: Statement from AQIM- “Innocence of the Mujāhidīn from the Recent Crimes of Kidnapping and Killing in the Kabylia Region” (English)

For more on this statement see here.

Click here for a safe Pdf copy in Arabic: al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb — Innocence of the Mujāhidīn from the Recent Crimes of Kidnapping & Killing in the Kabylia Region
[scribd id=43706493 key=key-11v0f3ekfah3233tt304 mode=list]

Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum translates Al-Andalus Media’s video release – "The Expedition of al-Dāmūs"

NOTE: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is based in Algeria, but also conducts activities in other countries such as Mali, Mauritania and Morocco. Here is an excellent map recently produced by AEI’s Critical Threats Project, which shows AQIM’s recent activities and its main safe havens:

Audio message from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s Abū Muṣ’ab ‘Abd al-Wadūd (‘Abd al-Malik Drūkdīl): “On the Failed France Operation”

Al-Andalus Media presents a new video from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb: "The expedition of Al-Mansura"

NOTE: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), based in Algeria, but conducts activities in other countries such as Mali, Mauritania and Morocco, has released a new propaganda video, which according to AbuMandM, who has watched the video already, alledges that AQIM has infiltrated the Algerian security services.

Articles of the Week – 7/3-7/9

Sunday July 4:
Book Review of “The World for Ransom: Piracy Is Terrorism, Terrorism Is Piracy” – Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Pragati:
“The Transformation of Algerian Islamist Parties” – Amel Boubekeur, The Maghreb Center Journal
“Al Qaeda In Kashmir” – Eric Randolph, Current Intelligence
Monday July 5:
“AQAP Inspire Magazine is Nothing New” – J.M. Berger, IntelWire:
Tuesday July 6:
“Indonesia: The Dark Side of Jama’ah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT)” – International Crisis Group
“Un-Inspired” – Thomas Hegghammer, Jihadica
Wednesday July 7:
French Doctrine for Counterinsurgency at the Tactical Level
“Observations of Turkish Islamist Politics: Islamic Democrats or Enemies of Turkish Secularism?” – Youssef Aboul-Enein, Small Wars Journal
“Pakistan’s Competing Jihadists” – Praveen Swami, The Hindu
Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group, Periodical Review June 2010 – No. 2, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism
“Asian influence in the Middle East — friend or foe?” – Geoffrey Kemp, The Middle East Channel
Thursday July 8:
Salafi-Jihadis and the North Caucasus: Is There a New Phase of the War in the Making? – Murad Batal al-Shishani, Terrorism Monitor
Friday July 9:
“Resistance Land- Hezbollah’s new theme park” – Andrew Table, Foreign Policy
“The Legal War on Terror for the week of 7/2-7/8” – Andrew Lebovich, Foreign Policy
“The Salafists: the Latest in Islamist Politics” – François Burgat, Le Monde
Interview with Marjane Satrapi, author of the graphic novel Persepolis – Foreign Policy

Best Articles of the Past Week – 6/5-6/11

Saturday June 5:
“Abu Walid al Masri responds to Charles Cameron” – Leah Farrall, All Things Counter Terrorism:
“Rhetoric and Reality: Countering Terrorism in the Age of Obama” – Marc Lynch, Center for a New American Security:
Monday June 7:

“Does al Qaeda Threaten the World Cup? Assessment, Context, and Implications for Understanding of the al Qaeda Network” – Charlie Szrom, Critical Threats Project:
Tuesday June 8:
“Exploiting Grievances: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula” – Alistair Harris, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:
“Counterterrorism and democracy promotion in the Sahel under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama from September 11, 2001, to the Nigerien Coup of February 2010” – Alex Thurston, Association of Concerned Africa Scholars, ACAS Bulletin No. 85:
“From GSPC to AQIM: The evolution of an Algerian islamist terrorist group into an Al-Qa‘ida Affiliate and its implications for the Sahara-Sahel region” – Stephen Harmon, Association of Concerned Africa Scholars, ACAS Bulletin No. 85:
Wednesday June 9:
“Militants Seize Mecca” – Marissa Allison, al-Maktabah Blog:
Thursday June 10:
“Could Al-Qaeda Turn African in the Sahel?” – Jean-Pierre Filiu, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Carnegie Papers No. 112:
“Jihād & the Battle of Uncertainty” – Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī, Al-Fajr Media Center:
“Pakistan’s New Networks of Terror” – Imtiaz Gul, Foreign Policy:
Friday June 11:
“Muddying the ‘Taliban'” – Brian Fishman, The AfPak Channel:

New statement from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM): "Surrender of the two brothers is a lie (Abū al-'Abbās and Abū Nu'mān)"

NOTE: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), based in Algeria, but conducts activities in other countries such as Mali, Mauritania and Morocco, has released a new statement in reply to the news that two members of AQIM (Abū al-‘Abbās and Abū Nu’mān) have surrendered to Algerian authorities. The below statement is unedited in its original Arabic version.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تنظم القاعدة ببلاد المغرب الإسلامي ———————————-
تكذيب استسلام الأخوين:أبي العباس و أبي النعمان
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الحمد لله ربِّ العالمين و العاقبة للمتقين،و لا عدوان إلاّ على الظالمين،و الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد و على آله و صحبه الأخيار الطّاهرين،أمّا بعد: يقول الله عزّ و جلّ: ﴿إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يَهْدِي مَنْ هُوَ مُسْرِفٌ كَذَّابٌ﴾(غافر: من الآية28). و قال سبحانه: ﴿إِنَّمَا يَفْتَرِي الْكَذِبَ الَّذِينَ لا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِآياتِ اللَّهِ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْكَاذِبُونَ﴾(النحل:105). لقد عوّدنا المرتدون في الجزائر على الترويج للكذب الصراح و التشويه المتكرر للمجاهدين عبر وسائل إعلامهم و من خلال أحذيتهم و عملائهم المأجورين في بعض الصحف و من آخر ذلك الخبر المكذوب عن استسلام الأخوين أبي العباس عثمان قاضي منطقة الوسط و الأخ أبي النعمان عضو الهيئة الطبية لمنطقة الوسط. و قد تناقلت الصحف هذا الخبر الكاذب يوم الثلاثاء 18 جمادى الثانية 1431هـ دون تثبت و لا تحقق كالعادة…و لا عجب في ذلك والله!… فقد أصبح اهتمام الصحافة الجزائرية منحصراً فقط في التضليل و التلبيس اليومي و الترقيع لأبناء فرنسا قدر المستطاع و التفنن في تخدير الجماهير و إلهائها بمباريات كرة القدم عن قضايا الأمة و همومها …أما تسليط الضوء مثلاً على خيانة المرتدين لقضية فلسطين بل وشنهم مؤخراً حملة اعتقالات كبيرة مسّت كل من تظاهر فقط ضد اليهود فتلك قضايا لا تجرؤ جواري القصر و لا أذناب المخابرات على التطرق لها و التعاطي معها بمهنية و موضوعية…و لا نستثني من ذلك إلا بعض الأقلام المنصفة و قليل ما هم. و نحن سعيا منا لتوضيح الحقائق و قطع الطريق على هذه الأقلام المأجورة فقد ارتأينا أن نرد على بعض الأكاذيب بين الفينة و الأخرى رغم أنه من العبث التصدي و الانشغال بالكذب و التضليل اليومي ،و عليه: فإننا نكذب خبر استسلام الأخوين أبي العباس عثمان و أبي النعمان و نؤكد أنهما أُسرا في عمليتين استخباريتين متباعدتين زمانا و مكانا…فنسأل الله أن يخفف عنهما وطأة التعذيب و يفرج عنهما كربتهما. و نقول للمرتدين و أسيادهم الصليبيين: إنّ تكراركم لهذه المسرحيات الركيكة الإخراج و تعلقكم بالأماني الكاذبة و اضطراركم في كل مرّة لتلفيق حكايات غبيّة الحبك لهو دليل على فشل مشاريعكم و علامة واضحة على هزيمتكم بحمد الله. و والله لن تجدوا منّا إلاّ السيف و الاستماتة في مقارعتكم بإذن الله حتى يظهرنا الله أو نهلك دون ذلك،﴿رَبَّنَا افْتَحْ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ قَوْمِنَا بِالْحَقِّ وَأَنْتَ خَيْرُ الْفَاتِحِينَ﴾.

تنظيمُ القَاعِدَةِ ببلادِ المَغْرِبِ الإسْلامِي
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‏السبت‏، 22جمادى الثانية‏، 1431هـ الموافق ل:‏05‏/06‏/2010‏م
مؤسّسة الأندلس للإنتاج الإعلامي
المصدر : ( مركز الفجر للإعلام )