Category: AQSL
As-Saḥāb Media presents new audio message from 'Ustādh Aḥmad Fārūq: "Keep Belief in the Promises of Allah"
UPDATE 1/30 7:54 AM: Here is an English translation of the below audio message:
‘Ustādh Aḥmad Fārūq — “Keep Belief in the Promises of Allah” (En)
[scribd id=47812222 key=key-ticzsdv4qd9xvg0acdg mode=list]
NOTE: ‘Ustādh Aḥmad Fārūq is considered al-Qā’idah’s official spokesman for its Pakistan branch.
As-Saḥāb Media presents new audio message from ‘Ustādh Aḥmad Fārūq: “Keep Belief in the Promises of Allah”
As-Saḥāb Media releases new audio message from Usāmah Bin Lāden: "From Usāmah Bin Lāden to the French People"
UPDATE 2/8 8:46 AM: al-Qādisīyyah Media Productions released an Urdu and Hindi translation of the below audio message. For more background on the creation of the al-Qādisīyyah Media outlet see here.
Usāmah Bin Lāden — “From Usāmah Bin Lāden to the French People” (Urdu)
[scribd id=48424397 key=key-5sqgtecyf01h2vzedua mode=list]
Usāmah Bin Lāden — “From Usāmah Bin Lāden to the French People” (Hindi)
[scribd id=48424489 key=key-bl8si4i0tebq409jwle mode=list]
UPDATE 1/26 7:52 AM: Here is a video with English subtitles:
UPDATE 1/24 7:38 AM: Click here for an English translation of the below audio message.
UPDATE 1/23 7:50 AM: Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum posted a Russian translation of the below audio:
UPDATE 1/23 7:42 AM: Click here for an Arabic transcript of the below audio message.
NOTE: This was originally released through al-Jazeera Arabic TV yesterday. This statement is a follow up to AQIM’s statement this past November by their amīr Abū Muṣ’ab ‘Abd al-Wadūd (‘Abd al-Malik Drūkdīl) titled “Any Negotiations For French Hostages Must Be Conducted With Bin Lāden Himself.” Additionally, UBL’s last release was about the French hostages as well, which came out in late October titled “A Letter for the People of France.” Here are some key quotes from the below audio:
President Nicolas Sarkozy’s refusal to remove his forces from Afghanistan is nothing but a green light to kill the French hostages. But we will not do that at the time that he determines to try and finish off with the repercussions of his position, which will cost him dearly inside and outside of France.
We repeat the same message to you: The release of your prisoners in the hands of our brothers is linked to the withdrawal of your soldiers from our countries, its doubt and budget deficit does not need a new front.
As one can see, UBL provides AQIM with sanction to kill hostages if they would like at a time of their choosing. In the tape UBL also gives permission for attacks inside and outside France. As such, it would not be surprising to see more attempted plots and/or attacks against France in the near future.
As-Saḥāb Media releases new audio message from Usāmah Bin Lāden: “From Usāmah Bin Lāden to the French People”
New video release from Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī: "'Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī…Captured and Subjugated…Where are the Heroes?"
NOTE: Below are transcripts (in Arabic and Urdu) of the video that Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī released yesterday titled “‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī…Captured and Subjugated…Where are the Heroes?” This is the first time we have heard from al-Lībī since June when he released a video that mourned the death of the Islamic State of Iraq’s [al-Qā’idah in Iraq] former senior leaders: Abū Ayyūb al-Maṣrī and Abū ‘Umar al-Baghdādī. For more background on the video see Florian Flade’s write-up about it. If I have time before I leave for vacation next Wednesday, I’ll try and add my two cents.
Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī: “‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī…Captured and Subjugated…Where are the Heroes?”
Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī — “‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī…Captured and Subjugated…Where are the Heroes?” (Urdu)
As-Saḥāb Media Production releases second edition of Dr. Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī's "Knights Under the Prophet's Banner"
NOTE: The first edition of Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner (which you can download here) was completed around the time of 9/11 and it was published and serialized by the Saudi newspaper Ash-Sharq al-‘Awsaṭ in October 2001. Click here to see an in depth description of the first edition from Ash-Sharq al-‘Awsaṭ. Also see Youssef H. Aboul-Enein’s critical review of the book here. The first edition was 252 pages while the second is 507 pages.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy of the second edition of the book: Ayman al-Zawahiri — Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner (Second Edition)
New book from Abū Yūsuf Sulaymān Abū Ghayth Jāssim: "Twenty Instructions upon the path of Jihād"
NOTE: For more on this, see Leah Farrall’s earlier post.
Abu Yusuf Sulayman Abu Ghayth Jassim — Twenty Instructions upon the path of Jihad
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As-Saḥāb media presents a new video message from Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī: "Who is going to defend ‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī?"
UPDATE 4/23/12 10:19 AM: Here is an Italian translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription and English and Spanish translations:
UPDATE 4/22/12 3:39 PM: Here is a Spanish translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription and English translation:
UPDATE: Flashpoint Partners released an English translation of Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī’s recent audio tape titled “Who is going to defend ‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī?.” Click the link to download:
Dr. Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī: “Who is going to defend ‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī?”
NOTE: For whatever reason, WordPress/Scribd will not allow me to upload the video or pdf transcriptions of this message in Arabic, Urdu, Pashto, or Farsi. As such, below is an embedded Arabic transcription instead from my colleague Florian Flade’s blog who seems to have somehow gotten it to work. If I am able to upload the above files later I will. If not, and you want a copy of any of the above files mentioned, feel free to email me.
[scribd id=40990028 key=key-j2xccc20bifpjq3r788 mode=list]
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video from Usāmah Bin Lāden: "A Letter for the People of France"
UPDATE 4: Here is a German translation:
Von Osama bin Laden an das französische Volk:
Frieden sei mit denen, die den Rechtleitung folgen.
Das Thema meiner Rede ist über die Gründe für die Bedrohung eurer Sicherheit und die Entführung eurer Söhne.
Die Entführung von euer Experten in Niger, während eure Offiziere sie bewacht haben, ist eine Reaktion auf das Unrecht, das ihr den islamischen Nation zufügt.
Ist es fair, dass sie in dem Besatzung unseren Landes teilgenommen haben und neben den Amerikanern stehen wenn sie Kinder und Frauen töten, und danach wollen sie in Frieden und Sicherheit leben?
Wie könnt ihr euch vorstellen, dass ihr euch in den Sachen der Muslimen einmischt, besonders in Nord- und Westafrika, ihre Offiziere gegen uns unterstützt, und viel aus unseren Reichtum nimmt in verdächtigen Geschäften, während unser Volk unter Armut und Elend leidet?
Wenn ihr zu Unrecht denkt, dass es euer Recht ist, freien muslimischen Frauen das Tragen des Gesichtsschleiers zu verbieten, ist es dann nicht auch unser Recht, eure eindringenden Männer rauszuwerfen und ihnen die Kehle durchzuschneiden? Natürlich tun wir das.
Die Gleichung ist einfach: Wenn ihr tötet, werdet auch ihr getötet werden; wenn ihr Geiseln nimmt, werdet ihr selbst als Geisel genommen, wenn ihr unsere Sicherheit bedroht, werden wir eure Sicherheit zerstören; die Schuld lastet auf den, der anfingt.
Das einzige Mittel, eure Sicherheit zu bewahren, ist all das Unrecht und seine Wirkungen auf unseren Volk zu stoppen und am wichtigsten, eure Kräfte aus den bösen Krieg von Bush in Afghanistan zurückzuziehen. Es ist Zeit, dass die sogenannte direkte und indirekte Kolonisation beendet wird.
Ihr solltet Konsekvenzen daraus ziehen, wie tief Amerika gefallen ist wegen diesen unrechten Krieg, es ist am Rande der Kollaps an allen wichtigen Fronten und wird bald an die andere Seite der Atlantik zurückfallen, wenn Allah es so will.
Glücklich ist, wer von den Fehler von anderen lernt, und Frieden sei mit denen, die den Rechtleitung folgen.
UPDATE 3: Check out Andrew Lebovich’s thoughts on why UBL was targeting France.
UPDATE 2: Here is the English translation:
English translation of audio message from Usāmah Bin Lāden- “A Letter for the People of France”
UPDATE: Check out Leah Farrall’s take on the UBL audio.
NOTE: The main highlights of this video include Usāmah Bin Lāden discussing France’s ḥijāb ban that he states should be cancelled. In addition, the hostage taking by al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb in Niger is a justifiable act due to France’s transgressions and support for the American-led Afghan war, which he says they should withdraw from. Most importantly, Bin Lāden affirms, France should stop interfering in Muslim-related issues or affairs.
Nothing of significance here, just typical rhetoric. Previously, Dr. Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī also discussed the issue of the ḥijāb on July 27, 2010 in a video statement eulogizing the death of Shaykh Muṣṭafā Abū al-Yazīd who was killed in a U.S. drone strike on May 21, 2010. He stated:
What France is waging … must push us to tightly hold onto our truthful faith to counter their deviational doctrines. We must call our daughters and sisters and mothers to wear ḥijāb and to support them and defend them. As every ḥijāb-wearing and niqāb-wearing female Muslim, who defends her ḥijāb, is a mujahid who defends the rulings of Sharia against the Crusade, secular, Western invasion.
Other than that, the only thing one can take away from this video is that As-Saḥāb Media is in a fairly safe area and has not been disrupted by the droning campaign since As-Saḥāb has released many videos in the past month.
Thoughts and Analysis on Gadahn's new video
“The young often realize the truth before the old and that laymen often recognize the truth ahead of the scholars.” – Adam Gadahn
For the second time in three weeks, Adam Gadahn has released a video message, this one titled “The Arabs And Muslims: between the Conferences of Desertion .. and the individual Duty of Jihād.” In it he uses the Mardin Conference, which was held this past March as a springboard to discuss the importance of jihād as being an individual duty (farḍ al-‘ayn) upon Muslims. I would like to highlight a few points:
From the Ashes of Iraq
Gadahn first directs his attention toward Arabs. Gadahn is trying to refocus Arabs and show them what is at stake: “Return once again to the call … and finish what you started.” Further, he argues that the possibility of mistakes and transgressions by the mujāhidīn is not an excuse to abandon the individual obligation of jihād: “A mistake isn’t treated by an even bigger mistake.” He affirms that these mistakes are not even close to the level of the transgression of the Crusaders and its proxies. This further reiterates the idea that following Abū Muṣ’ab al-Zarqāwī’s bloodlust in Iraq most Arabs were completely revulsed by AQ and they are still digging their way out of that mess.
‘Awlakī and “Lone-Wolfism”
Footage of Anwar al-‘Awlakī from a previous AQAP video release appears interspersed with Gadahn’s message. This could suggest that AQSL believes ‘Awlakī has become an asset to their cause. If this is the case, then one has to only look at ourselves, specifically the mainstream media and non-expert pundits who have hyped him up to the point where he could be seen by AQSL as an important tactical tool in their arsenal. It is a sad state of affairs that a guy who was mid-level AQAP at best has in only eleven months become so much more than his actual worth or standing in the wider AQ movement. One should look to J.M. Berger’s take on ‘Awlakī’s appearance in the video, which is a valid counterpoint to my above statement.
Gadahn also endorses the “lone-wolf” model that ‘Awlakī and his American pal Samīr Khān, the creator of Inspire Magazine, have called for recently, which was originally postulated by Abū Muṣ’ab al-Sūrī. Gadahn stated: “Don’t wait for some else, to do what you can do yourself.” To embolden potential recruits further, Gadahn continued: “Here you are in the battlefield.” Gadahn also provided examples of who “lone-wolf’s” should take as an example: Muḥammad Aṭā (9/11), Ṣidīque Khān (7/7), Muḥammad Būyīrī (Theo Van Gogh), Niḍāl Ḥassān (Fort Hood), ‘Umar Fārūq ‘Abd al-Muṭallib (Christmas Day), and Faiṣal Shahzād (Times Square).
Veiled Snipe at Recanters
Toward the end of Gadahn’s statement he directs a message to those who have recanted. He does not directly say anyone or a particular group, but one could infer he was speaking to Sayyid ‘Imām ash-Sharīf (Dr. Fadl), the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), or others. He argues that the movement still is in need of their expertise and efforts. He tries to remind them of the good old days by articulating that those involved now are the sons of the second and new generation, which are indebted to their previous efforts. Gadahn concludes: “Finish what you started, and aid your religion and ummah.”
Mardin and Ibn Taymīyyah
Fundamentally, the thing that should be taken away from this video is that the Mardin conference is a thorn in the side of AQ since it delegitimizes the foundation of much their theoretical work and raison d’être. This is the epitomy of the so-called “war of ideas.” Since AQSL is taking this message on they most likely feel threatened by its message and clarification of Taqī ad-Dīn Ibn Taymīyyah’s fatwā (legal opinion/decree) at Mardin (see first conclusions 1-7 here).
As is highlighted by the quote at the top of this analysis, Gadahn and AQ are in an uphill battle since they do not have classically trained religious and scholarly credentials. Gadahn also undermines his argument when he discusses the importance of Ibn Taymīyyah to the AQ movement. He states that those who are carrying out the obligation of jihād are not relying or following Ibn Taymīyyah in the first place in issues of jihād or other things. Instead, they have their own fiqh (jurisprudence), ‘ulamā’ (religious scholars), and books, which they abide by far away from the Ḥanbalī legal school (there are four Sunnī legal schools). For example, Gadahn says the commanders and scholars of the Ṭālibān in AfPak are from the Ḥanafī legal school and would therefore not take their ideas from Ibn Taymīyyah. That is a slight of hand, though. To those who have no background in the madhhab’s (legal schools) then one might take Gadahn’s statement at face value. As the well respected Islamic scholar Shaykh ‘Abd al-Hakīm Murād explained:
It was at that time [circa 11th century], too, that the attitude of toleration and good opinion between the Schools became universally accepted. This was formulated by Imām al-Ghazālī, himself the author of four textbooks of Shāfi‘ī fiqh, and also of Al-Mustasfa, widely acclaimed as the most advanced and careful of all works on uṣūl,uṣūl al-fiqh fīl madhhab. With his well-known concern for sincerity, and his dislike of ostentatious scholarly rivalry, he strongly condemned what he falled ‘fanatical attachment to a madhhab’. While it was necessary for the Muslim to follow a recognised madhhab in order to avert the lethal danger of misinterpreting the sources, he must never fall into the trap of considering his own school categorically superior to the others. With a few insignificant exceptions in the late Ottoman period, the great scholars of Sunnī Islam have followed the ethos outlined by Imām al-Ghazālī, and have been conspicuously respectful of each others madhhab. Anyone who has studied under traditional ‘ulamā’ will be well-aware of this fact.
As such, Gadahn is either way out of his league or he does not recognize this precedent since he articulated that AQ has in effect their own legal school above. From this, one can see that the Mardin Conference caused Gadahn to enumerate apologética for his and AQ’s understanding of Islām. The question is who is winning this battle of ideas, the classically trained ‘ulamā’ or the global jihadist ‘ulamā’? I will have more to say about this at a later date.
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from Adam Gadahn: "The Arabs And Muslims: between the Conferences of Desertion .. and the individual Duty of Jihād"
UPDATE: Here are my thoughts on the Gadahn video.
NOTE: I will cover the video more tomorrow and provide some analysis, but for now see the video below.