New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “May God Accept the Knights and Hasten the Empowerment of Islam”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn — May God Accept the Knights and Hasten the Empowerment of Islam


Source: RocketChat

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “Announcement of al-Katāayb Media News Channels New Logo"

NOTE: Al-Katāayb Foundation for Media Productions is the media center used by al-Qā’idah-linked Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn based in Somalia. For more on the history and evolution of al-Shabāb’s media read Christopher Anzalone’s, doctoral student at McGill University, recent articleFrom ‘Martyrdom’ Videos to Jihadi Journalism in Somalia.” Below is an unedited English translation of the statement in Arabic, which is below the English statement.

Thanks to Allah who said: (And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.) Prayers and peace be up-on His prophet who said: “Criticize them, whose hands my soul, it is (critics) harder on them than arrows” who also said: “Criticize them and the Holy Spirit is with you”
The Media battle waged by the Mujahideen is one of the hardest and most important in our war against the zio-crusaders infidels, which made us, the caretakers of the media jihad gaps in our beloved Somali front, to strive hard to develop methods for media combat and to advance weapon of jihadi media to report the truth to the people as it is from the battlefields. Also this is to transfer the voice of Mujahideen to the whole world and to defend the Muslims with the help of Allah.
In this sense, the sense of preparation, collection and carrying the Amanah with all our capabilities, we are pleased in the Al-Kataib Media Production, to bring the good news to all the believers about the birth of the “Al-Kataib News Channel” a specialized news channel transmitting the truth directly from the battlefield in audio and video. The team will work hard in transmitting the news of mujahideen directly to the people, away from the fraud, misrepresentation and manipulation of channels of lies and media fabrication. Their plots are reversed on them thanks to Allah the Almighty
The “Al-Kataib News Channel” came to teach.. to tell.. and to incite.. in honor of the martyrs who covered battlefields with their blood in various fronts; east and west, south and north. This came in defense of the victories of the Mujahideen who broke the pride of the infidel West, scattered its papers and made their senior commanders lose their minds. This in support of the Muwahideen’s patience and persistence in the land of pride. This for those who have made a glorious history loaded with invasions and victories. This is in preparation for the dream awaited by millions of Muslims of an Islamic caliphate, which is so close to us, so we tease the infidels and we heal the pain of believers for the sake of accomplishing the great Amanah for which precious blood and souls of our beloved sons in this beloved Ummah were shed
On this occasion, we announce the official logo of the channel, which will appear on all versions, God willing, look for it and disseminate it may Allah support you and stead-fasten you steps.

We ask Allah that this would be the right channel platform of the Mujahideen, the thorn in the throats of the infidels and hypocrites, and we ask Allah to help everyone contributing in this work and to guide them to His way.

Thanks to Allah and prayer and peace be upon the Prophet and his family and companions.

Click here for a safe PDF copy of the statement: Announcement of Al-Kataib News Channel Logo

Interesting new post in the Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum about media

NOTE: I’m surprised this jihobbyist omitted al-Fajr Media. Also, by highlighting Somali languages below it shows how important the Somali theater has become in the Global Jihadist War.

In the name of Allah most Gracious most Merciful
As-Sahab – Al-Furqan – Al-Ansar
Al-Andalus – Al-Kataib – Al-Malahim
Al-Emara – Kavkaz

Salaam Alaykom Wa rahmatolahi wa barakatuh ya Ansar Al-Mujahideen,

We all know that the mujahideen are fighting two wars at the same time. The Mujahideen are fighting the crusaders/apostates on the battlefield and in the media.
The media of today, with their satellite channels and their writers, agents, and poets are carrying out the most horrible defamation campaign against Islam since he, peace be upon him, was chosen to be the Prophet. They are directing their spears and swords towards what they call the global Salafi-Jihadi movement, which is attacking the centre of their homes, and the axis of their power, and is the biggest threat to them and the state of the Zionists. It is against it: the Islamic caliphate.
Allah, the Almighty says, “Truly, Allah defends those who Believe. (22:38)

We can make it easier for our brothers if we help them with uploading videos from news agency’s.
Aljazeera Arabic
Aljazeera English
The brothers/sisters who understand URDU/Pushtu language, please upload videos that are related to jihad and breaking news stories…

The brothers/sisters who understand Arabic language, please upload videos
that are related to jihad and breaking news stories…

The brothers/sisters who understand Somali language, please upload videos that are related to jihad and breaking news stories…


There is no good in us, if we are too lazy to help our brothers in the jihad Media!

The Prophet, peace be upon him, has said: “There will be a time when nations will be on the verge of calling one another to attack you, as people call on one another to a plate of food.” A Companion asked, “O Messenger of Allah! Is it because we will be few then?” He replied, “No. You will rather be many and will be in multitude like the scum floating on flood waters. Fear of you will be removed from the hearts of your enemies, and fear of them will be put in your hearts.” Another Companion asked, “What is the cause of this?” He answered, “Love for this worldly life and the hatred of death

Was salaam Alaykom,

The poor servant of Allah

Al-Katāayb Foundation for Media Productions presents statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn “Regarding the Blessed Kampala operations”

UPDATE 2: An individual from the forums has translated Shaykh Mukhtar Abū az-Zubayr message:

“And those who, when great wrong afflicts them, defend themselves” Sura Alshura/39
Allah most Gracious And High described the believers that they are against injustice and avengers from the ones who assaults them.
The so called “AMISOM” in Mogadishu committed bloody massacres worst than ones committed by their predecessors the Ethiopians and Americans. The cannons are constantly targeting the civilians, the tanks leveled to the ground the buildings of Mogadishu, and the machine guns are targeting civilian transportation, all this has become a habit known by the “AMISOM”.
We say to Islamic Ummah in general, and in particular to the people of Mogadishu: inshallah, we will revenge all who were martyred by the AMISOM guns, and what happened in Kampala is only the beginning.
Secondly, we congratulate the brigade of Shaheed Salih Alnabhan who were blessed by execution of the operation in Mogadishu, and we say to them: “These faces are of success, and may Allah reward you on behave of us, and Islam and Muslims.
And finally, we say a message to Mosifini, the leader of the massacres committed against our people:
“Poetry in Swahili”

UPDATE: al-Shabāb released an audio recording of its leader, Shaykh Mukhtar Abū az-Zubayr, regarding the recent bombings in Uganda. Here is a link to the audio in Arabic and Swahili: Here are some highlights of the audio message courtesy of Evan Kohlmann:

“We would like to congratulate the Martyr Saleh Nabhan Brigade which graciously fulfilled the mission [in Kampala].”
“I say to the Ugandan president that what has happened in Kampala was only the beginning. Our revenge will continue.”

Also, check out Michael Scheuer’s, former CIA analyst, thoughts on the al-Shabāb bombings over at his website Non-Intervention.

NOTE: For more on the al-Shabāb bombings in Uganda, see the following analyses: Leah Farrall of All Things Counterterrorism (, Christopher Harnisch of AEI’s Critical Threats Project ( and Daveed Gartenstein-Ross of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies ( Due to al-Shabāb password-protecting the document, I cannot upload it to Scribd, though, there is a safe PDF file you can download below. The statement is in English.

Statement Regarding the Blessed Kampala operations

Al-Katāayb Foundation for Media Productions presents: "The African Crusaders"

NOTE: Al-Katāayb Foundation for Media Productions is the media center used by al-Qā’idah-linked Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn based in Somalia. Ibn Siqilli on this video:

Harakat al-Shabab’s media outlet, the Al-Kata’ib (Brigades) Media Foundation, released a video entitled “The African Crusaders” yesterday in which the AU’s forces are labeled agents of the United States, which seeks to persecute Muslims in Somalia and across the globe. Battle footage shows fierce fighting between Harakat al-Shabab militiamen and AU forces, particularly Uganda Army soldiers. Ugandan “crusaders” were discussed in Harakat al-Shabab’s groundbreaking September 2009 video “Labbayk Ya Usama” (We Heed Your Call, O’ Usama), which I wrote about at some length HERE.
Citizens of the African nations contributing soldiers to the AU mission in Somalia, namely Uganda and Burundi, are asked to consider whether they wish to sacrifice their sons to a failed mission in Somalia to support a weak, failing government, that led by PresidentShaykh Sharif Ahmed. The video’s narrator asks Ugandans to consider whether their soldiers would have been better employed defending them from the insurgents of the Lord’s Resistance Army led by Joseph Kony in northern Uganda.
In one part, audio of the late Harakat al-Shabab leader Aden (Adan, Adam) Hashi Ayro (he was killed in a U.S. missile strike in March 2008) is used and a current commander, Husayn Fidow, is shown speaking. The group also recently released photographs of its fighters burning captured AU vehicles.