NOTE: Al-Katāayb Foundation for Media Productions is the media center used by al-Qā’idah-linked Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn based in Somalia. For more on the history and evolution of al-Shabāb’s media read Christopher Anzalone’s, doctoral student at McGill University, recent article “From ‘Martyrdom’ Videos to Jihadi Journalism in Somalia.” Below is an unedited English translation of the statement in Arabic, which is below the English statement.
Thanks to Allah who said: (And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.) Prayers and peace be up-on His prophet who said: “Criticize them, whose hands my soul, it is (critics) harder on them than arrows” who also said: “Criticize them and the Holy Spirit is with you”
The Media battle waged by the Mujahideen is one of the hardest and most important in our war against the zio-crusaders infidels, which made us, the caretakers of the media jihad gaps in our beloved Somali front, to strive hard to develop methods for media combat and to advance weapon of jihadi media to report the truth to the people as it is from the battlefields. Also this is to transfer the voice of Mujahideen to the whole world and to defend the Muslims with the help of Allah.
In this sense, the sense of preparation, collection and carrying the Amanah with all our capabilities, we are pleased in the Al-Kataib Media Production, to bring the good news to all the believers about the birth of the “Al-Kataib News Channel” a specialized news channel transmitting the truth directly from the battlefield in audio and video. The team will work hard in transmitting the news of mujahideen directly to the people, away from the fraud, misrepresentation and manipulation of channels of lies and media fabrication. Their plots are reversed on them thanks to Allah the Almighty
The “Al-Kataib News Channel” came to teach.. to tell.. and to incite.. in honor of the martyrs who covered battlefields with their blood in various fronts; east and west, south and north. This came in defense of the victories of the Mujahideen who broke the pride of the infidel West, scattered its papers and made their senior commanders lose their minds. This in support of the Muwahideen’s patience and persistence in the land of pride. This for those who have made a glorious history loaded with invasions and victories. This is in preparation for the dream awaited by millions of Muslims of an Islamic caliphate, which is so close to us, so we tease the infidels and we heal the pain of believers for the sake of accomplishing the great Amanah for which precious blood and souls of our beloved sons in this beloved Ummah were shed
On this occasion, we announce the official logo of the channel, which will appear on all versions, God willing, look for it and disseminate it may Allah support you and stead-fasten you steps.

We ask Allah that this would be the right channel platform of the Mujahideen, the thorn in the throats of the infidels and hypocrites, and we ask Allah to help everyone contributing in this work and to guide them to His way.
Thanks to Allah and prayer and peace be upon the Prophet and his family and companions.

Click here for a safe PDF copy of the statement: Announcement of Al-Kataib News Channel Logo