New statement from Anṣārullah: "On the Recent Video Showing the Desecration of Taliban Bodies by U.S. Marines"

Yet another video of US troops carrying out inhuman and barbaric acts against Muslims has recently been leaked. This time, four U.S. Marines are shown urinating on the bodies of martyred Taliban Mujahideen while making flippant remarks. Of course, the American authorities will once again hand out the lightest of punishments to the perpetrators while calling this an isolated incident, despite the fact that such atrocities have been witnessed under the command of U.S forces time and time again, from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to Abu Ghuraib Prison in Iraq. And these are just the incidents that have been exposed… our Mujahideen brothers talk of many more atrocities committed by these filthy animals on a regular basis in the Muslim countries they have invaded and occupied.
This sort of behavior is to be expected from such a depraved and morally bankrupt nation, but what is even more sad is the response of the so-called “leaders and representatives of U.S. Muslims” such as the Council of American-Islamic Relations (Cair), which said, “It’s a disgusting, immoral video. Something that no military would be proud of and I think the least of which would be the American military.” So they mean to say that the American military is actually a dignified, morally sound entity? The same American military that has invaded so many Muslim countries under false pretexts, that kills innocent Muslim men, women and children daily in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere, which desecrates the Quran, which rapes our mothers and sisters and carries out indiscriminate bombings against the Muslim masses? But since Cair is the same “Islamic” organization that has said that it is allowed for Muslims to serve in the kuffar U.S. military, and which praised the martyrdom of our beloved Sheikh Usama bin Laden at the hands of these dogs, their position on this issue would seem to be in line with their distorted and deviant views.
Oh Muslims, wake up before it is too late. The war is coming into your homes, and you will be forced to choose a side sooner or later, whether you like it or not. So why not join the ranks of those to whom Allah has promised success in the Hereafter, and an eventual victory in dunya? The filthy Americans and their allies have shown that their war is a war against Islam and Muslims. If incidents such as these are not enough to rouse you out of your slumber, to shake you to your core and make you want to come to the aid of your Mujahideen brothers who are the vanguard of the Ummah and the ones preventing the kuffar from reaching into your homes, then ask yourself whether you are of those about whom Allah the Exalted says, “… Say: “You believe not but you only say, ‘We have surrendered (in Islam),’ for Faith has not yet entered your hearts… ”
May Allah never make us like such people, and may He grant us the tawfeeq to join the ranks of those who are truly serving the cause of the deen in the way that is most pleasing to Him. Ameen.

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Video that Exposes American Transgressions"

Islamic Emirate has the following remarks about the video disclosed by the media in which American soldiers are shown urinating on the bodies of three Afghans with complete disrespect after martyring them:
With the advent of the new decade old occupation of Afghanistan by the American invaders and their allies, our oppressed people have become witnesses and targets on a daily basis, in one or the other part of the country, to the various abuses, war crimes and actions contrary to all the human and ethical norms.
During this ten year occupation, the American soldiers have tortured our people under various names, repeatedly abused our holy Quran and other inviolable, have burnt our dead, inhumanely killed our women and children and now even carried out malevolent actions against our martyrs in which they initially martyred our innocent countrymen and urinated on their bodies afterwards.
Those things which appear in the media every now and again are only a small fraction of the crimes which are perpetrated by the American soldiers.
As always, we once again strongly condemn such inhumane acts carried out by the barbaric American soldiers and consider them contrary to all the human and ethical norms. with this, we also call on the United Nations and other Human Right groups to block such inhumane acts of the hypocritical America and practically display the humanitarian slogans which are always exclaimed by these organizations. On the other hand, we would also like to inform the American invaders that such actions will never weaken the resovle of the Muslim and noble Afghan nation and neither will it affect our fast paced Jihadi process but it will rather act as a catalyst in bringing about a swifter end of the American occupation. It is not far that the American invaders will witness the consequences of such actions and will have to confront the extra wrath and hatred of the Afghan masses.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghan

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Ongoing Situation in Afghanistan"

It is well known to the Mujahid nation of Afghanistan that the Islamic Emirate has been engaged in a struggle and Jihad for the past one and a half decade to establish an Islamic government in accordance with the request of its people. It is for this purpose and for bringing about peace and stability in Afghanistan that we have increased our political efforts to come to mutual understanding with the world in order to solve the current ongoing situation. But this understanding does not mean a surrender from Jihad and neither is it connected to an acceptance of the constitution of the stooge Kabul administration but rather the Islamic Emirate is utilizing its political wing alongside its military presence and Jihad in order to realize the national and Islamic aspirations of the nation and its martyrs.
We must say that some sources and reports of media outlets often try to distort realities. For this reason we would like to ask all the officials of the media outlets to work within the framework of unbiased journalistic ethics, avoid circulating baseless and one-sided reports and only publish that which is confirmed by relevant sources. Similarly, if it is a report about Islamic Emirate then it should be forwarded to the relevant office for confirmation so it can reach the Afghan Mujahid nation and others in an authentic form. Wasalam.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New article from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Judge Me On My Merits"

With the end of the year 2011 A.D., most of the international media, research centers and the governments of the contemporary world, as ever, came up their own statistics, analysis  and surveys of gains and losses in the Afghan war and overall situation in the war-torn country. Ironically, the reports by mainstream media, as always, have shown the progress and improvement made by the western invaders in Afghan war throughout the year 2011 which is extremely ridiculous. In fact, since the US invasion of Afghanistan, the human and martial losses of Americans have dramatically increased with every passing year; as matter of fact, each year has proved more fatal and deadlier than previous one for the US invaders who have, politically, been faced with the world ridicule and greatest embarrassment, but when it comes to the analysis and assessment of the situation and end result, the US has always tried to get the credit it never deserved and falsely claimed its success on the ground and improvement in the conditions which have never materialized. The mainstream news media, with the massive bias on its part, regardless of facts and justifications, reports that this year, by contrast, has ended with fewer U.S. casualties than in 2010 in Afghanistan, stating what the US spokesmen and its coverage have one-sidedly published which is not confirmed by any independent source. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in order to offer a succinct clarification of the previous year’s general condition, and the surveys conducted by the mainstream news media and the statistics and figures given by it, hereby, would like to give a brief review of what happened last year and how Jahidic situation across the country was so that the readers should get the overall picture of the country’s real condition and Jihadic activities. Let us take ‘Wardag province’ for example which gets extra attention due to its proximity with Kabul and which, according to the invaders, is of average population and area. In fact, The US invaders and the puppet regime, fearing the presence of Mujahideen in the very province and its nearness with the capital, have built several military posts, outposts and bases in different part of this it, and kept mounting air and ground operations. In spite the U.S. excessive use of force, Mujahideen’s activities in the year 2011 were largely successful and promising in this province. Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate have achieved more significant and unprecedented   gains and success throughout the year in Wardag province since the Operation Badr was launched in April, 2011, according to the reports given to al-Emarah website. Over the mentioned period of time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate conducted 650 face to face battles and hundreds of bomb attacks against enemy in Wardag province that resulted in heavy losses to the enemy which are put statically as follows: Armored tanks damaged                                         (43) Supply/ transportation trucks burned down                (163) Supply/ transportation truck damaged                     (248) Military vehicles destroyed                                    (140) Invaders’ forces for ground offensives killed             (855) Puppets (Afghan National Army/Police) killed            (821) Invaders’ forces wounded/injured                         (205) Puppets (ANA/ANP) wounded/injured                     (248) Total invaders/puppets wounded                          (453) If, total enemies killed, divided by our martyrs then each martyr has to get 14.96 of enemies killed, in other words, there will be 14 enemies and 96 pieces of their bodies in exchange of a single martyr. Total civilians martyred                                        (48) Total enemy’s raid conducted                                (67) Meanwhile, as a result of the US massive airstrikes and their brutalities, 11 civilians’’ homes and 2 madrasas (religious institution/seminary) with a library were destroyed, whereas a Masjid (mosque) got martyred (destroyed) and 10 vehicles of civilians were burned down. Apart from the extensive gains and progress achieved, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate carried out some high-profile operations in Wardag province three of which, the launch of successful martyr attacks on the main US army bases and their military convoy in Dashti Toup and Syedabad district, and the shoot-down of the US Chinook helicopter in the same district that killed and injured hundreds of the US invaders, are noteworthy. Comparing the Jihadic activities of 2010 with 2011 may reveal stunningly illustrious and immense progress on the ground by Mujahideen, making 2011 the deadliest year that ended in tears for the US invaders. As for the international mainstream media and analytical and research centers’ turning a blind eye to the facts, is the least of our concern; however, one should be judged on one’s merits, that is, the facts should be surfaced which may set the account straight. On the other hand, the unusual change and decline in the stance of the U.S. disclose that it is face to face with defeat and has achieved nothing.


New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Reports About Release of Prisoners from Guantanamo are Untrue"

Aljazeera television published an unconfirmed report yesterday in which it claimed that 3 officials of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have been released from Guantanamo in exchange for the American prisoner Bergdahl who is held by Islamic Emirate. Aljazeera channel also said that their claim has been confirmed by officials of Islamic Emirate however the reality is that all these assertions are baseless which are not affirmed by any officials of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. We strongly urge all news agencies to avoid damaging their reputation by publishing such untrue reports. They should also avoid coming under the influence the western media outlets which want to portray as if all the problems have been solved and through which, they want to spread concerns and keep the Muslims masses in the dark. Our enemies must similarly realize that the courageous people of Afghanistan under the leadership of Islamic Emirate will continue their legitimate struggle and armed Jihad until all the occupying forces are expelled from this soil.
The spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Zabihullah Mujahid

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #68 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine

NOTE: Previous issues: #67#66#65#64#63#62#61#60#59#58#57#56#53, and #51. You can also see English translations of articles from previous issues here.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Issue #68 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding Negotiations"

It is a unambiguous reality that the Islamic movement of Taliban arose to establish an Islamic system in Afghanistan, uproot injustice, eradicate narcotics and the local writ of gunmen, strengthen security and to form national unity and with the help of Allah and with the backing and sacrifices of the nation, it was able to eradicate corruption and establish an Islamic
government in the various provinces and the capital in a very short period of time. It almost completely eliminated the years of strife and fragmentation in the whole country and was able to bring ninety five percent of the country under the control of the central government. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has always tried to solve the problems with the opposition through talks.
The ongoing issue in the country which came about ten years ago has been between two fundamental elements: on the one side is Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and on the other is the United States of America and its foreign allies.
The stance of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from the beginning has been to bring about the end of the invasion of Afghanistan and to let the Afghans establish an Islamic government of their own choosing which does not pose danger to anyone. Through realization and understanding, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has time and again made clear its stance to other nations and has persistently said that the allied nations under the leadership of America will never be able to subdue the Afghans by force in order to realize its aims. We are at the moment, besides our powerful presence inside the country ready to establish a political office outside the country to come to an understanding with other nations and in this series, we have reached an initial agreement with Qatar and other related sides. Islamic Emirate has also asked for the release of its prisoners from the Guantanamo prison in exchange basis.
Apart from this, the perturbing reports spread by some news agencies and western officials about negotiations have no reality and are strongly rejected by Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases In Fight Magazine #36

NOTE: In Fight Magazine publishes photographs from the Afghan Ṭālibān-led insurgency against the United States, NATO, and its Afghan allies. For previous issues see: #35#34#33#32#31#30#29#28#27#26#25#24#23#22#21; and #20.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases In Fight Magazine #36

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "The Importance of the Islamic Emirate at World Level"

For the past 15 years, since the emergence of the Taliban Islamic Movement for the establishment of national unity and an Islamic regime, until the formation of the Islamic Emirate, the Emirate has shown through its recurrent sovereign actions that it is a movement being independent, Islamic , countrywide and domestic in nature. It feels the pains and grievance of the masses and struggles for the realization of their legitimate aspirations. Though the opposition of the Islamic Emirate has tried through their wicked propaganda to show that this pure movement has foreign affiliations and tried to mitigate its importance in the political and military fronts. But contrary to the claims of the opponents of the Islamic Emirate, it has been proved that the Islamic Emirate has sprouted up from among the people and flourish in their midst.
Throughout the past decade, the Americans and their allies resorted to the use of military power against the Islamic Emirate but since the Islamic Emirate was an Islamic and national movement, its strength increased furthermore with the passage of each day with its influence spreading to all parts of the country.
Now survey institutions of the West admit that 70% of the Afghan land is under the control and influence of the Islamic Emirate. People approach courts of the Islamic Emirate instead of courts of the Kabul puppet Administration because their office procedures are swift, efficient and free from corruption.
It is not surprising that the invading countries present in Afghanistan have come around to this hard fact through their experiences to realize the importance of the Islamic Emirate and consider it a real party to the imbroglio of Afghanistan. This is because the Islamic Emirate, since its inception, has proved to the nation and to the world through its actions and clear messages that it is a people-oriented Islamic force, with comprehensive social and economic programmes for the well-being of the people. If we have a glance at the messages of the esteemed Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid (may Allah protect him) which were issued on the occasions of the past Eids, we clearly see that the Islamic Emirate has viable political and economic policies for the development and prosperity of the country, being able to answer to all our current problems, both internal and external. Similarly, Islamic Emirate is free from biases and discrimination, being entirely committed to the people and having members in its ranks from all ethnicities of the country. Members of the Islamic Emirate are not involved in corruption and embezzlement but are faithful to their goal. This is a characteristic that singles out the Islamic Emirate from all other factions and groups whose very foundation has been laid down on the bases of geographical and lingual orientations and preferences and are mafiostic in nature. They are only craving for lining up their own pockets.
The Islamic Emirate knows that its strength lies in the contentment of the masses. Therefore, it will try, as a servant of the people and according to its capacity, to cater to the spiritual and material needs of the people, If God willing.

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Concerning the Condemnation of the 32nd Anniversary of the Former Soviet Union Invasion of Afghanistan"

Thirty two years ago, on this day, the 6th of Jaddi, 1358 (AH anno hegirae) corresponding to 27thDecember, 1979, the former Soviet Union, in much the same way and for much the same reason as the present-day U.S, violating all human rights and ethics, invaded our country.

Still, more than three decades after the former Red Army invasion of Afghanistan, the Afghan are suffering from the aftermath of the war and the impact of it appears to be seen largely in terms of destruction of our country and economic infrastructure. Millions of our countrymen were made homeless leaving their country to migrate to other countries. The former Soviet Union invasion cost the Afghans the gravest material, emotional and psychological losses in addition to losses of lives of more than one and a half million Afghans. The Afghan Muslim nation is still suffering from the negative effect of what happened, in return, the world including the America were disposed of the Red Empire by the downfall of the former Soviet Unions at the hands of Afghan Muslim nation which got several countries permanent independence and recognition of their identities. At this stage, the US and the other countries, having been disposed of the Red Empire, had to comfort the miserable Afghans and extent assistance to the war-torn country. Contrarily, the worst was yet to come. The US and their allied countries destroyed and ruined whatever parts of our country had been left of the former Soviet Unions. Afghans, with help of Allah, are well-trained and able to carry out Jihad and combat all the invaders. The Afghan Muslim nation, in the same way as in the past defeated the entire Eastern bloc headed by the former Soviet Unions though their Jihad getting the world rid of the communism, are successfully withstanding all the coalition forces led by the US invaders and will make them all face the same fate that befell the then Red Army who under the pretext of Peace Treaty of Geneva pulled out of Afghanistan in failure. The current invaders are, too, looking for the pretence to withdrew from Afghanistan in a face-saving way and are in the point of fleeing. )  لِلَّهِ الأَمْرُ مِن قَبْلُ وَمِن بَعْدُ وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ   بِنَصْرِ اللَّهِ يَنصُرُ مَن يَشَاء وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الرَّحِيمُ( To Allah belonged the matter before and (to Him it belongs) thereafter. And on the day the believers will rejoice with Allah’s help. He help whomsoever He wills, And He is the Mighty, the Very-Merciful. The sequence of the events, if observed, it becomes crystal clear that Afghanistan has never been and is never a country where the invaders can survive or be settled. Besides, the collapse of the Genghis, British Empire, and Red Empire are the living examples that the US may learn from. The US invaders and their allies, Instead of putting the tested brave Afghan nation to the test and fighting them, are to put an end to their invasion. Furthermore, the western nations should insist on their rulers not to commit war crimes any longer that may further disgrace their nations nationally and internationally but to let the miserable Afghans live freely. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan believes that Afghanistan is sure to be liberated from the occupation of the US invaders with help of Allah Almighty and through their Jihad the and the current invaders are bound to be destined with the same fate that the former ones befell, if Allah wills it. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
