New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding Insult Of The Great Prophet Of Islam In America"


Shawwal 24, 1433 A.H, Wednesday, September 12, 2012
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns with the strongest of words insult towards the great Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAW), perpetrated in a screening in an American cinema with the authorization of its government. Since America declared its open war on Islam eleven years ago, it has repeatedly and on various intervals insulted the inviolable sanctums of Islam. Such revolting actions are not acts of individuals but rather are activities done with the approval or even directly by the government.
We, as the staunch defenders of Islam, make it very clear to the American regime as well as its rebellious transgressing individuals that such actions will not bring you any closer to your malicious goals but vice-versa; it shall further unveil the true satanic face of your government especially to the Muslims and will drive the Muslim world to communally respond with an appropriate reaction.
The bestial natured America has violated the religious, ideological, national and cultural sanctums of various countries and nations in its dark history and has allowed such irresponsible acts to flourish in its country therefore the international community and specifically the Muslim nations and countries should join hands and create an unbreakable alliance against this common enemy in order quickly respond to these evil elements with an appropriate and stern reaction and to contain these gross offences.
The Islamic Emirate also calls on all its Mujahideen to stand firm against all the violations against our heavenly book (Quran), Prophet and other sanctums perpetrated by the invading America. The Mujahideen in Afghanistan should avenge these actions of the American government by dealing a heavy blow to its invading troops on the battlefield. Similarly, the Islamic Emirate calls on all of the religious scholars of the country to fully inform the masses about such barbaric acts of America in their sermons and to prepare them for a lengthy struggle.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Regarding Report Published By Royal United Services Institute"

Shawwal 24, 1433 A.H, Wednesday, September 12, 2012
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

The Royal United Services Institute, a London based so called think-tank published a report yesterday in which it remarked that the Taliban (Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan) are prepared to accept the presence of American forces until 2024 in their talks and other such fatuous jibber-jabber.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this malicious and strictly propaganda based report of the said think-tank and declares it has no plans of prolonging the American invasion of Afghanistan even for a single day.
Our religion, national interests, national pride and values forbid us from making such illegitimate deals or agreeing to the continuation of invasion or accepting their revolting presence due to fear and our own safety. We believe that this report by the so called think-tank, based on the opinions of a few anonymous faces, is fabricated and consider it the direct work and move of the intelligence circles prepared for its people and for raising the moral of its defeated troops.
In this regard, we ask all media outlets to contact the official spokesmen of Islamic Emirate for verification before publishing such fabrications for propaganda purposes so to affirm their impartiality and negate deceiving the masses.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid


New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "On The Eleventh Anniversary Of The September Incident"


Shawwal 21, 1433 A.H, Sunday, September 09, 2012
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

It has now been eleven years since oppression was unleashed upon the miserable Afghan people and fire lit in our homeland at the hands of America under the disguise of retaliation for the September incident. The anniversary of 9/11 is approaching America this year at a time when it is facing utter defeat in Afghanistan militarily, politically, economically and in all other facets and it has exhausted all other means through which to prolong its illegal war. The war declared on Muslims and Islam by America eleven years ago under this pretext has with the divine help of Allah (SWT) lost all its power and the criminal warmongers are fleeing the battle ground one after the other. Although the blood of hundreds of Afghans was shed by this illegal and unjust crusade however the invading Americans and its deluded-by-propaganda coalition was also handed unequivocal defeat and thousands of their troops were killed. The oppressed but valiant Afghan nation, in defense of their country and religion, proved through their sacred struggle and Jihad that the invasion under pretext of retaliation for the September incident has no legal or ethical bases. Every action that you take in this path only displays your brutality, oppression, savagery and arrogance because the Afghans have had no hand in the 9/11 incident and neither have you been able to provide any legitimate or logical proofs. Your presence in Afghanistan under this illegal pretext is the reason for the unrest in this entire region and is related directly to the insecurity, political and military problems faced by America and her ensnared allies. Despite America spending large amounts of military and economical assets under the title of homeland security and murdering thousands of its soldiers by the hands of Afghans however no American is safe in any society today rather they are discriminated against in every country and region and everyone considers it their right to kill them! since they have oppressed all and have endangered the security of the entire world for their own advancement. The Islamic Emirate, on the eleventh anniversary of the September incident, once again calls upon the American officials, its coalition members and its people to halt shedding the blood of the oppressed Afghans under this pretext and to follow the path of sound reasoning instead of tyranny and stupidity. Availing this moment, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan once again clarifies to the entire world including America that we are neither a threat to anyone nor will we let our soil be used to harm anyone. It is our due legal and religious right to defend our homeland and establish in it an Islamic system and we shall continue with our sacred struggle and Jihad against the invaders until we attain this right and we sincerely believe in being victorious in achieving this ambition and defeating the enemy.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding America Using the Name of the Conjured Entity the ‘Haqqani Network’ and Its Black Listing"

Anyone who has ever taken lawful action against and rejected the ambitions of America’s imperialistic policies then they have always become targets of the America’s satanic plots and satanic actions. In continuation of this trend, a self-created network attributed to the honorable Afghan Jihadi personality, Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani, was inscribed into the black list despite there being no separate entity or network in Afghanistan by the name of Haqqani.
The honorable Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani is a member of the Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate and is a close, loyal and trusted associate of the esteemed Amir-ul-Mumineen and those Mujahideen entrusted under the command of his sons are in fact the heroic Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate who like other Mujahideen strictly obey the esteemed Amir-ul-Mumineen and wage Jihad against the invaders throughout the country.
By employing its satanic plot, America is trying to create and black list a separate entity in the organized and unified rank of Islamic Emirate while its biased media expound the same narrative however this is nothing out of the ordinary in the dark history of these invaders. This evident plot has been for years running into failure and America has repeatedly faced hopelessness in achieving her malicious intention. That is why the enemy is reaching out to these failed experiments instead seeking resolution to the real problem. America should understand that it is further provoking the anger of the Muslims against herself with such actions and all the negative consequence of this inhumane and criminal action against the Islamic Emirate will fall squarely on the shoulders of deceitful America and others implicated in this process.
The Islamic Emirate does not place any value in the black and white lists of the enemy even though these ineffective pronouncements began some fourteen years ago. Many of the high ranking officials of Islamic Emirate including the honorable Haqqani Sahib have been enlisted in this or that list however it has not effected our struggle negatively one bit neither has it yielded the desired result and neither will it in the future therefore this latest announcement will also be ineffective and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns it.
The Islamic Emirate does not have any trade agreements with any American companies or individuals and neither does it have monetary funds there which could be frozen. This cowardly act of yours in which you enter Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate into your so-called black list is indicative of your complete defeat and dismay. This step will never weaken the determination of our nation and Mujahideen but it shall further strengthen them and its bitter and heavy burden shall hang from the neck of America.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
18/06/1391 08/09/2012

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "In The Recent Past Why The Enemy Has Accelerated Unsubstantiated Propaganda?"

Shawwal 14, 1433 A.H, Sunday, September 02, 2012

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.  Overall the enemy has taken full advantage from baseless and unfounded propaganda as an important part of their war strategy. In the beginning when they were going to attack Afghanistan they started this kind of propaganda. Not only in Afghanistan but also in Iraq they interpreted their illegal intervention on the basis of such false and unjustifiable propaganda. Later on it was proved that their justification was totally wrong and nothing illegal was found there. It was just because of this false and baseless propaganda that the short sighted and warmonger politicians of the west lost their credibility in the world community. They are also facing the deep disgust of their own people, to the extent that their masses came out to the streets because of their wrong and malicious policies. In the holy month of Ramadan especially in the last ten days the enemy had a severe blow by the Mujahidin which took them to task. They turned towards propaganda to spread distrust among Mujahidin. In this way they wanted to decrease the quality and quantity of the attacks of Mujahidin. A few days earlier an official of the puppet regime of Karzai administration said that they had met Mulla Birather in Islamabad for peace talks. But after a very short span of time another official of this dependent administration denied his colleague’s statement. The helpless and restless administration of Karzai is weak and incompetent on such a high level that it cannot fully investigate and analyze the incidents. This is the reason that there is total contradiction between their statements. Another news given by them is the meeting of some high level officials of Islamic Emirate in Dubai including Agha Jan Motasim, whereas he has no official designation in Islamic Emirate since long. They also spread the news that Islamic Emirate has brought changes in their policies regarding female education, national army and terrorism. The Islamic Emirate has repeatedly said that neither it was against the female education nor it is, in the light of Islamic rules and national interests. But the rights and education provided by the west for the honor and magnanimity of women is only an empty slogan; which is acceptable neither by the spiritual and religious minded Muslim masses of Afghanistan in general nor by the modest and virtuous women of Afghanistan in particular. Similarly differentiation should be made between terrorism and the defense from one’s own rights. The trespassers have invaded the Afghan nation and their freedom is denied. Their sanctities, culture and glories all are on stake. Everyone has the right to defend ones faith, soil and sanctity according to all internal laws. It is never terrorism and no rational man can call it terrorism. Why the enemy is making this kind of baseless and false propaganda? Everyone knows the reason. The enemy wants to conceal its defeat and divert peoples’ attention. But the realities should be accepted. Instead of reaching its malicious objectives by this kind of baseless propaganda which is not possible forever, it is better to surrender to the ground realities. They should handover the rights of the Afghan nation to them. They should discontinue their killing and torturing. Let the oppressed Afghan Nation determine its destiny by itself. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan


Fursān al-Balāgh Media presents a new interview: "With the Official Spokesman for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Qārī' Yusef Aḥmadī"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Fursān al-Balāgh Media — “Interview With the Official Spokesman for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Qārī’ Yusef Aḥmadī”

To inquire about a translation for this interview for a fee email: [email protected]

Check out my new article for Foreign Policy's AfPak Channel: "Dodging the drones: How militants have responded to the covert US campaign"


Over the past decade U.S. drone strikes have killed between 1,800 and 3,100 people in Pakistan, along with hundreds more in drone attacks in Yemen and Somalia, as a result of the United States’ efforts to combat al-Qaeda and its affiliates. The rise in strikes since the beginning of the Obama administration, and the growing stridency of questions surrounding the legal, moral, and practical efficacy of the program, have led to a lively debate among the commentariat. This debate is indeed important, but it is also crucial to understand how the drone program has affected the jihadis, and how jihadis have deployed the issue of drones in their propaganda. This is a necessary part of gaining a wider understanding of whether the program is a worthwhile endeavor.
Surprisingly, one does not see much discussion of drones by al-Qaeda Central (AQC), or by the Taliban (though it is possible that individuals in these groups are talking more about this in face-to-face encounters than online). Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), on the other hand, has exploited the drone issue extensively in the newsletter put out by their front group, Ansar al-Shari’ah (AS). As a result, question of whether drones are drawing more individuals into the arms of AQAP has been raised frequently in the past year.
Click here to read the rest.

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Qārī' Yusef Aḥmadī: "Remarks Regarding the Incident In Helmand’s Roshanabad Desert"

Shawwal 09, 1433 A.H, Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

A secret music party was organized inside a remote house close to wells in the desert between Roshanabad and Shahkarez areas of Musa Kala district, Helmand province because no one can dare do such a vile thing openly. Around 20 corrupt individuals participated in this event and boys dressed in women clothing were forced to dance. According to information gathered, the said group turned their guns on each other and killed each other at around midnight after getting heavily drunk, becoming both the killers and the killed. The government spokesman of Helmand province promptly and brazenly blamed Mujahideen for this infamous incident which Karzai and others blindly accepted. We once again call on all media outlets to refrain from attributing such reports to the Mujahideen.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi


al-Imārah Studio presents a new issue of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s magazine: “Sharī’at Issue #6″

NOTE: For previous issues see: #5#4#3#2 and #1.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — “Sharī’at Issue #6″

To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Regarding Badr ad-Dīn Haqqani"

Shawwal 07, 1433 A.H, Sunday, August 26, 2012

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

A number of western media outlets are reporting that Badruddin Haqqani has been killed. We would like to inform all media that this rumor is not correct, Badruddin is alive and in good health in Afghanistan. Badruddin Haqqani is in the country and is occupied with his operational responsibilities. The rumor about him being killed is enemy fatuous propaganda to divert peoples attention from its humiliating defeat.

Spokesman of The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
