Articles of the Week – 11/24-11/30

Saturday November 24:
Spoiling the Gaza Ceasefire – Aaron Y. Zelin, The Atlantic:
Monday November 26:
The Muslim-American neighbour as terrorist: The representation of a Muslim family in 24 – Rolf Halse, Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research:
The Cyber Terror Bogeyman – Peter W. Singer, Armed Forces Journal:
Tuesday November 27:
Beyond al-Qa’ida – Bill Braniff, START:
Thursday November 29:
Muslim Soldiers in Non-Muslim Militaries at War in Muslim Lands: The Soviet, American and Indian Experience – Christian Bleuer, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs:
First Century Sources for the Life of Muḥammad? A Debate – Andreas Görke, Harald Motzki, & Gregor Schoeler, Der Islam:
Early Versions of the shahāda: A Tombstone from Aswan of 71 A.H., the Dome of the Rock, and Contemporary Coinage – Jere L. Bacharach and Sherif Anwar, Der Islam:
Friday November 30:
Revisiting the Salafi-jihadist Threat in Xinjiang – Kendrick T. Kuo, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs:

al-Bayyān Media Foundation presents a new article from Anṣār al-Sharī’ah in Egypt’s Shaykh Jalāl ad-Dīn Abū al-Fatuḥ: “Series: Warning the Muslims From the Misguidance of the Educational Curriculum #3”

NOTE: To read previous parts in this series see: #2 and #1.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Jalāl ad-Dīn Abū al-Fatuḥ — “Series- Warning the Muslims From the Misguidance of the Educational Curriculum #3”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah's Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī: "Eulogy for the Commander Shaykh Hishām al-Sa’īdnī (Abū al-Walid al-Maqdisī)"

UPDATE 7/28/13 9:59 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī — “Eulogy for the Commander Shaykh Hishām al-Sa’īdnī (Abū al-Walid al-Maqdisī)” (En)

UPDATE 11/30/12 2:52 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī — “Eulogy for the Commander Shaykh Hishām al-Sa’īdnī (Abū al-Walid al-Maqdisī)” (Ar)


Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād presents a new Fatwā from Shaykh Abū al-Mundhir al-Shinqīṭī: "Is It Permissible to Kill Non-Combatant Rawāfiḍ Who Are Challenging the Companions and Abusers of the People of the Sunnah?"

Fursān al-Balāgh Media present a new article from Abū Sa'd al 'Āmilī: "Message of Guidance and Consideration to the Soldiers of the Righteous Underground"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Sa’d al ‘Āmilī — “Message of Guidance and Consideration to the Soldiers of the Righteous Underground”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from Jabhat al-Nuṣrah: "Targeting a Gathering of Forty Shabīḥah in a Martyrdom Operation in Damascus"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Jabhat al-Nuṣrah — “Targeting a Gathering of Forty Shabīḥah in a Martyrdom Operation in Damascus”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from Majlis Shūrā al-Mujāhidīn in Gao: "To the People of the Cities in Northern Mali About the Reason for Its Fight With the MNLA (the Secular Movement)"

UPDATE 11/27/12 2:31 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله معز المؤمنين ومذل الشرك والمشركين والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.
أما بعد:
O’ slaves of Allah, Allah have created us and made the purpose of creating us is to worship him, the Almighty says: (And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me) 56 Surah Adh-Dhariyat, and that worship won’t be achieved except by responding to the orders of Allah and implementing his Sharia, that’s why the mujahidin answered the order of Allah Almighty (And unto thee have We revealed the Scripture with the truth, confirming whatever Scripture was before it, and a watcher over it. So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires away from the truth which hath come unto thee) 48 Surah Al-Maeda, and they began calling for the implementation of the Sharia between the people so they were fought by the governments of the apostate regimes which rule people with democracy and manmade laws and they jailed and tortured them, so they rose up and took up arms and began to fight the Tawagit, to be able to implement the Sharia between the Muslims for which we were created, and Alhamdulillah the mujahidin in northern Mali were able to crush the Tawagit who were oppressing people and imposing on them excises and taxes, and permit for them alcohol, immorality and adultery, and they were able also the Hudud of Allah and implement his Sharia between the Muslims in this land as is well known.
The mujahidin aren’t from a particular group of people but rather the brigades of the mujahidin consist of Ansar and Muhajirin.
The Ansar are people from the land (Fulas, Tamashiq, Zu Ishaq, Ansar Al-Sunnah, Sudanese, Tuaregs, Arabs, non-Arabs …. and others)
And the Muhajirin are people from outside the country (Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Algeria, Mauritania, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and France ….. and other)
This is something known and isn’t a secret to anyone (the Ansar and Muhajirin) that they have gathered and united to establish and implement the Sharia of Allah and Islam, and they are fighting for that.
The mujahidin took an oath on themselves to fight everyone who is an obstacle before implementing the Islamic Sharia and oppresses the Muslims.
And we in our war with the MNLA (National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad) this secular movement that doesn’t want the implementation of the Islamic Sharia, the mujahidin fought it because they became like the Tawagit we call them to resort to the Sharia of Allah but they refuse and they added to that their oppression to the Muslims by taking their money unjustly and killing them and their dividing of the Muslims, the black has no right and the white has right, when the messenger of Allah peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said: “O’ people, your Lord is one, and your father (Adam) is one, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety”. Narrated by Ahmed in his Musnad with an authentic chain of narrators.
For that and other reasons the mujahidin decided to fight this movement and crush it to repel its harm on the Muslims and the implement the Sharia of Allah between the people.
And to Allah belongs the might and to His Messenger and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know.
Majlis Shura Al-Mujahidin in Gao
10 Muharam 1434 A.H.
Corresponding 2012-11-24

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله معز المؤمنين ومذل الشرك والمشركين والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. أما بعد: عباد الله إن الله خلقنا وجعل الغاية من خلقنا هي عبادته فقال تعالى {=&0=&} ولن تتحقق العبادة إلا بالاستجابة لأوامر الله وتطبيق شريعته ، فلذلك قام المجاهدون مستجيبين لأمر الله عز وجل {=&1=&} وبدأوا ينادون بتحكيم الشريعة بين الناس فحاربتهم أنظمة الحكومات المرتدة الذين يحكمون الناس بالديمقراطية والقوانين الوضعية فسجنوهم وعذبوهم فقاموا وحملوا السلاح وبدأو في قتال الطواغيت ليتمكنوا من تحكيم الشريعة بين المسلمين التي من أجلها خُلقنا ، والحمد لله تمكن المجاهدون في (شمال مالي) من القضاء على الطواغيت الذين كانوا يظلمون الناس ويفرضون عليهم المكوس والضرائب ويبيحون لهم الخمور والفجور والزنا وتمكنوا أيضًا من إقامة حدود الله وتطبيق شريعته بين المسلمين في هذه البلاد كما هو معلوم. والمجاهدون ليسوا طائفة محددة من الناس بل إن كتائب المجاهدين تتكون من أنصار ومهاجرين الأنصار أناس من أهل البلاد من ( الفلان _ والتماشق _ ودُو إسحاق _ وأنصار السنة _ والسودان العاديين _ والطوارق _ والعرب _ والعجم …….وغيرهم) والمهاجرون أناس من خارج البلاد من (النيجر _ ونيجيريا _ وتشاد _ وموريتانيا _ والجزائر _ وتونس _ وليبيا _ ومصر _ وفرنسا ………..وغيرهم) وهذا أمر معلوم للجميع لا يخفى على أحد كلهم (الأنصار والمهاجرين) تجمعوا وتوحدوا لإقامة وتطبيق شريعة الله الإسلام وهم يقاتلون على ذلك. والمجاهدون أخذوا على أنفسهم العهود والمواثيق أن يقاتلوا كل من وقف أمام تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية وظَلَمَ المسلمين كائنا من كان. وفي حربنا مع حركة تحرير أزواد (أمينله) هذه الحركة العلمانية التي لا تريد تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية إنما حاربها المجاهدون لأنهم أصبحوا مثل الطواغيت ندعوهم للتحاكم إلى شرع الله فأبوا بل و زادوا على ذلك ظلمهم للمسلمين بأخذ أموالهم بغير حق وقتلهم وتفريقهم بين المسلمين الأسود ليس له الحق والأبيض له الحق ولقد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم{ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ، أَلَا إِنَّ رَبَّكُمْ وَاحِدٌ، وَإِنَّ أَبَاكُمْ وَاحِدٌ، أَلَا لَا فَضْلَ لِعَرَبِيٍّ عَلَى عَجَمِيٍّ ، وَلَا لِعَجَمِيٍّ عَلَى عَرَبِيٍّ، وَلَا أَحْمَرَ عَلَى أَسْوَدَ، وَلَا أَسْوَدَ عَلَى أَحْمَرَ، إِلَّا بِالتَّقْوَى } أخرجه أحمد في مسنده بإسناد صحيح فلذلك وغيرها من الأسباب قرر المجاهدون قتال هذه الحركة والقضاء عليها لدفع أذاهم عن المسلمين وتحكيم شرع الله بين الناس. =&2=&

مجلس شورى المجاهدين في غاوو
10 من المحرم 1434هـ 
الموافق 24\11\2012م


To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

Four new statements from Jabhat al-Nuṣrah