New statement from the ‘Abdullah ‘Azzām Brigades: “Statement Number 4 within the series ‘Identifying the Way of the Offenders’ "Bilād al-Ḥaramayn""

UPDATE 2/25 8:53 PM: Here are some key quotes from the below statement:

The regime of al-Saud should know that our war with them will happen for as long as they maintain their disbelief, oppression, mightiness and belligerence against the religion of the Almighty, and that the heads of this regime and its henchmen are legitimate targets for the mujahideen.
The regime of Saud is on top of the Arab regimes in terms of disbelief and in terms of fighting the religion of Allah, allying with the unbelievers, spoiling the people, plundering and oppressing them, and preventing them from having their legal rights.

NOTE: To see earlier statements in this series see: #1, #2, and #3.

‘Abdullah ‘Azzām Brigades — “Statement Number 4 within the series ‘Identifying the Way of the Offenders’ “Bilād al-Ḥaramayn”

New interview from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "With the Spokesperson of Islamic Emirate Zabīhullah Mujāhid Regarding Afghanistan’s Current Political and Military Situation"

Question: Mr. Mujahid, after months of disputes, Hamid Karzai finally announced the so called ‘peoples congregation’ (Jargah), could you please share with us your view regarding it?
Zabihullah Mujahid: Yes, in Afghanistan the foreign invaders and their puppets, like before, are trying to put into practice various processes in order to cover up the invasion of Afghanistan, and enforce their ‘prescription’ of so called democracy. Once again they repeated their misleading efforts and conducted parliamentary election. From the beginning Islamic Emirate considered this particular election as ‘a demand and process set by foreigners’. The invaders covered the expenses of the election so that they can benefit from it.
Through this ‘show’ of election, the invaders wanted to deceive the Afghan Nation and the world that they have achieved their objectives, and now there is a popular, elected government and parliament, hence no one has the right to continue their struggle against the elected government.
The foreigners believed that through such staged and corrupt elections they can easily put in place their purchased puppet individuals and appoint them in the fake parliament, through which they thought that they can continue their occupation and from such a parliament they will be able to easily get their hands on a long term strategic alliance contract.
In addition to this the invaders also had the intentions of appointing in the parliament those individuals who do not believe in united Afghanistan. Through these puppets the foreign invaders will try on a high level to divide Afghanistan and cultivated mistrust amongst different ethnic groups.
From the beginning Islamic Emirate had considered this process a struggle by foreign invaders and detrimental to the Afghan Nation and Muslims, and the results of this process reveal’s the same truth about the invaders deceptive upcoming plans and efforts.
Question: United States of America, her allies and also United Nations had a warm welcoming response towards the parliamentary elections, how do you view their particular response?
Zabihullah Mujahid: I made it clear that the parliament in Kabul and the elections that were held are not conducted in order to serve the legislative needs of the country; instead it was part of invaders military strategy. As we know NATO is a military alliance, and it must be noticed that Rasmussen was compelling Hamid Karzai to bring about a new parliament, thus instead of government diplomats the ceremony of the new parliament was conducted by the military commanders of different countries which shows that the new parliament was a strategic military need of the American invading forces that ought to be completed. In reality the Americans want to use this parliament in order to fulfill their military strategy in the region. As far as The United Nation’s warm welcoming of the new parliament is concerned, then it is apparent that the UN cannot take any step against America and that is a known fact.
Question: Do you think that new parliament will have any effect on the current situation in Afghanistan?
Zabihullah Mujahid: No not at all, because this parliament like the earlier ones is neither an Afghani parliament nor legitimate, most of its members are elected on the basis of ethnicity by the invaders and their puppets, so like the earlier parliaments, it will only be limited to pocketing salaries and will not have any evident effect on the current circumstances.
Question: Can you describe briefly the view of Islamic Emirate regarding this parliament?
Zabihullah Mujahid: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan does not give any importance to the existence or absence of such parliaments; most of its members are accountable for crimes and corruption which is part of this puppet regime. We see the so called newly ‘elected’ parliament as a part of the continuous stage show, which the Americans want to benefit from by using it as propaganda in order to deceive the populace.
Question: Coming to other issues Mr.Mujahid, recently the American General Petraeus claimed that they have some evident progress in Afghanistan, how do you view these claims?
Zabihullah Mujahid:  Yes we hear this propaganda circulating in the media which is very astonishing. Our nation witnesses that the invaders are under more pressure than ever before. From one side, despite of the increase in number of invading forces they are under continuous attacks of Mujahideen all over the country which results in high casualty on daily basis. From the other side, the invading forces particularly their leaders and army generals are under great political pressure of their country’s general public, that despite of great expenses; enormous cost of life and public wealth, why have they not been able to fulfill their promises, which was to bring stability and a countable progress in Afghanistan. It is a known fact that the invaders have been defeated in Afghanistan, but they continue their propaganda through which they want to compel the world to believe in their so called progress in Afghanistan. As far as general Petraeus’s claim is concerned, we have been following his claims from past couple of months which in reality are politically motivated. For instance, when Obama was preparing scenario of his yearly speech for the Nation, according to a report general Petraeus was obliged to make new claims of progress in Afghanistan which had no authenticity. These claims were only made so that Barack Obama can refer to it and mention them as a proof in his speech. Therefore, in order to know the current situation in Afghanistan and the fantasy of progress in Afghanistan, we can refer to the many surveys that were recently conducted by some media sources, for instance the survey that was conducted by Reuters News Agency at the expense of European Union exposes to some extent the fantasy of progress in Afghanistan.
According to a report by Reuters news agency, an European security firm which is responsible for the security of NGOs in Afghanistan has mentioned in their investigated report; that the claims made by the American military Generals about the military progress in Afghanistan is contradictory to the reality on the ground, according to report there is no doubt that in 2010 there was 2/3increase in armed resistance compare to 2009, and in some northern provinces there is a threefold increase in armed resistance. Furthermore it is mentioned that the American president Barack Obama pointed towards the war in Afghanistan very differently, by saying that there was military progress on the ground and activities of Taliban have been limited in many parts of the country, whereas the progress that has been made is not secure enough and might fall back into the hands of Taliban. According to the report, the American general Mike Mullen’s visit to Afghanistan one day after the publicizing of white House review of Afghan war strategy where the General claimed about the progress in Afghanistan, however these claims had clear motives behind it, which was to influence the views and thoughts of the American and European public, and to prepare the situation in Afghanistan prior to the withdrawal of their forces from Afghanistan. It is also mentioned in the report that in 2010 there was 64 percent increase in the attacks of Taliban.
The above mentioned reports are according to a western media firm and I believe that if we make an even independent survey it will be more damaging to the invading forces.
Question: General Petraeus has been claiming for couple of months that they have detained or martyred majority of Mujahideen leaders in different parts of the country. Can you please give our readers some information about the reality of these incidents?
Zabihullah Mujahid:   I can only say that our virtuous Jihad will indeed require sacrifice from us, and whether it be a leader or an ordinary Talib, sacrifice in this sacred path is our pride, and we believe that martyrdom for the sake of God Almighty is not death, but it is a life with dignity for us. However, as far as the enemy’s claim of martyring or capturing alive of majority of our leaders, it is very far from reality, because we can see that day by day there is increase in our Jihadi activities, and our armed forces are more disciplined than ever before. We are countering the enemy and opening new Jihadi fronts, we occupy more and more territory day by day. This in itself is a proof, prays be to Allah there is no such grave harm caused to our Jihadi leadership, and God forbid if these claims were to be true then we wouldn’t be having all these victories in the battlefields, and I believe that this is one-sided propaganda of our enemy, and right now there is totally an opposite situation on the ground, a general belief is that comparing to the previous years, this winter there are more attacks of Mujahideen, which unveils the fake propaganda of our enemy.
Question: Recently Karzai’s government has been reported claiming that in some northern provinces a number of Mujahideen have surrendered to the government and the process is gaining momentum, can you please give us some information regarding it?
Zabihullah Mujahid: We believe that such claims are part of organized misleading propaganda. As a matter of fact even our enemy believes that the Jihad and resistance is gaining momentum in the north. So in order to reduce the resistance in north, the Kabul government with the help and guidance of foreign intelligence agencies are trying to introduce some warlords as Taliban

New video message from Wilāyah Dagestan of The Caucasus Emirate: "Message Before the Martyrdom Operation in Gubden"

NOTE: Below is the “martyrdom” video for Maria Khorosheva who conducted the suicide attack against the ‘OVD’ police station in Gubden, Dagestan. The Dagestani wing of the Riyāḍ-us-Ṣāliḥīn Battalion (the Caucasian Martyrs Brigade) was behind this attack. For more information on the suicide attack see here.

New statement from Hānī al-Sibā’ī: "The Release of Prisoners After Nearly Twenty Years of Injustice"

NOTE: If I get the chance I will try and transliterate all of the names listed below. From a brief glance it does not look as if Dr. Faḍl is listed.
Here are a couple of other recent statements/audio messages from Hānī al-Sibā’ī that relate to the recent Arab uprisings:

تلقى مركز المقريزي من مصادر موثوقة من أحد الإسلاميين المفرج عنهم يوم السبت الموافق 19 فبرير 2011م أسماء المجموعة الأولى التي تم الإفراج عنهم بفضل الله تعالى بعد ثورة الشعب المصري في 19 صفر 1432هـ الموافق 25 يناير 2011م.

وهذا الإفراج ثمرة من ثمرات هذه الثورة الشعبية المصرية التي نتمنى أن تكتمل بحكم الشريعة الإسلامية والإفراج الفوري عن جميع المعتقلين والمحكوم عليهم من محاكم أمن الدولة العليا طوارئ والمحاكم العسكرية بأثر رجعي.. وكنا قد اتصلنا بالشيخ يحيى خلف الله محمد فكانت المفاجأة أنه قال إنه الآن في بيته وقد مضى عليه في السجون المصرية 18 عاماً ويوم واحد! وقال من آيات الله في خلقه أنه وهو اقف يكبر مع أخوانه المفرج عنهم؛ إذا بسيارة أمن تحمل وزير الداخلية السابق السفاح حبيب العادلي عائداً إلى سجن مزرعة طره وكان قادماً من تحقيقات النيابة!! سبحان من يرفع ويحفض.. سبحان من يعز ويذل .. سبحان من يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شئ قدير! فالذي أصر على اعتقالهم كل هذه السنين المريرة! هو نفسه الآن مقيد في الأصفاد ليحل محلهم!! وسننشر بإذن الله قائمة بأسماء المعتقلين والمحكوم عليهم والتي مر عليهم قرابة عشرين عاماً وسنوات أخرى متفاوتة.

أما عن أسماء المجموعة الأولى المفرج عنهم بتاريخ السبت 20 فبراير 2011م:

أولاً: أسماء المفرج عنهم من سجن الوادي الجديد:

(1) السيد محمد محمد سالم ظاهر. (48 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1995م.

(2) طه حسين عمر. (35 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2002م.

(3) محمد زغلول فتح الله سرور. (35 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2002م.

(4) محسن عبد الله أبو حجازة. (35 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1995م.

(5) محمود محمد محمود محمد.

(6) سيد عباس سيد خضر صابر(44 سنة). كان معتقلاً منذ سنة 1996م.

(7) هيثم عزت محمد محمد. (30 سنة). كان معتقلاً منذ 2008م.

(8) جمال محمد العدوي أبو راوي. (48 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1994م.

(9) عمرو خليل عبد العظيم. (22 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2009م.

(10) حاكم طاهر كامل. (38 سنة ) كان معتقلاً منذ 2004م.

ثانياً: أسماء المفرج عنهم من سجن استقبال طره:

(11) يحيى خلف الله محمد علي. (48 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1993م.

(12) محمد شعبان أحمد جمعة. (38 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1998م.

(13) خالد مرجان مصطفى سالم. (24 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2008م.

(14) علي عزالدين شفيق. (27 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2008م.

(15) صفوت مصطفى محمد. (51 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2000م.

(16) شريف عبد العال محمد. (31 سنة) كان معتقلاً 2002م.

(17) عادل أحمد السيد علي. (45 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2003م.

(18) عبد العزيز أحمد حسن. (58 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2001م.

(19) مصطفى إبراهيم الدسوقي. (52 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1994م.

(20) عادل علي عثمان. (48 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1993م.

(21) أحمد السيد إبراهيم. (30 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2004م.

(22) خالد جمال قرعاني. (25 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2006م.

(23) محمد عبد الجواد محمود. (30 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2002م.

(24) نصر يحيى إبراهيم. (38 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2008م.

(25) أحمد شحات عبد العال الجندي. (47 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1996م.

(26) أحمد عيد محمد أحمد. (30 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2004م.

(27) عطية أحمد صلاح. (44 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 1996م.

ثالثاً: أسماء المفرج عنهم من سجن طره شديد الحراسة المشهور بالعقرب:

(28) محمد عبد الحميد أبو شادي (40 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2002م..

(29) عمرو أبو الرجال.

(30) سامح ثروت.

(31) محمد فتحي.

(32) إبراهيم العطار.

(33) حسام  (…..).

(34) سيد محمد سيد البنداري.

(35) وليد أحمد خليل.

(36) فتحي أسامة.

(37) محمد عبد الستار النويهي.

(38) محمد فتحي.

(39) ياسر إسماعيل أحمد. (37 سنة) كان معتقلاً منذ 2008م.

مركز المقريزي للدراسات التاريخية

19 ربيع أول 1432هـ

22 فبراير 2011م

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Martyrdom of Innocent Afghān Civilians as a Result of American Merciless Bombardment in Ghāzī Abād District, Kūnar Province"

Five days ago, the invading forces in Afghanistan led by America launched brutal aerial attacks against civilian houses in Adargol, Chowki and Wigal areas of Ghazi Abad district, Kunar province, resulting in martyrdom of 70 common people. The victims comprised of old men, women and innocent children who embraced martyrdom. Similarly, numerous civilians have been wounded.
According to substantiated reports, the bestial American soldiers have totally looted people’s houses, taking all valuable items. About 50 houses have been destroyed (in the raid), which belonged to people who had no link of militancy whatsoever with any faction. They were common miserable people. The Americans made bombardment during night when people were sleeping. Official of the Kabul Administration in Kunar have also confirmed reports of the civilian casualties.
The civilian casualties perpetrated in a brutal manner at the hands of the Americans have been committed at the time that, the United Nations in its report had claimed a few days ago that civilian casualties had greatly decreased during operations by Americans and their Allies. One week has not elapsed since the issuance of the report by UNO that the callous Americans once again resorted to committing genocide. They made many innocent Afghans to mourn and grieve over( their kith and kin)
The so-called advocates of human rights have not raised their voice about this horrendous event as yet. But usually, these so-called protectors of human rights and the apparently free media which have share in the colonialist goals, usually put the blame of civilian casualties on the Islamic Emirate when they   arrange figures of civilian casualties. They try to launch negative propaganda against the Islamic Emirate through every possible means with full strength and fanfare. Meanwhile, they cover up crimes of foreign invaders. Thus they endeavor to manipulate the views of the common man.
We strongly condemn the merciless bombardment by the Americans in Ghazi Abad district, Kunar province. We believe it is an unforgivable crime. In the meantime, we assure our miserable people and families of the martyrs that your Mujahid brothers will avenge the blood of the martyrs on the enemy in the battle fields. Also, we tell the invading America and her murderous Allies, if you think that you are going to weaken determination of the Afghans by martyring innocent Afghans or that you will put terror into their hearts, it only displays flaws of your guesswork. You have not realized this nation as yet. Your brutal actions will further speed up the pace of the Jihadic momentum.
Soon. you will be wiped out in the imminent cyclone brought about by your atrocity, arrogance, brutality and other merciless actions. The tempest, if God willing, is approaching destination, with its ever outspreading waves.
It is not a hard task for Allah to accomplish.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan