New message from Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī: "Congratulating the brothers on the occasion of ‘Īd"

NOTE: According to the Combatting Terrorism Center’s Militant Atlas, al-Maqdisī is considered “the most influential living Jihadi Theorist.”

تقبل الله طاعاتكم

وأعاده الله علينا وعليكم وعلى أمة الإسلام

بالعز والنصر والتمكين

لا تنسوا إخوانكم المجاهدين والأسرى من دعواتكم

فرب أخ لكم فوق الجبال وفي الغابات عيده

ورب أخ تحت ذل السياط وفي القيود والزنازن عيده

اللهم انصر عبادك الموحدين ومكن لراية التوحيد

وفك قيد أسارى المسلمين

ليس العيد لمن لبس الجديد

ولكن العيد لمن نصر راية التوحيد واستعد ليوم الوعيد

ورزق خاتمة الشهيد

أبو محمد

Three new statements from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula

UPDATE 2: The Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum has translated al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s statement “Defending the Muslims in Lawdar”:

Praise be to Allah, who said: “Verily Allah will defend (from ill) those who believe: verily, Allah loveth not any that is a traitor to faith, or show ingratitude” [Al-Hajj: 38]. Prayers and peace upon the one who was sent with the sword and mercy to the people who know. He said: “The Muslim should be a brother to the Muslim. He shouldn’t oppress him or turn him over. Whoever needs his brother; Allah is behind that need. Whoever relieves a Muslim in distress; Allah will relieve him of the distress of Judgment Day.” Prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, his family and upon his Companions.
On Thursday, the ninth of the blessed month of Ramadan 1431 H (corresponding to August 19th 2010), soldiers of the apostate force belonging to the brigade located in northeast Lodar in Abyan Province, attacked peaceful Muslims in the Lodar Market. This occurred after a conflict between some of the soldiers and some residents of the city. This brutal military force terrorized the Muslims and indiscriminately opened fire on them with heavy weapons. The Mujahideen confronted them, and the results of the first day were four soldiers killed, destruction and burning of a set of military equipment and the neutralization of two military patrols. They also plundered a number of automatic weapons. This occurred before Iftar.
The army indiscriminately bombed the city marketplace and its homes, which resulted in two Muslims being killed and two others being wounded.
The next day, Friday afternoon, a military force belonging to Central Security entered Lodar to subdue the Muslims there, and the Mujahideen opposed them. A military armored vehicle was burned and destroyed with soldiers inside it, a set of military equipment was burned and a number of automatic weapons were captured, as a well as a 12.7 mm Dushka. Sixteen Central Security soldiers were killed. They launched a criminal campaign to indiscriminately bomb the city, and the bombing lasted for about an hour.
Military reinforcements arrived on the third day and focused on the entry to Lodar. The Mujahideen, with the help of Allah, attacked them at 3:00 in the morning. The results of the battle included the destruction of a number of vehicles and tanks. More than 30 of the tyrant’s soldiers were killed and dozens were injured. The Mujahideen safely returned to their bases.
We confirm that the Yemeni government is lying when it claims that it has control of Lodar. This is their habit after every one of their defeats. We also proclaim good news to our Muslim Ummah that its Mujahid vanguard in Lodar, Abyan remains gloriously powerful, thanks to the Exulted Allah. Not even one Mujahid was killed or captured as of the writing of this statement. No brother has received even the slightest wound.

{“And Allah hath full power and control over His affairs;
But most among mankind know it not”}
Pray for your brothers the Mujahideen
Your Brothers in
Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula
Thursday, 16 Ramadan 1431 H (Corresponding to August 26th 2010)
Source: Al-Fajr Media Center

UPDATE: Flashpoint Partners released an English translation of al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s statement “Eradicating Malice” Here is a brief abstract of the transcript and below it is the entire translation:

On September 6, 2010, Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a statement claiming responsibility for waging “a series of operations…against the soldiers of apostasy,” in Abyan, Yemen. The attacks resulted in 24 casualties, a number of injuries, and the seizure  of automatic weapons, as well as the destruction of vehicles and a military post.

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula- Statement on Operation “Eradicating Malice”
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Al-Qaida in the Arabian peninsula- Operations within the Eliminating evil campaign
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Al-Qaida in the Arabian peninsula- Statement regarding the assassination of the deputy director of the secret service in Marib
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Al-Qaida in the Arabian peninsula- Defending the Muslims in Lawdar
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New statement from Jamā'at Anṣār al-Sunnah: "Bombing Sderot with a Khyber rocket"

NOTE: Jamā’at Anṣār al-Sunnah is an al-Qā’idah-linked group based in the Gaza Strip. Jama’at Ansar al-Sunnah in Gaza has claimed responsibility for rocket attacks this past March, August, and a week ago.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قال تعالى {فَلَمْ تَقْتُلُوهُمْ وَلَـكِنَّ اللّهَ قَتَلَهُمْ وَمَا رَمَيْتَ إِذْ رَمَيْتَ وَلَـكِنَّ اللّهَ رَمَى }الأنفال17
بحمد من الله وتوفيقه تمكن أسود التوحيد وحماة العقيدة في جماعة أنصار السنة أكناف بيت المقدس من دك مغتصبة سيديروت بصاروخ خيبر بينما أذان المغرب يصدع في الأجواء مردداً الله أكبر..الله أكبر..والموافق 30 من شهر رمضان المبارك للعام 1431 هـ وقد أعترف أعداء الله بالعملية متكتماً كعادته عن خسائره..
وبفضل من الله تعالى انسحب المجاهدين بسلام تحفهم رعاية الرحمن
وتأتي هذه الإغارة ضمن << صولة الفرسان في شهر رمضان >>
وإننا إذ نعلن عن نهاية صولة الفرسان في شهر رمضان نزف للأمة الإسلامية عامة وللمجاهدين خاصة إنطلاق حملة
>> غضبة الفرسان ثأراً للقرءان <<
لتكون بإذن الله قربان جماعة أنصار السنة في أكناف بيت المقدس للجبار جل في علاه رداً على ما أعلن عنه أعداء الدين من نيتهم القذرة للمساس بكتاب ربنا واحراقه في ذكرى غزوتي نيويورك وواشنطن المباركة..
ولنرين الله ما نصنع والخبر ما يرون لا ما يسمعون..

جهادنا مستمر وغاراتنا متواصلة حتى تحكيم شرع الله في أرضه
والله غالب على أمره ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
جماعة أنصار السنة – أكناف بيت المقدس
الخميس 30 رمضان للعام 1431 هـ
الموافق 9/9/2010 م

New book from Anṣār al-Islām: "History of the Anṣār al-Islām (Part-1)"

NOTE: Anṣār al-Islām is a Kurdish Islamist group based near the Iranian border in villages, such as Biyara and Tawela, northeast of Halabja. Anṣār al-Islām was established in September 2001 when there was a merger between Jund al-Islām led by Abū ’Abdallah al-Shāfi’ī, and a splinter group from the Islamic Movement of Kurdistan led by Mullā Krekār. On May 4, 2010, al-Shāfi’ī the leader of Anṣār al-Islām after Krekār left for Norway in 2003, was captured by the US Coalition forces.

Ansar al-Islam- History of the Ansar al-Islam (Part-1)
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New statement from Jāma'at Shari'at: "Congratulations on the occasion of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr"

NOTE: Jāma’at Shari’at, is the largest jihādī groupin the Russian republic of Dagestan, North Caucasus. Jāma’at Shari’at was established during the Second Chechen War. They were in favor of Dagestan’s independence as an Islamic state and are under the umbrella of the Caucasus Emirate, which is led by Dokka Umarov. The below statement is unedited in its original Russian version.

Поздравление муджахедов Дагестанского фронта
09.09.10 15:58
Хвала Аллаху, Господу миров, мир и благословение пророку Мухаммаду, его семье, сподвижникам и всем, кто следовал за ними до Судного Дня, а затем:
«О те, которые уверовали! Вам предписан пост, подобно тому, как он был предписан вашим предшественникам, – быть может, вы устрашитесь» (сура «Баккара»,183)
«В месяц Рамадан был ниспослан Коран – верное руководство для людей, ясные доказательства верного руководства и различение. Тот из вас, кого застанет этот месяц, должен поститься» ( сура «Баккара»,185)
Моджахеды Дагестанского фронта (джамаат «Шариат») поздравляют всех мусульман Имарата Кавказа и Дагестана с наступлением Ид-аль-фитр (Ураза-байрам).
Посланник Аллаха, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, сказал:
«Лицо любого раба, который в течение одного дня будет соблюдать пост на пути Аллаха, Аллах непременно удалит от Огня за этот день на семьдесят лет пути» (приводится у Аль-Бухари и Муслима)
Пусть Аллах примет ваш пост, ваши молитвы, ваши дуа, ваше старание на пути Аллаха.
Народ Дагестана, особенно молодежь, помогает нам в джихаде, делает все возможное, желая изгнания оккупантов и установления законов Аллаха.
«Те, которые веруют в Аллаха и в Последний день, не спрашивают у тебя дозволения на то, чтобы сражаться своим имуществом и своими душами. Аллах знает богобоязненных» (сура «Покаяние»,44 ).
В этот священный месяц много наших братьев и сестер стали шахидами и, иншааЛлах, ушли в сады Джанната, среди них наш брат и амир Сайфуллах.
Аллах Милосердный оказал им тем самым честь, забрав их в месяц, когда открываются врата Рая!
Передают со слов Абу Хурайры, да будет доволен им Аллах, что посланник Аллаха, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, сказал:
«Когда наступает рамадан, врата рая открываются». (Бухари)
Кафиры напрасно думали, что шахада одного или нескольких муджахидов может остановить джихад. Они просчитались. Хвала Аллаху, земля горит у них под ногами, и нет дня, чтобы не убивали их на пути Аллаха.
Хвала Аллаху, в этот месяц было проведено много операций, которые причинили кафирам урон и потери в живой силе.
Ирганайская ГЭС – наш «подарок» кафирам на Рамадан. Будут еще.
Моджахеды готовы еще более яростно сражаться, убивать и быть убитыми, наводя террор на неверных, как нам приказал Аллах в Коране:
«Когда же завершатся запретные месяцы, то убивайте многобожников, где бы вы их ни обнаружили, берите их в плен, осаждайте их и устраивайте для них любую засаду. Если же они раскаются и станут совершать намаз и выплачивать закят, то отпустите их, ибо Аллах – Прощающий, Милосердный» (сура «Покаяние»,5)
Побед или Рай! Аллаху Акбар!

New statement from the Emir of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov

UPDATE – 9/11, 9:45 AM: Thanks to the commenter below, Mr. Orange, who posted a link from RFE/RL explaining Dokku Umarov’s inconsistency with regard to the position of the Emir of the Caucasus Emirate. Here is the important part:

Umarov explains that at a meeting of Chechnya-based fighters and commanders, he was subjected by rank-and-file fighters and the two Chechnya-based emirs present to a barrage of criticism. He said they specifically reproached him for having claimed responsibility for the most recent “special operation” in Russia, meaning the Moscow subway bombings in March, even though those same emirs and fighters had upbraided him one year earlier for not taking responsibility for other such operations elsewhere in Russia. The fighters also accused him of not doing enough in terms of securing provisions and arms supplies. Umarov acknowledges that the latter criticisms were justified.
Umarov then says that in light of that criticism, he “sincerely” proposed to step down as commander, providing that the commanders of the other fighting units approved that decision. A video address announcing his decision to step down was then prepared for distribution, and entrusted to Umarov’s newly appointed deputy, Aslambek Vadalov.
Vadalov, however, violated the oral agreement between them and prepared additional video footage in which other emirs, including Khusein Gakayev and the Arab Mukhannad, presented Umarov’s resignation as a done deed and expressed approval of Umarov’s imputed request to swear loyalty to Vadalov as his chosen successor.
In light of that move, Umarov explained, he decided that he should not relinquish his duties as commander — hence the vide clip posted just days later in which he denounces the original video as a fabrication.

NOTE: This video was originally recorded on August 30. One of the online jihādīs thinks this video deals with the controversies of the past summer, but since it is in Russian neither him nor I can confirm this. But, if you want to know more about what occurred read what I wrote about it previously (see hereherehere, and here).

Message Of Felicitation from Mullā Muḥmmad 'Umar, On The Eve Of 'Īd al-Fiṭr

NOTE: This message is from the Emir (leader) of the Afghan Ṭālibān, Mullā Muḥmmad ‘Umar (Mullah Mohammed Omar) and unedited below.

Ramadan 28, 1431 A.H, Wednesday, September 08, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah in whose hands is the dominion and all affairs, the Creator, the Evolver, the Giver of life and death.
We sincerely believe in His Oneness and Him alone, we worship. He has no partners.
We ask Allah to shower His blessing and favors on the prophet, the generous one who was sent as a mercy for all creations.
We witness that he conveyed the Message and fulfilled the mission and ameliorated the Ummah; dispelled the cloud and left the Ummah on a white screen. No one deviates from it but annihilates himself. May Allah (SwT) reward the prophet, the best rewards ever given to any prophet on behalf of his followers? Blessing of Allah and peace be upon him, his descendants and his companions, the chosen ones. After this, I would like to say:
Peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be on the Muslim Mujahid nation, the suffering families of martyrs, and prisoners, the gallant Mujahideen of the path of Jihad and sacrifice, all those who have been detained by the invading infidels on charges of their struggling for independence and on all Islamic Ummah,.
I extend my felicitation to you all on the eve of Eid-ul-fitr and pray to Allah (SwT) to accept in His sight your fast, worship and sacrifices in the way of Truth.
Availing myself of this opportunity of the auspicious occasion, I want to share with you some specific points regarding the current Jihad, the political situation and my ensuing actions and policies.
a) O Muslim Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan!
The current Jihad and resistance in Afghanistan against the foreign invaders and their puppets, is a legitimate Jihad, being waged for the defense of the sovereignty of the Islamic country and Islam. The expansion, momentum and success of this Jihadic resistance rightly signify that it is a country-wide, independent and holy resistance of the masses and has now approached close to its destination of victory thanks to the help of Allah (SwT) and your innumerous sacrifices. So you should strive to lay aside all your internal differences, agrarian and residential lands disputes and other grievances. Put all your strength and planning behind the task of driving away the invaders and regaining independence of the country. The history has it that whenever invading forces face defeat, they sow seed of differences in the occupied territories before their pull-out and leave behind various conflicts.
The Americans now are passing through this stage. Therefore, robustly focus on foiling all conspiracies of the enemy which are aimed at creating mistrust and separation between Mujahideen and the people or igniting the fire of internal fighting through formation of militias or launching fake process of elections with the prior knowledge that every thing has already been decided and finalized in Washington or the convening of the spurious Jirga by gathering some sycophant government employees or other similar conspiracies, Convince all those who are involved in these conspiracies unknowingly or lured by financial incentives. Strictly prevent them from perpetrating such activates.
I assure you, our days of sufferings and hardship will not prolong furthermore. Soon, if God willing, our grieved hearts will find solace as the invading enemy is ousted and the Islamic sovereignty is established. All our noble country men, whether be they an engineer, a doctor, a student of a school or of a religious Madarassa, whether he is a teacher or a cleric, a professor or religious scholar hailing from any tribe and ethnicity, will all work together like brothers in an independent country with strong Islamic government established on the basis of the aspirations of the people.
“Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power) as He granted it to those before, them, that He will establish in authority their religion- the one which He has chosen for them, and that He will change (their state) after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace. They will worship me (alone) and not associate aught with me. If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked. (S. 24. A 55. )
b) Mujahid Brothers!
Through your strong determination and faith, you succeeded to foil all conspiracies and machinations of the global infidel power. The Almighty Allah has favored you with victory over all your invading enemies thanks to your steadfastness and perseverance, effacing the aura of shock and awe of the powerful enemy. This was made possible due to your sincere Jihad and sacrifices. Today, America is regarded as a most hated force and faces humiliations and disgrace. We see now that the more you gain the upper hand over the enemy forces, the more their ranks and files become disarrayed and disorganized. Those military experts who have framed strategies of the invasion of Afghanistan or are now engaged in hammering out new strategies, admit themselves that all their strategies are nothing but a complete failure.
All those experienced and sophisticated generals who were sent to the battle field, now are being sent back disgracefully and humiliatingly because of their incompetence and even they are given various nicknames. Other foreign forces which have come here for occupation of our country under the American umbrella are now under pressures from their people due to the growing and heavy military expenditures, casualties and the fruitlessness of the war. Each of them is hastily seeking ways of exit from Afghanistan.
Therefore, my Mujahid brothers, if you want to gain more success in the field of the battles, you should try to reform your conduct and deeds; respect your Jihadic goals and pay attention to all-sided welfare and prosperity of your suffering but brave people. By maintaining an ever-growing unity and brotherhood among yourself, you shall not permit any one to set the stage for discord and differences among you on the instruction of the enemy. Do not waste your time on maligning each other but , on the contrary, direct all your efforts for improvement of Jihadic affairs, defense of Islam and the country; the thrashing of the enemy, serving and protecting your people.
Take every caution to protect life, property of people and public installations. Do not regard people as an entity separate from you; respect all former pious Mujahideen; strictly implement the book of the code of conduct which has already been given to you; use successful and complicated tactics during confrontation with the enemy; be aware to pay attention to the protection of Mujahideen; obey your superiors and conduct affairs through mutual consultation. Try to nip in the bud all plans and conspiracies and propaganda of the enemy.
Do not allow any one to commit activities under the name of a Mujahid that malign the name of Mujahideen and be cautious not to harass people on mere pretexts and baseless reports. It is a part of the enemy plan to create problems and distrust between Mujahideen and the people. Encourage all soldiers, policemen and employees in the enemy administration to leave their ranks and, instead, stand with their Mujahid people. Give warm welcome to heroic youth like Talib Hussain, Gulbuddin and Ghulam Sakhi who killed many invaders in Gereshk, Nad Ali, Badghis and Mazar Sharif and committed heroic deeds by resorting to tactical attacks. Persuade others to strike the infidel enemy by following their steps. However, be aware of intentions of your inner self as you do this and make the pleasure of the Almighty Allah as your sole goal in all your Jihadic activities.
c) To Religious Scholars, Statesmen, Teachers, Writers and Poets.
You are the very caste of the society that have the capacity to portray the wants and aspirations of the people. It is your Islamic and national duty to expose the atrocities of the invaders and put them before human rights organizations and public of the world. Enlighten people on the American invasion by unveiling the realities and facts. Inform them about the overt and covert conspiracies of the enemy; explain to them the fundamentals and benefits of Islamic system; educate the new generation in a constructive way, saving them from the impact of foreign dogmas and culture; teach them unity and harmony; inform the local leaders of Jihad of the grievances of people and convey the intentions of Mujahideen to the people. You are a bridge between the Islamic Emirate and the people. So it must be. Because through such a mechanism, all errors and mistakes should be corrected whenever they crop up. I call on you to assist the Islamic Emirate to bring about a blemish-free Jihadic and Islamic atmosphere.
d) To Former Mujahideen and Employees who Work in the Kabul Administration.
In these auspicious days of Eid-ul- Fitre, I invite you once again to come and stand with your nation like other former gallant Mujahideen have , and with their help, participate in the glory of repelling the American invasion and regaining the independence.

al-Fajr Media presents the tenth lesson within the Creating terrorism program by Abū ‘Ubaydah ‘Abdullah

New video release by the Islamic State of Iraq (al-Qā’idah in Iraq): "Battle of the Prisoner 2"

UPDATE: A transcript of the video has been released:
Transcript of AQI Battle of the Prisoner 2
[scribd id=37097579 key=key-9gv8esyvs81roa28r84 mode=list]
NOTE: For more background, IbnSiqilli tweeted the following messages two days ago about the upcoming release:

New video will be Al-Furqan’s 1st video since the mid-April killings of the former ISI leaders, Abu ‘Umar al-Baghdadi & Abu Hamza al-Muhajir
The video will document the Islamic State of Iraq’s October 25 attack on Iraq gov’t buildings & ministries in Baghdad:
The multiple October 25, 2009 attacks were the second “wave” in the Islamic State of Iraq’s “Ghazwat al-Asir”, “Expedition of the Prisoner”
Al-Furqan Media released a video in late March documenting the 1st wave of “Expedition” attacks Aug. 19, 2009: (YouT)