New video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Killing of the Nation #7″

For prior parts of this video series see: #6, #5#4#3#2, and #1.


To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Notice By the Commission for Military Affairs Regarding Non-Participation of People in the Fake Election Process”


As our countrymen are already aware, an American process under the name of elections is once again scheduled to take place in Afghanistan on the 6th of Mezan 1398 Hijri Solar.
Following the launch of invasion of our homeland by America eighteen years earlier, this is the umpteenth time that this fraudulent process is undertaken to mislead the people, sow the seeds of discord, racism and division and secure interests of the invaders.
Afghans are witnesses that not a single time has this process been executed properly neither has it given any result nor has it cured any pain of our oppressed nation.
A regime that it formed through such a sham and foreign processes shall never be due to the ballots or will of the Afghans but be based on the decision of US embassy and the general aspiration of the invaders.
Therefore, the Commission for Military Affairs of the Islamic Emirate calls on all believing and freedom-loving Afghans to refrain from supporting the enemy in obtaining their objectives. Boycott the elections and also prevent your relatives from participating in this staged process.
The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate – with the help of Allah and support of its nation – intend to disrupting this fake process of the American invaders and their few servile slaves by attacking all security personnel that guard this process and by targeting offices and centers that operate for this staged show.
All major and minor roads of the country will be closed by Mujahideen on election day. We ask fellow countrymen to refrain from venturing out of their homes on this day so that may Allah forbid, no one is harmed.
The Islamic Emirate directs its Mujahideen to prevent this process throughout the country by making use of everything at their disposal and activate their plans for its neutralization.
In order that no compatriot sees harm, the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate issues an ultimatum to all those individuals especially city dwellers that intend to participate in this process to stay away from polling stations on election day and not throw themselves into danger.
In case of any problems or casualties arise, all responsibility shall befall the participants of this American process themselves.
Commission for Military Affairs of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
27/01/1441 Hijri Lunar
04/07/1398 Hijri Solar 26/09/2019 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

New video message from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām’s Shaykh Yaḥyā Bin Ṭāhar al-Firghālī: “The Road to the Caliphate: History of the Jihādist Movements from the Muslim Brotherhood to the Shāmī Jihād, The Forth Generation, Episode #5″

For prior parts in this video series see the forth generation here: #4, #3#2 and #1; third generation here: #5#4#3#2 and #1; the second generation here: #6#5#4#3#2, and #1; and the first generation here: #6#5#4#3#2, and #1.


To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Regarding Resumption of Activities By WHO”


The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has remained committed to humanitarian aid and humanitarian issues on an international level and has always taken necessary steps in preventing obstacles arising for humanitarian relief efforts.

The Islamic Emirate has specially designated teams, rules and regulations for all humanitarian efforts and is not only itself involved in these efforts in light of this framework but has also laid the groundwork for the operation of all international humanitarian organizations and NGOs and lent assistance for the growth, improvement and transparency of these activities.

The Islamic Emirate has given comprehensive security guarantees to NGOs in the framework of these regulations in areas under its control and remains committed to them in the future. But unfortunately, the Islamic Emirate terminated the activities of WHO in the month of April 2019 due to its arbitrary and suspicious activities especially in the field of polio campaigns. Fortunately, WHO took notice of its shortcomings and after repeated contacts and discussions with the designated delegation of Islamic Emirate, it regained permission for humanitarian and health related activities from the Islamic Emirate under the following conditions.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will grant the World Health Organization permission to conduct humanitarian and health related activities if it fully complies with the following:

1 – WHO is obligated to give guarantees about its personnel operating in areas under the control of Islamic Emirate that they shall focus all their humanitarian efforts in treating patients and curbing disease outbreaks and shall not allow practice of any suspicious activities.

2 – WHO is obligated that it must gain official approval from the Health Commission of Islamic Emirate in recruiting all personnel to work in areas under the control of Islamic Emirate. It cannot recruit anyone prior to a bilateral arrangement.

3 – The polio vaccine campaign promoted by WHO can no longer be administered from home to home and mosque to mosque and must only operate from health clinics.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

26/01/1441 Hijri Lunar

03/07/1398 Hijri Solar 25/09/2019 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

Check out my new ‘Policy Watch’ for the Washington Institute: “Huras al-Din: The Overlooked al-Qaeda Group in Syria”

In recent weeks, the State Department has formally designated Huras al-Din (Guardians of Religion) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization and placed “Rewards for Justice” bounties on three of its leaders. The group (hereinafter HD) is al-Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, a role it assumed after Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) publicly distanced itself from its original parent organization. Meanwhile, senior HD figure Abu Khaled al-Muhandis (aka Suhayb) was killed in late August, the victim of an improvised explosive device planted by rival Islamists.

Given these developments, it is important to look beyond HD’s ideological differences with HTS and explore what its members are actually doing in northwest Syria, the country’s remaining bastion for jihadist groups. If the Assad regime and its allies decide to make further incursions into Idlib province or retake it entirely, HD could be well placed to take advantage. By framing such developments as proof that its rivals have failed—the Islamic State in trying to monopolize territory, and HTS in trying to deepen local roots and establish a modus vivendi with Turkey—HD could convince more jihadists to join its ranks and help it lead a future insurgency in north Syria.

Click here to read the rest.

New video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Interview About the Latest Political Situation With Mawlāwī Amīr Khān Mutaqī Ṣāḥib”