New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Announcement of the Shūrā Council and the Deceased's Family on the Death of the Leader of the Faithful Mullā Muḥmmad 'Umar"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

إن الحمد لله؛ نحمده، ونستعينه، ونستغفره، ونتوب إليه، ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا، من يهده الله؛ فلا مضل له، ومن يضلل؛ فلا هادي له. ونشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، ونشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله، صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وأصحابه وسلم تسليماًکثیرا.

أما بعد. فقد قال الله تبارک و تعالی:

وَمَا كَانَ لِنَفْسٍ أَنْ تَمُوتَ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِ الله كِتَابًا مُّؤَجَّلاً وَمَن يُرِدْ ثَوَابَ الدُّنْيَا نُؤْتِهِ مِنْهَا وَمَن يُرِدْ ثَوَابَ الآخِرَةِ نُؤْتِهِ مِنْهَا وَسَنَجْزِي الشَّاكِرِينَ۱۴۵وَكَأَيِّن مِّن نَّبِيٍّ قَاتَلَ مَعَهُ رِبِّيُّونَ كَثِيرٌ فَمَا وَهَنُواْ لِمَا أَصَابَهُمْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ وَمَا ضَعُفُواْ وَمَا اسْتَكَانُواْ وَاللّهُ يُحِبُّ الصَّابِرِينَ۱۴۶وَمَا كَانَ قَوْلَهُمْ إِلاَّ أَن قَالُواْ ربَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَإِسْرَافَنَا فِي أَمْرِنَا وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَنَا وانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ ۱۴۷ آل عمران.

(Translation) 145. And no person can ever die except by Allah’s Leave and at an appointed term. And whoever desires a reward in (this) world, We shall give him of it; and whoever desires a reward in the Hereafter, We shall give him thereof. And We shall reward the grateful. 146. And many a Prophet (i.e. many from amongst the Prophets) fought (in Allah’s Cause) and along with him (fought) large bands of religious learned men. But they never lost heart for that which did befall them in Allah’s Way, nor did they weaken nor degrade themselves. And Allah loves As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.). 147. And they said nothing but: “Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our transgressions (in keeping our duties to You), establish our feet firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.” (Surah Al-Imran)
Death is certain. It is part of our faith that except for the Almighty Allah all living beings will taste death. Even the most beloved being to Allah Almighty, the leader of both Universes, the Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him, tasted the bitterness of death and passed away from this World.
In light of this reality the Leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the family of Amir ul Mumineen Mulla Muhammad Omar Mujahid May Allah have mercy on him announce that the founder and leader of Islamic Emirate, as a result of an illness, handed his spirit over to the taker of souls and passed away from this temporary world towards the everlasting one, surely to Allah we belong and to Him we must return And May Allah SWT have boundless mercy on him.
Mulla Muhammad Omar Mujahid May Allah have mercy on him was an esteemed and sincere leader of the Islamic Ummah, who raised the fallen flag of Islam under the most difficult of circumstances. Under the name of Islamic Emirate, he founded a complete government within the framework of Islamic politics and in full compliance with the laws of Islam. Through him, Allah Almighty graced not only Afghanistan but the entire Ummah with an Islamic government and portrayed to the world the true meaning of Islamic sovereignty.
These few lines might not be sufficient to testify to his achievements, so therefore we turn to the issue at hand, which is that the esteemed Amir ul Mumineen May Allah have mercy on him has passed away from this world. Under these circumstances it is our duty to steer this Islamic Emirate, left behind to us as a trust, in the same direction as he had done. To remain as committed to Shariah as he had done. To remain as sincere and steadfast as he had done. To be as ready to sacrifice it all for the right path, to keep promises, trusting in Allah, patient, steadfast, and fearful of Allah as he had been so that Allah Almighty similarly helps us sustain this heavy burden and reach our destination as well as enables us to hold our heads high both in this world and hereafter.
The deceased Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid may Allah have mercy on himwho, despite the military might and intelligence tracking of America and all her allies, continued to live in Afghanistan and in the previous fourteen years never for a single day did he leave Afghanistan to visit Pakistan or another country. From his place he led the affairs of Islamic Emirate and there are ample proofs and witnesses to testify to his historic perseverance. Some time ago he became ill which intensified in the last two weeks before he passed away from this world.
While the esteemed Amir ul Mumineen May Allah have mercy on him was bodily a single person yet he encapsulated an entire movement, a philosophy, and the bearer of an ideal. If anyone wants to please his soul and show proof of their loyalty to him, then they should show loyalty to his inheritance which is the Islamic Emirate. Under the present circumstances, it is our individual duty as Muslims to work towards establishing an Islamic system by assisting, unifying, expanding and ultimately enabling the success of the Islamic Emirate. The foundations of this joint home must be solidified and the strengthening of our ranks is the only way to ensure we achieve the objectives of our people and the Mujahideen.
The deceased Amir ul Mumineen May Allah have mercy on him founded and strengthened this movement in such a way that it is based upon strong foundations, sincere and prudent colleagues, and supported by solid formations. Therefore the Mujahideen and all Muslims should be rest assured that, with the help of Allah Almighty, the leaders and members of Islamic Emirate will steer this caravan with the help of Allah and backing of Muslims towards its destination which was the deceased Amir ul Mumineen’s lasting wish, and nothing is hard for Allah.
The leadership of the Islamic Emirate, the Leadership Council, and the family of the deceased Amir ul Mumineen have agreed that for the following three days (from 14th Shawwal 1436) in all the lands, scholars, clerics, national and Jihadi figures – on behalf of the leaders of the Islamic Emirate, Mujahideen  and all the nation – should pray for the soul of the deceased Amir ul Mumineen and offer Quranic recitations, prayers and condolences and pray for the forgiveness of the deceased and the steadfastness and success of the Islamic Emirate.
Finally we would like to recall that Mullah Muhammad Omar’s maternal brother – Mullah Abdul Manan Akhund – and his eldest son – Maulawi Muhammad Yaqoob – specifically ask all Muslims that if during the rule of the Islamic Emirate, under the leadership of the deceased Mullah Muhammad Omar, they were deprived of any rights then they should forgive him and always remember him in their prayers. We consider the entire Muslim Ummah, and especially the Mujahid nation of Afghanistan as our partners in this great calamity and ask Allah Almighty to give us all patience and consolation.
Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and family of the esteemed Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid
14th Shawwal 1436 Hijri Lunar
08th Assad 1394 Hijri Solar
30th July 2015 Gregorian


To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

Emergency Pod: The Death of Mullah Omar and Its Implications with J.M. Berger

In this emergency podcast Aaron talks to J.M. Berger about the confirmed death of Mullah Omar. They covered a variety of topics related to his death and what it could mean for the broader Islamic State – Al Qaeda war. We also have a new #SocialMedia segment, covering postings from July 22-28.

The podcast is produced by Karl Morand. If you have feedback you can email [email protected], or find us on Twitter: @JihadPod.
You can subscribe to the show in iTunes or with our RSS feed.

Download this episode (14.1MB mp3)

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mullā Muḥmmad ‘Umar: "Message Of Felicitation on the Occasion of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr"

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
الحمد لله رب العلمین و الصلوة والسلام  علی سیدالأنبیاء والمرسلین محمد وعلی آله وأصحابه أجمعین  وبعد
:قال الله تعالی
[أُذِنَ لِلَّذِينَ يُقَاتَلُونَ بِأَنَّهُمْ ظُلِمُوا وَإِنَّ اللهَ عَلَى نَصْرِهِمْ لَقَدِيرٌ [الحج:39﴿
Translation: (Permission to take up arms is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged and Allah, indeed, has power to help them.) (Al-Hajj – 39)
To the whole Muslim Umma, particularly to the Muslim and Mujahid Masses of Afghanistan!
السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبرکاته
(May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you!)
I would like to felicitate you on this auspicious occasions of both Eid-ul-Fitr and the significant conquests in the field of Jihad along with my sincere best wishes. May Allah, the Almighty, accept all your worships, donations and virtuous deeds related with the holy month of Ramadan! Amin.
All of these conquests are the result of perpetual support of Allah Almighty followed by the untold sacrifices, endeavors and backing of the Afghan Mujahid people. I pray to Allah, the Almighty, to remunerate all of them for their services and sacrifices.
It is a moment of deep gratitude and great honor for me to share my feelings with you concerning the sanctified and blessed days of the Holy Religion of Islam. The Muslims congratulate one another in these days, pray for their well-being and express their sincerity, brotherhood and sympathy in an atmosphere fraught with religious fraternity.
I would like, by seizing this occasion, to elucidate some issues about the previous and present on-going Jihadi struggle of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
1. The invasion of Afghanistan by the occupying alliance headed by America was in reality an explicit brutal aggression, contradicting all humane principles, on an integral part of the Muslim Umma and subsequently, the initiation of Holy Jihad against this aggression became a binding individual obligation upon us. As Allah Almighty says:
[ وَقَاتِلُواْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ الَّذِينَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ… [البقرة:190 ﴿
Translation: (And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress. Surely, Allah loves not the transgressors.) (Al-Baqarah – 190)
It was according to this religious obligation that more than fifteen hundred religious scholars of our country issued the decree of Holy Jihad to the Islamic Emirate which was subsequently approved by the righteous scholars around the world. In the light of this genuine religious decree, Jihad is as obligatory today as it was in the beginning of foreign occupation because our Muslim homeland Afghanistan is still under occupation and both its land and air space are controlled by the invaders. The only minor difference is that after suffering heavy casualties and financial losses, the foreign occupying forces have reduced their numbers and have confined themselves to heavily fortified bases, filling this void with some notorious figures of our society, mercenary forces trained by foreign intelligence agencies and some naive youngsters in the disguise of Afghan security forces who are financially, logistically and even directly supported by the very occupying forces when pressured by Mujahidin. It is therefore still obligatory upon us to continue our sacred Jihad to liberate our beloved homeland and restore an Islamic system.
It is true that large areas of the country are liberated by the Mujahidin but our Jihadi struggle will continue until the infidel occupation of our country has ended and a pure Islamic system is implemented.
2. Concurrently with armed Jihad, political endeavors and peaceful pathways for achieving these sacred goals is a legitimate Islamic principle and an integral part of Prophetic politics. As our holy leader, the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), was actively engaged in fighting the infidels in the fields of ‘Badr’ and ‘Khyber’, he simultaneously participated in agreements beneficial for Muslims, held meetings with envoys of infidels, sent messages and delegations to them and on various occasions even undertook the policy of face to face talks with warring infidel parties. If we look into our religious regulations, we can find that meetings and even peaceful interactions with the enemies is not prohibited but what is unlawful is to deviate from the lofty ideals of Islam and to violate religious decrees. Therefore the objective behind our political endeavors as well as contacts and interactions with countries of the world and our own Afghans is to bring an end to the occupation and to establish an independent Islamic system in our country. It is our legitimate right to utilize all legal pathways because being an organized and liable setup, we are responsible to our masses, we are an integral part of human society and rely upon one another. All Mujahidin and countrymen should be confident that in this process, I will unwaveringly defend our legal rights and viewpoint everywhere. We have established a ‘Political Office’ for political affairs, entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring and conducting all political activities.
3. We insist upon the unity of Jihadi front in Afghanistan because firstly, it is the command of Allah Almighty and secondly, the fruits of successful Jihad against the former Soviet Union were lost as an inevitable consequence of the multiplicity of factions.
Allah Almighty has said about the unity of Jihadi front:
( إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الَّذِينَ يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِهِ صَفّاً كَأَنَّهُم بُنيَانٌ مَّرْصُوصٌ)(4 الصف)
Translation: (Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His cause arrayed in solid ranks, as though they were a strong structure cemented with molten lead.) (As-Saff – 4)
On another occasion, the Holy Quran unequivocally inhibits from all contentions, differences and mutual disputes in the following explicit words:
( وَأَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَلَا تَنَازَعُوا فَتَفْشَلُوا وَتَذْهَبَ رِيحُكُمْ ۖ وَاصْبِرُوا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ) (46 الانفال)
Translation: (And obey Allah and His Messenger and dispute not with one another, lest you falter and your strength depart from you. And be steadfast; surely, Allah is with the steadfast.) (Al-Anfal – 46)
And our Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says:
{لاَ يُلْدَغُ الْمُؤْمِنُ مِنْ جُحْرٍ وَاحِدٍ مَرَّتَيْنِ}  {رواه البخاري}
Translation: (A believer is not stung twice from the same hole.) Narrated by Bukhari.
Since maintaining the unity of Jihadi front in our country is a religious obligation, we have therefore directed all our Mujahidin to preserve their unity and forcefully prevent all those elements who attempt to create differences, damage this Jihadi front or try to disperse the Mujahidin.
4. Our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said:
الْمُسْلِمُ أَخُو الْمُسْلِمِ لَا يَظْلِمُهُ وَلَا يَخْذُلُهُ وَلَا يَحْقِرُهُ التَّقْوَى هَاهُنَاوَيُشِيرُ إِلَى صَدْرِهِ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاتٍ، “بِحَسْبِ امْرِئٍ مِن الشَّرِّ أَنْ يَحْقِرَ أَخَاهُ الْمُسْلِمَ كُلُّ الْمُسْلِمِ عَلَى الْمُسْلِمِ حَرَامٌ دَمُهُ وَمَالُهُ وَعِرْضُهُ ) رواه مسلم و احمد
Translation: (Every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He should neither oppress him, nor let him down, nor insult him. Piety is here, while pointing to his chest thrice. It is enough for a man’s mischief to look down upon his Muslim brother. The blood, property and honor of every Muslim is forbidden for another Muslim.) Narrated by Muslim and Ahmad.
In view of the above saying of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and being a member of the Muslim society, we look upon every Muslim as our brother and we formally recognize the legitimate rights of all Afghans including minorities as our religious duty.
The formation of Islamic Emirate comprises of virtuous and erudite people from all areas and nations of our country, learning a lot from the experiences of previous 36 years especially from the responsibilities borne over the past twenty years hence no one should fear about what will happen if the Islamic Emirate comes to power. I assure you that the upcoming changes will in no way resemble the situation following the collapse of the communist regime when everything turned upside down. There are

Jund Allah Studio presents a new statement from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan’s ‘Uthmān Ghāzī: "It's Been Thirteen Years Since We Have Found Our Beloved Amīr Mullā Muḥmmad 'Umar"

سم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدلله الذي أمرنا بأن نقول الحقيقة في كل حال، والصلاة والسلام على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي علمنا بأن نكون صادقين.
السلام عليكم يا إخوة الإسلام! أيها المجاهدون الأعزاء الذين قاموا بالجهاد في سبيل الله في كل بلدان العالم.

الحمدلله، اليوم المسلمين يستيقظون بناء على العقيدة الصحيحة في كل أنحاء العالم ويستفيقون من الأغلال التي في أعناقهم منذ قرنين. وقد شهدنا هذه الفرحة في بلاد ما وراء النهر، وخراسان، وجزيرة العرب، والعراق والشام، ومصر، وغيرها من دول شمال أفريقيا، والقوقاز، والصومال، ومالي، ونيجيريا والبلقان، إضافة إلى قارتي أوروبا وأميركا وغيرها من أنحاء العالم. ونحن فرحنا بشدة من أخبار إقامة الخلافة الإسلامية في أرض الشام والعراق وتعيين أخونا أبو بكر البغدادي خليفة للأمة المسلمة.

بعون الله، أود هنا أن أعلمكم بحقيقة مهمة جدا في الأمة المسلمة التي لا يستطيع العديد من المسلمين أن يتحدثوا عنها علانية أو ليسوا واعين بها. وأريد أن أشدد أن الحركة الإسلامية لأوزبكستان لم تعرف هذه الحقيقة مؤخرا، بل منذ وقت طويل وقد انتظرنا لوقت كاف راجين أن يقول هذه الحقيقة أهله. وقد أسفنا أنهم لم يعلنوا بذلك رسميا.

لذلك اليوم أتخذت قرارا بأن أعلن الحقيقة الكبرى المهمة للأمة إلى المسلمين. لأن الله الحكيم أمر المؤمنين بقوله:
(يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وقولوا قولا سديدا -70- يصلح لكم أعمالكم ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم ومن يطع الله ورسوله فقد فاز فوزا عظيما -71-) سوة الأحزاب
الحقيقة التي هي مهمة جدا للأمة في هذه الأيام – عن حقيقة وضع أمير المؤمنين الملا محمد عمر. فالمسلمون يجب أن لا يعيشوا تحت سياسة الكذب والوهم. فإذا أردنا أن نعيش وفقا للشريعة الإسلامية يجب أن نتوقف عن الكذب على أنفسنا لأن هذا مخالف لشريعتنا الربانية.
فلقد مضى أكثر من إثنى عشر عاما منذ سقوط إمارة أفغانستان الإسلامية وبحمدالله وفضله الحركة الإسلامية لأوزبكستان تجاهد ضد الصليبيين في العديد من ولايات أفغانستان بدأ من معركة قلعة جانغي وشاهي كوت، الحمدلله. والذين كانوا أطفالا في زمن الإمارة الإسلامية أصبحوا شبابا مجاهدين غيورين وهم مستمرون في الثورة والجهاد الذي بدأه أستاذهم الشهيد كما نحسبه محمد طاهر “فاروق” رحمه الله. ونسأل الله أن يكون راضيا عن مجاهدينا وأن يتقبل تضحياتنا خلال هذه الأوقات الصعبة.

نحن نأسف بشدة، أنه منذ ثلاث عشرة عاما لم نستطع أن نجد أميرنا الحبيب الملا محمد عمر صاحب الذي ضحى بحكومته وإمارته ليحفظ بيضة الإسلام بقوله: “لن أسلم مسلما إلى الكفار”. بالرغم من خلال هذه الأعوام قمنا بكل ما بإستطاعتنا لنبحث عنه وفي كل مرة تتحول آمالنا إلى أوهام. والذين يقولون “ملا صاحب لا يزال حيا!” لم يقدموا دليل دامغ على ذلك.

إن الأشخاص الذين يمتلكون المعلومات الحقيقية يخفونها، وحتى الآن هم قدموا للأمة أكثر من مرة تهاني وأوامر المزيفة تحمل إسمه. وبالتحديد، نحن – المهاجرون من وراء النهر – الذين كان أمير المؤمنين يهتم بهم، ويحبهم ويقدرهم بشدة لم يتلقوا سوى رسالتين مزيفتين كتبتا بالكمبيوتر بدون توقيعه! بالرغم من أنه عندنا بعض الأدلة الواقعية بأن أمير المؤمنين قد اختفى خلال سقوط الإمارة الإسلامية.
فخلال سنوات طويلة ونحن جماعة مسلمة قمنا بالكثير من الجهود لنبحث عنه ولكن لم نعثر عليه، لذلك ليس من المستغرب أنه يبدو أن بسطاء المسلمين قد توقفوا عن التفكير في وضعه. نحن ليس فقط لم نستطع أن نقابل الملا عمر، بل كذلك لم نجد أحدا يمكنه أن يقول لنا “أنا قد رأيته”!. بل لدينا معلومات أن أهله وأقاربه لم يروه حتى الآن، فما بالك بالغرباء!

اليوم لا أثر لقيادة الملا محمد عمر في عالم السياسة والأحداث المهمة، ولا في أحزان وأفراح الأمة. وأنا أصف ذلك كخيانة لشخصيته بأن نقول أن “أمير المؤمنين حي ولا يزال يعمل” في هذا الوضع. لأنه، نحن – بحمدالله – نعلم كيف كانت الإمارة الإسلامية عندما عشنا وتمتعنا فيها طوال تلك السنين ونحن نعرف شخصية الملا عمر جيدا.

إنه كان رجلا عظيما في وقت كانت فيها الأمة في غفلة فقد برز إلى ساحة وحده وفي فترة قصيرة تمكن من اقامة دولة إسلامية لا مثيل لها في القرون الماضية وكان هو أمير يتوق للشهادة. ولا يقبل عقلا أو نقلا أنه جالس مختبئ في مكان ما من الكفار، بل وعن الأمة الإسلامية، وهو لن يقبل على نفسه مثل هذه الحالة من الجبن.

روى أبو مريم الجهني أنه سمع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: “من ولاه الله شيئا من أمور المسلمين فإحتجب دون حاجتهم وفقرهم إحتجب الله دون حاجته وخلته وفقره يوم القيامة”. وفي أثر آخر يقول: “من ولي من أمر الناس ثم أغلق بابه دون المسكين والمظلوم وذي الحاجة أغلق الله أبواب الرحمة دون حاجته وفقره أفقر ما يكون إليها”.

أن يتخفى لسنوات طويلة هو عمل خائن وجبان ولا يقبل له عذر، والحمدالله الذي حفظ أمراؤنا من مثل هذه الخيانة. فعندما كان أمراؤنا يعملون كانوا يستقبلون أهلهم يوميا وكانوا هناك ينتظرون في صفوف ويستقبلون الضيوف.

إن هذه القصة الخيالية الدنيئة أمر لا يمكن المرء أن يظنه في نفسه فكيف به لأمير المؤمنين؟ إذا هذا الشخص لا يزال حيا لما كان هناك فراغ سياسي في شؤون الأمة وما أغلق عينيه عن الأحداث المهمة. فكيف للأمير أن لا يكون لديه ديوان لإستقبال المسلمين بينما لديه بيت لإستقبال وفود الكفار في قطر؟!
(ويحق الله الحق بكلماته ولو كره المجرمون) 82 سورة يونس

الآن بعد أن ظهرت حقيقة لن أطلب أي دليل من أولئك الذين يدعون أن الملا محمد عمر لا يزال حيا. فنحن لن نقبل أي رسائل مفبكرة وألاعيب سياسية! أنا مع رفاقي زرت هذا الشخص وأنا أعرفه جيدا. ولذلك لن أغير قراري حتى أراه وجها لوجه! ووفقا للشريعة نأسف أن حكم أمير المؤمنين الملا محمد عمر هو غائب.

وفيما يلي سأقدم بعض الأدلة الرعية على أن الشخص الغائب لا يمكنه أن يكون أميرا للمسلمين.

كما تعلمون أنه في فقه الجهاد، جاء في حالة “متى يكون للمسلمين

Jund Allah Studio presents a new statement from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan's 'Uthmān Ghāzī: "About the Reality of the Status of Mullā Muḥmmad 'Umar"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدلله الذي أمرنا بأن نقول الحقيقة في كل حال، والصلاة والسلام على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم الذي علمنا بأن نكون صادقين.

السلام عليكم يا إخوة الإسلام! أيها المجاهدون الأعزاء الذين قاموا بالجهاد في سبيل الله في كل بلدان العالم.

الحمدلله، اليوم المسلمين يستيقظون بناء على العقيدة الصحيحة في كل أنحاء العالم ويستفيقون من الأغلال التي في أعناقهم منذ قرنين. وقد شهدنا هذه الفرحة في بلاد ما وراء النهر، وخراسان، وجزيرة العرب، والعراق والشام، ومصر، وغيرها من دول شمال أفريقيا، والقوقاز، والصومال، ومالي، ونيجيريا والبلقان، إضافة إلى قارتي أوروبا وأميركا وغيرها من أنحاء العالم. ونحن فرحنا بشدة من أخبار إقامة الخلافة الإسلامية في أرض الشام والعراق وتعيين أخونا أبو بكر البغدادي خليفة للأمة المسلمة.

بعون الله، أود هنا أن أعلمكم بحقيقة مهمة جدا في الأمة المسلمة التي لا يستطيع العديد من المسلمين أن يتحدثوا عنها علانية أو ليسوا واعين بها. وأريد أن أشدد أن الحركة الإسلامية لأوزبكستان لم تعرف هذه الحقيقة مؤخرا، بل منذ وقت طويل وقد انتظرنا لوقت كاف راجين أن يقول هذه الحقيقة أهله. وقد أسفنا أنهم لم يعلنوا بذلك رسميا.

لذلك اليوم اتخذت قرارا بأن أعلن الحقيقة الكبرى المهمة للأمة إلى المسلمين. لأن الله الحكيم أمر المؤمنين بقوله:

(يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وقولوا قولا سديدا -70- يصلح لكم أعمالكم ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم ومن يطع الله ورسوله فقد فاز فوزا عظيما -71-) سوة الأحزاب

الحقيقة التي هي مهمة جدا للأمة في هذه الأيام – عن حقيقة وضع أمير المؤمنين الملا محمد عمر. فالمسلمون يجب أن لا يعيشوا تحت سياسة الكذب والوهم. فإذا أردنا أن نعيش وفقا للشريعة الإسلامية يجب أن نتوقف عن الكذب على أنفسنا لأن هذا مخالف لشريعتنا الربانية.

فلقد مضى أكثر من إثنى عشر عاما منذ سقوط إمارة أفغانستان الإسلامية وبحمدالله وفضله الحركة الإسلامية لأوزبكستان تجاهد ضد الصليبيين في العديد من ولايات أفغانستان بدأ من معركة قلعة جانغي وشاهي كوت، الحمدلله. والذين كانوا أطفالا في زمن الإمارة الإسلامية أصبحوا شبابا مجاهدين غيورين وهم مستمرون في الثورة والجهاد الذي بدأه أستاذهم الشهيد كما نحسبه محمد طاهر “فاروق” رحمه الله. ونسأل الله أن يكون راضيا عن مجاهدينا وأن يتقبل تضحياتنا خلال هذه الأوقات الصعبة.

نحن نأسف بشدة، أنه منذ ثلاث عشرة عاما لم نستطع أن نجد أميرنا الحبيب الملا محمد عمر صاحب الذي ضحى بحكومته وإمارته ليحفظ بيضة الإسلام بقوله: “لن أسلم مسلما إلى الكفار”. بالرغم من خلال هذه الأعوام قمنا بكل ما بإستطاعتنا لنبحث عنه وفي كل مرة تتحول آمالنا إلى أوهام. والذين يقولون “ملا صاحب لا يزال حيا!” لم يقدموا دليل دامغ على ذلك.

إن الأشخاص الذين يمتلكون المعلومات الحقيقية يخفونها، وحتى الآن هم قدموا للأمة أكثر من مرة تهاني وأوامر مزيفة تحمل إسمه. وبالتحديد، نحن – المهاجرون من بلاد ما وراء النهر – الذين كان أمير المؤمنين يهتم بهم، ويحبهم ويقدرهم بشدة لم يتلقوا سوى رسالتين مزيفتين كتبتا بالكمبيوتر بدون توقيعه! بالرغم من أنه عندنا بعض الأدلة الواقعية بأن أمير المؤمنين قد اختفى خلال سقوط الإمارة الإسلامية.

فخلال سنوات طويلة ونحن جماعة مسلمة قمنا بالكثير من الجهود لنبحث عنه ولكن لم نعثر عليه، لذلك ليس من المستغرب أنه يبدو أن بسطاء المسلمين قد توقفوا عن التفكير في وضعه. نحن ليس فقط لم نستطع أن نقابل الملا عمر، بل كذلك لم نجد أحدا يمكنه أن يقول لنا “أنا قد رأيته”!. بل لدينا معلومات أن أهله وأقاربه لم يروه حتى الآن، فما بالك بالغرباء!

اليوم لا أثر لقيادة الملا محمد عمر في عالم السياسة والأحداث المهمة، ولا في أحزان وأفراح الأمة. وأنا أصف ذلك كخيانة لشخصيته بأن نقول أن “أمير المؤمنين حي ولا يزال يعمل” في هذا الوضع. لأنه، نحن – بحمدالله – نعلم كيف كانت الإمارة الإسلامية عندما عشنا وتمتعنا فيها طوال تلك السنين ونحن نعرف شخصية الملا عمر جيدا.

إنه كان رجلا عظيما في وقت كانت فيها الأمة في غفلة فقد برز إلى الساحة وحده وفي فترة قصيرة تمكن من اقامة دولة إسلامية لا مثيل لها في القرون الماضية وكان هو أمير يتوق للشهادة. ولا يقبل عقلا أو نقلا أنه جالس مختبئ في مكان ما من الكفار، بل وعن الأمة الإسلامية، وهو لن يقبل على نفسه مثل هذه الحالة من الجبن.

روى أبو مريم الجهني أنه سمع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: “من ولاه الله شيئا من أمور المسلمين فإحتجب دون حاجتهم وفقرهم إحتجب الله دون حاجته وخلته وفقره يوم القيامة”. وفي أثر آخر يقول: “من ولي من أمر الناس ثم أغلق بابه دون المسكين والمظلوم وذي الحاجة أغلق الله أبواب الرحمة دون حاجته وفقره أفقر ما يكون إليها”.

أن يتخفى لسنوات طويلة هو عمل خائن وجبان ولا يقبل له عذر، والحمدالله الذي حفظ أمراؤنا من مثل هذه الخيانة. فعندما كان أمراؤنا يعملون كانوا يستقبلون أهلهم يوميا وكانوا هناك ينتظرون في صفوف ويستقبلون الضيوف.

إن هذه القصة الخيالية الدنيئة أمر لا يمكن المرء أن يظنه في نفسه فكيف به لأمير المؤمنين؟ إذا هذا الشخص لا يزال حيا لما كان هناك فراغ سياسي في شؤون الأمة وما أغلق عينيه عن الأحداث المهمة. فكيف للأمير أن لا يكون لديه ديوان لإستقبال المسلمين بينما لديه بيت لإستقبال وفود الكفار في قطر؟!

(ويحق الله الحق بكلماته ولو كره المجرمون) 82 سورة يونس

الآن بعد أن ظهرت الحقيقة لن أطلب أي دليل من أولئك الذين يدعون أن الملا محمد عمر لا يزال حيا. فنحن لن نقبل أي رسائل مفبركة وألاعيب سياسية! أنا مع رفاقي زرت هذا الشخص وأنا أعرفه جيدا. ولذلك لن أغير قراري حتى أراه وجها لوجه! ووفقا للشريعة نأسف أن حكم أمير المؤمنين الملا محمد عمر هو غائب.

وفيما يلي سأقدم بعض الأدلة الشرعية على أن الشخص الغائب لا يمكنه أن يكون أميرا للمسلمين.

كما تعلمون أنه في فقه الجهاد، جاء في حالة “متى يكون للمسلمين الحق في إختيار أمير لهم؟”:

“عندما يغيب أو يقتل أو يؤسر أو يصاب بعجز، الأمير أو القائد الذي عينه الخليفة أو يكون غائبا لأي سبب آخر في هذه الحالة يكون واجبا على المسلمين أن يختاروا لأنفسهم أميرا بدون إذن الخليفة”.

الحجة: أنه في غزوة مؤتة بعد أن استشهد الأمراء الثلاثة الذين اختارهم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المسلمون بدون إجازة منه جعلوا خالد بن الوليد أميرا عليهم وقد رضي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن هذا العمل.

وعندما يكون هناك خليفة يمكن للمسلمين أن يختاروا لهم أميرا بدون إجازة منه فماذا لو حصلت نفس الحالة مع الأمام الأعظم فعندها

New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Commemorating the Nineteenth Anniversary of the Historical Gathering and Selection of Amīr al-Mu'minīn on April 4th, 1996 in Kandahar: The Biography of the Leader of the Islamic Emirate Mullā Muḥmmad 'Umar"


الحمدلله وکفی  و الصلوة والسلام علی عباده الذین اصطفی امابعد

16th of Aries 1375 AH (solar) i.e. 4th April 1996 AD is a momentous day in the history of our Muslim people. Nearly two decades ago on this same faithful day, one thousand and five hundred scholars, dignitaries and Jihadi leaders of Afghanistan approved Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ as the leader of the Islamic Emirate, gave an oath of allegiance to him and conferred the title of ‘Amir-ul-Momineen’ on him i.e. leader of the pious believers.
In the official almanac of the Islamic Emirate, this day has its own significance due to that historical event which subsequently is being commemorated by the Cultural Commission of the Islamic Emirate by publishing special articles and essays on this auspicious occasion.
As the publication of an inclusive biography of the leader of the Islamic Emirate was the urgent demand of our numerous colleagues especially the writers and researchers, the Cultural Commission of the Islamic Emirate decided to commemorate that historical occasion by publishing a comprehensive biography of His Excellency, the Amir-ul-Momineen, Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ (may Allah safeguard him).
For the prevention of false propaganda by a number of spurious writers, analysts and some biased circles and to depict a clear picture to the writers and ordinary people, we draw the life-sketch of His Excellency, the Amir-ul-Momineen, in the following lines.

  • ØHis Birth and early growth:

Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’, son of Moulavi Ghulam Nabi, grandson of Moulavi Mohammad Rasool and the great grandson of Moulavi Baaz Mohammad was born in 1339 AH (solar) i.e. 1960 AD in a religious and learned family of Chah-i-Himmat village of Khakrez district in Kandahar province of Afghanistan. His father, Moulavi Ghulam Nabi (late) was also born in Khakrez district and had received his early education in the traditional religious institutions and circles of this area. He was a well-known and respected erudite and social figure among the masses due to his indefatigable efforts in educating and guiding the people to the right path of Islam.
Two years after the birth of Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’, his father migrated from Khakrez district to Noday village of Dand district of this same province and remained there till his last in spreading religious education among the local people. He died in 1344 AH (solar) i.e. 1965 AD in that area and was laid to rest in the old famous graveyard of Taliban in Kandahar city.
After the death of his father, Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ shifted at the age of five along with his family members from Dand district of Kandahar province to Deh-Rawud district of Uruzgan province where he started his early life under the supervision of his uncles Moulavi Mohammad Anwar and Moulavi Mohammad Jumma.

  • ØHis Early education:

At the age of eight, Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ joined the primary madrassa of Shar-i-Kohna area in Deh-Rawud district to get religious education. This madrassa was supervised by his uncle, Moulavi Mohammad Jumma and Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ also started his early education from him.
Both of his uncles, particularly Moulavi Mohammad Anwar, played a key role in his religious teaching and training.
Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ successfully completed his primary and middle level education from this madrassa. While eighteen, he started acquiring the traditional higher religious studies in the region but could not complete them due to the malicious communist coup d’état in 1978 AD in Afghanistan.

  • ØHis Family:

Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ belongs to the ‘Tomzi’ clan of ‘Hotak’ tribe which comprises a large part of Pashtuns which has delivered eminent Islamic statesmen, national and Jihadi heroes like the legendary Islamic figure of ‘Haji Mirwais Khan Hotak’.
Great Ghazi Haji Mirwais Khan Hotak (may Allah bless him), who is remembered with the venerated title of ‘Mirwais Nika’ (i.e. Mirwais, the grandfather) by Afghans, liberated Afghanistan from the tyranny of ‘Safavid’ dynasty in 1712 AD and laid down the foundation of a sovereign and independent Islamic state for Afghans.
Professionally, the family of Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ comprises of scholars and teachers of religious studies. They devoted all their lives to serving the sacred religion of Allah Almighty, to promoting religious knowledge and to educating the Muslim masses ideologically. Therefore they were deeply admired in their area and spiritually, they were considered the most dignified and social figures of the society.
The birth of Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ in such a spiritual and learned family and his upbringing under the direct patronage of his well-educated and ideological patrons deeply cultivated in him the ability to grow as a sincere Mujahid, a compassionate and vigilant Islamic and national figure who could emancipate the Afghan society from tyranny, corruption and injustice and preserve our beloved homeland (Afghanistan) from the imminent danger of disintegration.
His brothers, uncles and all other family members are ‘Mujahidin’ and four of his family members have already sacrificed their lives as martyrs in the path of Allah Almighty. Mullah Mohammad Hanafia, the uncle of Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ was the first one who was martyred on 7th October 2001, the starting date of the brutal bombardment of American invaders.

  • ØHis Jihadi struggles:

Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ was in his early twenties when the communists usurped control of Afghanistan through a bloody military coup d’état. It was a time when it became nearly impossible for Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ like all other heedful students to continue their studies as the starting encounter of atheist communists was against the scholars, Taliban, students and other Muslim intellectuals throughout the country. At that time, Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ decided to abandon his higher studies unfinished. He left madrassa and turned towards Jihadi front to discharge his religious obligation.
He started his Jihadi struggle under a well-known Jihadi organization of ‘Harkat-i-Inqilaab-i-Islami’ (Islamic Revolutionary Movement) in Deh-Rawud district of Uruzgan province. After spending a while in this district, he earned a reputation for being a valiant Jihadi figure who played an active role in several military operations against the communists in various parts of that district. Due to his Jihadi prominence and a successful role in various Jihadi operations, he used to get the unanimous consent of all the Mujahidin of different parts and groups to be their commander in Deh-Rawud district for leading large-scale offensives against the enemy and he executed exceptionally successful operations in which he was wounded several times. He participated in many confrontations for more than three years along with his local Mujahidin against the invading Russians and their internal communist puppets.
The companions and commanders of his Jihadi front say that Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’, in-spite of being young, was efficient enough to discharge any responsibility or task as he was bestowed with strong physical composition and potency.
Later in 1983 AD, he went to ‘Maiwand’ district of ‘Kandahar’ province along with his Jihadi colleagues for the better co-ordination of Jihadi activities and continued his armed struggle against the Russian invaders and their internal stooges under the leadership of famous Jihadi commander ‘Faizullah Akhunzada’ who belonged to ‘Harkat-i-Inqilab-i-Islami’ (The Islamic Revolutionary Movement), one of the seven well-known Jihadi organizations of that time. Due to his successful role as a local Jihadi commander in numerous Jihadi operations and his efficiency and distinction in military tactics, he drew the attention of the then Jihadi organizations and eventually, he was permanently given the responsibility of a Jihadi front through ‘The Islamic Revolutionary Movement’ headed by (late) Moulavi Mohammad Nabi Mohammadi.
From 1983 to 1991, Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ executed very successful operations in the suburbs of ‘Maiwand’, ‘Zhari’, ‘Panjwai’ and ‘Dand’ districts of Kandahar province which were vital Jihadi centers and Mujahidin used to be involved in fighting the enemy on a daily basis. Similarly he personally and directly participated in several victorious operations against the Russian invaders on the main ‘Kabul-Kandahar’ high way in the suburbs of ‘Shahr-i-Safa’ and ‘Qalat’ cities of Zabul province. His preferred weapon of choice was the ‘RPG-7’, which was simply called ‘Rocket’ among the local Mujahidin, as he was proficient and an expert in using this weapon. It is worth mentioning that ‘Maiwand’, ‘Zhari’ and ‘Panjwai’ districts of Kandahar province were areas of intense fighting during the Jihad against communism which turned the tide and brought about Russia’s defeat and withdrawal. Such a large number of tanks and other military vehicles were destroyed on the main ‘Kandahar-Herat’ highway that the enemy had erected walls made from these wreckages on both sides of the road to protect them from Mujahidin assaults.
Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ was wounded four times in confrontational Jihadi operations against the Russians and in one of these operations, he lost his right eye.
Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ was known as a prominent and distinguished Jihadi commander who played a crucial and decisive role in numerous Jihadi operations against the Russian invaders and their internal communist puppets in Kandahar and its neighboring provinces. In the following lines, we will mention some events and anecdotes by his Jihadi companions against the Russian invaders.

  1. 1.The enemy had a strong post inside Kandahar province which was known as ‘Budwan’ post. A military tank was stationed by the enemy at a strategic juncture near the post which created a great hurdle for the Mujahidin as it could target any line-of-fire easily. Mujahidin tried their best to destroy this tank but failed to succeed. Eventually Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ was called in for help from ‘Sang-i-Hisaar’ area. He hit and destroyed this tank of ‘Budwan’ post with his ‘RPG’ rocket launcher which was a tremendous success for the Mujahidin at that time.
  2. 2.During the Holy Jihad against Russians in ‘Mahalla-Jaat’ area of ‘Kandahar’ province, Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ was accompanied in a confrontation with the enemy by ‘Shaheed Mullah Ubaidulla Akhund’ who was later appointed the Defense Minister of the Islamic Emirate and the Deputy of ‘Ameer-ul-Momineen’ (i.e. the leader of the pious believers) after the American invasion. A large number of enemy tanks and other military vehicles were destroyed by them. The following day, visitors were bewildered and could not believe that the enemy was repelled. They thought that the enemy forces were still intact even though a large number of their vehicles were burnt and the remaining ones were pushed back to their previous locations.
  3. 3.A convoy of Russian military tanks was passing through ‘Sang-i-Hisaar’ area of ‘Zhari’ district on the main ‘Kandahar-Herat’ highway. Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ was accompanied by ‘Mullah Biradar Akhund’ who later became the Deputy of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, while they only had four RPG rounds. Unwavering they attacked the convoy and destroyed four military tanks with these rounds.
  4. 4.Mullah Biradar Akhund, a close friend of Mullah Mohammad Umar ‘Mujahid’ during the Holy Jihad era against the Russians, said that such a large number of Russian tanks were destroyed by him that his friends are unsure about its exact number.

In 1992, after the collapse of Najeeb’s communist regime and with the eruption of factional fighting throughout the country,

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mullā Muḥmmad ‘Umar: “Message Of Felicitation Regarding the Release of Jihādī Heads From 'Guantanamo Jail'"

I would like to congratulate from the core of my heart the whole Afghan nation, the devoted Mujahidin and the kith and kin of the prisoners on the auspicious occasion of this great achievement of the release of five distinguished Mujahidin heads from the ‘Guantanamo Jail’.
All praise is to Allah Almighty! Due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty, the enormous sacrifices of courageous Mujahidin and the statesmanship of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, five prominent heads of the Islamic Emirate are soundly released from the ‘Guantanamo Jail’.
This huge and vivid triumph requires from all Mujahidin to offer thanks to the Benevolent Creator who accepted the sincere sacrifices of our Mujahid nation and managed the release of these five renowned Mujahidin from the enemy’s clutch.
The efforts and endeavors of all Mujahidin, leading council of the Islamic Emirate, the detainers and keepers of the American prisoner ‘Bergdahl’ and generally the whole nation which played a significant role in this colossal victory are appreciated and I beg even deeper divine help, guidance and favorable turn of circumstances for all of them.
I would like to thank his highness ‘Shaikh Tameem Bin Hamd Al-Thani’ the Amir of Qatar, for his sincere and friendly efforts and mediation in the release of these five prominent Mujahidin heads. I pray to Allah Almighty to reward him reciprocally in this world and in the world hereafter.
May Allah Almighty get, just like these five heads, all those oppressed prisoners released who are incarcerated in the path of liberating their country and serving their creed.
This huge accomplishment brings the glad tidings of liberation of the whole country and reassures us that our aspirations are on the verge of fulfillment, Insha-Allah.
And it is never hard for Allah Almighty.
Servant of Islam, Mulla Mohammad Omar Mujahid
03/07/1435 A.H. (Lunar)
11/03/1393 A.H. (Solar)        01/06/2014 A.D.

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Mullā Muḥmmad ‘Umar: “Message Of Felicitation on the Occasion of ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā”


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Praise be to Allah, The Sustainer of the Worlds. Blessing and peace be on Mohammad, the Messenger of Allah, on his descendents, companions and those who like them and follow his guidance until the Day of Judgment.
Having said that, I would like to proceed:

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the Rejected One.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

“They seek to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will complete His light, much as the disbelievers may dislike it.” (61:8) the Holy Quran.
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no God except Allah. Allah is the greatest and Allah is the greatest. Praise be to Allah (swt).
(My) Believing Countrymen and all the Islamic Ummah!
Peace be on you and the Mercy of Allah and His blessing.
Before proceeding further, I would like to extend my (heart-felt) felicitation to you all on these auspicious days of the Eid-ul-odha. May Allah (SwT) accept in His Sight, the worships of all, in particular, the pilgrimage of the revered pilgrims, the sacrifices of the Mujahideen, the martyrdom of the martyrs, (the sufferings in) detention of the detainees and of the injured. I pray to Allah to give patience and reward to the families of the martyrs and, through His blessing, pave the way for release of the detainees and bestow fast recovery on the injured. May Allah favors (us) all with an Islamic system, prosperity and tranquility.
(My) Muslim Brothers:
We are celebrating these days of festivity of Eid-ul-Odha in a time that, at world’s level, the Islamic Ummah as well as our country are facing many problems. On the one hand, the invasions, machinations and brutal activities of the enemies are continuing against the Ummah, on the other hand, the diseases of internal frictions, aversions, dispersion, betrayal and entanglement in the cobwebs of the enemies have reached the very fabric of the body of the Ummah.
The auspicious and magnificent congregation of Hajj (pilgrimage) teaches (us) to throw away (the impression from) the misinformation of the enemies, any diabolical perceptions, baseless skepticism, tribal, lingual, geographical, ethnical, religious and other prejudices from our mind. Similarly, part ways with selfishness, pessimism and dissensions; show sympathy with each other under the very blessed motto of Islam and, by this way; solve all adversities and problems of the Ummah.   Let’s hold fast to Islam and seek the path of a real rescue on the basis of the instructions of Islam.
(My) Valiant and Devoted Mujahideen of the Path of Truth.
The might of the enemy has begun melting as a result of the help of Allah (SwT), your selfless sacrifices and the strong support of the people. If God willing, the moments of victory is coming ever near with the passage of each day. Celebrate these moments by rendering thanks to Allah (swt) and service to your people. Thus we’ll become eligible for more Divine blessing. My advice to all Mujahideen is to stand up to the enemy firmer than before; deal them a crashing blow and woo people to your side on an unprecedented manner, so that,   we will attain the lofty goal of liberation of the country and an all Afghans –inclusive Islamic system, consisting of qualified individuals—a system for which we have been waging the holy Jihad for years on.
Believing Afghans.
On the eve of Eid-ul-Odha of this year, I would like to share with you afew points about the current adversities in the country as follows. The invaders illegitimately shed blood of tens of thousands of Afghans during the past twelve years; put tens of thousands of them behind the bar and bombed cities, religious seminaries and mosques. They frequently perpetrated blasphemy against the sacrosanct of the Muslims, particularly, desecrated the Holy Quran. Moreover, they plundered vital mines of our country; slapped an incompetent and powerless administration on our people with its high-ranking rulers being regularly involved in corruption, embezzlement, land-grabbing, narcotics trafficking and production, rummage sale of forests, mines and historical relics.
These crimes are part and parcel of a precisely worked-out program of the invaders, by which, they want to pave the way for continuous presence and tangle the Afghans in a state of dearth and need. As to the field of culture, media and rearing,   they have also launched programs aimed at causing a spiritual collapse and notion aberrations of the people. Certain media outlets, with funding from   the invaders,   are focusing to impose the   non-veil and all mingling culture of the West on the Afghan people under the name of rights for women and youth and would like to alienate them from their Islamic principles and national culture;   to flare up tribal, geographical and lingual animosity among the people and erode their mutual unity. This is being done to make their presence here permanent and facile as well as the occupation.
The Kabul Administration and the invaders are not only bent on playing havoc with Afghanistan domestically,   but are marginalizing the country at regional and global level by signing colonial agreements and thus procure reasons for continuation of the war. Therefore, the invaders and their allies should understand that the strategic agreement will accompany grave consequences for them. Though they may get these documents rubberstamped by a fake Loya Jirga but it will not be acceptable to the Afghans. Throughout the history, the real representatives and Loya Jirgas of the country have never signed documents of slavery. So those who would sign this (document), could not be called a representative Loya Jirga of the country. Their decisions are not acceptable. The invaders should know that their limited bases will never be accepted. The current armed Jihad will continue against them with more momentum.
In order to fulfill our religious, national and humane responsibility, and ensure the survival of Afghanistan; maintain security of the region and the world; in order to obtain independence , honor and political liberty for the people; in order to catapult the people from this dangerous conditions , ( it is necessary that) the Afghans join hands with each other and make concerted efforts to put an end to the invasion, to all adversities, aversions and the shameful situation and pave way for establishment of an independent Afghan Islamic system .
The Afghan people could not be enticed by the ( current)   conspiracy of misleading people under the name of elections in the shade of the occupation in the country because, those figures are active in these elections who are catering only to personal interests and the interests of the invaders rather than the Islamic and national interests. Even some of them are trying to distort the very principles of the sacred religion of Islam in order to reach the corridor of power and to please the non-believers.
The people know that some foreign stooges are playing with their destiny. The votes of the people have no value in the elections nor will participation benefit. Therefore, the Islamic Emirate rejects these elections and urge the people to avoid participation in them because this is only a drama being played by the invaders to attain their goals.
As a principle, the Americans and their allies do not believe in elections. They commit themselves to the results of elections when their interests are ensured, but when   they are not, then they do deprive (human) societies of their elected governments. There are many examples on hand. However, the fresh and living example is that of the Egyptian elections. Every one saw what they did with the elected government. Thousands of Egyptian Muslims who were seeking to get their legitimate rights through peaceful ways were martyred, injured or detained. This process has been continuing while the advocates of democracy are watching!
Honor-loving Afghans!
Recently, the invaders and their allies have been making efforts to show that defense of the sovereignty of the Islamic country– the Jihad and resistance against the invaders — is an illegitimate act. This is to distract the attention of the world and (our) people from the occupation of the land of the Afghans and label the struggle against the occupation as a domestic war. Thus they are trying to hide the broad day light with their fingers. The Kabul Administration wants to put forward futile justifications for the direct military and multi-faceted invasion of 49 countries by convening phony conferences attended by some hangers-on figures. But the incumbents of these conferences must understand that, if God willing, the moments of victory of the Afghan people– i.e. the defeat of the invaders and establishment of an independent Islamic system– has reached with the help of Allah (Swat). That is why their futile and vain efforts will be of no avail.
Praise be to Allah, the Afghan Mujahid people are now aware of the realities. They will not fall prey to your machinations. Therefore, we call on all those who support the invaders or have joined their ranks but not deliberately, to disband their support like thousands of your fellows have done so far. The vast embrace of the Islamic Emirate is always open to you. Is it not rationale to side with your people where your death and life will become a symbol of pride for all, instead of losing your life in the ranks of the non-believers where you will relinquish your faith and the worldly life?
We call on our Mujahideen to use the good office of the religious scholars, tribal elders and notables to exhort soldiers of the military and police and the Arabakis to join the ranks of the people by abandoning the ranks of the invaders

New statement from the Amīr of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Mullā Muḥmmad ‘Umar: "Message of Felicitation on the Occasion of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr"


In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful All praise be to Allah. We praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness. We also seek His refuge from the evils of our inner selves and from our wicked deeds. Whoever is guided by Allah, there is none to mislead him and whoever is left by Allah in error, there will be none as guide for him (except Allah). I testify there is no god but Allah. Alone is He and has no associate and I testify that Mohammad (peace be upon him) is his Servant and Messenger. Having said that, I proceed and seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one. “Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good works to make them successors on the earth as He had made successors those who were before them and that He will surely grant them authority to practice their religion that He has chosen for them and to change their fear to safety. Let them worship me and associate not anything with me. Those who disbelieve after this, they are the wicked” (24:55) To the Mujahid people of Afghanistan and All Islamic Ummah: Asalamu Alaikum WA Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh. Peace be on you and Mercy of Allah and His Blessing. I extend my felicitation to you all for the great bliss and festivity for your having performed the great obligation of the holy month of Ramadan and that you are now in the auspicious days of Eid-ul-Fitre. I pray to Almighty Allah to accept in His Sight, the Jihad, fasting, worship and charities of all Muslims. May you have a prosperous life and success! Similarly, I congratulate the Afghan Mujahid people and all oppressed Ummah for the great victories achieved by Mujahideen in the field of Jihad with the help of Allah (SwT) and through unparalleled sacrifices, martyrdom-seeking operations and struggle which have practically forced the invaders to take to fleeing in a manner being unprecedented. I would like to thank the Afghan Mujahid and freedom-loving people for their continuous and comprehensive assistance with the Mujahideen against the invaders and hope that they will, shoulder to shoulder with the Mujahideen, increase their assistance in the cause of independence. I pray to Allah (SwT) to bring to an end, the sufferings and miserability of the Muslims both in Afghanistan and in the entire world, particularly, may Allah save the oppressed and believing people of Syria and Egypt who spent the (whole) month of Ramadan under beating, bloodbath, arrest and torture in squares, prisons and hospitals. May Allah be their helper and grant them glory and (aptitude of) excellent planning. May Allah save all Mujahideen from overt and covert conspiracies of enemies and may Allah, the Almighty, heal the injured believers, and may through His grace and blessing usher in means for release of the detainees. Dear Countrymen! The current jihad in Afghanistan is continuing with great success. Many areas of the country have been liberated from the grips of the invading usurpers during the sacred operations of this year under the name of Khalid bin Walid (RA). (Military) centers of the enemy in different areas of the country have fallen which before this, were considered unconquerable. With the help of Allah (SwT), the military power, morale, pride and arrogance of the enemy have received heavy thrashing. They are now on the threshold of collapse. The Almighty Allah says: “Their multitude shall be routed and they will turn their backs” (54:45) Another good news is that the Mujahideen have been waging their struggle against the enemy in all provinces of Afghanistan like brothers under a sole leadership and flag. The Jihadic movement gains momentum with the passage of each day. In addition to the military field, Mujahideen increasingly obtain new experience of work and success in political, cultural, economical, administrative and allurement fields. A spirit of reform, dedication, cooperation and obedience gains strength ever more. (My) believing Countrymen and Mujahid Brothers! You know that our country is passing through a critical phase. The enemies who have been beaten in the past twelve years are unleashing new conspiracies and launching new plans. We are on our guard as to their conspiracies. We believe that only an Islamic, just, independent and all Afghan-inclusive system can bring well-being and prosperity to our countrymen. With the support of our people, we will not allow anyone to succeed in the wicked plan for disintegration of the country or to divide our country under geographical locations and ethnicity denominations. Our pious people consider it their responsibility to build their common home and defend its every inch. Similarly, they consider it their religious obligation to maintain internal unity and give support to their Mujahid brothers. They also believe that obtainment of freedom and independence is their legitimate right. As to the deceiving drama under the name of elections 2014, our pious people will not tire themselves out, nor will they participate in it. Our pious and Mujahid people know that selection, de facto, takes place in Washington. These nominal rulers are not elected through the ballots of the people. Rather they are selected as per the discretion of Washington! Participation in such elections is only a waste of time, nothing more. I urge all Afghans who perform duties in the ranks of the enemy to turn barrels of their guns against the infidel invaders and their allies instead of martyring their Muslim Afghans. We have always given a hero welcome to these young fighters and, on the basis of fraternity, we welcome everyone who leaves the rank of the enemy and comes over to his Mujahid people. My brotherly request from those who say they are committed to Islam and Jihad but still carry out maligning campaign against Mujahideen, spreading hypocrisy, doubts and mistrust, using their tongues and pens against their Muslims brothers instead of the unbelievers, is to desist from such futile and sabotage activities. These activities only expose their selfish and naïve character, nothing more than that. Unequivocally, it makes their burden of sin heavier. Those patriotic Afghans who detest the (foreign) occupation and de facto oppose the presence of the invaders, though far-off they may be from us in distance, we appreciate their emotions of Afghanhood. I assure all, no personal revenge will be taken on any one following the end of occupation because our struggle is neither for achievement of personal gains nor personal power. Public of the World and Countrymen! I would like to opine about a future Afghanistan. An Islamic system and complete independence are values, which we are not willing to strike a deal on them with anyone. The Afghan people have rendered great sacrifices for the said two values both in the past and the contemporary history. Their country has been destroyed for the sake of these values and millions of them have been martyred. After all these, they should be left to form an independent Islamic system as per their aspirations. As to the management of internal system and rehabilitation, we believe, that there is no remedy to alleviate the pains of the Afghans except the remedy of an Islamic system based on transparency and commitment, in which all Afghans will see their full participation. Instead of reliance on foreign assistance and skills, the Afghans should qualify themselves and serve their country by utilizing their own resources. In the same sense, in order to protect ourselves from scarcity and hardships, our young generations should arm themselves with religious and modern educations because modern education is a fundamental need of every society in the present time. I reiterate once again that we do not think of monopolizing power. Those who truly loves Islam and the country and has commitment to both, whoever they may be or whichever ethnicity or geographical location they hail from, this homeland is theirs. None can prevent them from serving their homeland. We assure them that, we, together and through joint efforts, will serve our homeland. We consider as our brother and give him a welcome whoever openly expresses regret about his support for occupation. As to the foreign policy, our fundamental principle according to our unchanging policy is that we do not intend to harm anyone, nor we allow anyone to harm others from our soil. Similarly, we can’t tolerate any harm from others. We will maintain good relations with all those who respect Afghanistan as an independent Islamic country and their relations and interactions are not domineering and colonial, whether they are the world powers or the neighbors or any other country of the world. It is to be said that we have mentioned this point in our previous messages and have conveyed to all people of the world through the Political Office. The aim of our contacts and talks with the invaders which are conducted through the Political Office is to put an end to occupation of Afghanistan. No one should perceive that the Mujahideen will relinquish of their lofty religious principles and national interests. I assure you that I will not reach any illegitimate compromise or unlawful deal. Praise be to Allah (SwT), the Islamic Emirate has the honor of having stood up to ups and downs of many tribulations and trials. I ask Allah (SwT) to keep us straight on His way in the time to come as well.

The developments following the opening of the Political Office of the Islamic Emirate proved that Islamic Emirate is independent, strong and unwavering in its decisions. It was also proved that the Islamic Emirate has shown and is showing honesty and commitment to resolve problems of its oppressed people