Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū al-Ḥasan al-‘Azdī — “Obligations to Join the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām- Objections and Replies”
To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]
Category: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām
al-I’tiṣām Media presents new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: “A Window Upon the Land of Epic Battles #7″
al-Furqān Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: “Messages from the Land of Epic Battles #5"
NOTE: For prior parts in this series see: #4, #3, #2, and #1.
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Irāq and al-Shām Forum presents a new Nashīd from al-Maqdisī: "They Closed Ranks and They Acknowledged al-Baghdādī"
al-Maqdisī — “They Closed Ranks and They Acknowledged al-Baghdādī”
To inquire about a translation for this nashīd for a fee email: [email protected]
al-I’tiṣām Media presents new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: “A Window Upon the Land of Epic Battles #6"
al-Rāyyah Foundation for Media presents a new statement from Jaysh al-Ummah: "Congratulations to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām and Ṭālibān"
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
Ajnād Foundation For Media Production presents a new Nashīd from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām's Abū al-Barā' al-Madanī: "Eulogy for the Martyrs of Mannagh"

Abū al-Barā’ al-Madanī- “Eulogy for the Martyrs of Mannagh”
To inquire about a translation for this nashīd for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām's Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al 'Adnānī al-Shāmī: "‘Peaceful’ Is Whose Religion?"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī — “‘Peaceful’ Is Whose Religion?” (Ar)
Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī- “‘Peaceful’ Is Whose Religion?”
To inquire about a translation for this audio message for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Furqān Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: “Messages from the Land of Epic Battles #4"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām — “Messages from the Land of Epic Battles #4″ (Ar)
NOTE: For prior parts in this series see: #3, #2, and #1.
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Furqān Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: “Messages from the Land of Epic Battles #3"

To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]