Check out a new United States Institute of Peace paper based on a working group I was in: "The Jihadi Threat: ISIS, Al Qaeda and Beyond"

cover Cover Photo: ©Zabelin/iStock The Jihadi Threat: ISIS, Al Qaeda and Beyond The West failed to predict the emergence of al- Qaeda in new forms across the Middle East and North Africa. It was blindsided by the ISIS sweep across Syria and Iraq, which at least temporarily changed the map of the Middle East. Both movements have skillfully continued to evolve and proliferate— and surprise. What’s next? Twenty experts from think tanks and universities across the United States explore the world’s deadliest movements, their strategies, the future scenarios, and policy considerations. This report reflects their analysis and diverse views. This report is a collaboration by 20 experts on the Middle East, Islamic extremism, and jihadism who held a series of conferences between August and November 2016. “The Jihadi Threat” reflects the broad— and often diverse— views of the coauthors. Not every one agreed on all points, but the variety of findings, trend lines, and scenarios for the future covers the best thinking about the evolution of the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and their affiliates. The United States Institute of Peace was the primary sponsor of this initiative, with the backing of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Fifteen other think tanks and universities were represented in the Working Group on Extremism. The goal was always to reflect the widest expertise and the full spectrum of views.

The navigation bar along the right side includes links to six sections of the report. The first is an overview examining the future of extremism. The second, third, and fourth sections profile ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, respectively, and lay out future scenarios for each group. Part five is an analysis of key drivers of extremism ― state frailty, ideological upheaval, conflict zones, foreign intervention, socioeconomic factors, and technology. The sixth and final section outlines policy considerations for dealing with jihadi movements.
Click here to read the full report.

New article from al-Maqālāt: "We Must Benefit From Trump's Presidency Before A Possible Coup"

The democrats have been very busy with patching the economy of the US, while spreading differences in foreign countries to busy them with each other. They were very dependent on waging proxy wars and avoided any direct military intervention. They used secret services, militias and sects to accomplish their wished. In eight years Obama was thus able to rebuild the economy of the US somewhat from the destruction caused by his republican predecessor Bush, and he achieved many things Bush was not able to achieve.
The democrats have a long breath in dealing with political issues, and it is difficult to trap them and embroil them into a bleeding conflict due to any political and strategic mistakes. Obama and the democrats are therefore a bigger threat to the Ummah, he had a large role in destroying the region of the Middle-East by opening all kinds of fronts against it and embroiling it in internal conflicts; political, economic and military.
The Obama administration was preparing Hillary to complete this task. They tried to get Hillary on track concerning Iran, Russia and Syria -with the objective of busying the Muslims in the Middle-East from Israel and the US. The naive Hillary however did not seem completely willing to walk this path as she criticized Obama for walking away from his set red line against the Assad regime, and she criticized the nuclear deal with Iran while openly she supported an intervention against the Syrian regime. We read from one of her Wiki-leaked letters “Some argue that U.S. involvement in Syria risks a wider war with Russia. But the Kosovo example shows otherwise. In that case, Russia had genuine ethnic and political ties to the Serbs, which don’t exist between Russia and Syria, and even then Russia did little more than complain.”
The US knows very well that Russia will not do a thing if the US decides to launch a military intervention against the Assad regime. Yet they keep fooling people that an intervention in Syria equals a confrontation with Russia. It was therefore no surprise that Hillary lost the elections despite her winning the obvious popular vote. She could have won the election if she supported Russia and the Assad regime like Trump openly did, because this has been the policy of the Obama administration from the get-go.
The Obama administration was busy with spreading division in the Mujahid ranks instead of attacking them directly, the US under Obama played a vital role in the rise of ISIS and the division between the Mujahideen, especially between Al-Qaedah and ISIS. In addition to this divide and conquer policy, the Obama administration invested its military intelligence in killing the top leadership of Al-Qaedah. An unprecedented number of top leaders were killed under the Obama administration in Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and Syria. The largest Fitnah was spread in the Mujahid ranks under the Obama administration, known since the global Jihaad movement. We saw the rise of a powerful Jihaad movement claiming to have established the Caliphate and implement the Sharia, while in reality they implemented the US policy in the region without them knowing.
We saw all of this under the Obama administration, so the question leaves us with “What will change under the republican Trump administration?” We will without a doubt see a transition from secretive warfare to open warfare. As Trump openly states what Obama kept hidden. The republicans benefit heavily from military contracts and war profits, so they do not shy away from open and direct warfare. This was very evident under the Bush administration who quickly opened fronts of direct warfare throughout the Muslim world; built on military contracts and war profits. Even if this meant the destruction of the US economy; because the republicans do not care one bit about the overall economy of the US, they only care about the corporate profits of the wealthiest upper-class. The tax avoiding billionaire Trump seems cut for this policy.
These direct military confrontations will make the US number one enemy in the Middle-Eastern region again, which will unite the Muslim forces after being divided. The republicans in addition do not have the same political and strategic cunningness of the democrats in dealing with world actualities. So it will be easier to embroil them into bleeding conflicts, which will hurt the US economy and military. The presidential elections of Trump is therefore a chance for the Muslim Ummah to benefit from the greed and blunt stupidities of the republicans, especially those of Trump.
Obama tried very hard to twist and escape from the republican stupidities caused by the Bush administration before him, he succeeded after eight years, and now Trump will dive right into them again. We have to benefit from his presidency and we must not let this chance pass by because it could not be presented again in the future. Who would have thought that a blatant idiot like Trump would ever rule the US? Even Bush Jr. looks intelligent next to him. If we do not seize this chance to benefit from his stupidities then we truly do not know how to seize opportunities when they are presented. And this chance should be seized quickly in the first term of his presidency, because if there was ever a coup planned in the US, then now would be the most expected time in US history.
Source: al-Maqlat’s Telegram Channel

New statement from Jaysh al-Fataḥ: "Condemning and Rejecting the American Designation of Dr. 'Abd Allah bin Muḥammad al-Muḥaysinī"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Jaysh al-Fataḥ: “Condemning and Rejecting the American Designation of Dr. ‘Abd Allah bin Muḥammad al-Muḥaysinī”
Source: al-Maqalat Telegram Channel
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān’s Muḥammad al-Khurāsānī: "A Message to US President Elect Donald J Trump"

We have this message for the new President Elect for United States of America that He should abandon the anti islam policy in the name of terrorism and should release all the muslim prisoners especially Afia Siddique at his earliest.
Our war is not against Pakistan or people of Pakistan but against its  government and army who has forsaken us from our religious right that is islamic law.
They are killing us massively and destroying our properties in return for this demand.
We are not terrorists but we are fighting our religious war.
Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam therefore we want islamic law in it, which is our very right from every dimension.
America should stop military assistance of Pakistan against us in the name of terrorism.
Pakistani rulers and its slave army are only up to money, they can fight against America if they get more from somewhere.
These are double cross , whose creed and faith is money only, for which they can go to any extent. No matter if they have to fight against Islam or their  own country men.
Their past and present is enough to understand them.
Muhammad Khurasani
Central Spokesman for
Tehreek Taliban Pakistan

New audio message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s Shaykh Ibrāhīm al-Qūṣī (Khubayb al-Sūdānī): "Fifteen Years Since the Launch of the Current Crusader Campaign"

Shaykh Ibrāhīm al-Qūṣī (Khubayb al-Sūdānī): “Fifteen Years Since the Launch of the Current Crusader Campaign”


To inquire about a translation for this audio message for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Fifteenth Anniversary of the American Invasion"


Tomorrow 7th of October, is also considered a black day in the history of Afghanistan like 6th of Marghumay. 15 years ago on the same day, 7th of October 2001, the US-led occupying forces launched a brutal military occupation of our sacred county in violation of all humanitarian laws and international norms. American invaders apparently made the incident of 11th September an excuse for her savagery which was not justified in any way and is not till this day because the Afghan people were neither had a hand in it nor were they aware of the plans. But in spite of that the then American rulers and her allies invaded Afghanistan against all international norms and without presenting any evidences. To find some justifications for their horror and for acquittal from accountability of the oppressed Afghan people, they declared some other goals of their attack, which include: 1- To make Afghanistan self-sufficient. 2- To end narcotic production/trade in Afghanistan. 3- To form a government according to the will of the Afghan nation. 4- To establish peace, stability and security in the country. – But 15 years passed since the US occupation, we can see that everything is going in reverse. Has Afghanistan stood on its own feet? They had made it the poorest country in the world, and despite abundant resources no fundamental work has been done. – Before the US occupation, the Islamic Emirate was able to eradicate drug cultivation to zero, but now under the American occupation; Afghanistan shattered the world record in the cultivation and export of the drugs. – Instead of building a government system according to the desire and will of the Afghan people, they have imposed the world’s most corrupt setup; a combination of thieves and gangs of evil and corruption with the force of airplanes and tanks, and are supporting them to this day. – Security and stability of the country is such that a senior US general declared that 1000 people are killed per month in Afghanistan. Bombardment of civilian houses and public facilities is the daily routine of the occupiers and their stooges. Thus the Islamic Emirate condemns the barbaric invasion and continuation of occupation byAmerica and her allies in the strongest terms and on the 15 anniversary of their horror once again calls upon the invaders; leave our country, bring the brutal occupation to an end, stop the bloodshed of innocent Afghan people in your heinous existence, let the Afghan people decide about their own country and future. This is the same sensible and reasonable solution that the Islamic Emirate identified fifteen years ago in the dispute, and has repeatedly declared it for you over time. Otherwise the believing Afghan nation will continue their legitimate struggle under the leadership of the Islamic Emirate, until the invaders are expelled from the country like the previous ones. When you will have lost tens of thousands more troops and wasted hundreds of billions of more dollars in exchange for a historical and humiliating defeat. That time is close, Allah willing, and the entire world are witnessing the signs of it. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan 05/01/1438 Hijri Lunar 15/07/1395 Hijri Solar               06/10/2016 Gregorian


New release from Jabhat Anṣār al-Dīn’s Dr. Abū ‘Abd Allah al-Shāmī: "Ruling on Fighting Under the Banner of the Crusader Alliance"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Dr. Abū ‘Abd Allah al-Shāmī: “Ruling on Fighting Under the Banner of the Crusader Alliance”

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]