New article from Abū Qatādah al-Filisṭīnī: "Ruling on the Factions Participating in Euphrates Shield After the Recent Developments With the Participation of the Americans By Air and Land and Coordination With the Russians By Air"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله ومن والاه؛
أما بعد

فكنت قد قسمت أصناف الناس الذاهبين لما يسمى بدرع الفرات، والذي حاله قتال طوائف منهم مع الجيش التركي ومن معه ضد طائفة مسلمة فيها ما يخلط من الشر، وقلت بأن من ذهب يقاتل مع الجيش التركي المرتد الكافر ضد جماعة مسلمة تحت راية هذا الجيش حكمه حكم هذا الجيش، وكان بعض من وصَف حال الذاهبين هناك لي ولغيري قد قال إن منهم من ذهب ليستغل الحال من أجل غلبة أهل الإسلام دون غيرهم على الأماكن التي يجلو عنها غيرهم من المسلمين وغيرهم، وهناك من الذاهبين للاستطلاع والتحري، فكان الحكم الذي اعتقده والذي عليه إجماع الناس أن من ذهب ليقاتل تحت راية الجيش التركي العلماني المرتد أنه مثله، فهو كافر مرتد، ومن ذهب لغرض شرعي غير هذا مما ذكر فحكمه حكم ما ذهب إليه، دون أن نجمع الناس الذاهبين في حكم واحد لاختلاف أحوالهم كما هو ظاهر.

وهذا هو واقع الحياة من التنوع، وقد يتغير الحال فيتغير الحكم، كما يذكر البعض اليوم أن الصنفين الأخيرين المذكورين قد تلاشى ولم يبق إلا من هو داخل مع الجيش التركي المرتد تنسيقا وقتالا وامتثال أمر، فمن كان هذا وصفه فحكمه ما تقدم، كما يعلم كل طالب علم هذا الحكم في القتال تحت راية كفرية لتحقيق غايتها من إقامة سلطانها ودينها.

والجيش التركي جيش علماني يقيم أحكام هذا الدين الشركي كما هو في بلده، أي العلمانية، وهي دين لا يشك مسلم أنه كفر وشرك، وخير ما يقوله العلمانيون هو ما يدين به رئيس البلاد أردوغان بأنه علماني بصيغة لينة؛ يصرح بهذا في كل لقاء ومحفل، ولا يأنف منه، ودين العلمانية أهون ما فيه شرك وكفر بالله، والله يقول عن المرتدين في سورة محمد : ﴿ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ قَالُوا لِلَّذِينَ كَرِهُوا مَا نَزَّلَ اللَّهُ سَنُطِيعُكُمْ فِي بَعْضِ الْأَمْرِ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ إِسْرَارَهُمْ﴾
والله حذر من بعض موافقة الكفار في دينهم فقال: ﴿وَاحْذَرْهُمْ أَنْ يَفْتِنُوكَ عَنْ بَعْضِ مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ﴾
وهدد رسوله المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم من الركون إلى المشركين ولو قليلا فقال: ﴿وَلَوْلَا أَنْ ثَبَّتْنَاكَ لَقَدْ كِدْتَ تَرْكَنُ إِلَيْهِمْ شَيْئًا قَلِيلًا * إِذًا لَأَذَقْنَاكَ ضِعْفَ الْحَيَاةِ وَضِعْفَ الْمَمَاتِ ثُمَّ لَا تَجِدُ لَكَ عَلَيْنَا نَصِيرًا﴾
فمتابعة الكافرين في دينهم ولو قليلا ولو لبعض ما في دينهم هو نقض لأصل الدين، وأردوغان يوافق أهل الإسلام في أمور أكثر من غيره من حكام المسلمين المرتدين ولا شك، لكنه يوافق المشركين في بعض دينهم، فهذا وإن جعله أقل كفراً منهم، لكن لا يخرجه من دائرة الكفر كما هو حكم الله تعالى.

فهذا أمر لا يتعلق بالمعصية ولا بالمصلحة ولكن يتعلق بأصل الدين، فمن قال أنا علماني ولو ببعض أصول العلمانية هو كافر بأصل دين الإسلام، لأن المرء يكفر بعمل واحد كفري لا بكل المكفرات في الوجود.
والذين يحاولون إلحاق أردوغان وحكمه وطائفته بالإسلام كلامهم لا يعدو الجهل، فإن خاطبوا الناس لنشر باطلهم خاطبوهم بغوغائية وبجمل ليست من العلم في شيء، وذلك لجهلهم بهذا العلم من البعض، وبهروب معروف من آخرين من طريقة الخطاب الشرعي المؤصل.

فالجيش التركي جيش علماني، وحاكم تركيا اليوم أردوغان حاكم علماني، هو بعلمانيته اللينة خير من علمانية الأحزاب التركية اليسارية والقومية، لأن علمانيتهم صلبة كما هو تقسيم العلمانية قديما وحديثا، كما شرح ذلك أساطينها في الغرب والشرق، وكان هذا عمدة البعثيين في تبنيهم العلمانية في بلادنا كما قاله شبلي العيسمي.

ولكن هذا لا ينقض أصل حكم العلمانية والعلماني، وإن كان بعضهم يدخل في الردة المغلظة وآخر في الردة غير المغلظة، فإن من يقتل المؤمن لإيمانية المخالف لكفره من العلماني الصلب أشد كفراً ممن لا يقاتله بل يسالمه بل ربما أحسن إليه كمن قال الله فيهم: ﴿لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَدَاوَةً لِلَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقْرَبَهُمْ مَوَدَّةً لِلَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّا نَصَارَى ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنْهُمْ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهْبَانًا وَأَنَّهُمْ لَا يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ﴾

فالكفر درجات في الاعتقاد والعمل كذلك.
ولهذا كل من قاتل تحت راية الجيش التركي المرتد فحكمه الردة والكفر.
وكل من نفى ردته إما جاهل بالشرع أو صاحب هوى، ومثل هؤلاء خبرناهم في كل منعطف يقوم فيه حاكم يخاطب عواطف الأمة فيلتحق به جهلة من أمثال هؤلاء، يصفقون له، ويسبغون عليه أوصاف الشهامة والدين والتقوى.

والواجب الشرعي على كل مسلم يفهم دين الله أن يفارق الطائفة التي ترميه في قتال يخدم رايات العلمانيين، أو تمهد لهذا الفعل المجرم، وذلك بجعل كفر هذا الجيش ورئيسه من المسلمين أو مما يجوز فيه الخلاف تهوينا لأمر التوحيد، فأن يختلف الناس في التكفير شيء وأن تُرمى قتالا في أودية الباطل شيء آخر، فاحذر من أن تتخذ وسيلة لباطل، أو أن تقتل خدمة لأمر ليس فيه نصرة الدين الصريح، فالله يقول: ﴿الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ الطَّاغُوتِ﴾
ويقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: «من قاتل لتكون كلمة الله هي العليا فهو في سبيل الله».

فإياك أخي المجاهد أن تبيع روحك لمن يتاجر بها في أسواق النخاسة، أو أن تطيع جاهلا لا يعرف أحكام الردة والكفر ممن تسمى باسم الشيخ أو المفكر، فالأمر خطير، وأمر الحال النظري قد يتسمح الناس فيه؛ أقصد مخالفة من خالف من الجهلة في كفر الجيش التركي ورئيسه، لكن احتياطك لدينك أن لا تقتل إلا تحت راية صريحة في إسلامها وجهادها، واجب عليك فيه الاجتهاد والتحوط.
هذا أمر استعجلت الكلام فيه لكثرة ما يخاض فيه وخطورته، فالنصيحة واجبة وأوجب ما تكون في مثل هذا.
وفقنا الله وإياكم لما يحب ويرضى.
والحمد لله رب العالمين

قام على نشره: أبو محمود الفلسطيني


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New statement from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām: "Clarifications Regarding the Statement by Michael Ratney, the United States Special Envoy to Syria"

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: "Response To Comments by General Nicholson"

Yesterday the commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, General Nicholson, made irresponsible comments following the martyrdom of Kunduz governor, Shaheed Mullah Abdul Salam Akhund, stating:
“Salam’s death is an opportunity for change. The people of Afghanistan want peace and the Government of Afghanistan is committed to achieving peace through reconciliation.”
The Islamic Emirate – as a representative of the Mujahid Afghan nation and martyrdom-loving people of Kunduz – in response to the irrational comments of General Nicholson declares that you do not have the capacity to talk to the Mujahideen because you are invaders and you understand well that the valiant Afghan nation has always treated invaders such that their brains are first put in order then forced them out of their country in humiliation.
Read the history of the Afghans. It was these same Afghans who forced the much stronger economic and military powers of British and Soviet from their country through Jihad and might of the sword. Can you see anything by the name of Great Britain and Soviet Union on the face of this planet anymore?
The Muslim Afghan nation views you Americans with the same eye as the invading English and Soviets and with the blessing of Jihad and help of Allah, will throw you out of their motherland in a similar fashion.
We do not view the martyrdom of Mullah Abdul Salam as failure or regret but as honor and victory which has intensified the thirst for revenge of the people of Kunduz and Afghanistan. It has revealed the truthfulness of the Mujahideen and has further increased the love for Mullah Abdul Salam and his companions in the community. Understand that we are a nation that loves martyrdom in the path of Allah as you love the short life of this fleeting world.
These are not our emotions or assumptions talking but are the realities which forced over one hundred and fifty thousand fully equipped troops to kneel.
If you do not end this occupation and accept the lawful demands of the valiant Afghan nation then this nation (Allah willing) will force you out of Afghanistan as the commander of US and NATO forces with all your might and technology just as this resistance broke, deranged and forced out your most celebrated commanders and experienced generals.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihulllah Mujahid
02/06/1438 Hijri Lunar
11/12/1395 Hijri Solar                    01/03/2017 Gregorian

New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: "The Crown of the Scholars: Condolences to the Islamic Nation for the Death of Shaykh 'Umar 'Abd al-Raḥman in the Crusader American Prisons"

New release from Fursān al-Shām Media: "Abū Zūbayr al-Ṣūmālī: As A Stranger He Lived In The World And As A Stranger He Left…"

It was a hot evening in Rural south Aleppo and I was at one of the bases of Jaish al-Nusra, an elite brigade of Mujahidīn. They had taken an empty luxury villa as a temporary base where the brothers would sleep and prepare for the coming battle; the battle of Khlasa. The garden was huge and beautiful, and there were brothers everywhere preparing themselves, some sitting under the trees reciting the Quran. The Amir, Commander Abu Taha had ordered that the Mujahidīn break their fast as fighting while fasting would be nearly impossible in the summer heat.
As I walked around between the brothers, I was greeted by Abu Zubayr Somali. A wonderful brother, I had previously met him on several occasions. He greeted me warmly and invited me to drink tea with him. He prepared the tea and we sat together on the balcony chatting.
Without exaggeration he is one of the best people I have met in my life, everybody who knew him loved him. He was a tall brother, dark in complexion.
“The person who owns this house must be very rich” Abu Zubayr told me. “The problem about making yourself too comfortable in Dunya is that how will you able to leave all this?”
Abu Zubayr told me that he used to live for a number of years in the US but realized that living in the land of kufr chasing after Dunya was of no use. He made up his mind to leave for Jihad. He left America attempting to reach his native land, Somalia to participate in Jihad there. Things did not go as he planned, he failed in reaching Somalia and returned to America.
But that was not enough to make this courageous soul give up, how could he live in America, the capital of oppression and kufr in the world? Now he was being monitored by the security services but for a person like Abu Zubayr, fearing the creation was not one of his traits.
Despite his lack of knowledge on the situation in al-Sham, upon hearing that there was Jihad taking place, he made up his mind to do Hijra to the blessed land of al-Sham. At the time the propaganda of the Khawarij, the Dawla group, was at its height and to many Muslims outside al-Sham it seemed that they were a group that was on truth. He left America with the intention of joining the Dawla group, unaware that they were Khawarij.
Taking all the risk, he began his journey towards Jihad. His movements were picked up by the security agencies and he was stopped for questioning. He later explained that Allah had made this very easy for him and he answered all their questions smoothly until the enemies of Allah were convinced that he had nothing to do with Jihad. He was released and then continued his journey towards al-Sham.
But how could such a pure soul filled with Imaan be amongst a group that has been an instrument to destroy the Jihad and Mujahidīn? Those who truly seek guidance, Allah guides them. Instead of joining the ranks of the Khawarij, he ended meeting other Muhajirīn brothers from the Mujahidīn areas and went with them, joining Jabhat al-Nusra. It was after he completed a Sharia course the reality of the situation in al-Sham became known to him.
It was not long before Abu Zubayr was in the brigade of the Inghimasīn, those who’s task it is to storm deep behind enemy lines. Battle after battle he participated in with the brigade. A brigade which is the cream of the Mujahidīn. The Battle of Al-Eis, one of the most important battles in the current jihad, Abu Zubayr was one of those who reached far behind enemy lines and the small unit destroyed an entire convoy of enemy troops. This was one of the major reasons for the Mujahidīn victory at al-Eis by the help of Allah.
After that he was deployed to Lattakia mountains, doing raid after raid, stopping any attempt from the enemy to advance. I met him in one of the bases of the Mujahidīn in Lattakia. As we sat and spoke my heart was filled with admiration of him. The next time we met was in Aleppo province before the battle of Khlasa, as I mentioned before, and it was also the last time…
As we sat and he served me tea, my eyes weld up with tears at his words. He had a calm way of talking and always reminded one of the Akhirah. An hour later I saw him sleeping peacefully on a bed, his weapon beside him.
Different units began moving in and out of the base, the battle was close and the place was buzzing with activity. I went with my unit to the site of the battle, as night fell the ground began shaking, the Mujahidīn were attacking Khlasa with all their might! We entered the battlefield, bullets were continually making whistling sounds above our heads as we moved forward.
Explosions of mortars and tanks, and then a rain of cluster bombs! As the early hours of the morning came, the battlefield fell quiet. The enemy had fled. Not only from Khlasa, but also from two extremely important towns which they feared being besieged in due to our capture of Khalsa. We remained in Ribaat until almost midday then we descended, we were all exhausted but overjoyed at the victory.
As we drove down I noticed the room that was being used as a command center had been hit by an airstrike. I asked the brothers if anyone had been killed, they told me Commander Abu Taha had been killed! Now my joy was replaced with sadness, he was a commander of such excellence that was rare to find. “Who else was killed?” I asked. “Abu Zubayr Somali” the brother replied. My world turned upside down with grief. Allah had chosen some of his closest servants and took them in the best month while they were storming the enemy (We consider them so and their accountability is to Allah). May Allah join us in their ranks.
Abu Zubayr had possibly had a feeling that he would be killed, his talk with me on that day gave me many indications. Not only that, but he had sent his will, not long before, to a brother.
Thinking about Abu Zubayr makes me think of the Hadith which refers to Sham as “the best of Allah’s lands to which the best of Allah’s creation gather in it” . The evil people of Sham can be found scattered out throughout the world while some of the best of the slaves of Allah flock to Sham. They are strangers to the world living in a land which has always been through the passage of time a home for the strangers; the blessed land of Sham.
Written by Abu Dujanah Al Afriki (Rahimahullah)

New statement from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula: "About the Recent American Massacre in the Area of Qīfah"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula: “About the Recent American Massacre in the Area of Qīfah”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]