Check out my new ‘Policy Watch’ for the Washington Institute: "Foreign Jihadists in Syria: Tracking Recruitment Networks"

The clandestine nature of the various networks responsible for sending Sunni fighters into Syria makes it difficult to ascertain exactly how many foreigners have entered the war and from which countries. Yet social-media sources affiliated with jihadists often post death notices for slain fighters, providing a unique, though incomplete, picture of where they are being recruited and where in Syria they fought. Tracking and analyzing these notices can help broaden Washington’s understanding of foreign recruitment networks, the largest of which appear to operate in Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Tunisia.


Since the Syrian uprising turned into an armed rebellion, jihadists have announced the deaths of more than 1,100 fighters on their Twitter and Facebook accounts and, to a lesser extent, on password-protected forums. Although other foreigners have been killed in Syria, their deaths were reported by non-jihadist rebels, Western media, or Arabic media and are not included in this assessment. The figures below also exclude foreigners who have fought on the Assad regime’s side.
To be sure, the information gleaned from jihadist sources is self-reported, and some data might therefore be suppressed for political reasons, especially reports of Iraqi involvement. That said, it still offers a worthwhile snapshot of an otherwise murky world.
The most striking revelation in the latest data is the huge rise in overall death notices. Previously, jihadist sources had posted only 85 such notices as of February 2013, and only 280 as of June. In other words, the vast majority of the more than 1,100 notices have come in the past half year.
Click here to read the rest.

Ajnād Foundation For Media Production presents a new Nashīd from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: "How Bad the Mention of My Return to Saudi Arabia"

Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām- “How Bad the Mention of My Return to Saudi Arabia”


To inquire about a translation for this nashīd for a fee email: [email protected]

al-Furqān Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: “Messages from the Land of Epic Battles #7"

UPDATE 9/27/13 1:53 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām — “Messages from the Land of Epic Battles #7” (Ar)

NOTE: For prior parts in this series see: #6#5#4#3#2, and #1.



al-Malāḥim Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula: “The Fourth Appeal of the Deputy Consul of the Saudi’s in Aden ‘Abd Allah Muḥammad Khalīfah al-Khālidī”

al-Malāḥim Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s Shaykh Ibrāhīm bin Sulaymān al-Rubaysh: "Comment on the Sa'ūdī's King's Speech"

Musings of an Iraqi Brasenostril on Jihad: Bay’ah to Baghdadi: Foreign Support for Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham

NOTE: An archive of the Musings of an Iraqi Brasenostril on Jihad column can now be found here.

Bay’ah to Baghdadi: Foreign Support for Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
Click here for a PDF version of this post
Over the past couple of months, jihadi media outlets have circulated numerous photos and statements indicating support from various places abroad for Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) as the group has expanded its influence in Syria and has experienced a resurgence in Iraq. Below is a selection of those gestures of support, and the analytical implications.
Saudi Arabia
The gestures of support from Saudi Arabia primarily take the form of anonymous individuals holding placards declaring admiration for ISIS. Note that the photos below are not in chronological order. The ideological inclinations of the placard-holders are made clear by calling Saudi Arabia ‘Bilad al-Haramain’ (‘Land of the Two Sanctuaries’- referencing Mecca and Medina).
This photo, taken near the Kaaba in late July, celebrates the successful prison breaks orchestrated by ISIS at Abu Ghraib and Taji in Baghdad that resulted in the release of hundreds of detainees, including muhajireen who had been imprisoned since 2006/7. The placard reads: ‘Greetings from Bilad al-Haramain to the lions of the two rivers [Tigris and Euphrates] for the liberation of Taji and Abu Ghraib prison; for the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’.
This photo comes from an unspecified location in Saudi Arabia. The placard reads: ‘We bless/congratulate Abu Bakr [al-Baghdadi] for the liberation of Abu Ghraib and Taji prison. The sons of Bilad al-Haramain.’
Again with unspecified location in Saudi Arabia, and the handwriting is not entirely clear, but the first few lines can be discerned as follows: ‘From Bilad al-Haramain, I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi…and my greetings to Abu Mohammed al-Adnani [ISIS’ main spokesman].’
Perhaps one of the more bizarre demonstrations of support for ISIS from Saudi Arabia, a cake baked with the ISIS flag for the icing.  The dedicatory placard reads: “All thanks to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the heroes of the Islamic State. Your brothers…the free men of Bilad al-Haramain.”
An earlier image of an ISIS cake from Saudi Arabia had appeared with an accompanying explanation that it was baked to celebrate the fact that a Saudi family’s son was heading off to Syria to fight jihad. However, that image and the Facebook page that featured it have since been deleted.
A photo released on a jihadi forum as part of the same set as the ISIS cake above. A young Saudi girl holds a placard with ISIS insignia. The first and relevant part of the placard reads: ‘How excellent you are, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and your heroic soldiers! Verily you have caused pain to the Safavids.’ In this context, the term ‘Safavids’ is a derogatory reference to the Shi’a.
Two Saudi children hold placards celebrating the ISIS jailbreaks in Baghdad. The placard on the left reads: ‘We congratulate the Ummah of Mohammed for the liberation of some 600 prisoners from the prisons of the Rafidites [Shi’a]. Thanks to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Bilad al-Haramain.’ The placard on the right says: ‘Our amir Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi…send us some of your soldiers to free our prisoners. Bilad al-Haramain.’
Testimony on the ground from northern Syria in particular suggests to me that one factor behind ISIS’ success in expansion is that the group has much more financial clout at its disposal than most other rebel factions, such that first-hand observers seem puzzled. Cross-border coordination with mujahideen in Iraq and limited oil revenues from control of some oil fields in Syria can partly explain the depth of ISIS’ financial resources. Yet I would also suggest that by conveying these gestures of support from Saudi individuals to ISIS, jihadi circles are implying that ISIS is receiving significant funding from private Saudi citizens who support ISIS.
Somalia, home to the official al-Qa’ida affiliate Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM), has also seen gestures of support for ISIS and Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The images below have been released through the end of July and into August by the pro-ISIS media channel ash-Sham, which is based in Raqqa, Syria. There have of course been rumors and anecdotes of Somali fighters in Syria. Somalia itself has also seen small demonstrations in support of the uprising in Syria.
The ash-Sham channel’s logo is to be observed in the right-hand corner. The placard held by the HSM fighter reads: ‘And if I were in ash-Sham, I could only be a soldier in the Islamic State.’
A child supporter of HSM stands besides a large ISIS/HSM banner, holding a placard that reads: ‘Greetings to the amir in the state of free men: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, demolishing the walls.” Note that ‘demolishing the walls’ is in reference to the successful ISIS jailbreaks in Baghdad last month.
Two HSM fighters show their support for ISIS. The mujahid on the left displays the same placard as in the first photo from this series. The mujahid on the right holds a placard that says, ‘An Eid gift to the lions of Tawhid in the Islamic State.’ The building behind the two HSM fighters has the Somali word ‘Xuuriye’ inscribed on it, meaning ‘freedom’ and borrowed from Arabic (in Somali writing, ‘x’ replaces Arabic ḥ in loanwords).
Niqab-wearing supporters of HSM demonstrate their support for ISIS. The placard on the right reads, ‘Remaining [steadfast] in Iraq and ash-Sham.’ It should be noted that this slogan is a recurring theme in ISIS discourse, originating from Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s speech in June, in which he rejected Sheikh Aymenn al-Ẓawahiri’s insistence on separation between Islamic State of Iraq and Jabhat al-Nusra. Since then, ‘bāqīya’ has even become the name of a pro-ISIS media outlet: Bāqīya Media, dedicated to putting out material on ISIS in Bilād ash-Sham.
A Somali child holds the same placard as in the first photo in this series.
HSM fighters hold the ISIS banner with the inscription ‘Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’ on it.
Somali women in niqabs display ISIS banners. Note the one on the left with the inscription ‘Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham.’
Somali children hold the ISIS banner.
Somali women hold placards in support of ISIS. The writing on the discernible placard on the far left is the same as the third one in this series.
Given HSM’s status as an al-Qa’ida affiliate, it is noteworthy that its members and fan-base have shown support for ISIS and Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, while not indicating any similar appreciation for Sheikh Abu Mohammed al-Jowlani and Jabhat al-Nusra.
This would seem to suggest that ISIS’ reputation is far greater than that of the latter two in many jihadist hotspots around the Muslim world- something that has no doubt been abetted by ISIS’ quick expansion across northern and eastern Syria in particular, along with ISIS’ leading role in recent rebel offensives like the capture of Mannagh airbase.
Despite Sheikh Ẓawahiri’s indication of the need to dissolve ISIS, not only are al-Qa’ida affiliates elsewhere acknowledging ISIS and Sheikh Baghdadi as the leader of the jihad in Bilad ash-Sham, but also official jihadi forums like Shamūkh Islām no longer appear to be deleting posts put out in ISIS’ name.
That said, al-Furqān media- the official outlet of what was Islamic State of Iraq- still avoids overt reference to the name ‘Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’ in its current video releases, even as it is becomes clear that ISIS’ jihad in Syria is being promoted (e.g. the interview with the martyred French convert and another with an elderly mujahid for the group).
In any event, it is clear that ISIS is more or less accepted in jihadi circles now as a reality on the ground, and Sheikh Ẓawahiri is unlikely to issue another directive calling for the

al-Malāḥim Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula: “Interview with the Deputy Consul of the Saudi’s #2"

UPDATE 6/16/13 11:34 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription:


UPDATE 6/6/13 7:42 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula — “Interview with the Deputy Consul of the Saudi’s #2″ (Ar)

NOTE: Click here for part one of this video series.



al-Malāḥim Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula: "Interview with the Deputy Consul of the Saudi’s #1"

UPDATE 5/2/13 8:25 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription:


UPDATE 4/19/13 8:56 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula — “Interview with the Deputy Consul of the Saudi’s #1” (Ar)



al-Malāḥim Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula's Shaykh Abū Sufyān al-Azdī (Sa'īd al-Shihrī): "To Our People in the Arabian Peninsula"

UPDATE 8/4/13 5:10 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū Sufyān al-Azdī (Sa’īd al-Shihrī) — “To Our People in the Arabian Peninsula” (En)

UPDATE 4/10/13 9:52 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū Sufyān al-Azdī (Sa’īd al-Shihrī) — “To Our People in the Arabian Peninsula” (Ar)



New article from 'Abd Allah bin Muḥammad: "Why Does the Sa'ūdī Regime Fight Against the Jihād in Syria?"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

قرار تجريم الجهاد في سوريا وفتوى أحد كبار هيئة العلماء بتحريمه ما هو
إلا رأس جبل الجليد فما تفعله المخابرات السعودية في سوريا أشد وأدهى

سأترك الحديث عن دور المخابرات السعودية في سوريا لأهل سوريا فهم أدرى
بالتوقيت المناسب لذلك .. وبالمناسبة هم أيضا لا ترهبهم الإغتيالات !

حديثي هنا سيكون عن طبيعة النظام السعودي فمحاربة الجهاد في سوريا لا
يرجع لمخاوف أمنية أو حتى عمالة للغرب بقدر ما يرجع لسيكولوجية النظام

عالم السياسة لا يحتاج لأدلة حتى تفهم تصنيفاته فحتى إسرائيل كدولة
عنصرية لا تعترف بذلك ولكن الأثر يدل على المسير والبعرة تدل على البعير

وجود النظام السعودي كدولة قامت على أساس ديني جعله يحرص كل الحرص على
إسقاط أي نظام مماثل حتى لا يكتشف زيف ما هو عليه

أي نظام إسلامي ينجح في تكوين دولة سيجعل الناس تقارن بين النموذج
السعودي وبينه وعندها ستظهر الفروق وتسقط دعاوى تطبيق الشريعة

النظام السعودي يقدم نفسه ****ل حصري لماركة الدين الإسلامي فهذه الوكالة
كانت ومازالت سببا من أسباب نفوذه وحضوته عند الغرب

كل نظريات الأمن القومي للدول توضع على أساس حماية المصالح الاستراتيجية
ولذا تنظر أمريكا لنفط الخليج كخط أحمر وتنظر مصر للنيل كذلك

النظام السعودي ينظر للدين كأمن قومي ولذا يحرص على هدم أي نظام يسعى
لتطبيق الشريعة بشكل مغاير للمواصفات والمقاييس السعودية

تاريخ التدخلات السعودية لإسقاط أنظمة الحكم الإسلامي حافل بالكثير سواء
بدعم أعداء المشروع الإسلامي أو باحتوائه وإفساده من الداخل

في الحرب الأهلية عام 94 بين شمال وجنوب اليمن وقف النظام السعودي مع
الشيوعيين مع أن علماء اليمن أفتوا بكفر من وقف بصفهم

في الحرب الأهلية التي أعقبت فوز جبهة الإنقاذ الإسلامية بالجزائر أمد
النظام السعودي جنرالات فرنسا بألف مدرعة خاصة بقتال الشوارع

في الحرب بين المسلمين والنصارى في السودان وقف النظام السعودي مع قرنق
النصراني وأمده بالسلاح والذخيرة طوال مدة الحرب

للعلم الحروب السابقة خاضتها أطراف تريد تطبيق الشريعة فالبشير وجبهة
الإنقاذ ومجاهدي اليمن الشمالي كلهم قد رفعوا الشعار الإسلامي

عام 96 كان النظام السعودي أول من اعترف بحكومة طالبان الإسلامية من باب
احتوائها فلما أرادت أمريكا إسقاطها فتحت قاعدة سلطان الجوية لذلك

عندما أعلن عن دولة العراق الإسلامية بادر النظام السعودي وفتح خزائنه
لشراء الذمم وإنشاء الصحوات فلما انتهى ترك العراق للمالكي

عندما انتصر الجهاد البوسني أوقف النظام السعودي الدعم حتى لا يقف
المجاهدون حجر عثرة بوجه اتفاقية دايتون التي أوقفت المد الإسلامي هناك

توجد قضايا لا تتدخل فيها السعودية لدخولها على خط الصراع العالمي ومنها
الجهاد الشيشاني لنكايته في الروس وهم عدو تقليدي للغرب وحلفائه

وتوجد قضايا تعارض فيها السعودية اللون الإسلامي وإن لم يسعى لتطبيق
الشريعة كالصراع الفلسطيني الذي تقف فيه السعودية مع فتح ضد حماس

بعد الربيع العربي فجعت السعودية بمشاريع إسلامية ظهرت من حولها فبذلت
نشاط عسكري وسياسي محموم لإجهاض ما يمكن إجهاضه

عندما أعلنت أنصار الشريعة باليمن تطبيق الشريعة في ولاية أبين شارك
الطيران الملكي السعودي بالحملة العسكرية الأمريكية لإسقاطهم

علماء اليمن أفتوا قديما بالجهاد ضد الشيوعيين وحديثا أفتوا بالجهاد ضد
أي تدخل أمريكي وفي الحالتين وقفت السعودية مع الجانب الآخر

سياسيا دخل النظام السعودي مواجهة كبيرة للحيلولة دون وصول الإسلاميين
للحكم في مصر فلما فشل دخل في صراع آخر لإفشال مشروعهم

إذن فقرارات وفتاوى تجريم وتحريم الجهاد في سوريا ما هي إلا خطوات في
استراتيجية ثابتة لإجهاض محاولات وصول ونجاح الإسلاميين في الحكم


To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]