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To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
For prior parts in this video series see: #2 and #1.
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For prior issues in this magazine see: #157, #156, #155, #154, #153, #152, #151, #150, #149, #148, #147, #146, #145, #144, #143, #142, #141, #140, #139, #138, #137, #136, #135, #134, #133, #132, #131, #130, #129, #128, #127, #126, #125, #124, #123, #122, #121,#120, #119,#118,#117,#116,#115,#114, #113, #112, #111, #110, #109, #108, #107, #106, #105, #104, #103,#102,#101,#100,#99, #98, #97, #96,#95, #94, #93, #92,#91, #90, #89, #88, #87, #86, #85, #84, #83, #82, #81, #80, #79, #78, #77, #76, #75, #74, #73, #72, #71, #70, #69, #68, #67, #66, #65, #64, #63, #62, #61, #60, #59, #58, #57, #56, #53, and #51.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — al-Ṣamūd Magazine #158
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But even with this policy, over thirty Kabul administration peace council and other officials were accommodated in the Qatar conference and majority of the list was comprised of current and former members and supporters of the Kabul administration partaking in a personal capacity whereas only twenty five members of the Islamic Emirate were to be part of the conference. Yet the Kabul administration still insisted on a 250 member lopsided list which was an inappropriate undertaking.
5 – The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan reassures its oppressed nation and the world that the Islamic Emirate has made use of absolute patience. The Political Office and Negotiation Team headed by the respected Mullah Baradar Akhund worked day and night, exercised self-restraint and showed flexibility in policy to the highest level; but since Kabul administration officials and secret circles created obstacles for this effort therefore its responsibility also falls upon their shoulders. The Help of Allah and support of nation shall remain with us and the enemies of peace shall themselves come to understand that they miscalculated and were wrong. 6 – In the end we thank all individuals and parties especially the distinguished Qatari officials, officials of Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies and sincere peace activities inside the country who aided in this process and tried their best till the very end, may Allah (SwT) reward them for their efforts, specifically those who prepared themselves for the conference. Those eminent personalities who went to Kabul from adjacent provinces and some who even arrived at Doha, we show our utmost appreciation for all their efforts and hope for further resolve in their future efforts. The Islamic Emirate shall continue its legitimate struggle until true peace prevails and an intra-Afghan Islamic system is established, Allah willing.Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
Source: Telegram
It is with great sadness to have received reports that floods have once again hit many provinces of the country causing great human suffering and material losses.
We pray for Jannat-ul-Fidaws for those killed by the floods, quick recovery for the wounded and express our deep sympathy with families of the victims and pray to Allah (SwT) to grant them immense patience and a substitute.
We call on all Mujahideen, common citizens, businessmen, aid organizations, NGOs and humanitarian institutions to not hold back from any aid to the flood victims.
Travel to you nearest flood victims, extend a helping hand to them, help them physically and financially and do not forget to compensate your fellow countrymen for damages to their homes and crops.
The Commission for Control and Regulation of NGOs and Companies of the Islamic Emirate specifically calls upon humanitarian institutions and organizations to fulfill their humanitarian responsibilities by giving emergency aid and shelter to the flood victims in all provinces. The Commission for Control and Regulation of NGOs and Companies of the Islamic Emirate will fully cooperate with NGOs regarding security and in other necessary aspects, Allah willing.
Commission for Control and Regulation of NGOs and Companies
12/08/1440 Hijri Lunar
28/01/1398 Hijri Solar 17/04/2019 Gregorian
Source: Telegram
The Kabul administration has published a list of 250 participants for the said conference but the hosts of this conference have no plans of accepting so many people from Kabul and neither is such participation normal in such conferences.
Only a limited number of political and national figures from this list are selected for the finalized list and only they shall be participating.
The creators of Kabul list must realize that this is an orderly and prearranged conference in a far-away Khaleeji country and not an invitation to some wedding or other party at a hotel in Kabul.
Arranging and publishing such lists signifies that the Kabul administration fears these conferences and progress towards peace and is trying to be a spoiler with such actions.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
*Zabihullah Mujahid*
*12/08/1440 Hijri Lunar*
*28/01/1398 Hijri Solar 17/04/2019 Gregorian*
Source: Telegram
Source: Telegram
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Reaction to US remarks regarding anti-occupation spring operations
Yesterday the Islamic Emirate announced its spring operations to uproot occupation, attain sovereignty and establish an Islamic system.
Following the announcement, the military commander of American forces in Afghanistan Scott Miller and Special Representative of the State Department Zalmay Khalilzad showed a strong reaction to the Islamic Emirate’s operation and called it reckless.
They must understand that this war has been imposed upon us by you.
Defending one’s life, wealth, honor, country, religion and frontiers is the legal right of every nation and human society, and Afghans specifically are extremely sensitive and distinct than to any other nation in the world in this matter.
We also wish to remind them that in every meeting during the previous five rounds of talks, the negotiation team of the Islamic Emirate proposed that civilian casualties must be avoided. Your night raids and bombings that mostly abduct and martyr defenseless Afghan women, children, elders and students of schools, madaris and universities must be halted however it was you who ignored those proposals.
Khalilzad and Miller are expressing sensitivity to our Jihad and defense while simultaneously supporting the operations declared by the Kabul administration.
They must end their crimes against humanity by realizing their own responsibilities. Over the past nine months, the American invaders have raided the homes of Afghans every night and martyred countless sleeping women, children and elders or taken them as captives. Bombs are rained across the country every day, homes, mosques, madaris, schools and clinics destroyed and according to their own admission, 7000 bombs have been dropped on our homeland during this short period.
Hence real recklessness and inhumane actions are these war crimes and crimes against humanity and not the Afghan resistance, defense and Jihad.
We condemn remarks by Khalilzad and Miller, turn their attention to answering for their own actions and consider their remarks regarding the ongoing Jihadi operations as inappropriate.
We also want to clarify that we are committed to the ongoing negotiations process and a peaceful resolution but cannot remain indifferent to the military operations and ongoing crimes of the invaders and their internal supporters.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
08/08/1438 Hijri Lunar
24/01/1398 Hijri Solar 13/04/2019 Gregorian
Source: Telegram
Source: Telegram
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