New article from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Inspirational-Giving Day"

It is 32 years to the day, beginning on the date Feb, 22, 1980 since the Afghan Muslim nation launched the popular uprising against the former Soviet Union in the heart of Kabul city, the Afghan capital.
The residence of Kabul man and women consisting of the students of the schools and university and masses rose in revolt shouting “Allah-o-Akbar” “Death to Russia” Down with Kahligqi-Parchami (People’s Democratic Party)” the
slaves and puppets of Russians.
Despite the use of every possible tool and means within their power and their shower of bullets and massacre of the empty-handed Afghan masses to suppress and crush the popular revolution in much the same way as the current invaders and their puppets today, the then barbaric Red Army and their conscienceless minions were unable to stop the waves of unrest from engulfing entire Kabul city.
The determined Afghan sisters, with indomitable bravery and selfless sacrifice, rose up against the then regime alongside their brothers in the national rising on February 22nd 1980 among whom the name of the legendary woman popularly known asNahid-i-Shahidor Nahid the Martyred will be forever honored and engraved in the Afghan history.
Kabul’s national uprising, regarded as miracle of the century, paved the ways to an inspirational countrywide revolution and Jahidic resistance throughout the country that not only put an end to the Red Empire with its all arrogance but also sank it under its stormy waves.
We are celebrating this historic day when our country being librating from the tyrannical grip of the former Red invasion only tofall under the claws of tyrannical white, yellow, and black occupiersIn place of the former non-conscientious Khalqi-Parcham minions, the existing unprincipled puppets, the slaves of the America selling their soul, religion and country, are in power.
We have just witnessed the most shocking inhuman crime in the history of Afghans on the part of the Americans who frantically burned 300 copies of Holy Quran in the largest military base, Bagram Airbase, what is a most brazen desecration of the Muslims’ most sacred book, the “Holy Quran” in public which is considered the worst kind of blasphemy, the most alarming in a series of hundreds of the atrocities and savageries previously committed by American invaders.

The Afghan nation as a remainder of the very day launched an extremely fierce countrywide protest on Feb. 22nd, 2012 in Kabul, Nangarhar in several other parts of the country which has carried into its fifth day and is likely to be going on to practically condemn such heinous act of blasphemy by the Americans. Besides, some of the angry protesters, empty-handed and unarmed, even stormed the US invaders military base in some parts of the country in retaliation for this

The self-styled and non-influential puppet administration of Karazai rather than collaborating and assisting its Afghan nation in this popular protest, joined forces with the US occupiers and its NATO allies in suppressing the protest and began shooting at and arresting demonstrators in much the same way and for much same reason as the former Babrak Karmal regime.
Afghans take pride in the fact that they posses several proud days as this which witness great heroism and bravery of legendary Afghans.
The foreign occupation forces, taking a lesson from our historical background, are supposed to get the idea of exacerbating rift among our nation out of their minds and avoid harassing the Afghans and violating our sacrosanctities.
Finally, let us up hope long life to memory of the martyrs to honor the memory of those who laid their lives on the day 32 years ago; may their souls rest in peace.

New article from Abū al-Walīd al-Maṣrī: "End of the World in the Strait of Hormuz #4: Negotiations, the United States and the Ṭālibān: From Where to and to Where?"

NOTE: For earlier parts in the series see: #3#2 and #1.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū al-Walīd al-Maṣrī — “End of the World in the Strait of Hormuz #4- Negotiations, the United States and the Ṭālibān- From Where to and to Where?”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Qārī' Yusef Aḥmadī Interview with ash-Sharq al-Awsaṭ pan-Arab Daily

We will target US embassy and military headquarters in future                      
Thursday 23 February 2012

[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is your opinion about the reports that Washington has agreed to the proposal to allow the Afghan Taliban to open a political office in Qatar? The British press is reporting that this represents a critical step on the road to reconciliation with the Taliban, more than a decade after the9/11 attacks?
[Ahmadi] Yes, this is true…after the US and its allies failed to militarily control the “Islamic Emirate” [the Taliban refers to itself as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan], it has been forced to deal with us, and this is by opening the door to direct dialogue. The Islamic Emirate will play its role following the opening of this office, which will serve the jihadist interests, guarantee the end of occupation and bring security to Afghanistan.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] What are the Taliban’s major conditions for entering negotiations?
[Ahmadi] Our conditions during the negotiations will be an end to occupation and for the US to leave the affairs of Afghanistan to the Afghan people.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] Do you think the Arab Spring will reach Afghanistan?
[Ahmadi] There can be no doubt that the Afghan resistance against the occupiers during the past century, and the ongoing efforts of the Afghan people against US occupation and its NATO allies, have inspired the resistance of the vulnerable people in the world and prompted them to revolt against regimes that are ruling them against their will. We must therefore say that the “resistance spring” against the occupiers began in Afghanistan and ended, by the grace of God, with the autumn of US hegemony and the collapse of its authoritarian regimes in the Arab world.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] Does the Taliban intend to open other political offices in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Turkey, Egypt, and elsewhere, as is being claimed by some?
[Ahmadi] After 10 years of jihad and steadfastness on the part of the Afghan people against the arrogant occupiers, the entire world is aware of the strength of the Afghan jihad and has accepted the reality of the situation in the Afghan arena. This has caused many countries in the world to desire contact with the Islamic Emirate and the political office of the Islamic Emirate. The Islamic Emirate will welcome the opening of its political offices in these countries and others, if this is approved.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is your assessment of what is being repeated by the American side in Afghanistan, namely that they are ready to negotiate and that there is a reconciliation strategy in place?
[Ahmadi] The US side is prepared to negotiate with the Islamic Emirate after it did everything in its power to forcibly eliminate our jihadist power; however it failed to achieve anything tangible in this regard. The Islamic Emirate told the Americans ten years ago that the ideal solution to all problems was peaceful negotiations without depending on the use of force. The Americans now being prepared to negotiate represents recognition of the strength of the Islamic Emirate and the legitimacy of the Afghan people’s jihad. They should have put forward this initiative before thousands of their soldiers were killed and injured, as well as losing billions of dollars in Afghanistan.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] The US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, previously informed Asharq Al-Awsat that Washington has spent over $20 billion in civilian assistance to the Afghan people since 2001, which has resulted in many tangible achievements on the ground, including seven million Afghan children in primary and secondary education, and statistics indicate that 37 percent of Afghan students are girls. However during the Taliban era, girls were prohibited from education. Do you have any comment on this?
[Ahmadi] Our comment is: compare the achievements of the Americans [in Afghanistan] with the negative results of the US occupation which have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Afghans, including women and children, as well the heavy destruction caused to the Afghan infrastructure. In his statements, the US ambassador must make reference to the large thefts that have taken place in front of his eyes as a result of the rife corruption that is hanging over the people [of Afghanistan].
The US ambassador claims that $20 billion has been spent on infrastructure in Afghanistan, however he is ignoring the rampant corruption that is present in government institutions under the auspices of the US embassy.
We ask the ambassador, where has this huge amount of money been spent [in Afghanistan], in light of the fact that 27 Afghan children died in a refugee camp in the heart of the Afghan capital Kabul – which is news that the international media is ignoring – only a few kilometers away from the US embassy? These deaths were due to the lack of adequate housing [inKabul]…therefore these children were forced to live in the refugee camp and endure terrible weather conditions including snow and bitter cold.
When the US ambassador is listing the alleged achievements [of the Americans],he must mentions the criminal acts carried out by American soldiers recently against the Afghan people, from desecrating the corpses of the slain to committing sexual assaults against children to utilizing fighter jets to bomb and kill innocent people.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] If the Taliban returns to rule in Afghanistan, do you have social and economic plans in place to raise the standard of living in the country? How will you engage with the outside world?
[Ahmadi] The policy of the Islamic Emirate with regards to creating economic and development plans and projects to raise the standard of living of the Afghan people and its future dealings with the outside world have been clearly made in the official statements of the Islamic Emirate which have been issued from the office of the Commander of the Faithful [Mullah Omar], and anybody who wants to know this need only refer to these statements.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] What is the objective of Taliban operations that have taken place in the heart of Kabul in broad daylight, for example, the latest attack on the diplomatic district? Is the goal to expose the inability of the Karzai government to maintain security?
[Ahmadi] This will not be the last time that the US embassy and the military headquarters of foreign troops will be targeted; we will attack them in the future as well, in addition to using other tactics. The objective of this is to show the power of the mujahedeen and their military presence in the heart of the Afghan capital Kabul, and invalidate the claims of the Americans that they have pushed out the mujahedeen from some areas.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] It has been reported in some western media that Mullah Mohammed Tayyib Agha, the Afghan mediator in the peace talks, fled Germany –where he was in the process of negotiating a peace settlement – after his name was revealed in the press. Is this true?
[Ahmadi] Escape is not a habit of the mujahedeen, brother Mohammed Tayyib Agha did not flee, rather he is carrying out his effective and active role with regards to the policies of the Islamic Emirate, and this is something that is confirmed by the western press itself.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] In your own view, to what extent does NATO bombardment inAfghanistan result in civilian causalities?
[Ahmadi] To a very great extent indeed, and far greater than what is revealed by the international media.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] What are the Taliban sources of funding? Does the Taliban enjoy Arab and Gulf support in this regard?
[Ahmadi] The most important source of funding for the mujahedeen is the Afghan people themselves; the Afghan people are funding and assisting the mujahedeen, financially and materially. We must also not forget the assistance provided by our brothers in the Islamic world, and their standing with us against American imperialism.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] Is it true, as US officials claim, that the Taliban is dependent upon opium-production to fund its operations?
[Ahmadi] Do not believe everything the Americans say, for they say that they have eliminated the Taliban and removed them from the areas that they control…if you believed such claims then we do not have anywhere to sit down, let alone harvest opium.
We have repeatedly stated, and I will say this once again here, that jihad is a legitimate obligation and we have never funded this with drugs, nor do we intend to do so in the future. It is the explicit policy of the Islamic Emirate to eradicate drugs [from Afghanistan].
[Asharq Al-Awsat] US forces have claimed, on more than one occasion, that the Taliban receives support from Iran, in the form of technology, improvised explosive devices [IEDs], etc. Is this true?
[Ahmadi] Let me tell the Americans that if foreign assistance was effective on the Afghan battlefield then you [the Americans] would have been victorious, because you receive military assistance from more than 47 foreign states.
Yes, we acknowledge that we have made developments, with the grace of God, in the making of IEDs that have defeated the Americans and their allies, and we will further develop this, God willing.
[Asharq Al-Awsat] Can you tell us how many fighters the Taliban has? What is your view of the Taliban members who have put down their arms and joined reconciliation programs?
[Ahmadi] The number of fighters that the Islamic Emirate possesses is the entire Afghan people, not including Karzai and the number of ministers in his government, in addition to some of his [Karzai’s] mercenary officials. As for the reconciliation program, and the announcements they make

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Demonstrations of the Afghan Mujāhid Nation in Reaction to the Desecration of the Holy Qur'ān by the American Invaders"

Last Tuesday night, the American invaders continued their barbaric acts and once again raised their hands in blasphemy against the sacred book
of the Muslims (Holy Quran) by disrespectfully throwing hundreds of its blessed copies into the fire in Bagram military base. The zealous and faithful people of Afghanistan, in defense of their sacred book and in response to the savage actions of the American crusaders took to the streets and have held heated protests throughout the country against the American occupiers for the past 2 days during which tens of them have been martyred.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, despite condemning the American perpetrators of this unforgiving crime in an official statement on the initial day, it once again deems the ruthless martyring of the defenseless protestors by the barbaric Americans and their despicable backers as inhumane, unethical and an unjustifiable action, against which it gives its Mujahideen and its honored nation the following guidance:

  1. As the repeated desecration and burning of the Holy Quran of the Muslims at the hands of the Crusaders is the natural and deliberate act of these infidels, then as part of our defense of our sacred book, we should not be satisfied with mere protests and empty slogans but the military bases of the invaders, their military convoys and their troops should become a target of our courageous attacks. Kill them, beat them, take them as prisoners and teach them such a lesson that they never summon the courage to abuse the Holy Quran again.
  2. The infidel American officials want to cool down the feelings of the Muslims in reaction to this reprehensible act with mere dramatic apology but in reality, give free hand to its barbaric soldiers to continue with their savagery. The Muslim Afghan nation must not be deceived by their superficial apologies and must continue seeking revenge until punishment is dished out with your hands to the perpetrators of this heinous crime for their despicable transgression.
  3. That the protection of the blood and wealth of every Muslim is the duty of all Muslims according to Shariah and transgression against it is absolutely prohibited therefore the target of revenge of the protestors should only be the American occupiers, their facilities and properties and not those of the ordinary people.
  4. The despicable backers of the invaders who have turned a blind eye towards the unforgiving crime of the infidels due to their cowardice and as defense of them, are halting the march of the protestors then they should be prosecuted for their actions before the Americans.
  5. As the Holy Quran is the sacred book of all the entire Ummah therefore the Islamic Emirate calls on all the Muslims of the world, their governments and people, religious officials of the two sacred mosques and the religious centers of Darul Uloom Deoband and Al Azhar, as part of their religious obligation and fervor to take a united stand against the desecration of our common book by the American aggressors. Condemn their unforgivable crime both practically and verbally and back the legitimate struggle of the Muslim Afghans against them.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "To the Army, Police, and Security Apparatus of the Kabul Administration"

It is common knowledge that our country is physically under the occupation of foreign invaders and during this decade of incursion, our countrymen have had to face numerous crimes and horrors. Similarly, our religious sanctums have repeatedly faced violations and blasphemy; our young generation is being pushed towards misguidance and ethical
deviations under the slogan of ‘freedom’ and new doors of corruption are being flung open for them everyday; blind imitation of the western infidels is being encouraged in our cities and villages; the veil of modesty and dignity is being uplifted from our women under the slogans of ‘women rights’; our countrymen are being called towards the abrogated religion of Christianity and hundreds of other similar misfortunes have befallen every facet of our lives from the onset of the invasion which pushes us away from our religion and culture.

All of these things are the gifts brought to us by the accursed western invasion which is forcing it upon us under the name of democracy. In order to change this state of affairs, every single individual in our society must carry out their duty as it is an obligation binding on them both religiously and morally. A group from amongst the Afghan society which can play a very effective role in wearing down the foreign enemy is the youth who, under various flawed justifications have joined and are physically present in the ranks of the so called police, army and other security apparatus of the Kabul regime. This group, despite being extremely erroneous in their choice because with great regret, they are right now siding with the opposition against the vanguards of truth (Mujahideen) and have raised their weapons against their own people but there is also no doubt that in their midst, there are also the real sons of this nation who courageously stood up to the foreign invaders and butchered the murderers of thousands of our countrymen by paying the price with their heads. The consciousness, deeds, actions and intentions of these young men are completely worth decorating and the leader of Islamic Emirate and its Mujahideen also praise their valor. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls on all the youth present in the security apparatus of the Kabul regime to fulfill their religious and national duty, to repent for their past sins and to record their names with gold in the history books of Islam and Afghanistan by turning their guns on the foreign infidel invaders instead of their own people as part of their Islamic conscious, brotherhood and as part of their national honor in order to take revenge for the decade old oppression of our nation by the infidel occupiers and to record their names in the ranks of warriors of Islam.  These youth must realize that this is there best opportunity of gaining success in both this world and in the hereafter. The Holy Prophet (SAW) says : “لایجتمع کافر وقاتله فی النار”    -Those who kill an infidel shall not be put into hell fire with him meaning that the killing of a warring infidel earns one a place in Paradise. And similarly, such warriors are also honored and remembered as heroes amongst the people in their life time and after their death. Those courageous youth who intend to carry out such heroic strikes will be supported and given a lending hand in everyway possible by the Islamic Emirate as part of its religious obligation. Islamic Emirate gives guidance to all its officials to give all possible assistance to the families of those in the opposition rank who take steps against the invaders, to hold them in high esteem, welcome them as heroes and to introduce them to their leaders so they can be shown extra appreciation. Wasalam Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan


New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Desecration of the Holy Qur'ān by the American Invaders in Bagram"

Last night, the American invaders, in accordance with their barbaric characteristics once again burnt copies of the sacred book of the Muslims (Holy Quran) with the purpose of desecration and with this perverted action, aroused the sensitivities of one billion Muslims worldwide including the Afghans.
Ever since the invasion of Afghanistan by the American savages, this is almost the tenth time that they have carried out such barbaric actions and violated the sanctities of the Muslims in Afghanistan for the defense of which, the Muslim Afghan nation have repeatedly shown strong reactions and have taken to the streets to protest in every corner of the country.
The puppet regime propped up in Kabul by the Americans, instead of backing the beliefs of its people and condemning or preventing such actions; it endorses them by harassing, shooting and dispersing the Muslim demonstrators and torments the Muslim Afghan people by supporting the unlawful acts of the Americans.
This is the third time since the commencement of this year that the American invaders have carried out such inhumane and immoral actions which are against the beliefs, customs and Islamic culture of the Muslim Afghans. Besides desecrating the dead of Afghans, they carry out violations against their innocent children and leave them burning in flames by their airstrikes.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, on top of condemning the desecration and burning of the Holy Quran by the American invaders, calls on all Human Right organizations to prevent such barbaric actions of the Americans from taking place as part of their ethical and moral duty and to prosecute the criminals who commit such historical offenses.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Expecting the Surrender of Mujāhidīn in Logar is Unwarranted"

Ever since yesterday, unwarranted reports are being circulated by ‘Azadi Radio’ that a number of Mujahideen from Logar provincial capital and six of its districts are planning on joining the stooge regime, a claim which is also being supported by the puppet officials of this province and a claim which we strongly reject.
Such rumors, which have been spread on various occasions with the initiation of our decade long Jihad have no basis. The intelligence circles of Kabul have created fraudulent processes in a few areas of the country and the press has also been taken into confidence which portray Mujahideen as putting down their weapons, turning their backs on their divine obligation and discarding the aspirations of thousands of its martyrs!!! however the realities observed on the ground are much different. There has been an increase in the numbers of Mujahideen and people from all over have taken practical steps in showing their solidarity with the Mujahideen to the extent that a number of people in the army of the Kabul regime, after distinguishing between truth and falsehood by figuring out the reality have started joining the ranks of the Mujahideen.
We ask all the media outlets including Azadi Radio to prepare and publish their reports based on facts and not imaginary reports which are only for propaganda purposes. On the other hand, the reason behind the falling off of operations in Logar is not, may Allah forbid because Mujahideen have been weakened but it is because of the intense cold weather due to the snowfall which has restricted movements in some parts of the country but this should never be mistaken as abandonment of Jihad. Jihad is a divine obligation; as long as our country is under occupation and as long as this obligation is binding on the Mujahideen, Jihad shall continue, if Allah wills it.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "We Strongly Reject Karzai’s Claims"

The head of the stooge Kabul administration, Hamid Karzai recently asserted in an interview with the ‘The Wall Street Journal’ that the US and Kabul administration have started secret talks with the Taliban which have also proven very effective.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly rejects Karzai’s claims and adds that the representatives of Islamic Emirate have not talked with the puppet administration anywhere and have not even yet decided if they want to hold talks with the administration of Kabul. It should be mentioned that there is nothing else left for the enemy except propaganda through which it desires to extend its stooge rule for a few more days. But just as their other ploys failed and were uprooted in their initial stages, this new campaign of deceit will also be condemned to failure and will face humiliating disclosure. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan believes that even if someone has met with the Karzai administration on the behalf of Islamic Emirate then they must be a fraud. Just like how a similar incident took place previously, it is entirely possible that someone else could have once again duped this administration because the enemy is dazed and have created an environment with its own hands from which anyone can easily take personal advantage and offer empty promises in return.

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "On the Occasion of the 23rd Anniversary of the Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan"

Exactly 23 years from today, the occupying soldiers of the former Soviet Union wept as they withdrew from Afghanistan. The occupying troops of the Soviet Union of yesterday, just like the barbaric soldiers of America and other crusaders of today invaded our beloved homeland and for exactly ten years, they barbarically spilled the blood of its heroic Afghan people in order to subdue them. But in the end and after the Jihad, struggle and countless sacrifices of this gallant nation, it faced such a humiliating defeat that the whole red empire collapsed and the atheist communist ideology became a laughing stock of the entire world. Historically, the Afghans can declare this commemorative day as a day of salvation of the entire humanity from the evil of communism because as a consequence of their Islamic Jihad against the Soviet, not only did Afghanistan gain its independence but it also served as the driving force behind rescuing all the subdued central Asian nations from the evil of communism and from the clutches of the rule of the soviet empire. Today, on the anniversary of this commemorative day, the invading forces of America and her allies in Afghanistan, with the help of Almighty Allah are facing the exact same fate as the former intrusive Russians did due to the blessed legitimate Jihad of the Afghan people. The occupying Russians, after testing its strength against the gallant Afghans for a decade learnt that staying in the home of the Afghan Mujahid nation means nothing more than self destruction and with this realization, it fashioned a way for its departure under the cover of Geneva Accords and unconditionally withdrew all its forces.  But the Americans still want to keep testing the proven Afghans and are attempting, through various unjustifiable reasons and under disastrous conditions, to stay in Afghanistan. On the occasion of this historical day of the retreat of the occupying Soviet forces, the arrogant Americans must take lessons from the previous humiliating invasions of the British and Soviets, seize their hands from this vain confrontation with the heroic Afghans and immediately withdraw all of its forces from Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would like to congratulate its Mujahid nation and the entire Muslim Ummah collectively on the occasion of this celebratory day. We ask Allah to grant us the same victory against today’s occupying crusader Americans as it did against yesterday’s atheist Communists. Wasalam 23/03/1433 15/02/2012


New interview by CNN with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid

Alemarah website presents to its viewers the interview of Zabihullah Mujahid done with CNN news network on the 14/02/2012 where a range of questions regarding the current ongoing situation and political issues are answered.
Q. Is it possible for the Taliban to renounce international terrorism in one of its written statements as per the American demand?
A. All praise is due to Allah and may his peace and blessings be upon his chosen servant.
To proceed, I must first and foremost say that we do not work according to the guidelines of America or any other country but all of our decisions are based on Islamic principles while giving consideration to our national interests however based on mutual respect, we do believe in reaching an understanding with all the countries of the world.
Now, regarding the issue of terrorism:
If America and its allies consider the current Jihad and struggle in Afghanistan against the eradication of the occupation and its continuation until all foreign troops leave and an Islamic government is established as terrorism, then we cannot shun this as it would be an un-Islamic act because we consider this Jihad and struggle as our Islamic obligation, the shunning of which is not possible in any circumstance. However, as we continue with this obligation (Jihad and struggle) we are religiously held responsible in preventing civilian casualties.
Q. Do you have delegates based in Qatar at the moment who are engaged in talks with America? If you don’t, do you have plans to send delegations in the near future?
A. A representative of Islamic Emirate has held meetings with American delegates in Qatar regarding confidence building measures. As for when we will send or not send delegations to Qatar, then it all depends on when we reach the negotiation stage. Up until now, this has not officially occurred and naturally, as we reach the negotiation stage, a delegation or a team of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will be chosen and sent to Qatar.
Q. Have you yet been asked to meet with the Karzai administration in Saudi Arabia? If not, will you accept to meet with them in Saudi Arabia if requested?
A. Before I answer your question I firstly must say that in order to reach an understanding with America, Qatar was chosen as an intermediary nation by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. This was our own choice and not on due part to the behest or pressure of another nation, a selection which America also accepted.
In regards to Saudi Arabia, no one has put forward such a request to us and even if such a thing was requested, our answer will be that the government of Karzai is not independent and meeting with it will not benefit in any way in solving the problem.
Q. Do you believe that the active lower level Taliban will accept you accord if you were to reach a positive outcome with America in Qatar?
A. In our system, no consideration is given to the issue of high rank or low rank but rather the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan works as a cohesive administration. All of its offices, its officials and members work for a mutual goal under the leadership of the Commander of the Faithful. The current talks or future negotiations all take place with the permission and guidance of the Amir and all agreements which all done with the consent of the Amir in the light of Islamic principles and national interests are happily accepted by all and they who work earnestly to implement them.
Q. Do you think talking with the Karzai administration will be beneficial or do you want to directly talk with the Americans?
A. I must say that Karzai, Kabul administration, Afghans and the Americans or Washington is not concerned here as some people say, as a form of protest, that the Taliban only want to talk with the Americans instead of their own Afghans. In reality, the concern is of one exercising power and one with no power. It is well known to the Afghan people as well as the world that the real power holder fighting the Mujahideen in Afghanistan is America. It has used Karzai and his administration as an instrument to maintain its grip and continue its occupation.
Q. If those Taliban that are being held in Guantanamo are not released, will your negotiations with the Americans still continue?
A. Negotiations have not yet began with the Americans so talking about it continuing does not mean much. Now the question is, when will negotiations begin? I must say that before any negotiations can take place, confidence building measures must first succeed so an atmosphere can be created for negotiations and this confidence building measure rests entirely with the Americans and they must take steps for it which are; exchange of Guantanamo prisoners, the opening of a political office and the termination of the black list of the United Nations as well as the bounty lists of America and her allies.