22 ربيع الثاني
22 ربيع الثاني
It is thirty three years ago today since the former Soviet-led ruthless communists, crushing the popular Jihadic uprising, martyred 25000 Muslims of Heart province, Afghanistan in cold blood, in what was one of the most heinous crimes in the history.
The Herat insurrection took place, in the context of large scale unrest, against the communist system implemented by puppet regime (The Khalq (Masses) faction) on Mar. 15, 1979 coinciding with Hoot 24, 1357 solar year.
Tens of thousands of Herati Muslims, under the Sharia Fitwa (religious decree) issued by Muslim scholars, rose up in revolt in large measure to struggle to retain independence in the face of growing Red Empire.
The martyrdom-loving Herati Muslims’ uprising set off Jihadic resistance across the country and successfully gave way to the spirit of Jihad and sacrifice among the Islam-loving Afghans to launch Jihad against the Soviet-backed communist regime and the Red Army.
Despite the exercise of its fullest power to suppress the rebellion, resulting in callous massacre of more than 25000 empty-handed and unarmed Herati Afghan Muslims, the then puppet regime failed to stop the waves of revolution from engulfing the entire country, weakening the resolve of Afghans and subjugating them.
The Afghan nation, in spite of all this, kept putting up firmer Jihaidc resistance, regardless of laying down their and the lives of their loved ones, so much so that they spread it countrywide.
This day is observed while our country is in the tyrannical occupation of America and the Afghan Muslims is in frontlinetrenches conducting Jihad against the US invasion all over the country.
Today, our Muslim nation is witnessing several revolutions and uprisings as it used to do during the oppressive rule of former Red Army.
The current US occupation and the former Soviet’s are similar in nature and objectives with the mere difference of fact that the former fooled Afghans under the slogans of ‘shelter, food and clothing’, whereas latter is shedding the blood of the oppressed Afghans under the false slogans of ‘peace, democracy and progress’.
The then Khalqi regime used to shower the oppressed Afghans with bullets and bombs, while the blood thirsty US terrorists are making the Afghans bath in their own blood all around the country.
The US, in the same way as the former Soviet Union, may end in tears and will be destined with the same embarrassing fate the Red Army befell and will be forced to flee our beloved country in much disgrace with help and grace of Allah Almighty.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as away a asking Allah (Subhanahu wa–ta‘ala) to accept the martyrs of the Herat historic uprising, hereby, deem itself duty bound and vows to continue to launch Jihad till it drive the last invader out the of its soil, insha Allah.
Even though our innocent countrymen are being targeted with persecution and heart-rending terror from every direction and their cries from the pangs of tyranny imposed upon them by the invaders and their henchmen can be heard everyday, the stooge Kabul administration’s Ministry of Interior and the notorious intelligence
figures from the former Communist regime’s KHAD now coined NDS have gone a step further and decided that all the copies of the Holy Quran and other religious texts are to be confiscated from the possession of all the political detainees locked up in the Pul-e-Charkhi prison.
They claim that it is these books and the Holy Quran which incite people towards so-called ‘terrorism’ and evil-doing!!! and with this pretext, all the copies of the said books and of Holy Quran have been taken away from the prisoners. What is most astonishing and a point of great regret is that this step coincides with the same date on which the American occupying troops burnt copies of the Holy Quran and other religious texts in an incinerator in Bagram airbase. With this, we can clearly establish whom the orders were handed down from and the reasons behind why the stooge Kabul administration took this step? because the American Generals also put forward the same excuse for their barbaric crime of burning the Holy Quran and other religious books claiming they were misused by the inmates!!!
Similarly, the so called officials of the National Directorate Services have taken out hundreds of inmates from normal cells under various pretenses and thrown them into solitary confinement where they endure inhumane conditions in order to abuse the defenseless inmates and bring them under physiological pressure.
In reaction to this inhumane and un-Islamic practice by the prison officials, the oppressed prisoners, as part of their religious obligation and in order to raise their voices, have gone on a strike related to which some have wired their mouths whereas the officials have responded with another savage step by shutting off all electricity and food items. The inmates have gone hungry for two days and they are languishing in unbearable conditions. All of this is happening despite the voice of prisoners being suppressed by every means possible and are being strangled from their necks. No one is allowed access to information about the poor condition of the detainees.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this inhumane, anti-Afghan and un-Islamic treatment of the prisoners and warns the perpetrators that they will definitely have to pay back heavily to the Afghan nation for their savage actions.
Alongside this, it calls on the United Nations, all the international right organizations and the international Red Cross to stop these illegal and inhumane acts of the Kabul officials and to help all the political Afghan prisoners home and abroad in receiving their rights.
Islamic Emirate would also like to remind the supposed Muslim lawmakers in the Kabul parliament that if they keep silent as enmity is openly being expressed towards religious studies and the Holy Quran in a Muslim country and against political prisoners most of whom are scholars and memorizers of the Quran then they shall also be considered as partners in this crime.
Islamic Emirate also calls upon its countrymen to stand resolute against the Kabul administration and its handlers in every corner and avenge their abused Muslim brothers by retaliating against the perpetrators who are struggling against our independence and an Islamic government from being established.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
The barbaric crime carried out by the American savages on Sunday night was strongly condemned by all the morally conscience people of the world as a sadistic act and the savage perpetrators were considered as the violators of all human ethics and principles however the stance chosen by the barbaric Americans was once again
in opposition to that of the entire world. They once pronounced this intentional savage act as an unfortunate action carried out by a lone mentally broken down soldier.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan issued an official statement in the initial phases of this atrocity but deems it necessary to elucidate its position after the unjustifiable explanations and interpretations conjured by the Americans:
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
The sick minded American savages, in continuation of their barbaric actions have once again reached out to committing a blood-soaked and inhumane crime in Panjwai district’s Zangawat region, Kandahar province today. According to their own statistics, more than 20 defenseless villagers were directly
shot and killed whereas the scene testifies to numbers far greater than that. A large number from amongst the victims are innocent children, women and the elderly, martyred by the American barbarians who mercilessly robbed them of their precious lives and drenched their hands with their innocent blood.
According to witnesses from the scene, the American savages perpetrated this crime in the homes of three such villagers which posed no threat to them militarily or security wise and neither were theses martyred villagers a menace to them.
The American ‘terrorists’ want to come up with an excuse for the perpetrator of this inhumane crime by claiming that this immoral culprit was mentally ill.
If the perpetrators of this massacre were in fact mentally-ill then this testifies to yet another moral transgression by the American military because they are arming lunatics in Afghanistan who turn their weapons against the defenseless Afghans without giving a second thought.
Is there any military stipulation in the entire world which gives legality for unstable persons to be armed and be drafted into the military and then be given the duty of so-called peace keeping?
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, while sympathizing with the victims of this savage act as part of its Islamic and human obligation, gives assurance to their heirs that it shall take revenge from the invaders and the savage murderers for every single martyr with the help of Allah (SWT) and they shall receive punishment for their barbaric actions.
The Islamic Emirate once again calls on all the international human right organizations and NGOs, as part of their human conscience, to help the Afghans in preventing such unjustifiable crimes by the American invaders from taking place and to put them on trial as part of its moral obligation.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
11/03/2012 – 18/04/1433
NOTE: Previous issues: #69, #68, #67, #66, #65, #64, #63, #62, #61, #60, #59, #58, #57, #56, #53, and #51. You can also see English translations of articles from previous issues here.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Issue #70 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
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Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū al-Walīd al-Maṣrī — “American and the Ṭālibān- Negotiations at the Center of Soft Power”
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