بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
{Say: “Can you expect for us (any fate) other than one of two glorious things- (Martyrdom or victory)? But we can expect for you either that Allah will send his punishment from Himself, or by our hands. So wait (expectant); we too will wait with you.”} [At-Taubah: 52]
After the martyrdom of two principal leaders of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mullah Obaidullah Akhund and Ustadh Muhammad Yasir, may Allah have mercy on them, behind prison walls, the Pakistani intelligence has now assassinated the leader Doctor Nasiruddin Haqqani, may Allah have mercy on him, providing another piece of solid evidence of their aggression against Islam and challenging the zeal of the Mujahideen.
Doctor Nasiruddin Haqqani, may Allah have mercy on him, was the son of one of the most important leaders of the Afghan Jihad, Mullah Jalaluddin Haqqani, may Allah protect him. For this, we congratulate Mullah Jalaluddin Haqqani, may Allah protect him, and the Emir of the Believers Mullah Omar, may Allah protect him, and all the Mujahideen and the Muslim Ummah, for his martyrdom. We further renew this promise that we will take revenge for every drop of their blood, with Allah’s permission, from the apostate Pakistani regime, who sold its world and the hereafter for America, and only gathers for itself firewood for its destruction and annihilation.
And Allah is the Greatest
{But honour belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not.}
The Official Foundation for Media and Production
Umar Media
Tehrik-e-Tabilan Pakistan
Do not forget us in your prayers
And praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe
ource: (Echo of Jihad Center for Media)
The Global Islamic Media Front
Observing Mujahideen News and Inspiring the Believers
Category: Quetta Shura
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Clarification on the Martyrdom of 7 Children"
Sadly, 7 children were martyred with two others wounded Monday morning in explosives planted by the Arbaki militias in their abandoned post in Paktika province.
Two days back, the puppet militias locally known as Arbaki vacated one of their posts in Khair Kot district of the mentioned province. The said post had been planted by Arbakis with lethal and perilous explosives to which this morning the aforementioned children fell prey.
Unaware of their pitiable fate, the unfortunate children approached the certain post early this morning and got into it so as to retrieve some metal and other stuff left behind by Arbakis but were blown to pieces as the explosives detonated.
As stated above, 7 innocent children of one family were martyred on the spot, where two others took fatal injuries.
In order to pin its flagrant crime on Mujahideen, the enemy, as usual, fed some news agencies and media outlets with misinformation and gave the media false account of what had happened other than facts without clarifying the real situation.
One may take the lid off the enemy’s propaganda by simply inquiring of the locals in the vicinity about the incident who are conscious of every detail.
Similarly, the enemy attributed the stated incident to that of the roadside bombing, while the residents are well aware of facts and what happened.
We are equally grieved over the painful tragedy and share the great distress and sorrow of the family, on the other hand, strongly denounce the enemy’s cowardly act and propaganda against Jihad.
The spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
18, 11,2013
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #90 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
NOTE: Previous issues: #89, #88, #87, #86, #85, #84, #83, #82, #81, #80, #79, #78, #77, #76, #75, #74, #73, #72, #71, #70, #69, #68, #67, #66, #65, #64, #63, #62, #61, #60, #59, #58, #57, #56, #53, and #51.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Issue #90 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Dismissing the Irrational Media Reports Over Torching Houses"
Zabihullah Mujahid, the Islamic Emirate’s spokesman has rejected allegations of some of the media outlets about torching the houses of the Arbaki militias in Khas Kunar district of eastern Kunar province, saying Mujahideen were not involved in any such activity and considering the claims as false.
As per credible evidence and information received from the region, the number of the homes belonging to Arbaki militias was 10 which were left by their families unoccupied.
The locals, who had suffered a great deal at the hands of the Arbaki lapdogs, harassed, beaten and tortured by them, whose valuables and belongings as well as property had been forcibly grabbed, while their next-of-skins had been abducted by Arbakis exercising force, stood up to retaliate.
Similarly, the locals, the ordinary people who were not linked to Mujahideen in any way, turned to burning down the abandoned houses of their foes, the Arbaki militias due to personal enmity.
Our Mujahideen are, in no way, allowed to resort to burning the public places or homes; therefore, we strongly refute any involvement by the Mujahideen in the mentioned incident, and regard such claims and reports as tools of propaganda against the Mujahideen.
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlawī Jalāl al-Dīn al-Haqqānī: "Message to the Valiant Afghān Nation on the Occasion of Dr. Nāṣr ad-Dīn Ḥaqqānī’s Martyrdom"
Afghanistan’s Mu’min and Mujahid nation and the defeaters of the Crusaders,
Assalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
First of all I would like to congratulate the esteemed Amir ul Mu’mineen (hafidhahullah), the courageous Mujahideen and myself on the Martyrdom of a valiant and audacious Mujahid, Shaheed Naseeruddin Haqqani. May Allah (SWT) accept him as a Martyr and as a Truthful and Pious believer.
O Brothers! Martyrdom in the path of Allah is such a lofty state that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) with his sublime position wished to attain it and promulgated the blessed status of martyrdom in his narrations. Martyrdom is such a blessed state that only the most honest and truthful are blessed to attain this position. Martyrdom is a bounty which is bestowed upon the best of the Mujahideen and indeed martyrdom is the utmost objective of all Mujahideen who wish to attain the pleasure of their Lord by sacrificing their lives in His path and in return being awarded with the Gardens of Paradise.
O Muslim and Mujahid nation! Today as our courageous brothers are engaged in protecting our nation from the foreign occupiers, Allah (SWT) has in exchange for their martyrdoms and sacrifices turned this land into a historical battlefield in which we are being granted strategic victories against the aggressors. Such victories that our enemies, despite their technological and military capabilities, are greatly agitated, are at a loss on how to escape and have lost their status as a super power.
O Brothers! The path of jihad is a path of sacrifices and valor. The sacrifices of jihad began with the martyrdom of Hamza radhiallahu ‘Anhu in the historical battle of Uhud and has continued unabated for the past fourteen centuries. Shaheed Doctor Naseeruddin Haqqani, in campaigning for the supremacy of the Islamic government and in defending the freedom of his beloved nation, was also a traveler of this blessed path and reached the end of his journey by fulfilling his ultimate desire of martyrdom in the path of Allah (SWT). May Allah (SWT) accept his martyrdom.
Shaheed Naseeruddin Haqqani was neither the first martyr from our family nor will he be the last. In fact the entire Haqqani family is dedicated to jihad and martyrdom. Seeking martyrdom through the campaign for the supremacy of Islamic government and the defense of our beloved nation is the Haqqani family’s most ardent desire. I myself, upon hearing of the martyrdoms of our Mujahideen, am overcome with the desire to obtain this lofty status. I have spent a large part of my life wishing the hour when I might reach this lofty state. Alhamdulillah you and I are Muslim, and Muslims love to attain martyrdom as ardently as the non-believers love the comforts of this world.
O Muslim Afghans and beloved Mujahideen! Our valiant nation has for the past three and a half decades sacrificed in order to establish the supremacy of Islamic government in our land. Their gallantry and spilt blood to achieve this end are dearly precious to us. You and I should all respect their sacrifices. We can only respect their sacrifices and martyrdoms by working to bring about the implementation of Islamic government and by following the commands of the sublime Islamic Law. And by keeping our battle fronts united around the leadership of Amir ul Mu’mineen Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid, by obeying the commands of our leaders, and by working for the prosperity of our wronged nation.
O Brothers! The martyrdom of our Mujahideen in their fight against the aggressors is a sign of our victory and not of our defeat. Indeed the signs of our defeat will be our deviation from this path and our treachery towards the spilt blood. May Allah (SWT) protect us and all the Muslim Ummah from such deviations and splinterring.
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Concerning the Farce of the Loya Jirga"
In the coming days, Karzai’s stooge regime wishes to assemble a mock and ostentatious jirga in Kabul. Through this farce, the Karzai regime wishes to execute the American’s demands and implement a treacherous deal which in our history will forever be known as national sedition and a criminal act against our nation. Under this treacherous deal, undertaken between a master and slave, the barbarian American army will continue its occupation of our beloved homeland. They will continue to engage in combat, to carry out night raids on civilian properties, to indiscriminately bomb villages, to continue their abuses against civilians, to continue imprisoning Afghans, and to carry out all forms of abuses against our nation. And for carrying out these abuses, as we saw in Kandahar, these blood-stained war criminals will be taken to America where they receive a farce reprimand and then released to live comfortably with their families.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers any such agreement with America to be a blatant violation of the sublime Islamic Law and considers any perpetuators of this treacherous crime as traitors of our nation. This proposed agreement, which is a violation of all Sharia and legal principles, cannot succeed in its aim of selling Afghanistan to foreigners and enabling American forces to stay here unharmed. The valiant Afghan nation will never allow the occupation of its country even for a second and will give the invaders no respite. For this reason the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan calls on all its countrymen to boycott the forthcoming Loya Jirga which is nothing more than a farce concocted by the Karzai regime and administered by his handpicked supporters. Because looking at the puppet regime’s past conduct, we know that Karzai and his regime will accept whatever conditions their American masters set out and will use the Loya Jirga as a mere show to pass the burden of this treasonous act onto the participants of this Jirga. Therefore all free Afghans should not participate in this Jirga and distance themselves from this historical crime.
In the same vein the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan warns all the participants of this Jirga that if the proposed agreement is accepted then the Islamic Emirate will view all the participants of this Jirga as perpetuators of a historical crime and will take steps to punish each participant for committing national treason. Having being made aware of the consequences of their crime, the participants will have no one but themselves to blame for any repercussions. Finally we would like to advise all our countrymen to become aware of the enemy’s connivances both in this instance and others and to take steps to thwart these schemes against our beloved country. They should also be aware that the current Karzai regime installed in Kabul does not serve the national interests of Afghanistan but is rather a puppet of their foreign masters and will always put the interest of America ahead of the interest of our beloved nation. The Islamic Emirate respects the gathering which took place in Kabul a few days ago in which the scholars and intellectuals took part and declared their opposition to the proposed Agreement and called for the unconditional withdrawal of all foreign forces from Afghanistan. The participants of this gathering and all other Afghans should take further effective steps towards this end.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
20/08/1392 11/11/2013
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Condolences Regarding the Martyrdom of Dr. Nāṣr ad-Dīn Ḥaqqānī"
It is with great regret that we have learnt about the martyrdom of Naseeruddin Haqqani (may Allah accept him), the elder son of the famous Jihadi and scholarly personality and member of Leadership Council of Islamic the respected Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani, in a cowardly terrorist attack of the enemy, surely to Allah we belong and to Him is the return.
The Islamic Emirate extends its heart-felt condolences to the father of Naseeruddin Haqqani (may Allah have mercy on him), the respected Jihadi and scholarly personality and member of Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate Jalaluddin Haqqani, his brothers, revered family and all the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate and similarly ask Allah Almighty to bestow patience and a great reward on their relatives.
His steadfastness in the path of Jihad was highly admired. Shaheed Doctor Naseeruddin Haqqani (may Allah have mercy on him) resisted occupation till his last breath. The enemy could not tolerate his valiancy and courageous activities in the path of Jihad. Truly his martyrdom is a great loss to the Islamic Emirate and the entire Afghanistan.
We strongly condemn this cowardly action of the defeated enemy and remind them that such terrorist activities will never negatively affect the strong and broad active Jihadi process. Martyrdom in the path of Jihad is considered an honor by us and is our most lofty desire. The enemy can never achieve its selfish objectives by martyring Mujahideen. The Islamic Emirate is such a national and Islamic structure and foundation in which the martyrdom of a person arouses tens of other loyal men to the field of sacrifice and to replace their martyrs. With the martyrdom of Doctor Naseeruddin Haqqani, tens of other men will seek to replace him and will continue their Jihadi struggle against the enemy.
The Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
21/08/1392 12/11/2013
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Regarding the Baseless Report by ‘The Daily Beast’"
Yesterday ‘The Daily Beast’ newspaper, which pursues a malicious intelligence agenda and is run by famous intelligence agents, published a far from reality, purely propaganda based and fabricated report regarding the Islamic Emirate which stated that some leaders of Islamic Emirate had met in the Pakistani city of Islamabad, showed their inclination towards peace and other such nonsense…….
We reject every aspect of this report. The assertions cited by ‘The Daily Beast’ are contrary to the policy and manifesto of the Islamic Emirate and similarly the talk about conflict between the leaders of Islamic Emirate in also propaganda and devilish scheme of the said newspaper which has no substance. We urge all media outlets to be cautious of such pure propaganda which has no reality to it and is the work of intelligence agencies.
We have designated spokesmen and a dedicated website for our activities from where anyone can contact us to attain access to information. Attributing false statements to the Islamic Emirate and associating unknown figures with us violates the basic principles of journalism. In our view these are vengeful attempts by certain identified persons who wish to spread their own personal agendas through these reports and we ask all independent media outlets to refrain from publishing these baseless reports. We would also like to point out that ‘The Daily Beast’ has on several occasions published such baseless reports to advance their agendas. They also regularly attribute their statements to ‘Zabiullah’ so as to portray it to be me, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of Islamic Emirate. The truth is that neither I have ever spoken with this media outlet nor has any other official within the Islamic Emirate ever corresponded with them.
The spokesman of Islamic Emirate
Zabihullah Mujahid
12/08/1392 03/11/2013
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Martyrdom of Mullā Ḥakīm Allah Meḥsūd"
With great sadness we have learned that yesterday the leader of Pakistani Taliban, Mullah Hakimullah Mehsud, was martyred as a result of a cowardly US drone attack, surely to Allah we belong and to Him is the return.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns this barbaric and unlawful attack by America. We consider the martyrdom of Mullah Hakimullah to be a great loss and offer our heartfelt condolences to his family, relatives and friends. Muslims consider martyrdom a lofty objective and we all strive to achieve this status. If America believes that by martyring Mujahideen they will somehow create a void and reach their selfish aims then they are greatly mistaken.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan also calls upon the Government and the people of Pakistan to take all steps necessary in order to stop these barbaric and illegal American attacks so the innocent people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, suffering from these brutalities, can free themselves from the evil of America and determine their future destinies without outside interference.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
11/08/1392 02/11/2013
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Regarding a Baseless Report in Pakistani Media"
Two days earlier, a television station in Pakistan (Aaj) and after that on Monday the 28th of October 2013, another Urdu language news agency in Karachi, Ummat, attributed a false report to the Islamic Emirate. The report stated that the head of Islamic Emirate’s Ulama (scholars) council, Mawlana Abdul Aziz, declared in a video interview that the Ulama (scholars) of Afghanistan consider martyrdom operations as unlawful and also remarked about various topics concerning Pakistan and India.
That the Islamic Emirate does not have or recognize a scholar with such duties named ‘Mawlana Abdul Aziz’ in its ranks therefore it considers the above assertions as baseless and urges all media outlets to refrain from publishing such groundless and fabricated reports in compliance with journalistic ethics because publishing such unfounded and concocted reports does not benefit and only causes damage to one’s own reputation.
The spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid