Source: Telegram
Source: Telegram
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān — Message Regarding Awami Lashkar In Swat
Source: Telegram
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān — Giving Vindication To the Infidels and Inviting Them To Fight Against the Islamic State
Source: RocketChat
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān — Another Group Joining the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān
Source: Telegram
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān — Regarding the Brutal Attack of the Army On the People of Wazīristān and the Public Losses
Source: Telegram
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān — Various Nationalist Groups and Their Common Goals
Source: RocketChat
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān — Three-Year Achievements of the Apostate Ṭālibān
Source: RocketChat
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān — A Sharī’ah Duty Was Fulfilled By Killing the Insolent
Source: Telegram