New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Clarification Regarding Agha Jan Motasim"

Agha Jan Mostasim was dismissed from his post by the leader of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in the year 2010 for stepping over his bounds and for lacking transparency in his work. He currently does not hold any posts with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and neither can he represent the Islamic Emirate in any of his statements and actions.

It is purely his own personal choice that he in currently living in Turkey. The Islamic Emirate does not have any representation or hold an office in Turkey and neither are the travels of Agha Jan Motasim to Kabul and Ankara carried out under the guidance and permission of the leadership of Islamic Emirate. While looking at the recent actions of Agha Jan Motasim, it can be noted that they are not of his choice but are dictates handed down from others. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly urges all media groups to avoid associating the said persons statements and views to the Islamic Emirate in the future but rather the official views and policies of Islamic Emirate are those that are affirmed by its known spokespersons. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan 26/09/1433 A.H 24/04/1391     14/08/2012


New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Reaction Towards the Report Published by ‘The Sunday Times’"

On August 13th, several media outlets published reports citing Britain’s ‘The Sunday Times’ which claims to have obtained papers which allegedly shows the new policy of Islamic Emirate regarding some pivotal issues.

As is the habit of western media, whenever the west comes under intense military pressure of Mujahideen in Afghanistan and begins to display its clear defeat in the military front, it immediately arrives for its help and starts publishing fabricated and blatant reports in order to turn the peoples attention away from the defeat of its military and so its soldiers can find some sort of relief. As far as the policy of Islamic Emirate is concerned regarding the so called National Army and National Intelligence then it is still the same firm Islamic stance on the bases of which Jihad was declared against these hireling mercenaries:  Americans are transgressors and whoever helps transgressors then the Islamic Emirate and the Afghan nation shall consider Jihad an obligation against them. Those warriors serving in the said Army who continuously carry out attacks on foreign invaders are in reality Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate that have joined the ranks of the so called National Army in order to carry out their sacred duty. The Islamic Emirate commends their sacrifices and considers them the true soldiers of Islam and national heroes. The Islamic Emirate was neither before nor is it currently against education for women but stresses such education only be done under an Islamic environment and within confines of Islamic principles. The policy of Islamic Emirate concerning issues of Afghanistan regarding which the latest report of ‘The Sunday Times’ and one prior with a anonymous figure ‘Mawlai’ by Michael Semple is nothing more than propaganda. Such reports are being published by the western media to try and undermine the latest victories of Mujahideen in Jihadi fronts while they have no connection with ground realities whatsoever. Independent news outlets can obtain the policies of Islamic Emirate regarding the various issues of Afghanistan by getting in contact with its known spokespersons. Zabihullah Mujahid Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan 26/09/1433 A.H 24/04/1391     14/08/2012


New statement from the Amīr of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Mullā Muḥmmad 'Umar: "Message of Felicitation on the Occasion of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr"

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
Those who turn (for friendship) to Allah, His Apostle and the believers (must know) that Allah’s followers are sure to triumph. (S.5 v:56)
We praise Allah and seek His help and refuge from the evils of our inner-self and wickedness of our own deeds. Whomever, is guided by Allah, none can lead (him/her) astray; whoever goes astray, can find none except Allah (for guidance). We bear witness that there is no god but Allah. Alone is He and no partner He has. We also bear witness that Mohammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and Messenger.
Having said that, I would like to proceed further:
I seek refuge in Allah, from Satan, the rejected one.
I extend my (heartfelt) felicitation on this occasion of Eid-ul-fitre to the Mujahid nation of Afghanistan and to all the IslamicUmmah, on their worship of fasting (during Ramadan) and the Jihadic achievements. May Allah (swt) accept in His Sight, your (worship of) fasting, the offering of charities and unprecedented services and sacrifices in the cause of Truth. I hope, that the Almighty Allah, may have enabled you to observe all acts of rituals of this season of blessing and worship. May Allah, the Almighty give success, in this world and in the world to come, to all Mujahideen who are sacrificing their lives, those who continued to remain at their strongholds engaged despite the hunger and thirst in the month of Ramadan.
May Allah, the Almighty procure conducive situation for the release of those brothers of ours who are now in captivity of the enemies. May Allah (swt) bestow on the holy and sacred martyrs of the path of Truth, high ranks in the paradise of Firdaus, a swift recovery to the injured and somber patience, reward, joy and prosperity to those valiants who have lost members of their families. In these holy days of Eid-ul-fitre, I would like to share with you my views about some vital matters, in addition to the felicitation on this occasion:
The Jihadic Momentum:
1. The Jihadic activities robustly forge a head, with array at its best order and by utilizing the latest tactics. This great achievement has been possible only thanks to the help of Allah, the Almighty, the assistance of the Muslim people; unity and the comprehensive cooperation and sacrifices of the heroic Mujahid nation of Afghanistan.
2. The unique distinction of this year’s operations Al-Farouq, is that, that it has reached all areas, whether being situated near or far-flung. The losses of Mujahideen have decreased while the losses and frustrations of the enemy have increased in parallel. The enemy is not able to take a breath of relief in the main cities, rural areas and even in their barricaded garrisons. Mujahideen have taken initiatives of the war in their own hands. The enemy has been forced to adopt a defensive position in every area, even they have retreated from many military centers. This is what the enemy have admitted itself from time to time.
3. Mujahideen have cleverly infiltrated in the ranks of the enemy according to the plan given to them last year. Many conscious Afghans in the rank and files of the enemy have shown willingness to help the Mujahideen in a shrewd and astute manner after having come around to know the reality. As a result, the foreign invaders and their allies in their military centers and bases do come under crushing blows of these heroic soldiers. We appreciate these brave and historical heroes and the entire nation pays them great tributes. We expect others to display the same boldness and spirit. Thanks to the infiltration of the Mujahideen, they are able to (safely) enter bases, offices and intelligence centers of the enemy. Then, they easily carry out decisive and coordinated attacks, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy both in life and equipment. Furthermore, a great number of soldiers join the ranks of Mujahideen, carrying their heavy and light weapons and ammunition, after leaving the ranks of the enemy. The Mujahideen honor them and provide them protection. In the recent days, you and we were witness of such frequent incidents.
4. The colonialists are facing a wide-spread economic crisis and popular opposition because of the Afghanistan war. Even their own soldiers express resentments against their wrong policies. A case in point is the demonstration in front of the premises of the Chicago conference, which had been staged by those soldiers who had served in Afghanistan. Similarly, resentments and opposition (to the war) have spiraled up at world’s level. The trend is still on the rise. As a result, (some of) the colonialists have been forced to pull their troops out of Afghanistan one after another. This is but an (obvious) achievement and triumph of our sacred Jihad.
5. The invaders not only have faced defeat in political, economical and military fronts but, at the moral front too, the public of the world have come around that the invaders do not know any human values. They have no warfare ethics; violate human rights and honor; they commit blasphemy against holy things; desecrate the corpses of the martyrs; perpetrate morally offensive acts against children and adolescents; raid houses at night and brutally kill women, old men and children similar to the gruesome incidents of Zangawat and Sajawand. They bombard villages, houses, cities, mosques, religious seminaries, schools, processions of funeral services and ceremonies of felicities. This is in a time that the invaders brazenly speak of human rights and humanity.
6. It is a matter of pleasure for all Muslims, particularly, for the Mujahideen that they wage Jihad like brothers in a single array and under a single flag and command in all areas, extending from Badakhshan to Helmand, and from Nangarhar to Herat. In this lies the great secret of triumph. This is a cause of shock and jittery for the enemy.
Conspiracies of the Enemy
7. During the past eleven years, the enemy tried its best to mobilize the Afghans in its favor by dent of its media. Praise be to Allah, they have failed (in their goal). This is because of the existing ground realities that the people and all the world can see. Thereby, their wicked conspiracies were foiled and the so- called independent media outfits which are, in fact, affiliated with their espionage agencies, have been exposed. Their exaggerated hypes and propaganda ultimately harmed their own reputation. Now they have no credibility in the eyes of the people. The public of the world look at their every report to be no more than a mere rumor, propaganda or a conspiracy against the Mujahideen. The people know that these media outlets hide the losses of those who provide them funds and portray the losses of Mujahideen several times more than what they are and are tight-lipped about the Mujahideen’s victories.
8. The enemy tried to flare up chaos among the people through their cunning intelligence networks by capitalizing on the perversity and ignorance of a few young men. They wanted to face people with the same chaotic situation that gripped them in the 90s, following the ouster of the communist government. Praise be to Allah, this wicked conspiracy has failed while being at its earlier stages. Seeing their abhorrent activities, the people became more closer to the Mujahideen and more watchful about the covert conspiracies of the enemy.
9. The so-called process of transition of authority to the Kabul powerless Administration is another deceiving drama launched by the invaders. By doing so, they want to hide their defeat and mislead the (Afghan) people and the public of the world, ostensibly, claiming that they trust the Afghans and want to devolve to the Afghans the future of their country, both civilian and militarily. Our stance about this cunning process is that, that it is a mere a failed effort like other deviating processes of the invaders, aimed at misleading and confounding the public. All those areas where the process has taken place, are de facto, in the hands of the enemy both from an angle of security, military and administration. They hold the authority to launch night raids and carry out all other brutal attacks despite their commitments in the contrary.
The Strategic Agreement, Military Bases and Fruitless Conferences
10. The game which has been launched under the name of strategic agreement to sell Afghanistan or is still continuing is not acceptable to the heroic people of Afghanistan. The inking of such documents with a powerless regime installed by them has no legal standing.
11. The independence of Afghanistan and establishment of Sharia system are values that the Islamic Emirate is not going to deal on it. The Afghan people will wage Jihad against the foreign invasion until complete independence of the country, though the invasion may ensconce itself in the garb of peace-keeping forces or strategic cooperation.
12. Commitments of billions of dollars are made with the Kabul corrupt Administration in conference being held under the name of assistance. All these commitments are made by the bidding of the foreign invaders in order to keep the sagging and ill regime of Kabul alive, though moribund. The funding countries and nations must know that these assistances do not reach the Afghan people to mitigate their pains but ultimately find way to the private pockets and bank accounts of the rulers of the Kabul corrupt, collapsing and ill regime which only panders to the interests of the foreigners—rulers who are involved in moral and administrative corruption.
Talks and Negotiation:

New statement from Jamā'at Anṣār Bayt al-Maqdis: "Adopting the Launching of Two Rockets on the City of Umm al-Rashrāsh (Eilat)"


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people)
الحمد لله رب العالمين و العاقبة للمتقين و لا عدوان إلا على الظالمين و الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين 
أما بعد…
Allah gave success to your brothers the mujahidin in the Jamaat Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis on the night of Wednesday 27 Ramadan 1433 A.H. to launch two rockets Grad on the city of Umm Al-Rashrash (Eilat).
The brothers checked direction and took all the reasons to make the two rockets fall on the inhabited goals and it was illustrated by the big panic that happened to the Jews. 
But as usual the Jews concealed their losses and declared their fixed report and typical version about the rockets falling on open uninhabited ********s, but wait O’ Jews for what you hate from us and make you napless since there is no security for you after today until the right return to its people.
O’ Jews know that nothing will stop us from fighting you Allah willing and causing damage in you and if all the armies of the world moved with your instructions and pushing and if they stood as a barrier between us and you with the support of Allah and His power we will reach you and kill you.
And let everyone know that our weapons, preparation and jihad have a fixed goal now which is fighting who offended our Lord, usurped our land and holy sites and violated our honors and sanctities. 
(and Allah is the master of His affair, but most people do not know)
Jamaat Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis
Thursday 28 Ramadan 1433 A.H.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
” قَاتِلُوهُمْ يُعَذِّبْهُمُ اللَّهُ بِأَيْدِيكُمْ وَيُخْزِهِمْ وَيَنْصُرْكُمْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَيَشْفِ صُدُورَ قَوْمٍ مُؤْمِنِينَ ”  الحمد لله رب العالمين و العاقبة للمتقين و لا عدوان إلا على الظالمين و الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين أما بعد… فقد وفق الله إخوانكم المجاهدين في جماعة أنصار بيت المقدس مساء الأربعاء الموافق 27 رمضان 1433هـ في إطلاق صاروخين جراد على مدينة أم الرشراش (إيلات) … و لقد أحكم الأخوة التوجيه واتخذوا كافة الأسباب لسقوط الصاروخين على أهداف مأهولة و دلل عليه حالة الذعر الكبيرة التى انتابت اليهود هناك . و لكن كعادة اليهود في إخفاء خسائرهم أعلنوا تقريرهم الثابت و روايتهم المعهودة بسقوط صواريخ في أماكن مفتوحة غير مأهولة ولكن هيهات هيهات يا يهود فانتظروا منا ما يسوءكم و يقض مضجعكم فلا أمن بعد اليوم حتي يعود الحق لأهله. ولتعلموا يا يهود أنه لن يوقفنا شيء بإذن الله عن قتالكم و النكاية بكم و إن تحركت جيوش العالم أجمع بتوجيهكم و دفعكم و إن وقفوا جميعاً حائلاً بيننا و بينكم فبعون الله و قوته نصل لكم و نحصد آجالكم. و ليعلم الجميع أن سلاحنا واعدادنا وجهادنا له هدفٌ ثابتٌ الآن وهو قتال من سبوا ربنا و اغتصبوا ديارنا ومقدساتنا وانتهكوا أعراضنا وحرماتنا.. 
“و الله غالب على أمره و لكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون”
جماعة أنصار بيت المقدس الخميس 28 رمضان 1433


Check out my new article for Pravda Slovakia: "Assad's Self-Fulfilling Prophecy"

When the Syrian uprising first began, one of President Bashar al-Assad’s justifications for his harsh crackdowns against protesters and, later, armed elements was because he considered them foreign terrorists. At the time, this claim was ludicrous. The overwhelming majority of individuals were Syrians looking to shake off the yoke of Bashar and his father Hafiz’s decades-long Baathist dictatorship.
While most individuals involved with the current rebellion are still Syrian, foreign fighters now have a very real presence that should worry not only the Assad regime but also Syrians in the opposition. Most foreign fighters go abroad to defend their fellow Muslim brethren from being slaughtered. Once in the area of battle, though, many come into closer contact with hardline jihadis as well as fighters from other countries and are exposed to new ideas. Therefore, portions of foreign fighters are not fighting to help establish a future state for Syrian nationals. Rather, they hope to annex it to be part of their grander aims of establishing emirates that will eventually lead to a reestablished Caliphate, however fanciful this project might be.
At this point, on-the-ground media coverage in English, French, Arabic, German, and other languages reports between 800-2,000 foreigners currently in Syria, accounting for less than 10% of the fighters. Most have come since the beginning of the year: a large contingent comes from the states surrounding Syria: Lebanon, Iraq, and Jordan, while a smaller North African contingent hails from Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria. The presence of Westerners at this point has been minimal.
These individuals are linking up with not only the Free Syrian Army (FSA) but also jihadi organizations.The Abdullah Azzam Brigades and Fatah al-Islam, both of them Lebanese jihadi organizations, have entered the fray. So, too, have less-established, but growing organizations like Jabhat al-Nusrah, believed to be the strongest jihadi actor in Syria, as well as Ahrar ash-Sham. Another group, Liwa al-Ummah, comprising 90 percent Syrian fighters, is led by the Irish-Libyan Mahdi al-Harati, previously a commander in the Tripoli Brigade that helped topple the Qadhafi regime a year ago in Libya.
What is problematic with all of this is that although jihadis remain a small portion of the resistance, many have past experience fighting in jihads in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Libya. Therefore, they have sharper skills as well as connections to networks of funding and weapons, which the FSA has dearly needed in the face of lack of support from the international community. As a consequence, jihadi fighters can be force-multipliers as was seen in Iraq during the height of the insurgency against the United States. FSA fighters, in media interviews, explain that because of jihadi experiences, resources, and technologies they have started to begrudgingly work with them, even if they consider them extreme and do not believe in their end goals.
Online jihadis have also posted videos on their forums showing how some jihadi brigades have coordinated operations with elements of the FSA in places like Aleppo. This, however, can cause cross-pollination in ideology and radicalize factions within the FSA. It could also turn these different groups against one another once the fighting ends against the Assad regime, creating further instability in a country looking to regain normalcy and transitioning to a better future.
Unfortunately, this challenge from the jihadis will not go away any time soon. As can be seen in Iraq, although jihadis there are weak compared to a few years ago, the residue from the fighting lingers, continuing to be a spoiler. Therefore, it is imperative that the international community not only work up a plan for dealing with jihadis in Syria post-Assad, but also work with the opposition to help eject these foreign and poisonous elements, which will do more harm than good for Syria’s future.

al-Katāi’b Media presents two new reports from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn

News Report For the Day of August 11:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
الحمد لله وحده أعز جنده ونصر عبده وهزم الأحزاب وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده ثم أما بعد: 
عمليات متفرقة: 
-تفجير سيارة للمرتدين في حي “سوق حولها” بعبوة ناسفة أسفرت عن سقوط قتلى وجرحى من المليشيات وتدمير السيارة المستهدفة.
-مقتل أكثر من 10 صليبيين في تفجير عبوة عليهم قرب أحد المستودعات في حي “قبته” بمقديشو.
لهم منزل الكتاب مجري السحاب هازم الأحزاب، اهزم الصليبيين ومن حالفهم من المرتدين. 
اللهم اجعلهم وعتادهم غنيمة للمسلمين.
اللهم دمّرهم و زلزلهم.
اللهم أنت عضدنا وأنت نصيرنا،اللهم بك نصول وبك نجول وبك نقاتل.
والله أكبر
{وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ}
مُؤسَّسةُ الكَتائِب للإنتَاج الإعلامِي
حَركةُ الشَّبابِ المُجَاهدِين
الثلاثاء 26 رمضان 1433 هـ
المصدر : (مركز صدى الجهاد للإعلام)
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية

News Report For the Day of August 12:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده أعز جنده ونصر عبده وهزم الأحزاب وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده أما بعد: مقتل 3 من المسلمين جراء قصف كيني على مدينة كسمايو:  قتل 3 من سكان مدينة كسمايو بعدما تعرضت المدينة لقصف ليلة الأمس من قبل سفن حربية كينية، وقع القصف بعد صلاة المغرب مباشرة أثناء تناول المسلمين للإفطار وأسفر سقوط القذائف عن مقتل 2 من أطفال المدينة وامرأة مسنة وسقط عدد آخر من الجرحى تم نقلهم إلى مستشفى مدينة كسمايو لتلقي العلاج. عمليات متفرقة:  – إستسلام وتوبة 4 من ميليشيات الردة من مدينة بيدوا لمديرية “لباتن جيرو” بولاية باي وبكول الإسلامية. – إغتيال جاسوس في سوق بكاره يدعى (محمود سنوين) بالمسدسات. – تفجير عبوة ناسفة على سيارة هايلوكس تابعة لميليشيات الردة أثناء مرورها في تقاطع “فقح” بمديرية ياخشيد. اللهم منزل الكتاب مجري السحاب هازم الأحزاب، اهزم الصليبيين ومن حالفهم من المرتدين. 
اللهم اجعلهم وعتادهم غنيمة للمسلمين.
اللهم دمّرهم و زلزلهم.
اللهم أنت عضدنا وأنت نصيرنا،اللهم بك نصول وبك نجول وبك نقاتل.
والله أكبر
{وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ}
مُؤسَّسةُ الكَتائِب للإنتَاج الإعلامِي
حَركةُ الشَّبابِ المُجَاهدِين
الثلاثاء 26 رمضان 1433 هـ
المصدر : (مركز صدى الجهاد للإعلام)
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية


To inquire about a translation for these reports for a fee email: [email protected]