Esteemed Brother Hassan Amir Abdullahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran,
Distinguished Ministers, Scholars, and Participants of this significant gathering,
Assalamo Alaiku, (May peace be upon you all),
First and foremost, I express my gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran for providing me with the opportunity to share my perspective on this crucial and deeply distressing regional, Islamic, and humanitarian issue.
Dear colleagues,
We convene here today while, even as I speak, the youth of Gaza, the oppressed, are being killed, their mothers are enduring unimaginable suffering, and innocent children are losing their parents.
Today marks the 78th day of the ongoing massacre and genocide of the people of Gaza. Yet, the international community, which incessantly proclaims its commitment to human rights, values, justice, and freedom, remains mere spectators to these barbaric acts.
Regrettably, we find ourselves in an era rife with contradictions. While some nations impose sanctions on others for political reasons or purported violations of human rights, they remain silent regarding the crimes committed by a regime that has perpetrated the genocide of an entire nation. Humanity seems to have abandoned all principles and standards.
In the presence of numerous conventions on human rights and other humanitarian issues, we witness the loss of 20,000 lives in the past 78 days alone, with half of the victims being innocent women and children.
Esteemed attendees,
Can the international order born out of the aftermath of the Second World War truly address the needs of humanity in the 21st century with such glaring contradictions? Can we, in this age of heightened intellectual awareness, accept these double standards?
I do not believe that these dual and multiple attitudes will satisfy the awakened conscience of the present generation. We are in dire need of a new international order founded on justice and equality, an order that upholds all human rights without exceptions and prevents the politicization of these values.
We need an order that can bring peace, stability, and justice to our world.
Whether we acknowledge it or not, the human conscience cannot ignore these contradictions. The blatant permission granted to the Zionist regime to massacre Palestinians in Gaza is a clear example of this contradiction. Consequently, reforming the current international order becomes an imperative.
It is profoundly ironic that while Afghanistan, after four decades of foreign interference and wars, has made strides towards security and stability, it now faces international sanctions due to the political manipulation of human rights. How can we comprehend the logic behind these double standards?
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, separate from the Afghan society, not only managed to end the 20-year American occupation through the grace of Allah and the relentless struggle of its heroic mujahideen, but it also empathizes with the suffering of the Muslim nation of Palestine more than any other nation.
The Palestinian cause extends far beyond the Palestinian people; it is an Arab, Islamic, and humanitarian issue. Anyone who believes in justice, freedom, and human values cannot remain silent in the face of the ongoing atrocities committed by the Zionist regime.
Esteemed attendees,
As an inseparable part of the Islamic Ummah, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan firmly rejects the ongoing oppression by the Zionist regime and the occupation of Palestinian lands. We consider the struggle of the Palestinian people as a legitimate and lawful endeavor, rooted in religious texts and international law.
We urge the influential countries of the Islamic world to play an active role in putting an end to the killing of innocent Palestinians. The Islamic world must unite its voice in support of Palestine’s liberation, not allowing political considerations to hinder this noble initiative. I commend Iran’s current initiative in this regard.
However, it is essential for other regional nations to join hands so that we may collectively halt the genocide of the oppressed Palestinian nation. These efforts must persist until a permanent and equitable solution to the Palestinian issue is achieved, granting the Palestinians rightful ownership over their historical land of Palestine.
IEA stands ready to assist the Islamic world in this humanitarian and Islamic cause, in accordance with His will.
Once again, I extend my gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran for providing me with this platform to address you all.
Thank you sincerely for your kind attention.