NOTE: I am unsure whether this author truly understands the concept of “lone-wolfism” since many of the individuals he writes about were part of the AQ network institutionally or as a cell member.
The Lone Wolf- The American Nightmare
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Category: Forums
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum returns after being down for a month
UPDATE: Here is an English translation of the below statement.
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum Returns After One Month Hiatus
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NOTE: Below is a statement from the administrators of the Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum announcing they have returned after the site went down and stopped producing content on October 22. I will have an English translation of this shortly.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
#بُشــرى# عودة شبكة أنصار المجاهدين للعمل بفضل اللهنُبشر أُمة الإسلام وأنصار المجاهدين ومناصري الإعلام الجهادي بعودة – شبكة أنصار المجاهدين ( المنتدى العربي ) – للعمل بعد توقف دام لفترة وجيزة إثر محاولة ضربة من قِبل أعداء الإسلام أملاً منهم في إطفاء نور الجهاد الذي تبثه المنتديات الجهادية!! خابوا وخسروا, بل لن تزيدنا محاولاتهم هذه إلا إصراراً في المضي على هذا الطريق إن شاء الله تعالى.
كما نُبشر الإعلام الجهادي بأعمال تسر وتفرح بإذن الله وتغيض أعداء الإسلام (والله غالب على أمره ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون) ولا تنسونا من صالح الدُعاء

Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum presents ‘Īd Gift #1: "English Translation of the al-Emara release ‘The Cry of Takbīr’"
NOTE: al-Emara is the media outfit for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan [the Afghan Ṭālibān]. al-Emara originally published “The Cry of Takbīr” on May 15, 2010. During ‘Īd al-Fiṭr, Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum released two gift translations too.
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum presents ‘Īd Gift #1- “English Translation of the al-Emara release ‘The Cry of Takbīr'”
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Arabic language forum ash-Shamūkh al-Islāmīyyah announced the creation of the Shamūkh College of Islamic Sciences
UPDATE: See Farrall’s clarification below in the comments regarding the nature of this endeavor in comparison to past efforts.
NOTE: Though this is not the first time a forum has created an online college, according to Leah Farrall, I thought it would be worthwhile to mention this. Here is a paraphrased translation of the nine conditions and regulations for joining the college:
- The language of instruction is only in Arabic.
- The study period is over a two years and divided into four semesters.
- Each semester will last five months with thirty lectures per semester.
- A specialty teacher will conduct a class every five days and it is incumbent on the student to be prepared and ready for each lesson and not to be absent without telling the college’s management.
- A student that does not participate in class or raise any questions is considered absent.
- Any student that does not attend a lecture three times or more without having permission from the college will be terminated from the program.
- Students are evaluated based on participation and interaction in the class.
- One can enroll up until October 31, 2010.
- The first day of class will begin November 2, 2010.
The same post also stated that one should let the administrators know if they were interested in attending by responding in the same thread or contacting the Office of Student Affairs. In another thread, the Office of Student Affairs is allowing interested individuals to ask questions about the program through the enrollment date mentioned above.
Below is the statement announcing the establishment of Shamūkh College of Islamic Sciences.
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum adds a section for Women
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تَمَّ بِحَمدِ الله تبارك وتعالى افتتاح قسم خاص بالنساءِ أسميناه
قسم المرأة المسلمة قِسمٌ خَاصٌ بالأنصاريات لا يَطَّلِعُ عَلَيهِ غَيرهنَّ
وسيكون هذا القسم خاص بالنساء لا يدخل ولا يَطَّلِع عليه غيرهنَّ ونرجو من الأنصاريات التفاعل في هذا القسم , ووضع كل ما هو جيد ونافع ومفيد للمرأة المسلمة ولنتعاون على البر والتقوى نسال الله أن يحفظ أخواتنا من كل سوء وأن ينصر بنا وبهنَّ الملة والدين امين والحمد لله رب العالمين.

شبكة أنصار المجاهدين
اللهم اجعلنا خير أنصار لخير مجاهدين
New statement from the administrators of the Fallūjah Forums: "Greeting the Muslims on the Arrival of the Blessed ‘Īd al-Fiṭr"
NOTE: Flashpoint Partners released a transcript of a statement from the administrators of the Fallūjah Forums “Greeting the Muslims on the Arrival of the Blessed ‘Īd al-Fiṭr.” Here is a brief abstract of the transcript and below it is the entire transcript:
On September 15, 2010, after more than a week of being offline, al-Shamookh Islamic Network — currently considered the most prominent online jihadist forum — returned to life. Al-Shamookh, which carries the media propaganda of Al-Qaida and its affiliates, rose to prominence after its predecessor, al-Falluja Islamic Forums, went offline on August 12, 2010. On September 15th, al-Falluja Forums posted a message on al-Shamookh, titled a “Statement Greeting the Muslims on the Arrival of the Blessed Eid al-Fiter.” In the statement, al-Falluja administrators reiterated that “shutting down al-Falluja Islamic Forums is [to be considered] a complete shut down and without a [foreseen] return.” The confirmation of al-Falluja’s shut down comes on the heels of the highly anticipated return of the forum by its former members, who had been directing their membership to the al-Shamookh and Atahadi forums. Moreover, al-Falluja administrators urged members and visitors on the forums “to take caution and wariness in corresponding via private messages…[and] to use Asrar al-Mujahideen [the Mujahideen Secrets] software and to not avoid this matter.” The aforementioned software, developed by al-Ekhlaas Forum, is a coded-software that enables forum members to communicate directly with Al-Qaida’s offshoot in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
Al-Falluja Forums Statement of Eid Greetings
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The Forums released a document containing all of Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī's Fatāwā
NOTE: According to the Combatting Terrorism Center’s Militant Atlas, al-Maqdisī is considered “the most influential living Jihadi Theorist.”
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi — Total Fatawa
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Statement from the administrators of the Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum: "Clarification of the news on the arrest of Brother Abū Ḥafṣ (Facal Errai)"
UPDATE 2: Here is an English translation of the original Arabic statement:
UPDATE: Check out this interesting overview of the recent events regarding the Arabic Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Forum from Aaron Weisburd over at the Internet Haganah.
NOTE: On August 27, 2010, Facal Errai (Abū Ḥafṣ), of Moroccan origin, was arrested in the Alicante town of Poble Nou de Benitatxell in Spain. Following his arrest, the Arabic Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Forum completely shut down and one could not gain access to the website except when one looked at a cached version of it. Today, though, other administrators activated the forum again. Below is a safe pdf link of their statement explaining what occurred.
Statement from the administrators of the Ansar al-Mujahidin Arabic Forum – “Clarification of the news on the arrest of Brother Abu Hafs”
Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum translated "A Letter from the Afghan Lands to the Shaykh Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī"
UPDATE: Here is a copy of the letter in Arabic:
A Letter from the Afghan Lands to the Shaykh Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī (Arabic)
NOTE: For more on Abū Muḥmmad al-Maqdisī see Jihadica.
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The most popular Global Jihadist Web Forum "Al-Fallūjah" Announces It Is Closing
Yesterday, the Middle East Media Research Institute’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor first picked-up on this story. Later, Aaron Weisburd of The Internet Haganahposted the message as well as the responses of forum goers to the announcement:
And earlier today, Evan Kholmann of Flashpoint Partners on Twitter highlighted the following comments from online jihādīs:
The administrators of Al-Qaida’s preeminent Faloja online discussion forum have left users in shock by announcing the forum will soon close.
One Faloja forum user begged administrators for clarification: “please do not let the American dogs boast that we are losing the media war.
Indeed, this is a big deal if the administrators of the forum follows through and closes it down, but, at the same time, there are still tens of other forums online. Therefore, I do not think it will make that much of a difference.