New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "How the 1,400 Troops Re-enforcement Could Uplift the Sagging Morale of 120,000 American Troops"

According to a report in the New York Times, Pentagon is intending  to send 1,400 more  soldiers to Afghanistan in the current year 2011, presumably to fill up the vacuum existing in the ranks of the American army—   a vacuum  which is  the  result of the tips-and-runs attacks of the Mujahideen and increase in their strength during the previous year.
The Pentagon claims that the surge of the troops in Afghanistan will carry out special raids and effective operations against the Mujahideen in the current year but it is not true. The fact is that the Americans faced huge material and life casualties last year, reaching an unprecedented level in the past nine years period. It was expected that the Americans would try to replenish the vacuum to an extent by resorting to a fresh surge.
As to the Pentagon’s claim that the new 1,400 troops  will take part in special operations against the Mujahideen, we could only say, it is futile and meaningless. During the past nine years, Pentagon has not left any stone unturned in using all tactics and stratagems which their brutal imagination could envisage.  They have not spared committing any crime including battles against the Mujahideen; torturing them; engineering surreptitious conspiracies; launching political ploys; perpetrating genocide against the Afghanis people; detaining the common Afghans and destroying their plantations, properties, hearths and homes. So we can say,  the fresh surge by the Pentagon is not a new initiative but aimed at replenishing the void that has been created by the fatalities and injuries of the American troops during the past year.  There seems no other rationale behind the re-enforcement.
If we look at  facts, we know that Pentagon will not be able to fill up the vacuum of the troops casualties by a fresh surge of 1,400 troops. Every one knows the fact,  that during the past year, some undeniable events took place and even American sources and the American spokesmen at Bagram Airbase have confirmed them.  Furthermore, some sources put   the American troop’s fatality during the last year at 3,000 soldiers. However, other substantiated evidence on hand and the Mujahideen’s data show the casualties were many times higher than the ones revealed.
Granted, if even they are able to fill up the vacuum by the miniscule 1,400 troops surge, then what about another vacuum that the American troops in Afghanistan are grappling with right now, and that is the problem of sagging morale;  the descending psychological conditions and the fear of war. What does Pentagon think that,  will the re-enforcement of 1,400 troops  prove to be an effective panacea   to  fill the gap and what breakthrough they are going to make during 2011? Contrarily, these extra 1,400 troops will suffer from low morale when they join the American troops stationed there and hear their stories and accounts of  armed clashes with the Taliban. The war of Afghanistan and the Jihad environ prevailing there will teach them exemplary lessons that it will be difficult to tell their condition from the already stationed troops which have been crumbled at the hands of the Mujahideen.
The troops of the fresh surge and the previous ones will be quashed thanks to the well-known Afghan willpower that their war specialties and tactics of special operations will be of  no use any more.  By then, they  themselves will  seek the way of escape from Afghanistan if Allah willing.

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Response in Reaction to Senator Lindsay Graham Remarks to Maintain U.S. Permanent Bases in Afghanistan"

A Republic Senator Lindsey Graham in an interview t with NBC Television has said that USA should maintain permanent military bases in Afghanistan. He has claimed,  the bases would be beneficial for the region and in the combat against the Taliban.
His remarks definitely lifts the curtain from the colonialist motives of America which the Islamic Emirate has been trying in the past decade to draw to them,  attention of the people of the world.  In fact, the invading America wants to establish her dominance over the region and the world under the so-called war on terror. Thus,  they are trying to deprive the masses from their inalienable rights.  In view of this, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would like to spell out its response as follows:
1.       The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan categorically rejects the suggestion by the Republican senator.
America’s intention to maintain permanent bases in Afghanistan would mean extending the occupation indefinitely. This illegitimate step is never acceptable to any Islamist and patriotic Afghan. The Muslim people of Afghanistan and the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate will continue their struggle against the occupation and other ploys of America until and unless   Afghanistan wins its deserved place among the comity of nations as an independent country.
2.       The maintenance of permanent bases in Afghanistan by America will usher in law and order situation as well as social, cultural and economic problems for Afghanistan and the region. They will deprive the regional people of their natural economic and academic advancement. Current explosions at congested places in cities, mosques, religious seminaries and demonstrations are the ugly upshot  of the invading America’s plots. Therefore, neither the people of the region nor the freedom-loving Afghans will ever accept the permanent bases in Afghanistan.
3.       Remarks by high-ranking figures of the invading America elucidates the fact that the war on terror was a phony drama conceived and staged by Washington. Their real goal was to occupy Afghanistan and maintain domination over the region. The relevant facts crop up one by one with the passage of time. The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate will continue their struggle against these conspiracies until they reach a victorious end.
4.       The invading America and her Allies have no capability to face the Mujahidee in a broad day light in view of their constant frustration during the decade-long showdown of muscles. They raid houses in the stillness of the night, killing innocent Afghans. Therefore, in this critical phase , we request all countries of the region and the world to grant due recognition to the struggle of the people of Afghanistan against colonialism and render all-sided moral and financial assistance with this movement because the current Jihad is, undoubtedly, a liberation struggle  for all freedom-loving humanity at regional and global level.
5.       The tempo of economic and industrial progress is going to shift from America and Europe to Asia in the near future. This economic impetus needs raw material. Hence, the invading America wants to bring under her belly the natural resources of Afghanistan, ostensibly, under the name of war on terrorism, thus intending to coerce regional countries to  agree to  the colonialist objectives and strings of America. Similarly, they  want to deprive the Afghan people of access to their natural resources and compel them live in poverty and misery.  Therefore, the Mujahid people of Afghanistan will never  allow the invading America to plunder their natural resources and  take their freedom.
6.       We are ready to enter into transparent bilateral agreements with other countries on the basis of national interests and economic profitability for the extraction of the said natural resources.
7.       The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is a responsible force. We assure all regional countries that we will maintain good relations with them in light of the lofty rules of ethics of Islam, following our obtaining independence. Meanwhile, we urge them not to be beguiled by America to give consent to establishment of American permanent bases in Afghanistan under the unjustified name of war on terror.
The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate are neither exhausted nor have become weak in their legitimate struggle.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. is a live website again

NOTE: According to Islam Policy’s website, which is the successor group to Revolution Muslim, posted today that was back online and was being redirected to the Islam Policy website. This provides more indication that they may not have changed much after all. I recently wrote in the CTC Sentinel about the demise of the website, which you can see here. The website is currently hosted by a company named eNom, Incorporated. Below is Islam Policy’s message about the Revolution Muslim website, unedited from the original.

Dear Viewers,
You may now access direct through the old domain which will forward to here for now.  Please keep us in your du’aa, and share the new site with your contact lists inshAllah.
Your brother in deen,

My new article in The CTC Sentinel: “Revolution Muslim: Downfall or Respite?”

In July 2010, Zachary Chesser was arrested in the United States for trying to join Somalia’s al-Shabab terrorist group. His arrest brought attention to a U.S.-based extremist group operating in the New York City area, known as Revolution Muslim, of which Chesser was a member.[1] Chesser’s arrest, however, appears to be the apex that disguised the seeming decline of Revolution Muslim. After suffering a series of leadership problems and disputes, Revolution Muslim was increasingly used by UK- based extremists seeking to skirt British hate speech and incitement laws by using the U.S.-based Revolution Muslim website to distribute their literature and notifications of public events. The violent calls by British extremists eventually led to the shutdown of the Revolution Muslim website in November 2010. Shortly after, Revolution Muslim’s leader said that the group had been disbanded, and he announced the creation of a new, supposedly more moderate organization, called Islam Policy.[2] Since this transition is recent, it is too early to determine whether Revolution Muslim will follow in the footsteps of the British group al-Muhajiroun by returning to confrontation merely under a different name, or if it will follow a model closer to groups such as Hizb al-Tahrir, Tabligh Jama`at, or the Muslim Brotherhood by adopting a less hostile posture. This article recounts the factors that led to the recent demise of Revolution Muslim, while also providing insight on its new incarnation, Islam Policy. Read the rest here. — [1]  See, for example, Paul Cruickshank’s article in the CTC Sentinel that provided a detailed explanation and analysis of the roots of the Revolution Muslim group in the United Kingdom, its evolution in the United States, and how the organization had led to recent arrests of American jihadists. See Paul Cruickshank, “The Growing Danger from Radical Islamist Groups in the United States,” CTC Sentinel 3:8 (2010). [2] The United Kingdom’s policing of websites that host extremist content is much stricter than in the United States, where the First Amendment provides significant protection to extremist discourse. For example, when speaking about the extremist content of Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-`Awlaqi, UK Baroness Neville-Jones said, “The websites in which feature his [al-`Awlaqi] terrorist message would categorically not be allowed in the UK. If they were hosted in the UK they would be taken down.” For details on that quote, see Jim Wolf, “Britain Urges U.S. to Take Down Extremist Websites,” Reuters, October 26, 2010.

New essay from Islam Policy's Yūnus 'Abdullah Muḥammad: "On Crafting Islamic Policy: the Methodology of Islamic Social Science"

NOTE: Below is a new essay from the former Emir of Revolution Muslim and now of Islam Policy.  Prior to the essay is a message Yūnus wrote to his followers about the essay and is unedited from the original.

Eid Mubarak to all!!! As stated in our address noting the change from to, we are releasing today the follow up to our document By All Means Necessary. This document outlines the methodology behind our research, our papers, our lectures, our posts. We appreciate any and all feedback and hope you enjoy watching us try to develop theses ideas in the practical realm. Indeed we have a huge task ahead of us and need all the help we can get. Please contact us if you are interested in working on this noble project and at the very least remember us in your du’aa.
~Brother Younus
Younus Abdullah Muhammad — On Crafting Islamic Policy- the Methodology of Islamic Social Science
[scribd id=42970520 key=key-166hzesuvfvn38615dn0 mode=list]

The Ṭālibān on Park 51

Here are quotes from Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman for the Ṭālibān, in a new article from Newsweek titled “The Taliban vs. the Mosque”:

By preventing this mosque from being built, America is doing us a big favor. It’s providing us with more recruits, donations, and popular support.
We are getting even more messages of support and solidarity on the mosque issue and questions about how to fight back against this outrage [in comparison with the French burqa ban controversy].
We talk about how America tortures with waterboarding, about the cruel confinement of Muslims in wire cages in Guantánamo, about the killing of innocent women and children in air attacks—and now America gives us another gift with its street protests to prevent a mosque from being built in New York. Showing reality always makes the best propaganda.
I expect we will soon be receiving more American Muslims like Faisal Shahzad who are looking for help in how to express their rage.
The more mosques you stop, the more jihadis we will get.

Exclusive Interview with Abū Talḥah al-Amrīkī of Revolution Muslim

UPDATE: It has been reported today, July 21, that Abū Talḥah al-Amrīkī was arrested on July 10. For more on the arrest see the Washington Post story. Here is a brief excerpt:

[He] was stopped July 10 after he was placed on the no-fly list and denied aboard a commercial flight from New York City to Uganda, U.S. authorities said.
Chesser allegedly told agents that he twice attempted to travel to Somalia to join al-Shabab, an extremist Islamic insurgency group that has tried to topple Somalia’s weak internationally backed government and that the State Department designated as a terrorist group in February 2008.

NOTE: This interview came about as a result of the dialogue between IbnSiqilli (Christopher Anzalone, graduate student at Indiana University) and Abū Talḥah al-Amrīkī in the comments section of an earlier post about Taqī ad-Dīn Ibn Taymīyyah, one of the most prominent and respected figures in the broad sweep of Islamic intellectual history. After a while, IbnSiqilli, who maintains the blog Views from the Occident, and I thought it would be worthwhile to conduct an interview with Abū Talḥah al-Amrīkī on a variety of topics. Therefore, I would like to thank IbnSiqilli and Dr. Jytte Klausen, who served on my master’s thesis defense committee at Brandeis University, for contributing some of the questions I asked Abū Talḥah al-Amrīkī. For those who do not know, Abū Talḥah al-Amrīkī was the individual who caused much of the controversy surrounding South Park’s 200th episode this past spring dealing with Muhammad and censorship. This interview was originally conducted through e-mail on June 29. I hope you enjoy the interview below and comments are welcomed!

Click here for a safe PDF copy of the interview: Interview with Abū Talḥah al-Amrīkī

Articles of the Week – 6/19-6/25

Sunday June 20:
“Legitimate Demands [2] Barack’s Dilemma” – Adam Gadahan, As-Saḥāb Foundation for Islamic Media Publication:
“Forget the substance of Gadahn’s post, it’s the tech that matters” – J.M. Berger, IntelWire:
“Good Deal for Gaza” – Marc Lynch, The Middle East Channel:
Monday June 21:
“Kandahar Timeline 1979-2010” – Alex Strick van Linschoten, A Different Place Blog:
“The 2010 Failed State Index Rankings” – Foreign Policy Magazine, July/August 2010:
“State of Jihad: 2010 and Beyond” – Matthew M. Reed, International Affairs Review:
“Politics and prayer”- Review of “A Mosque in Munich” – Issandr El Amrani, The National:
Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group, Periodical Review June 2010 – No. 1, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism:
“Profiles of the 15 known Saudi Guantanamo recidivists” – Thomas Joscelyn, The Long War Journal
“A New Taleban Front?” – Thomas Ruttig, The Afghanistan Analysts Network
Tuesday June 22:
“Yemen: Avoiding Freefall” – Ginny Hill, The World Today, Volume 66, Number 7, July 2010:
“West Africa and the Maghreb Security Brief June 7, 2010 – June 22, 2010” – Critical Threats Project
“Punjab’s growing militant problem” – Interview with Hassan Abbas, The AfPak Channel
“West coast jihad” – Brian Fishman, The AfPak Channel
Wednesday June 23:
“Militant’s Path From Pakistan to Times Square” – Andrea Elliott, New York Times
“Veiled Truths- The Rise of Political Islam in the West” – Marc Lynch, Foreign Affairs
Thursday June 24:
“The Iraqi Elections of 2010—and 2005” – Kanan Makiya, The Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Middle East Brief 42, June 2010
“Puncturing Pakistan’s “madrasa myth”” – Gregg Carlstrom, The Majlis
Friday June 25:
“Saudi Preacher: The West Implements the Humane Values of the Shari’a Better than the Muslims” – Middle East Media Research Institute
“The Legal War on Terror for the week of 6/18-6/24” – Andrew Lebovich, Foreign Policy
“Al-Qaeda losing supporters in jihadi groups across Arab world” – Camille Tawil, Magharebia
“Islamist Preacher Zakir Naik, Barred from U.K. and Canada – An Ideological Profile” – Steven Stalinsky, Middle East Media Research Institute
‘Scratching the Surface of Radicalism in Germany” – Andrew Lebovich, The Washington Note: