New release from al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent’s Ustād Usāmah Maḥmūd: “Gaza Message: The Decisive Turning Point in the Awakening and Jihad of Islamic Nation”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ustād Usāmah Maḥmūd — Gaza Message- The Decisive Turning Point in the Awakening and Jihad of Islamic Nation


Source: Telegram

New release from al-Qā’idah’s Salīm al-Sharīf: “This Is Gaza, Which Has Disturbed the Western Zionist-Crusaders”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Salīm al-Sharīf — This Is Gaza, Which Has Disturbed the Western Zionist-Crusaders


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]

New video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s Shaykh Khālid bin ‘Umar Bāṭarfī (Abū al-Miqdād al-Kindī): “Questions and Answers About the al-Āqsā Flood Operation and Its Repercussions”


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]

New release from The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān: “Palestine Has Been Conquered!”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān — Palestine Has Been Conquered!


Source: RocketChat

To inquire about a translation for this release issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New video message from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām: “Participation of the Chairman of the Supreme Council For Fatwas, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Raḥīm ‘Aṭūn, In the Dialogue Symposium “From Idlib to Gaza… The Wound Is One”


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from Jaysh al ‘Adl: “Our Hearts Are With the Helpless Oppressed People of Gaza: The Palestinian People and the Islamic Nation Must Prevent the Political and Ideological Trade of the Wilāyat al-Faqīh Regime On the Blood of the Oppressed Palestinians”

New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Regarding the Bombardment of the Hospital in Gaza By the Oppressive Zionists”


Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān — Regarding the Bombardment of the Hospital in Gaza By the Oppressive Zionists


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]