UPDATE 2/20/12 8:57 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī and Shaykh Mukhtār Abū al-Zubayr — “Glad Tidings- Announcement of Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn Officially Joining al-Qā’idah” (En)
UPDATE 2/12/12 8:29 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī and Shaykh Mukhtār Abū al-Zubayr — “Glad Tidings- Announcement of Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn Officially Joining al-Qā’idah” (Ar)
Category: As-Saḥāb
As-Saḥāb Media presents a Pashto translation of a video message from al-Qā’idah: "And Only by the Blood of A Hundred Thousand Stars will Dawn Appear"
NOTE: This video was originally released in 2010. Click here for an English translation.
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah: "Indeed, Power is in Shooting: Marksman of Barmel"
As-Saḥāb Media presents a Pashto translation of Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī's 2009 video message: "Democracy: A Modern Idol"
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah: "Ruling is for God, and Ruling is by God"
As-Saḥāb presents a new Nashīd from al-Qā’idah: "Peace to the Children of (al-Masjid) al-Ḥarām"
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah’s Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī]: "Virtues of the Night Prayer"
UPDATE 2/11/12 10:07 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī] — “Virtues of the Night Prayer” (Ar)
To inquire about a translation for this transcription email: [email protected]
To inquire about a translation for this video message email: [email protected]
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah’s Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī]: "Signs of Lack of Faith"
UPDATE 2/11/12 10:01 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī] — “Signs of Lack of Faith” (Ar)
To inquire about a translation for this transcription email: [email protected]
To inquire about a translation for this video message email: [email protected]
As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah’s Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī]: "Strengthen the Link With God"
UPDATE 2/11/12 9:55 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī] — “Strengthen the Link With God” (Ar)
To inquire about a translation for this transcription email: [email protected]
To inquire about a translation for this video message email: [email protected]