For prior parts in this martyrdom series see: #18, #17, #16, #15, #14, #13, #11, #9, #8, #7, #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, and #1.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ifrīqīyyah al-Muslimah — The Series ‘What Makes Them Content Is That They Are With Us’ #19- ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Tūnisī
Source: Telegram
To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]
Category: AQIM
New release from Ṣābir al-Āmāzīghī: "The Trial of Colonel Ūlṭāsh: Wolves Eat Each Other"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ṣābir al-Āmāzīghī: “The Trial of Colonel Ūlṭāsh: Wolves Eat Each Other”
Source: Telegram
To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from Jamā'ah Nuṣrat al-Islām Wa-l-Muslimīn: "Founding Statement"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic Maghrib: "Condolences on the Martyrdom of the Commander Shaykh Abū al-Khayr al-Maṣrī"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic Maghrib: “Condolences on the Martyrdom of the Commander Shaykh Abū al-Khayr al-Maṣrī”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New release from Ṣābir al-Āmāzīghī: "On the Occasion of Martyr's Day! Algeria Hosts a Ceremony Honoring a Chinese Assassin 'Genghis Khan'!?"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ṣābir al-Āmāzīghī: “On the Occasion of Martyr’s Day! Algeria Hosts a Ceremony Honoring a Chinese Assassin ‘Genghis Khan’!?”
Source: Telegram
To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic Maghrib: "Condolences to the Islamic Nation on the Death of Shaykh 'Umar 'Abd al-Raḥman in the Prison of the Crusader America"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic Maghrib: “Condolences to the Islamic Nation on the Death of Shaykh ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Raḥman in the Prison of the Crusader America”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib: "Lamentations for the Martyr Abū al-Nūr al-Andalusī"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
New release from Abū Marwān al-Jazā’irī: "Crimes of France in Algeria: Reggane Bombings .. Memories Refuses to Forget"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Marwān al-Jazā’irī: “Crimes of France in Algeria: Reggane Bombings .. Memories Refuses to Forget”
Source: Telegram
To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from Jamā’at Anṣār al-Dīn's Shaykh Abū al-Barā' al-Ṣaḥrāwī: "Message to … the Cubs of the Mines and Lions of the IEDs"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib: “Pictures From Azawad #3"
Click here for the second part in this video series.
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]