New statement from al-Qā’idah’s General Command: “Condolences and Remembrance Regarding the Martyrdom of Shaykh Abū ‘Iyādh al-Tūnisī”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah’s General Command — Condolences and Remembrance Regarding the Martyrdom of Shaykh Abū ‘Iyādh al-Tūnisī


Source: RocketChat

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from al-Qā’idah’s General Command: “Lamentations for the Commander Shaykh Abū Hurayrah Qāsim al-Raymī”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah’s General Command — Lamentations for the Commander Shaykh Abū Hurayrah Qāsim al-Raymī


Source: RocketChat

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from al-Qā’idah’s General Command: “Indeed, We Have Given You, [Oh Muhammad], A Clear Conquest”

The title of this release is Qur’anic verse 48:1.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah’s General Command — Indeed, We Have Given You, [Oh Muhammad], A Clear Conquest


Source: RocketChat

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]

New issue from al-Qā’idah’s bulletin: “al-Nafīr #32″

For prior issues of the bulletin see: #30#29#28#27#26#25#24#23#22#21#20#19#18#17#16#15#14#13#12#11#10#9#8#7#6#5#4#3#2, and #1.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah — al-Nafīr Bulletin #32


To inquire about a translation for this bulletin issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from al-Qā’idah’s General Command: “Salutations for the Brave Mujāhidīn of Somalia on Their Invaluable Role in the Series of Operations ‘Jerusalem Shall Not Be Judaized'”

New martyrology series: “Biography of the Symbolic Martyrs in the Syrian Revolution #8: Abū Khālid al-Sūrī”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Biography of the Symbolic Martyrs in the Syrian Revolution #8- Abū Khālid al-Sūrī


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]

New issue from al-Qā’idah’s bulletin: “al-Nafīr #31″

For prior issues of the bulletin see: #30, #29#28#27#26#25#24#23#22#21#20#19#18#17#16#15#14#13#12#11#10#9#8#7#6#5#4#3#2, and #1.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah — al-Nafīr Bulletin #31


To inquire about a translation for this bulletin issue for a fee email: [email protected]