New release from Iḥsān Allah Iḥsān: “The Story Of the Rise and Fall of ISIS in Khurāsān”

Before announcing its organizational setup in Khorasan, ISIS had contacts with many jihadist groups in the region. They wanted to announce a comprehensive structure for Khorasan that could compete with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan who founded the Taliban movement in September 1996. The biggest difficulty for ISIS in establishing an organizational structure in the region was the respect found in jihadi circles for the Islamic Emirate. Many militants had given bayah (allegiance) to Mullah Mohammed Omar, the spiritual leader of IEA. No commander or group could afford to oppose the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan due to years of ideological and emotional attachment which was difficult for all groups to overcome in one fell swoop. Therefore, the TTP Orakzai, a part of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), were given the leadership of ISIS Khorasan because Commander Hafiz Saeed Orakzai and his group shared religious ideals and belonged to the same school of thought. In addition, the Arab Mujahideen which is part of ISIS had previous contacts with both Sheikh Maqbool (also known as Shahidullah Shahid, former spokesperson for TTP) and Hafiz Saeed Orakzai.

These people did not have a history of positive feelings towards the Islamic Emirate. They considered IEA to be a regional organization or movement limited to Afghanistan. The question arose, why hadn’t they declared the ideology of global jihad instead of concentrating on a national focus? They also expressed these feelings in private but their small numbers and the respect of other groups for the Islamic Emirate forced them to remain silent.

After the establishment of ISIS’s Khorasan branch, a media campaign was launched for them to attract other fighters. This campaign was effective and many people moved from Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi to ISIS Khorasan. I remember that Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (a break- away group from TTP) was also made an offer by ISIS to become a part of ISIS Khorasan. This was also discussed within the organization (Jamaat ul Ahrar). The head of the Jamaat ul Ahrar, Omar Khalid Khorasani wanted to join ISIS but three or four other people, including myself, opposed it. However despite this, we were ordered to start supporting ISIS in the media unannounced or at least not to oppose the group. In addition, ISIS contacted TTP and tried to use persuasive tactics but these approaches were strongly rejected. Some commanders went individually in support of ISIS but after a while they too became remorseful and joined TTP again.

As the debate over joining ISIS within the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar escalated, we decided in consultation that instead of joining the Khurasan branch of ISIS, we should be made head of ISIS’s “Wilayah Hind” which includes Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. ISIS main focus was however Afghanistan and they refused to accept the demand of Jamaat-ul-Ahrar. To achieve this goal, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar sent a delegation, one was also sent to ISIS Central Command in Iraq and Syria, which I will describe in detail on another occasion.

Attitude of ISIS, operations and the distancing of fighters from the group.

After announcing the existence of ISIS in Khorasan, ISIS then declared the caliphate in the region, but they were not prepared for it at all.

ISIS fighters have mostly occupied Pashtun areas of Afghanistan bordering Pakistan where there is a tradition and culture that the residents are not willing to give up, especially if someone tries to force them. ISIS did not respect or realize this and they wanted to impose a self-styled caliphate on its residents and impose its own ideology. As a result, people became fierce opponents of the group and even took up arms and started forming anti-ISIS lashkars. ISIS responded by carrying out extremely inhumane acts against the common people which proved to be the starting point of their downfall. In addition, ISIS did not take any precaution in its operations against government targets in Afghanistan, targeting mostly civilians who, according to its ideology, had the right to be expelled from Islam and killed.

In view of this practice, Sheikh Abdul Rahim Muslim Dost, who introduced ISIS in the region not only quit the group but also declared their actions un-Islamic and inhumane which was a great shock to ISIS. Later on the Tehreek-e-Taliban also issued a fatwa against ISIS. These announcements and fatwas naturally raised suspicions among the militants about ISIS. One of the main reasons for the militant keeping a distance from ISIS was that they forced those who joined the organization to follow a particular school of thought because they considered other people as heretics and misguided. It is a very difficult decision for any religious person to leave his school of thought, this process kept the militants away from ISIS. Public opinion also formed very quickly against ISIS and none accepted the group wholeheartedly. That is why the people or other groups who were thinking of moving towards them, in reality moved away.

Islamic Emirate declares war against ISIS.

Claims of operations by the Afghan government and NATO forces against ISIS continue to surface however the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan challenged the group soon after it formed and IEA continue to have a key role to play in kicking ISIS out of the region. The government operations against ISIS were limited in impact because the government did not exist in areas where ISIS had strongholds. Therefore, as soon as the operations started, ISIS would move to other nearby areas after a slight resistance and re-settle when the operation ended. In addition, information on the relations of ISIS with various states and their sponsorship began to surface through a series of rumours. I will analyse these during later sessions with some undeniable facts highlighting how state operations against ISIS were largely ineffective.

In contrast, when the Islamic Emirate launched operations against ISIS, this proved disastrous for them. These operations were more effective because the Islamic Emirate was not only present at the local level but also most importantly had the support of the people of Nangarhar behind them. After operations against ISIS in different parts of the country, ISIS fled to Kunar, another province of Afghanistan, where they already had hideouts. A determined Islamic Emirate pursued them here as well and as soon as winter was over they launched operations against ISIS dispersing their fighters and making it difficult for them to live in the mountains.

Surrender of ISIS fighters and the arrests of leadership.

The Islamic Emirate’s successive operations against ISIS have killed most of its remaining fighters who survived earlier operations. It became increasingly difficult for ISIS to survive in the mountainous areas of Kunar and Nangarhar in Afghanistan. This was due to the disconnect of ISIS Khorasan from ISIS Central Command in Iraq and Syria that had previously sent delegations to each other and the constant war situation, they also fell victim to a severe financial crisis which led to a state of chaos within the organization.

In this difficult situation, ISIS Khurasan fighters had two options, either to be killed or to surrender to the Afghan government. ISIS fighters began surrendering in the hope that they would be released after being held in a rehabilitation centre for some time because there were already known examples where the Afghan government released those who had given themselves up.

Following operations by the Islamic Emirate, the surviving leadership of ISIS turned to the cities of Afghanistan from where the news of fellow fighters being arrested was emerging. The names of Aslam Farooqi and Abu Omar Al-Khurasani are noteworthy. After contacting some former friends inside ISIS, Abu Talha Khurasani claimed that his arrested leadership had surrendered to the Afghan government which had declared his arrest but their claims are difficult to substantiate.

In light of all this, I can say with certainty that it is now impossible for ISIS to maintain its presence in this region (Khorasan). The implementation of the peace agreement between the United States and the Taliban in Afghanistan will make their problems worse and it will be impossible for ISIS to stay there. The only way for ISIS to survive is for an agency or the state to sponsor the group and breathe new life into it. In the past, states and agencies have taken such a course for their own interests.


New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Congratulations On the Restoration of the Islamic Status of the Historical Grand Mosque Aya Sofia in Turkey”

New video message from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Heroes of the Nation #3: Ḥakīm Allah Maḥsūd”

For prior parts in this video series see: #2 and #1.


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New video message from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Sniper Operation of the Mujāhidīn of Islām Against the Conspiratorial Pākistānī Military in Bājūr Agency”

New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Message On the Release of Asia, The Condemned”

نحمدہ ونصلی ونسلم علی رسولہ الکریم
قال تعالی : ان الذین یؤذون اللہ ورسولہ لعنھم اللہ فی الدنیا والآخرۃ واعدلھم عذابامھینا۔۔۔ الاحزاب

Enemy of islam and nurturer of chaos british courts in Pakistan have hurt feelings of Islamic world by releasing Raymond davis and pervaiz musharaf. Those feeling were not consoled yet these false courts aka supreme court have inflicted some more by releasing Asia the condemned and thereby provided another proof of their animosity with islam and friendliness with non-belivers.

We want to bring to the attention of Muslims of Pakistan that pakistani infidel democratic system is not there for protection of islam and muslims instead its only purpose is to defend the disrespect toward islam and the Prophet ﷺ and his sacred group under the beautiful slogan of freedom, the hanging of lover of prophet Mumtaz Qadri and releasing impudent of Prophet Asia the condemned and its clear proofs.

We consider system of Pakistan and its departments equally involved in this verdict and announce to take revenge from them… by will of Allah.

We want to convey to envious people of Pakistan that they have only way of “Jihad in the way of Allah” to defend islam and respect for prophet hood, which is the proper and legal way of saving from hell. So make haste and march towards this holy duty and embrace ranks of Mujahideen to establish Islamic system, which is the true solution for all of our problems in this world and afterwards.


New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Condolences On the Martyrdom of the Great Scholar of Ḥadīth Mawlānā Sāmī al-Ḥaqq”

الحمد للہ رب العالمین رب الشھداءوالمجاھدین والصلوة والسلام علی سیدالانبیاء والمرسلین وعلی آلہ واصحابہ اجمعین ۔
فاعوذ باللہ من الشیطان الرجیم بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
ولاتحسبن الذین قتلوا فی سبیل اللہ امواتا بل احیاءعندربھم یرزقون۔ ( آل عمران )

When we turn pages of history we will find that every page will testify that oppressive rulers of every era while they hurt scholars of their time badly these rulers never hesitated to kill them and coffins of many scholar came out of dark jail cells.

Peek into near past the streets and torture cells of Pakistan are seen coloured with sacred blood of prophet heirs’ scholars.
What are the causes behind it???
Every person knows that who Allah has bestowed with some intellect and who instead of believing in false media tries to differentiate between good and evil.
You will find in the streets and torture cells of Pakistan Mufti Nizam ud din shamzai, Sheikh Nasib khan, Moulana Aslam sheikhopuri, Sheikh waliullah kabilgrami, other scholars of truth, preachers of islam, hundreds of student and ordinary muslims lying in their blood and chanting “by Allah I succeeded”.
Last evening one heart wrenching news arrived!!

Trainer of Mujahideen great scholar of Hadeeth respected Moulana Samiul Haq got martyred in the hands of some clandestine conspirators.

Indeed this tragedy is a result of conspiracy which Pakistani agencies formulated with their Christian masters.

Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan strongly condemns this oppressive attack on maulana and asks relatives and students of Sheikh(may Allah have mercy on him) to be patient and remain steadfast.

We, furthermore, Tehreek e Taliban Mujahideen requests general public and scholars who are in slumber to ponder a while for Allah, recognize friend and foe, Boycott man made democratic infidel system which is oppressing this land for years, revolt against it, choose way of Jihad in practical because in it are all benefits of this world and afterward.

We also opted way of jihad for same reason so we can defend our oppressed ummah, protect our religion and uproot man made system and laws and establish System of Allah on land of Allah as this is our duty by Islamic law.

We never let assassins of Scholars live a peaceful life before nor will we now by will of Allah.

The history of jihad will testify that we returned quart for quart and never left any score unsettled. Our youthful commandos and martyrdom seekers have handpicked enemies of islam for beheadings by grace of Allah.

Thus, we humbly request you to get benefit from battle field experience of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan before it is too late.

Support with utmost effort the caravan of truth Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan and console our oppressed ummah by beheading enemies of Allah, his prophet and revered scholars with your hands.

العزةللہ ولرسولہ وللمؤمنین ولکن المنافقین لایعلمون

واللہ غالب علی امرہ ولکن اکثر الناس لایعلمون


New video message from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān's Abū Manṣūr 'Āṣim Meḥsūd: "About the Messages of Condolence and Congratulation Sent By the Leaders of the Islamic Jihād On the Occasion of the Martyrdom of Mawlawī Faḍl Allah Khurāsānī and a Petition to the Jihādī Leaders To Unite the Blessed Jihādī Ranks"


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