On Tuesday the 20th of December 2011, the media once again reported the re-integration of 50 Taliban fighters with the Kabul regime in Panjwai district of Kandahar province through the mouthpiece of the stooge officials under the theatrical
process of peace and reconciliation. The head of this group who introduced himself as Haji Mu’alim to the press baselessly claimed that his men were active in Kandahar city, Panjwai and Maiwand districts.
We must say regarding this fallacious claim that it is nothing more then a part of the failed propaganda which is regularly disseminated by the moral lacking enemy which we must categorically repudiate. The person (Haji Mu’alim) who ties himself to the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate is an absolute fraud. According to our information, there is no one associated by this name in the ranks of Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate. It can be assumed that this unknown person has made this claim and utilized the name of Islamic Emirate for the purposes of financial incentives and power grabbing. It can also be considered the handy work and manifesto of the stooge administration which is being pushed so it can conceal its deteriorating condition and depict as if the Mujahideen have been weakened and have lost the will to put up resistance against the enemy.
Before this self-made melodrama, a person by the name of Noor-ul-Aziz was also paraded in front of the media four months earlier who was supposedly associated with Mujahideen and had surrendered with 50 of his men to the Karzai regime. After investigating the matter, it was irrefutably proven that no such person was ever present in the ranks of the Mujahideen.
The invader enemy and its hirelings who are facing defeats and failures on a daily basis have lost all abilities to confront the head on attacks and bombings of Mujahideen and are trying to create rifts and doubts amongst the Mujahideen by resorting such fabricated propaganda and failed strategies.
We strongly reject such claims of the enemy and once again call on our Mujahideen and Mujahid nation to be heedful of the plots of the deceitful enemy and to never trust such baseless claims.
Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Category: Quetta Shura
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Americans Must Substantially Recompense Iraq for Nine Years of Occupation!!"
NOTE: Vieled message of what the Ṭālibān expects from the US after it leaves Afghanistan, too?
On the 15th of December 2011, America announced that it officially ended its nine year occupation of Iraq by withdrawing its troops and handing the country over to Iraqis.
There is heavy skepticism and doubt surrounding the extent of honestly of America regarding its statement because American sources also announced that there will still be some seventeen thousand US nationals (bigger than any single military division) remaining behind under the name of diplomats, security officials, experts of oil refineries and contractors!! However there isn’t any doubt that a large part of the American occupation has left Iraq and the last of its military convoy also exited the other day but rather the important question which needs an answer is: to what state and condition have the Iraqi people been left behind to?
It is clear that the American invaders left behind Iraq in a condition in which the country’s treasury, historical artifacts and infrastructure has been looted and destroyed; its high rise commercial and political buildings turned to rubble; its green areas and parks turned into junkyards; its roads and bridges pock-marked with craters and on top of this, one hundred and fifty thousand innocent Iraqi’s have been murdered and around one million Iraqi’s have been displaced whereas its resource rich wealthy people have been thrown into a ditch of poverty and destitution.
It is an open secret that America made baseless excuses to occupy Iraq so it can control its rich mineral resources and fill its belly with oil. To attain its objective, America (in its own words) spent about one trillion dollars and sacrificed 5000 of its soldiers but it was the will of Allah Almighty that in this Muslim country, the neck of imperialism would be broken, its plots and determination made fruitless and it would be forced to flee empty handed in the end.
The 9 year violation of Iraq by America disclosed to the Muslim Ummah (Nation) that this notorious criminal did not give Iraqi’s anything other then killings, destruction, plunder and poverty. On top of this, it ruined the nation’s unity; created and dispersed sects under the names of nationalism and faith; conjured fire and enmity under the disguise of Shia, Sunni, Arab and Kurd and then left all of it behind.
So what is needed now is that America be asked to provide justification and explanation for its violation of an Islamic country’s sanctity and sanctums, taking of its people hostage for 9 years, causing billions of dollars worth of damages, liquidating its military and political strength and for killing and maiming about half a million Iraqi’s!!?
The nations of the world must put pressure on the United Nations and other international organizations to drag and put on trial those perpetrators of the American administration who had a role in burning the Iraqi people in the flames of gunpowder for nearly a decade under false pretexts. It is the due right of the Iraqi people to expose the American authority and to ask for a heavy compensation for causing the catastrophic destruction of Iraq.
News statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Expansion of Local Militias by the Invaders"
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Reaction Regarding the US Secretary of Defense’s Latest Remarks"
While on his latest unannounced visit to Afghanistan, the US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta remarked during his speech in Pakitia province and Kabul that the country was headed in the right direction and that this war is winnable whereas the Taliban have been significantly weakened but not yet defeated.
The above remarks were made by the highest ranking US military officer in hopes of boosting the morale of his jittery soldiers but affairs observed by the world and Afghans is that the American politicians, generals, their surrogates and soldiers have been traversing a crooked path for the past decade, a fact which is also confirmed by most western intellectuals. They have not gained any achievements despite their pressure and instead of winning the war they are on the verge of defeat while on the other hand; the ranks of Islamic Emirate are being swelled by fresh recruits and by utilizing new techniques, they are unabatedly carrying on with their operations against the occupiers with a very high morale in every corner of the country in this cold weather. This is in itself a testimony to the growing strength and military advancement of the Mujahideen. Due to fear of facing the backlash and reprisals of the nation, the occupiers rarely leave the safety of their bases. Below is a glimpse of a few of the very clear examples regarding the advancements of the Mujahideen:
- An American congress member who came to Kabul and wanted to visit the Charsad Bistar (400 bed) hospital in order to investigate the corruption had to cancel his trip after being informed of the security threats on the way by American generals.
- This recent visit by Panetta was not announced unlike the other American officials and it was kept secret due to security fears.
- A few days earlier, Karzai made his trip to the so called Loya Jirga from the Presidential Palace by helicopter as he could not dare venture out because of the lingering fear of Mujahideen.
The above given examples show the extent of the continuous fear and danger felt by the Americans and their partners inside the country. So claiming to have made advancements this year and of victory in the end in such conditions in nothing more then the continuation of that jabber which was and will be systematically uttered by Defense Secretaries such as Rumsfeld to Gates and now Panetta. They should know that the initiative of war is and will continue to be in the hands of Mujahideen. The extent of losses sustained by the invaders and their internal hirelings in the current year’s successful Badr operation can not be compared to any of the past ones. The uptick in attacks was also pointed out by United Nations in one of its current reports which stated that there has been a twenty four percent increase as compared to 2010. In such a state we can confidently say that the US Secretary of Defense wants to continue twisting the facts and deceiving its oblivious people and soldiers and just like the past ten years, continue passing the last moments of its journey in a mirage of empty promises. The ground realities witnessed here by our nation are in total contradiction to the remarks made by the American Defense Secretary during his brief observation period. Such vain words can never undermine the will and determination of our people but it will rather turn their attention even more to their religious and national obligations and they shall step-up their ongoing struggle even more and shall never give the enemy respite even for a single night. It would be better for the American officials to profess the realities and leave the country of the Afghans to the Afghans.
The Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Report on the Gathering of the Leadership Council and its Statement Regarding the Recent Bombings on ʻĀshūrā'"
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
On the day of Ashura, 10th of Muharram 1433, inexplicable bombings took place in Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif in which tens of our defenseless countrymen were soaked in their blood and their families left in utter grief. This incident was also strongly rejected and
condemned by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in the initial hours. Yesterday on the 15/01/1433, the Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate held an important council about this topic. Intense discussions were held regarding these incidents which were described as a pre-planned plot of the defeated enemy and it was stressed that our vigilant nation must pay astute attention to such actions of our enemy and nobody should be allowed to reach their sinister goals by creating rifts and divisions amongst our united people on the basis of religion, race, language or region.
Similarly, the political and religious sides of our country were asked to put the benefits of our country and people ahead of their own or organizations benefits and such actions not be undertaken to achieve their political aims which would mean nothing other then adding fuel to the fire which has been lit by our enemy against the unity of our people and country. It was also said that in these tender moments in which our enemy is on the verge of fleeing, it is going back to its natural habit and reaching for grief stricken moments like the day of Ashura so it can divide the unified Afghan people because the enemy wants to take revenge from our suffering people for their own failures. Our alert and unified nation will never be deceived by such plans of our enemy but rather they will also thwart this plan like all the previous ones. In the end of the gathering, the below statement was issued after much deliberation:
- The Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate wants to extend its condolence to the affectees and once against strongly condemns such acts.
- Islamic Emirate considers such incidents the plots and acts of the invaders and the enemies of Afghanistan and calls on all its countrymen to lend each other hands and cooperate with each other in preventing such incidents in accordance with their national and religious duty because such acts of the enemy are against all our countrymen and are detriment to our beloved Afghanistan.
- Islamic Emirate personally asks the scholars and leaders of Afghanistan’s Ahl Tashi’ (Shiite) to be very vigilant regarding this matter and they should inform their people that this incident can never be considered a topic of enmity between Sunni and Shiite. They should never lend an ear to the internal agents who want to paint this as an internal and religious strife for serving their own interests and for pleasing their masters.
- Islamic Emirate gives guidance to all of its Mujahideen to pay attention to preventing such acts from taking place alongside their other duties.
The Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #67 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
English translation of an article from Sa'd Allah al-Balūchī: “Thirty-Six Hours Under A Hail Of Bombs” from Issue #65 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣamūd Magazine
NOTE: To view issue number sixty-five of the Ṭālibān’s magazine al-Ṣamūd see here.
An entire month ago in the month of Dhul Qa’dah, the Americans wanted to take control of the Dishu Barafsha district. They attacked this blessed spot but all of their odious conspiracies met with failure. This decisive battle left behind wonders and marvels which I have heard from the Mujahideen brothers. But I said I will
not record them until I discover them for myself from up-close. And Allah willed to give me the opportunity to receive a visit from the commander of that blessed battle. After dawn prayer on Tuesday, the 6th of Dhul Qa’dah, while I was treating the hand of the commander which he had injured in the battle and which had already been operated on a number of times, he related to me the details of that blessed battle.
The field commander and commander of the martyrdom-seekers in Nimroz province, al-Hafez Ghulamullah, one of the most famous Mujahideen in the region said: We had word that the Americans were approaching the area and I said to the Mujahideen: Each one of you must be in his trench. So I placed them in order and took a group of them to confront the enemy. But I kept back about 100 Mujahideen in the city.
Before the operation, I went to the group of martyrdom-seekers and arranged everything for them. We equipped them with mines, weapons, and explosive belts. After Salat al-‘Isha’, enemy aircraft came and many of the brothers had still not reached their trenches. So Allah sent clouds and it began to rain, continuing until the remaining Mujahideen had reached their trenches – Allahu Akbar! After the rain, the Americans began a heavy, random bombardment, and soldiers descended from helicopters into the marketplace which was the under the control of the martyrdom-seekers, who then began to carry out their operations one after the other, until I finally heard one of them say: “A Large group of Americans are approaching me.” Shortly after, I heard the sound of him exploding.
During this incident, reconnaissance aircraft and jet fighters were circling in the sky and it was not possible to go anywhere on the ground.
The rest of the Mujahideen were each fixed on their targets and not moving. The brothers would tell me about the miracles for the Mujahideen which they witnessed with their own eyes during the battle.
The bombing and fighting continued for about 36 hours and communications between me and the brothers were cut. I thought I was the only one left alive from this battle but, praise be to Allah, a large group of Mujahideen returned with me. 15 of the brothers were martyred, five of whom were from the martyrdom-seeking brothers, may Allah have mercy on them all.
As for the enemy, this battle inflicted huge losses on him and the Mujahideen were able to destroy 17 tanks and Humvee’s and more than 100 infidels.
Allahu Akbar! These fields of battle and struggle which always continue are filled with great feats and miracles and glorious deeds. Are you one of those rolling up your sleeves to go to these battlefields???
Translated From The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: Al-Somood Monthly Magazine, Issue # 65 (October-November 2011)
al-Ma’sadat Media Foundation presents a new article from Abū 'Abd Allah Anīs: "America and the Ṭālibān: Who Pardons Who?"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū ‘Abd Allah Anīs — “America and the Ṭālibān- Who Pardons Who?”
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Futile Bonn Conference"
Similar to the experiment of the past decade, the western occupying forces and its puppet regime in Kabul busied the media outlets for the past couple of months on the Bonn conference and its agenda. Efforts were made to give false hope to the Afghan and western people and to turn away their attention for a while. The Bonn conference, which was touted until yesterday to be the sole
opportunity for reaching a solution to the problems of Afghanistan by the international and internal media, turned out to be nothing more than a repetition of a few hollow words and assurances by its participants and speakers to try and blow life into the carcass of the stooge Kabul regime after the foreign troops supposedly leave Afghanistan at the end of 2014. This conference was concluded on such a note that a few empty promises were made while none of the fundamental matters were debated and neither were any questions raised about what the real demands of the oppressed Afghan nation are?
Islam and Islamic system were not mentioned anywhere in the long body text of the resolutions of the conference; no specific and known obligations were made; all issues have been bypassed and guidelines for the fundamental solution and obligations on international community have not been made; peace process has been referred to as reintegration; it has been decorated with many words, few of which are meaningful; a lot of focus has been given to guiding the Kabul administration and similarly shifting more responsibility to it. It seems as if the international community has grown weary of the Afghan mission and is passing its time with only ceremonial and theatrical movements and words. It can be seen from afar that the resolutions of the conference were pre-written and were merely announced under the heading of Bonn conference.
Our perceptive nation has recognized all the tricks and fraudulences of the occupying countries in the past ten years and can never be deceived by such empty words which have been heard by every ear and practically observed for a decade. The Afghans do not hold any goodwill coming from the resolutions of the second Bonn which was convened and concluded under the supervision of America, NATO and other prejudiced countries. Rather promises were also made in this Bonn to pave roads for the strengthening of the grip of the black mafia over Afghanistan’s freedom and sovereignty and which has plundered the resources of this country and has laid down projects and traps to keep looting for another decade. Besides this, America also tried to give legality to its self-interested and colonial policies so it can use the soil of Afghanistan against the neighbors and the region and God Forbid, to entrap Afghans in historical enmity and hostilities with its neighbors and the region.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants to call on all the occupying countries that they should pay attention to the fundamental problems and demands of our and their own countries rather then wasting time on such vain and futile conferences. You should first and foremost remove your troops from our soil, forgo building permanent bases here and leave our aching nation to build an independent Islamic government in accordance with its aspirations and they should know that such an Islamic government will benefit the Afghans and the entire world.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Tora Bora Studio presents a new video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Page of History #12"