New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "On the Occasion of the 7th & 8th of Saur (April 1978)"

The Afghan communist perpetrators, on 27 April 1978(Saur 7, 1357 Hijri solar year), so as to impose the Red apostate ideology (communist and socialist agenda and ideas) and expand its world-engulfing empire, mounted a repugnant military coup in the center of Kabul city, the Afghan capital.
The abominable local communists, upon the order from their despotic masters began resorting to all tools of oppression, aggression, terror and torture in order to ensnare the brave Afghan nation into the trap of communism, and to deviate them from Islamic and national beliefs; furthermore, take over their political sovereignty and to alienate this nation from its Afghan national identity, and eventually to wipe out this legendary land of the brave and chivalrous from political geography.
The Afghan Mujahid nation, keeping the great heroism and triumphs of its chivalrous ancestors in heart and mind, has never forgotten the ability of defending its beloved homeland against the invading forces and bringing them to their knee. Neither could the deceptive slogans of food, clothing and shelter fool our grassroots, nor could the racial, regional, and linguistic discriminations divide them.
Whereas this Mujahid nation, equipped with spirit of faith and Jihad, with one accord, solidarity and resolve, waged armed Jihad against Kufr (infidelity) and communism despite the lack of arms and ammo and the sounds of the slogans of Allahu Akbar rising from cities and mountains put the communist culprits and their Russian masters through the hell turning the world into the furnace of fire for them.
Allah the Great and the Exalted, through the nationwide uprising, unprecedented and sincere sacrifices by the Afghans led to not only humiliating the communist perpetrators of the Sour Coup De’tat but disintegrating the arrogant Soviet Union, crumbling on its very edifice and putting an end to the Red empire across the world.
14 years after a series of turbulences, sacrifices, hardship of displacement and migrations and engaging in a one-and-a-half decades long Jihad by Afghan Mujahid nation on 28 April 1992 (Saur 8, 1371 Hijri solar year), the caravan of Jihad reached its desired and victorious destination wiping out the communist empire worldwide. This day, (8 Saur) is recorded in Afghan history as a day of collapse of communism and victory of Jihad which is viewed with pride by every Afghan Muslim. But what happened in the aftermath and how some political parties in Afghanistan have, so far, played with bloodshed of our martyrs is extremely disputable and has yet to be questioned.
We have witnessed how brazenly these political parties resorted to civil war within the country for their own personal interests and political power, putting the Afghan nation yet through a much more grievous and unpleasant unrest and disaster.
In the prevailing sensitive circumstance, in which our country is passing through a significant new period in its history, the American invaders and its slave regime are face-to-face with awaiting disgraceful defeat with our country on the road to the independence.
The Afghan, thus, taking a lesson from the history, have to be mindful and smart enough to be outsmarted by the evil intents and traps of the enemy and work toward the liberation of Afghanistan from the impure grip of US occupation and strive for the enforcement of a pure Islamic system in our beloved country with solidarity, integrity and brotherhood.

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Financial Commission"

To begin with, I hope you have best of both worlds. May Allah grant you success here and the Hereafter! As is known to all, The Islamic country of Afghanistan is currently under the US occupation. The West invaded Afghanistan to prevent Islamic stability, wipe out the nation’s Islamic and religious values and norms, and to divert the future generation from Islam and to forever subjugate, occupy and secularize Afghan Mujahid nation. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, a movement made up of true and loyal sons of this soil, with the help of Allah Almighty and backed by its nation, has declared Jihad in accordance with Quranic commands and teachings against infidel invaders which has been successfully continuing so far this day, Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah) and is about to reach its victorious finality. This Islamic land is in the tyrannical grip of the combative infidel enemy, posing the greatest threat to the entire Muslim world. As a result, in the light of Islamic sharia, all Muslims everywhere are duty-bound to join the Jihad with money and soul. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which stood up with Muslim Ummah’s physical and financial support, are still waging legitimate Jihad single-handedly with mere help from common sincere Islam-loving masses and is in dire need of financial assistance from the Muslim brothers worldwide for its military and non-military expenditures. What may come as surprise, well worthy of mention, is the fact that  the Jews and Christians in order to prolong and win the prevailing war on the ground, keep raising and collecting funds from their people in every corner of the world and calling on meetings and conferences for the very purpose. Similarly, the Muslims, too, out of their true spirit of faith are not to forget their Muslim brothers defending and upholding the truth in Afghanistan and extend a helping hand in the form financial aid in the same way as they take part in Jihad physically. However, what if you were not prepared to fight in the way of Allah, either financially or in soul ? Prophet (sallallu alaihe wa salaam) says in Sahi Muslim “One who died but did not fight in the way of Allah nor did he express any desire or determination for Jihad died the death of a hypocrite.” Thus, save yourself from a greater hardship in the Hereafter and protect yourself against hellfire. There is no life worth living except the life of the Hereafter and our hereafter depends on our present. Let us save up for our Hereafter by doing our share of Jihad responding to the call of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and offer our monetary aid and donation to the financial officials of the Islamic Emirate so that it may be used to meet the requirements of the Jihad and Mujahideen fighting the invading forces on the ground in appropriate ways. In case of any contributions,please contact the financial commission of Afghanistan on the following Email address. The  financial commission of the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan


The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #71 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine

NOTE: Previous issues: #70#69#68#67#66#65#64#63#62#61#60#59#58#57#56#53, and #51. You can also see English translations of articles from previous issues here. In this issue there was also a new article from Abū al-Walīd al-Maṣrī.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Issue #71 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine

To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Regarding the Latest Fabricated Report of the Kabul Regime’s Notorious Intelligence Agency"

The notorious intelligence agency of the stooge Kabul regime claimed yesterday that it had captured several Mujahideen on Kabul-Jalalabad main highway in Qarghi district of Laghman province who wanted to carryout martyrdom attacks. To give authenticity to their claim, they paraded several actors two of whom were also dressed in women attire in front of the camera lenses of the media. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly rejects this claim which was also published in some media outlets and considers such spectacles the work the former communist agents inside the so called National Directorate of Intelligence who have a very long history of designing plots and propaganda against the Mujahideen and the Muslims. Alongside categorically rejecting this fabrication, we also state that none of our Mujahideen have been detained in Nangarhar, Laghman or Herat provinces in the past twenty four hours. Since the tactical operations of Mujahideen have broken all the security barriers of the enemy and there has been an influx of infiltration, causing a breakout of mistrust which has shattered their military moral, therefore the enemy has resorted to such fabricated moments in order to reassure its frightened colleagues and momentarily turn the attention of the media away from their successive defeats. Is it practical for a rational person to actually believe that a squad Mujahideen who have prepared for a collective martyrdom operation would dress in women clothing and hand themselves over to the enemy alive? Such comical theatrics are neither believable to anyone nor are the Mujahideen so weak that they execute their Jihadi operations with such laughable tactics. The publication department of Islamic Emirate would like to call on all the media outlets especially audio and video branches to avoid damaging their credibility by publishing such fabrications of the enemy. It would be better for them to adhere to the norms of journalism in their journalistic endeavor and not stain their profession by playing the role of mouthpiece for the intelligence of the stooge regime in the cloths of a journalist. Wasalam The spokesman of Islamic Emirate Zabihullah Mujahid

06/05/1433 – 29/03/2012

New press release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Qārī' Yusef Aḥmadī: "Regarding Today’s High-Profile Attacks"

That even though the real enemy of Islam and our country (America), besides continuing its ill-fated occupation, recently set fire to the sacred book of all the Muslims, the holy Quran however it still did not satisfy their barbaric desires. Then it carried out a pre-planned atrocity in Panjwaee district’s Zangawat area (Kandahar) where it brutally martyred seventeen innocent civilians including several children, women and old men and in the process unveiled its actual savage colors to the entire world.
Therefore the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as the real representatives of its Muslim nation, solemnly pledged that it shall take revenge from the perpetrators of the ten year occupation as well as of these clear and unforgivable crimes and in doing so shall demonstrate to its people that it is in fact the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate who are the true protectors of their honor, sanctities and freedom. So in order to implement its promise, it carried out the following successful operations today (Monday – 03/05/1433 | 26/03/2012) which caused the enemy severe human and material losses:
Today at around 02:00 pm in Uruzgan province’s Chora district, a martyrdom attack was carried out by Abdur Rafi’ on the invaders who had just finished having lunch at the home of a government official. According to received information, 18 American invaders were killed including a high ranking commander while several others were wounded.
Similarly, an attack was carried out by a Mujahid who had infiltrated the Afghan army against foreign troops at the gate of Lashkargah PRT at 02:00 pm from which 2 invaders were killed and several others wounded whereas the Mujahid also embraced martyrdom.
Meanwhile at around midnight, a US Chinook helicopter was shot down with rocket fire between Marmoz and Sheikh Ali Karez areas of Nawzad district as a result all 30 invaders onboard were killed.
Since all of the said attacks were revenge operations against the enemy, we therefore call on our whole nation to stand next to their Mujahideen brothers, pray for their success and to not withhold lending any type of assistance in the way of avenging our innocent martyrs. On the other hand, we call on all the security apparatus of the Kabul administration, as part of their Afghan honor and pride if nothing else, to detest from aiding the occupiers or to target the foreign troops from close range or at least to not become an obstacle for the Mujahideen in reaching their intended target (American forces) in order to cool the hearts of its oppressed nation and take revenge from them for violating our sanctities and for the heartrending Zangawat incident.
We once again pledge that we shall not let the foreign invaders rest in peace in any part of the country and shall spill their blood until they are forced to disgracefully leave and until they repay a hefty price for the killing and persecution of our nation.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate
Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi