New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Regarding the Latest Fabricated Report of the Kabul Regime’s Notorious Intelligence Agency"

The notorious intelligence agency of the stooge Kabul regime claimed yesterday that it had captured several Mujahideen on Kabul-Jalalabad main highway in Qarghi district of Laghman province who wanted to carryout martyrdom attacks.
To give authenticity to their claim, they paraded several actors two of whom were also dressed in women attire in front of the camera lenses of the media.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly rejects this claim which was also published in some media outlets and considers such spectacles the work the former communist agents inside the so called National Directorate of Intelligence who have a very long history of designing plots and propaganda against the Mujahideen and the Muslims. Alongside categorically rejecting this fabrication, we also state that none of our Mujahideen have been detained in Nangarhar, Laghman or Herat provinces in the past twenty four hours.
Since the tactical operations of Mujahideen have broken all the security barriers of the enemy and there has been an influx of infiltration, causing a breakout of mistrust which has shattered their military moral, therefore the enemy has resorted to such fabricated moments in order to reassure its frightened colleagues and momentarily turn the attention of the media away from their successive defeats.
Is it practical for a rational person to actually believe that a squad Mujahideen who have prepared for a collective martyrdom operation would dress in women clothing and hand themselves over to the enemy alive?
Such comical theatrics are neither believable to anyone nor are the Mujahideen so weak that they execute their Jihadi operations with such laughable tactics.
The publication department of Islamic Emirate would like to call on all the media outlets especially audio and video branches to avoid damaging their credibility by publishing such fabrications of the enemy. It would be better for them to adhere to the norms of journalism in their journalistic endeavor and not stain their profession by playing the role of mouthpiece for the intelligence of the stooge regime in the cloths of a journalist.
The spokesman of Islamic Emirate
Zabihullah Mujahid

06/05/1433 – 29/03/2012