Category: Quetta Shura
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Ongoing Bloody Incidents in Egypt"
It is with great regret that on Wednesday morning of the ongoing Shawal month of the current year of 1434 in the Islamic country of Egypt, the military, security organs and police raided the settlements of peaceful demonstrators in the capital Cairo and dispersed crowds from two large bases with indiscriminate fire who had gathered for the past two months in protest to condemn the ouster of constitutionally and nationally elected President Muhammad Morsi and did not accept the government which came about in the coupe d’etat!
The security apparatus opened indiscriminate fire from morning till dusk time on the peaceful protesters who were sleeping in their tents without any prior warning. This inhumane and unwarranted attack resulted in the martyrdom of around two thousand and six hundred peaceful protestors including women, children and the elderly only in the camps of An-Nahdah and Rabi’a al ‘Aduweya while thousands were also wounded and hundreds arrested, according to the tally of the demonstrators. Hundreds of other protestors in other provinces of Egypt who condemned this action of the military and government have also been brutally martyred.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, besides strongly condemning this inhumane and unethical action, calls on the Egyptian military and government to stop spilling the blood of innocent women, children and elderly and it must pave the way for the return of constitutionally elected president to stop the situation from spiraling further out of control.
The Islamic Emirate also calls on the United Nations, Islamic Conference, notable scholars on international level as well as the international community to not be satisfied with only condemning this barbaric incident but they should take practical steps to the best of their abilities in order to avoid the arrest and bloodshed of more innocent people because if the situation remains as is, not only will it harm the people and nation of Egypt but it shall have an adverse effect both regionally and globally.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
24/05/1392 15/08/2013
al-Imārah Studio presents a new video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "The Front of Truth"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Imārah Studio presents a new issue of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s magazine: “Sharī’at Issue #17"
NOTE: For previous issues see: #16, #15, #14, #13, #12, #11, #10, #9, #8, #7, #6, #5, #4, #3, #2 and #1.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — “Sharī’at Issue #17″
To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from the Amīr of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Mullā Muḥmmad ‘Umar: "Message of Felicitation on the Occasion of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr"
The developments following the opening of the Political Office of the Islamic Emirate proved that Islamic Emirate is independent, strong and unwavering in its decisions. It was also proved that the Islamic Emirate has shown and is showing honesty and commitment to resolve problems of its oppressed people
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Rejoinder About the Recent Report of the UNAMA Regarding the Civilian Casualties"
As usual, a report has been prepared and published by the UNAMA office in Kabul on the American demands which is totally biased. The Islamic Emirate reacts as following:
1- The UNAMA office inside Kabul has tactically shared this report just a few hours prior to its publication. The Islamic Emirate was not given enough time for its analysis and discussion with the UNAMA. This step was taken by them just to have a reference that they had shared this report with us which is itself an attempt to mislead the people.
2- Just like previous year, 16% increase in civilian losses has been claimed this year in which 74% responsibility has been assigned to Mujahidin without furnishing any proofs. Some of the incidents were alluded to in which people related to Kabul admin, Arbakis and workers of some other detrimental organs were plainly called as civilians. No explanation is given about the reason of these incidents which itself produces doubts about the authenticity of this report. It shows that the above mentioned report is in consonance with the Americans’ attitude and is an attempt of propaganda against Mujahidin.
3- The interesting point is that a part of the report says that the Islamic Emirate has admitted the responsibility of 52 such incidents through its websites, spokesmen and emails; resulting in civilian casualties in which 571 ordinary people have lost their lives. These attacks are martyrdom attacks, landmines and complex assaults carried out by Mujahidin. This statement is made by UNAMA while the Islamic Emirate has not a single incident in which civilian people have been targeted in these attacks. The incidents claimed by us are all the losses of our enemy and calling them civilians is UNAMA’s own judgment which is used for making the report more acceptable for Americans. Secondly, all the news broadcasted from the address of the Islamic Emirate, are simultaneously shared with media and the loss of 571 civilians is totally baseless and an unproven news. Yes! If UNAMA considers officials of Kabul admin, police, soldiers, intelligence workers and employees of other sensitive and detrimental organs as civilians, then their own analysis is inaccurate which means nothing but a baseless propaganda.
We never consider those people as civilians who are directly involved in our country’s occupation and work with sensitive organs of the enemy. On the other side, thousands of defenseless civilian people are martyred, wounded in imprisoned by Americans in their raids and bombings; but UNAMA, while speaking on behalf of Americans, terms all these people either militants or related with them in its reports !!!
Only 9% casualties have been attributed jointly to the invaders and the Kabul admin which has no resemblance with the American brutalities on the daily basis, their raids, bombing and all the cruelties of the Arbakis and workers of other security organs who have made the life the people unbearable in each and every corner of the country. It is another evidence that this report has been filtered by the Americans and has been attributed to UNAMA.
The Islamic Emirate considers the civilians as its own people. It has undertaken this huge, hazardous and painstaking resistance just for the emancipation of its own civilian countrymen. The Islamic Emirate has established an influential committee in its organizational setup for the prevention of civilian losses which has resulted in substantial reduction of these losses as per our calculation.
As we have said earlier, UNAMA prepares its report on the directions and recommendations of the American embassy inside Kabul whose sole aim is to mislead the people’s mentality against Mujahidin. We strongly reject this unfounded report and ask UNAMA that it will not succeed in this process of propaganda. The people are observing everything with their own eyes. The precautionary measures undertaken by the Islamic Emirate for saving the civilian lives, in such a huge and unbalanced war, have been unparalleled on the international level today as well as in the past.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
New interview from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "With the Head of the ‘Educational Commission’ Moulvi Mohammad Iqbal"
Dear readers, in the series of interviews, this time we have conducted a special and detailed interview with the head of the ‘Educational Commission’ Al-Haj Moulavi Mohammad Iqbal, about the activities of this commission and other related issues, due to the importance of education and training in the present circumstances. Here we would like to draw your kind attention for its reading.
Question: First of all we welcome you. If you could give us information about the organizational setup of the Educational Commission, similarly if you could brief us about the duties and responsibilities of this commission, we will be grateful to you.
Answer: الحمد لله وکفی والصلوة والسلام علی عباده الذین اصطفی امابعد فاعوذ بالله من الشیطن الرجیم
یرفع الله الذین آمنو منکم والذین اوتوا العلم درجات ، صدق الله العظیم
First of all I would like to say the Islamic greetings of “Assalam-o-Alaikum”, “Peace be upon you” to all of you.
Regarding your first question, I would to say that the organizational setup of the Educational Commission is as follow:
– Director General of the Commission.
– Members of the Commission comprising 23 persons.
– Admin Director.
– Board of Studies comprising 16 excellent scholars.
In the same way the ‘Educational Commission’ has the directors of education in all the provinces and in-charge of educational affairs in all the liberated districts including those districts where the circumstances are favorable for education and training. The number of provincial directors is 34 and the number of district in-charges is 308 persons. In the same way an additional educational deputy head is appointed on the provincial level. Their number also reaches to 34 according to the number of provinces inside our country. In this way the number of our activists or workers reaches to hundreds.
According to the rules and regulations of the ‘Educational Commission’, our duties are specified as follow:
1- The completion of the essential setups of the commission.
2- Building of madrassas and schools in the rural areas for primary and secondary education.
3- Building of boarding madrassas for higher religious studies.
4- Building of Dar-ul-Huffaz (places where the Holy Quran is learnt by heart).
5- Making arrangements for contemporary studies.
6- Supervision of the Higher Studies Institutes.
7- Making Dar-ul-Iitams (places where orphans are kept).
8- Preparation of courses for Judges and Mufties (those who issue the verdict).
Question: If you could provide us information about the important activities of the ‘Educational Commission’ during the last few years?
Answer: You understand that we are passing through severe warring conditions which naturally hamper the normal educational activities or programs. Still we are grateful to Allah Almighty that we have achieved a lot in the field of education, in view of our present possibilities. Some of our activities are as follow:
1- The Rural Schools:
As most of population live in rural areas which are deprived from most of the educational facilities. So it is one of the top priorities of the Educational Commission to build rural schools for departing primary education and necessary religious studies. Important steps have been taken with the following specifications in this regard:
A- The rural Imams (scholars) have been assigned to allocate at least 2 to 2½ hours to teach the children of the village inside the mosque or a house.
B- They should teach them the customary subjects till the preparation of curriculum e.g. the alphabets, the Holy Quran, Shuroot Salat (the prerequisites of the prayer) Qudoori, Panj Ganj (five treasures) and the books of the first three classes of that curriculum which was prepared for Mujahidin.
C- The above mentioned books and other stationary like pen, notebooks etc. are provided by this commission.
D- We are extending our co-operation even to those people who are living in migration camps so that their children are left without education.
E- For these rural madrassas, we have prepared a course syllabus or curriculum according to their needs and the prevailing circumstances which is ready to be sent to the press.
2- Boarding madrassas for Religious Studies:
A- An outline consisting of 20 articles has been drafted by the commission, in accordance with the views and recommendations of various madrassas for the better organizations of madrassas, for the improvement of teaching methodology and for the elevation of moral standards of students. This draft has been sent to all related madrassas and is under implementation. In this draft, the duration of educational year, schedule and discipline of examinations, educational and moral principles and rules and regulations for speeches and educational competitions have been elaborated.
B- In the light of above mentioned draft, this year, on 3rd, 4th and 5th of Rabi-u-Thani (the fourth lunar month) 1434 A.H. corresponding to 14th, 15th and 16th of February 2013, a speech competition was arranged among the students of 6th Grade who had come from several madrassas. By the grace of Allah Almighty, this contest was conducted with full discipline and organization and it was a great and successful step forward in this direction. Interesting speeches in Arabic, Persian and Pashto languages were delivered in this contest which were greatly admired by the audience. At the end, substantial awards were distributed among the winners as well as the organizational committee for their excellent performance.
C- After a good deal of discussion and deliberation, on 25th of Rajab 1433 A.H. corresponding to 15thJune 2012, a unified and standardized curriculum was organized and ratified which consists of primary, middle and eleven grades. All necessary subjects according to the need of time, have been included in it. This curriculum has been sent to all the madrassas, it has been warmly accepted by the teachers and has been implemented to a great extent in the first year.
D- Three examinations were conducted this year i.e. quarterly, mid-term and annual exams. In the annual term, a combine exam of previous and final years were given to the graduates of these classes. Although this was the very first time and the beginning year, therefore we were facing a lot of difficulties. In the future, this procedure will get much more improved. The commission is of the view to confer official certificates to those students who have participated in this exam.
E- Religious boarding madrassas are always a great asset for our homeland. The good news is that this series has always supported by our nation and ordinary people. Even today, in the prevailing tough circumstances, religious boarding madrassas are working. Outside the country, in the camps of migrants, our vigilant and heedful Ulemas i.e. scholars have established a lot of madrassas which are normally operating. Following steps have been taken for their better organization and co-ordination:
a- The principals and heads of madrassas are invited periodically for the improvement and progress of the educational system. Joint sessions are held with them for overcoming the obstacles lying ahead.
b- An educational council comprising of 16 excellent scholars is set up for survey and control of the boarding madrassas. This council observes the implementation of rules and regulations. They are also assigned to check the curriculums of these madrassas.
c- For the better organization and survey of madrassas in various areas, we have appointed our representatives amongst the Ulema i.e. the scholars. Their duty is to supervise all the madrassas in their related areas and if needed, arrange meetings with the heads of these madrassas.
3- Contemporary Educational Institutions:
Efforts are underway for providing better opportunities to the extent of our possibilities. A draft comprising 19 articles has been prepared to have a better supervision and surveillance of these schools. For example:
a- Their curriculum is being constantly observed by a group of Ulema and necessary amendments have been made through them. These amendment paper have been sent to all the schools which are followed by the persons in-charge.
b- Educational program for the schools has been arranged by this commission in which religious and other necessary subjects have been added and have been given due attention in the timetable.
c- Scholars and Qaris (those who can pronounce the Holy Quran in due accent) have been appointed as per need in each and every school so that religious subjects and the Holy Quran could be properly taught by them.
d- For the elevation of moral and ethical standards of the students, daily, fortnightly and quarterly seminars and conferences are under consideration so that so the students could get proper awareness about their religion.
e- Unwanted people who have either political or ideological association with the stooge admin against the Islamic norms and rules are kept under close watch and if proved, they are discarded from the institutions concerned.
f- Unlawful and non-Afghan uniform is totally forbidden.
g- Fictional and party-based activities which create differences among the Muslims are forbidden as well.
h- Books
al-Imārah Studio presents a new video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Shorab Operation"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Imārah Studio presents a new video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Champion Who Attacked Foreign Invaders at Kandahār Airbase Narrates His Heroic Deed"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #87 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
NOTE: Previous issues: #86, #85, #84, #83, #82, #81, #80, #79, #78, #77, #76, #75, #74, #73, #72, #71, #70, #69, #68, #67, #66, #65, #64, #63, #62, #61, #60, #59, #58, #57, #56, #53, and #51. You can also see English translations of articles from previous issues here.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Issue #87 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]