New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid: “Regarding the Drone Attack in Kabul City”

On August 1, 2022, an air strike was carried out on a residential house in the Shirpur area of Kabul city.

At the outset, the nature of the incident was not revealed.

The security and intelligence agencies of the Islamic Emirate investigated the incident and found in their preliminary investigations that the attack was carried out by American drones.

IEA strongly condemns this attack on any cause and calls it a clear violation of international principles and the Doha Agreement.

Such actions are a repetition of the failed experiences of the past 20 years and are against the interests of the USA, Afghanistan and the region.

Repeating such actions will damage the existing opportunities.

Zabihullah Mujahid Spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

1/3/1444هـ ق

2022/8/1 م 10/5/1401هـ ش


New issue of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan magazine: “al-Ṣamūd Magazine #198″

For prior issues in this magazine see: #197, #196#195#194#193#192#191#190#189#188#187#186#185#184#183#182#181#180#179#178,  #177#176#175#174#173#172#171#170#169#168#167#166#165#164#163#162#161#160#159#158#157#156#155#154#153#152#151#150#149#148#147#146#145#144#143#142#141#140#139#138#137#136#135#134#133#132#131#130#129#128#127#126#125#124#123#122#121,#120#119,#118,#117,#116,#115,#114#113#112#111#110#109#108#107#106#105#104#103,#102,#101,#100,#99#98#97#96,#95#94#93#92,#91#90#89#88#87#86#85#84#83#82#81#80#79#78#77#76#75#74#73#72#71#70#69#68#67#66#65#64#63#62#61#60#59#58#57#56#53, and #51.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — al-Ṣamūd Magazine #198


To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlāwī Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “Instructions Regarding the Prevention of False Accusations Against the Workers and Officials of the Islamic Emirate and Their Disrespect”

د اسلامي لارښوونو  مطابق پر مسئولینو باندې بې ځایه تورونه ویل او له واقعیت څخه لرې نقد کول شرعا جواز نه لري.

ارجاف او شائعات خپرول په اسلام کې ځای نه لري او د مسلمانانو تر منځ هم د کرکې او نفرت سبب کیږي، اعتبار او باور له منځه وړي او همتونه کمزوري کوي.

الله تعالی فرمایي؛ وَلاَ تَقْفُ مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ إِنَّ السَّمْعَ وَالْبَصَرَ وَالْفُؤَادَ كُلُّ أُولـئِكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْؤُولا، [الاسراء:۳۶]

ژباړه: هغه څه مه لټوه چې علم ورباندې نه لرې؛ بې شکه غوږ، سترګه او زړه هر یو له دوی څخه پوښتل کیږي. په دې هکله رسول الله صلی الله علیه و سلم فرمایي: کفی بالمرء کذبا ان یحدث بکل ما سمع، [رواه مسلم] یعنی رسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم هغه څوک دروغجن بللی، چې کومه خبره واوري او پرته له دې چې سپیناوی یې وکړي، نورو ته یې رسوي. دغه ډول منفي تبلیغات په ټولنه کې اضطراب پیدا کوي او په غیر شعوري توګه له دښمنانو سره مرسته کوي. رسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم فرمایي؛ من کان یؤمن بالله و الیوم الاخر فالیقل خیرا او لیصمت[متفق علیه] ژباړه؛ څوک چې په الله او اخرت ایمان لري؛ نو یادې حق خبره وکړي، یادې پټه خوله و اوسي. په بل حدیث کې پیغمبر علیه السلام فرمایي؛ بئس مطیة الرجل زعموا [رواه ابوداود] ژباړه؛ د سړي بد عادت دادی، چې  په (دوی ویل/چا ویل) باندې استدلال کوي. د اسلام له نظره دغه کار د تعزیر(سزا) وړ ګرځي.په دې هکله فقهاء رحمهم الله لیکي: التعدي علی المؤظفین العمومیین و المکلفین بخدمة عامة یستحق التعزیر و من الامثلة التی اوردها الفقهاء فی هذا المجال اهانة العلماء او رجال الدولة بما لا یلیق سواء کان ذلک بالاشارة او القول او بغیر ذلک و التعدي علی احد الجنود بالید او تمزیق ثیابه او سبه ففیه التعزیر و التضمین عن التلف و من ذلک اهانة محکمة قضائیة و کذلک جرائم الجلسة فالقاضي له فیها التعزیر و ان عفی فحسن … الموسوعة الفقهیة، ج ۱۲ ص۲۸۳ الفتاوی الاسعدیة ج ۱ ص ۱۶۶ ـ ۱۶۷

ژباړه؛ پر عامو (حکومتي) کارمندانو او هغوی چې پر عمومي خدماتو ګومارل شوي وي، تیری کول د تعزیر(سزا) ورکولو لامل ګرځي، له دې جملې څخه فقهاء کرامو د علماوو اوحکومتي کارکونکو سپکاوی، چې د دوی له شان سره مناسب نه وي، هغه که په اشاره، وینا او یا بل څه وي، د بیلګې په توګه یاد کړي دي.

همدا راز کوم عسکر ته لاس اچول، یا یې جامې څیرل او یا هم بد رد ورته ویل، نو په دې کې تعزیر(سزا) ورکول کیږي او د جامو څیرلو تاوان ورڅخه اخیستل کیږي.

همدارنګه د قضایي محکمې سپکاوی او قضایي مجلس اخلالول، نو په دې صورتونو کې قاضي تعزیر(سزا) ورکولای شي؛ خو عفو بهتره ده.

پورته اسلامي لارښوونې  د ټولو هیوادوالو، مجاهدینو او خبري رسنیو له پاره شرعي مسئولیت جوړیږي، چې عمل ورباندې وکړي.

والسلام؛  د اسلامي امارت زعیم عالیقدر امیر المؤمنین شیخ القرآن والحدیث مولوي هبة الله آخندزاده حفظه الله

۲۲/۱۲/۱۴۴۳هـ ق

۱۴۰۱/۴/ ۳۰  هـ ش2022/7/21  م


To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid: “Declaration on Trade Relations Between Afghanistan and Pakistan”


د ۲۰۲۲ میلادي کال د جولای په ۱۹مه نېټه په سوداګریزو او ټرانزیټي موضوعاتو د افغانستان د صنعت او سوداګرۍ وزارت سرپرست الحاج نورالدین عزیزي په مشري، اړونده مسئولینو او د پاکستاني پلاوي، تر منځ چې  مشري یې د یاد هیواد د سوداګرۍ وزارت مرستیال ښاغلي صالح احمد فاروقي په غاړه وه، د ټاکل شوې اجنډا په جزئیاتو د هراړخیز او مفصل بحث په پایله کې دواړې خواوې پر  لاندې توافقاتو باندې سره سلا شول.

۱ــ دواړو لورو موافقه وکړه چې د ۲۰۲۲م کال د اګست میاشتې له پیل څخه به د دواړو هیوادونو باربري لارۍ اجازه ولري چې افغانستان او پاکستان ټولو سیمو ته ازاد تګ راتګ وکړي.

۲.ــ د سوداګریزو توکو د انتقال د مودې په اړه دواړه لوري دې پایلې ته ورسېدل چې پاکستان په هغو ټرانزیټي توکو چې ددوی له خاورې افغانستان ته داخلیږي هیڅ زماني قید نه وضع کوي. همدا رنګه افغانستان د خپلې خاورې څخه پاکستان ته د توکو د لیږد موده له ۵ ورځو څخه ۸ ورځو ته پورته کړه.

۳ــ پاکستاني لوري څرګنده کړه چې د (اپټا ۲۰۱۰) سوداګریز تړون ته د نوي تړون تر لاسلیک پورې ژمن دی. دواړو لورو ومنله چې د اپټا ۲۰۲۱ عنوان لاندې د ترسره شوو خبرو اترو په ترڅ کې د هغو کارونو د بشپړتیا لپاره عملي ګامونه پورته شي چې پرې توافق رامنځته شوی وو. د بهرنیو کانتینرونو څخه د افغان سوداګرو د توکو ځايي لاریو او کانتینرونو ته انتقال او د پاکستاني هوايي ډګرونو له لارې د افغان سوداګرو د مالونو د لېږد, سکېن او بررسي لپاره  اسانتیاوې برابرول په دې موافقو کې شامل دي.

۴ـــ په مذاکراتو کې پاکستاني لوري ډاډ ورکړ چې د واګه سرحد له لارې هند ته د افغاني مالونو په صادرولو هیڅ ډول محدودیت شتون نه لري.

۵ ـــ دواړو لورو موافقه وکړه چې د سیمه ایز اتصال په هدف به د افغانستان, پاکستان او ازبکستان درې اړخیزه ناسته په مناسب وخت کې ترسره شي.

۶ ـــ موافقه وشوه چې د تورخم او سپین بولدک لارې به هره ورځ څلورویشت ساعته د سوداګریزو موټرو د ګمرکي او ټرانزیټي چارو د ترسره کېدو لپاره پرانیستې وي.

۷ــ  افغانستان ومنله چې د غلام خان او ډنډپټان لارې به هره ورځ دولس ساعته د ټرانزیټ لپاره خلاصې وي او د اړتیا په صورت کې به کاري ساعتونه زیاتوي.

۸ ـ  پاکستاني لوري څرګنده کړه چې د هغو توکو  ژر طی مراحل په پام کې نیسي چې حساس او لږ وخت کې خرابیږي.

۹ـــ دواړو لورو ومنله چې په ټرانزیټي لارو د موټرو په تګ راتګ کې دې تعادل رامنځته شي.

۱۰ـــ پاکستاني پلاوی چمتووالی وښود چې له دقیقې ارزونې وروسته به د ټرانزیټي لاریو د بېروبار کمولو لپاره د ګمرکي سیستمونو او تاسیساتو موجوده مراکز د عبور او مرور له نقطو نه نورو لرې نقطو ته د لیږد لپاره اقدام وکړي.

۱۱.ـــ دواړو لورو د ټرانزیټي لاریو لپاره په ټولو لارو کې د ځانګړو اسانتیاوو د برابرولو موافقه وکړه.

۱۲ ـــ  دواړو لورو موافقه وکړه چې د ګمرکي مالوماتو د شریکولو او د سیستمونو همغږي کولو لپاره به د دواړو هیوادونو ګمرکي ادارې په ځانګړې  ناسته کې تصامیم ونیسي.

۱۳ـــ په مذاکراتو کې موافقه وشوه چې د دواړو هیوادونو خصوصي سیکتورونه به د بارټر سوداګري لپاره د ښکاره او ځانګړي میکانیزم د ټاکلو لپاره ناستو ته دوام ورکړي.

۱۴ ـــ دواړو لورو څرګنده کړه چې د ځانګړي میکانزم په جوړولو سره به د دواړو  هیوادونو د وګړو لپاره د ویزې اخیستلو اسانتیاوې رامنځته شي.

۱۵ـــ موافقه وشوه چې دواړه هیوادونه به د اګست میاشتې په پای کې په امتحاني توګه د مسافر لېږد سورلۍ بسونو خدمات پیلوي. په لومړي سر کې به ۲ عدده مجهز او عصري بسونو څخه استفاده کیږي چې پنځلس ورځې وروسته به له دواړه لوري دا شمېر پنځه بسونو ته لوړوي. د یوې میاشت په تېرېدو به دواړه لوري د خدماتو دقیقه ارزونه وکړي تر څو د یادې چارې د ترسره کولو لپاره د بسونو شمېر مشخص کړي.

د یادونې وړ ده چې په دې خبرو اترو کې له دواړو لورو د اړوندو ادارو باصلاحیته استازو ګډون درلود.

ذبیح الله مجاهد د اسلامي امارت ویندوی

۲۱/۱۲/۱۴۴۳هـ ق

۱۴۰۱/۴/۲۹  2022/7/20 م

Statement from the Ministry in Pashto:

Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid — Declaration on Trade Relations Between Afghanistan and Pakistan (Pashto)

Statement from the Ministry in Dari:

Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid — Declaration on Trade Relations Between Afghanistan and Pakistan (Dari)


To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New issue of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan magazine: “al-Ṣamūd Magazine #197″

For prior issues in this magazine see: #196, #195#194#193#192#191#190#189#188#187#186#185#184#183#182#181#180#179#178,  #177#176#175#174#173#172#171#170#169#168#167#166#165#164#163#162#161#160#159#158#157#156#155#154#153#152#151#150#149#148#147#146#145#144#143#142#141#140#139#138#137#136#135#134#133#132#131#130#129#128#127#126#125#124#123#122#121,#120#119,#118,#117,#116,#115,#114#113#112#111#110#109#108#107#106#105#104#103,#102,#101,#100,#99#98#97#96,#95#94#93#92,#91#90#89#88#87#86#85#84#83#82#81#80#79#78#77#76#75#74#73#72#71#70#69#68#67#66#65#64#63#62#61#60#59#58#57#56#53, and #51.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — al-Ṣamūd Magazine #197


To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlāwī Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “Congratulatory Message On the Arrival of ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā”

– First of all, I would like to convey my heartfelt congratulations to all Muslims, countrymen, families of martyrs, widows and orphans on the arrival of Eid-ul-Adha. May Allah the almighty accept our sacrifices, pilgrimages, prayers and good deeds. 

Dear Compatriots!

By the grace of Allah, we celebrate this Eid-ul-Adha in such a way that our country has been completely freed, Islamic government has been established and the entire nation is living in peace and brotherhood.

This victory is not only belonging to the Islamic Emirate and the Mujhideen, rather it belongs to the entire Afghan nation that during the past 20-year of Jihad, they suffered all kinds of hardships till our country was freed of invasion.

– The Islamic Emirate pays close attention to the establishment of an Islamic government in Afghanistan, ensuring peace and security and the development of the country.

– By the grace of Allah, after a long delay, this year many of our compatriots have gone to the Mecca, May Allah, accept their prayers and bring them home safely. We hope that the pilgrims will remember us in their prayers, and also pray for the progress of the country and the well-being and happiness of the people.

– We assure our neighbors, the region and the world that we will not allow anyone to use our territory to threaten the security of other countries. We also want other countries not to interfere in our internal affairs.

– Within the framework of mutual interaction and commitment, we want good, diplomatic, economic and political relations with the world, including the United States, and we consider this in the interest of all sides.

– Afghanistan is the common home of all Afghans, we must all take part in the reconstruction of the country, we must consider this as our national duty, I call on all directions that we do not want enmity with anyone, our arms are open to our countrymen. Our friendship and enmity are based on the principles of Islam.

– As Afghans are returning from abroad to their homeland, I instruct the liaison commission to fulfill all the promises made to them and ensure their safety and security.

– I call on those who are trying to oppose the Islamic system and continue conspiracy inside and outside of the country, to learn from the past, such actions are not in the favor of anyone. It is better to stop such evil deeds and return to a comfortable life under the shadow of the Islamic rule.

– The Islamic Emirate is aware of all the problems that our people are facing. Strengthening the economy, rebuilding the country and removing the remaining problems is a shared responsibility of us and our nation. Let’s work together in all legitimate matters, support each other and rebuild and prosper this country.

I am confident that our people will continue to support the Islamic system and I appreciate the clerics, tribal elders and community leaders who declared their support from the Islamic Emirate and made proposals and recommendations for the benefit of the people in a huge gathering held in Kabul recently.

I call on the clerics and elders to work with the Islamic Emirate for the continuation and stability of peace, security and prosperity.

– The Islamic Emirate pays attention to education, with special emphasize on religious as well as modern studies for children, the Islamic Emirate understands its importance and will work hard for its further enhancement.

– The Islamic Emirate has a Hearing Complaints Authority under the Ministry of Vice and Virtue. Citizens can contact the Hearing Complaints Authority and register their grievances in case of any injustice.

I instruct the hearing complaints staff to be very serious in listening to the complaints of the people, follow up on every complaint well and address it on time and properly, if further action is required they can ask cooperation from the supreme and or military courts.

– It is also the duty of the Islamic Emirate to provide as much health care as possible to the people. Pay more attention to the issue of health, make more efforts to expand health care services across the country through liaising with domestic and international organizations.

– Religious scholars and clerics in coordination with the ministry of vice and virtue, ministry of education and ministry of higher education should pay more attention to raise awareness and understanding of people in religious issues and correct their deeds. Every nation and country can enjoy honor and true peace and prosperity when there is no rebellion against Allah, thus, the task of reforming the people and informing them about the religion has been entrusted to the scholars and clerics, they should still fulfill their responsibilities in this regard, try to reform and enlighten the minds of the people in mosques, gatherings, media and programs and become a mean of good guidance for them.

– The Islamic Emirate is committed to upholding all the rights of its citizens, as Islam commands us to grant and protect the rights of all people, and within the framework of the Sharia law, the rights of women will be ensured.

The Islamic Emirate is committed to freedom of expression in the light of Islamic principles and Sharia as well as country’s national interests, journalist keeping in mind the above and the principles of journalism, can continue their work.

– All talented and professional people with clean background, including, doctors, engineers and all educated cadres who can serve the people, as well as national traders and investors should know that our country is in dire need of their talents, guidance and work. The Islamic Emirate values ​​them, and we will all work together to rebuild our country.

– All security forces of the Islamic Emirate should pay special attention to their daily actions, sincerity and good intentions in service, obedience to their officials and good behavior towards the people, avoid arrogance and conceit and have better harmony among yourselves.

Protection and maintenance of the treasury demands the most attention from all of us, especially weapons, military vehicles, ammunition, government buildings, national property and all things related to the treasury, are the trust of this nation, no one has the right to waste it, spoil it and dispose it.

– Many Afghans were affected by the recent earthquake in some parts of the country, their family members were martyred and injured, May Allah forgive the martyrs and give their family members patience and reward.

This incident was miserable for us and all the countrymen, we all share in their grief and I have given the responsibility to the officials in time to reach to the concerned provinces and provide all possible assistance to the people. I am confident that the officials have done their job transparently and efficiently.

– The Islamic Emirate pays special attention to the needs of the families of the poor, orphans and the disabled and other needy people in the country. The Ministries of Martyrs and Disabled, and Refugees and the Red Crescent Society have been instructed to do everything possible to help the poor, as well as the families of orphans and widows and other needy citizens. It is also the responsibility of the traders and businessmen to pay more attention to their poor countrymen and help them in such difficult economic situation, more specifically during Eid days.

At the end, I would like to once again congratulate all the countrymen on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha and hope that the countrymen will pass the Eid days in a secure and happy atmosphere.

Shaikh-ul Hadith Mawlavi Hibatullah Akhundzadah, The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate

Lunar Year: 1443/12/7

Solar Year: 1401/4/15

Gregorian: July, 6, 2022


New issue of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan magazine: “al-Ṣamūd Magazine #196″

For prior issues in this magazine see: #195, #194#193#192#191#190#189#188#187#186#185#184#183#182#181#180#179#178,  #177#176#175#174#173#172#171#170#169#168#167#166#165#164#163#162#161#160#159#158#157#156#155#154#153#152#151#150#149#148#147#146#145#144#143#142#141#140#139#138#137#136#135#134#133#132#131#130#129#128#127#126#125#124#123#122#121,#120#119,#118,#117,#116,#115,#114#113#112#111#110#109#108#107#106#105#104#103,#102,#101,#100,#99#98#97#96,#95#94#93#92,#91#90#89#88#87#86#85#84#83#82#81#80#79#78#77#76#75#74#73#72#71#70#69#68#67#66#65#64#63#62#61#60#59#58#57#56#53, and #51.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — al-Ṣamūd Magazine #196


To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlāwī Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “On the Arrival of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr”

To Muslim and Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan and all Muslims around the world!

1- I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you on the arrival of Eid-ul-Fitr. May Allah the Almighty accept all our fasting, prayers, charities and good deeds.

I am immensely grateful to Almighty Allah that we are celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr this year at a time while our country is completely free of foreign invasion. After 43-year, the long lasting and devastating war has finally ended and now under the shade of Islamic rule, the ground has been prepared for a peaceful and prosperous life in Afghanistan.

2-Dear compatriots!

The Jihad, sacrifice, and efforts of all Mujahedeen of the Islamic Emirate and those who strive for achieving the freedom and independence of the country is commendable and I pray to Allah to reward each individual in this world and in the hereafter.

May Allah the Almighty, accept the sacrifices, martyrdoms and Jihad of our Mujahedeen in the last two decades, may Allah reward the disabled, refugees, wounded and the prisoners and empower us to look after the widows and orphans.

3-Since Afghanistan is no more under foreign invasion, therefore, it is time for all Afghans to come together and work for the development, prosperity and welfare of their country.

Security is the prime condition for development and prosperity, and fortunately, the IEA forces have ensured security with immense sacrifices; now, it is duty of all Afghans to work hard and rebuild their country and serve poor and needy people with integrity and courage.

4-Dear compatriots!

Islamic Emirate has granted a general amnesty to all of its oppositions and has implemented it in practice. On the basis of this amnesty, I once again invite all Afghans to come to their country and live peacefully. This country is no longer capable of carrying out any conspiracy. However, if anyone disobey the amnesty and try to start a war in the country, then they will face a harsh and severe reaction and the nation will allow none to disturb peace and security of the country through foreign encouragement.

5- I invite all Afghans who have left the country to return to Afghanistan. This country is our common home where every Afghan has the right to live in peace and harmony. No one is seeking to continue enmity with you nor do they want to see any Afghan harassed. All returnees have been embraced with dignity and are living peacefully in their home, therefore, you should also return to your homeland and leave behind the life of forced migration in other countries.

6- The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attaches great importance to reconstruction of the country for which it has assigned a competent economic committee to utilize all existing capacities toward the development of the country. Also, the national traders, financiers and industrialists are empowered to play their role in Afghanistan’s reconstruction. The Islamic Emirate will stand behind and strongly support all construction projects and efforts.

I invite domestic and foreigner investors to invest in Afghanistan; the Islamic Emirate will cooperate with you and will provide all necessary means and facilities.

7- The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants positive relations with the countries of the region and the world.

We allow none to pose a threat to other countries from Afghanistan and we also want other countries to engage with us on mutual respect.

There is a binding Doha agreement between the Islamic Emirate and the United States in line with which the US shall not interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs. We continue to emphasize full implementation of the Doha agreement and to move forward in the spirit of cooperation instead of pressure. The Islamic Emirate has implemented its commitments and will continue to do so.

8- Undoubtedly, the world has transformed into a small village, the interactions between the countries are interrelated, Afghanistan has its role in world peace and security, according to this need, the world should recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan so that we may address our problems formally and within diplomatic norms and principles.

9- We call on our neighboring and other respective countries to treat Afghan refugees in line with international practices and standards, give them time and permission to return to their homeland voluntarily and with dignity. Violation of human rights is not in the interest of anyone, rather it causes constant hatred and animosity between the nations.

I also call on the UN and international institutions to provide opportunities for Afghans to return back to their homeland.

10- Promotion of good deeds and prevention of evil is the prime duty of any Islamic system, however, the relevant authorities should invite people towards Shariah with wisdom and avoid extremism in this regard.

The nation should also cooperate with relevant authorities in practicing good deeds and preventing evil, this way, we can jointly clean our country from the rebellion and sin and fulfill our Islamic responsibility.

11- Cultivation of poppy and all types of narcotics is strictly prohibited in Afghanistan, Afghans should respect and obey the decree, continuation of such act threatens the lives of millions of our countrymen.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan seeks to address the problems of farmers and the countrymen in general by providing alternative livelihoods, cultivation and other means. We also call on the international community to assist the Afghan people, particularly farmers, to find alternative livelihoods and cultivation, and we urged them to understand importance of this matter and take practical steps towards assisting the Islamic Emirate and the people of Afghanistan.

12- We respect and are committed to all the sharia rights of men and women in Afghanistan, no one should worry about it and do not use this humanitarian and emotional issue as a tool for political ends. Compared to the last 20 years, Afghans now enjoy more of their rights, such as life, security and dignity, which cannot be ignored.

13- The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is working to strengthen education and learning, opening new schools and madrassas in many central and remote areas of the country for religious and modern education, and providing a safe environment for education. It has provided timely salaries to teachers and lecturers and provided curriculum to them.

IEA is committed to take further steps in this regard, as education is the key to rescue our compatriots and pave the way towards country’s development and prosperity.

14- The Islamic Emirate is also committed to freedom of speech in the light of national interests and Islamic values ​​and supports healthy and positive broadcasts. Our broadcasting outlets, both governmental and private, must take into consideration interests of our people and broadcast constructive programs in line with our Islamic beliefs and legitimate customs.

15- As different sectors of Afghanistan have been affected by the long lasting war, our health sector has also been severely affected. We call on the international health organizations and aid institutions to help the people of Afghanistan in this regard. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will provide all necessary means to improve the capacity of health sector in the country.

16- In the past few months, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been able to lay the foundations of a strong Islamic and national army for the defense of the country, as well as an effective police force for social security and a strong intelligence organization to protect national interests. We built this on our own, our forces have very high moral and purpose that will strongly defend the country and will not allow anyone to harm Afghanistan’s soil, security and interests.

17- All officials, Mujahedeen, and employees of the Islamic Emirate are instructed to treat the people kindly and gently and do not misbehave with Afghans.

Also be very careful with the treasury, the treasury is a trust, which is given at your disposal, no one has the right to misappropriate, waste, betray and personalize it, if anyone is careless with the treasury, he will be treated harshly by the Islamic Emirate and Allah Almighty will deal with him severely.

I urge all the rich and wealthy people of the country not to neglect their poor and needy fellow citizens during these auspicious days, rather to help them and lend them a helping hand.

To conclude, I once again wish you all a happy and joyful Eid-ul-Fitr, may Allah the Almighty grant our country lasting peace, security and prosperity.

Amir-ul-Mumineen Sheikh-ul-Hadith Hibatullah Akhundzadah, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

۲۸/۹/۱۴۴۳هـ ق

۹/۲/۱۴۰۱هـ ش ــ 2022/4/29م


New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Regarding the 7th and 8th of Saur”

44 years ago, on this day in 1357 Hijri Lunar, the Communists staged a coup in Afghanistan, that led to many tragedies, misfortunes and calamities in the country.

Some sycophant figures committed all kinds of crimes against the Afghan Muslim and Mujahid nation’s beliefs, sanctities and Islamic values ​​by imposing infidel ideology in support of the then Soviet Union.

But, thank Allah almighty, our Muslim and Mujahid nation stood up against the communist ideology and its agents and this jihadi struggle, accompanied by unprecedented sacrifices, lasted for 14 years.

The Muslim and Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan also suffered heavy losses in this fierce struggle. Nearly one and a half million Afghans were martyred and millions more suffered various hardships.

And ultimately, after 14 years of struggle communism was defeated and the Afghan Mujahideen-loving nation was able to overthrow the last communist regime and liberate the country completely.

The 8th of Sahar is the day of victory, freedom and salvation of the Afghan nation, which resulted in the sacrifices of the Afghan Mujahid Nation and saved our nation and country from the scourge of Communism.

The Islamic Emirate, while condemning the 7th coup and the Dark Ages, celebrates the 8th day of Saur and calls it the day of independence of the country.

Now that for the third time in the last 100 years our country has just been liberated from American occupation, the Islamic system has been established. Therefore, the Islamic Emirate will do its utmost to ensure that the fruits of decades of sacrifices and struggles of this nation are not wasted and the Islamic system of the aspirations of the martyrs is fully implemented in the country and the aspirations of the Afghan Mujahid Nation are fulfilled.

The Islamic Emirate will strive to uphold the aspirations of the Afghan people for all the jihads as required and to pave the way for the prosperity and development of Afghanistan under the shadow of the Islamic system.

As Afghans still have a strong sense of independence and a strong commitment to protect their religion and country, we hope that in the future the invading countries will learn more and do not take the path of enmity and hatred with our country and nation.

We do not intend to encroach on the territory of any other country and we expect to live in peace and mutual respect with other countries.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

28/09/1443 Hijri Lunar

07/02/1401 Hijri Solar                   28/04/2022 Gregorian


New issue of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan magazine: “al-Ṣamūd Magazine #195″

For prior issues in this magazine see: #194, #193#192#191#190#189#188#187#186#185#184#183#182#181#180#179#178,  #177#176#175#174#173#172#171#170#169#168#167#166#165#164#163#162#161#160#159#158#157#156#155#154#153#152#151#150#149#148#147#146#145#144#143#142#141#140#139#138#137#136#135#134#133#132#131#130#129#128#127#126#125#124#123#122#121,#120#119,#118,#117,#116,#115,#114#113#112#111#110#109#108#107#106#105#104#103,#102,#101,#100,#99#98#97#96,#95#94#93#92,#91#90#89#88#87#86#85#84#83#82#81#80#79#78#77#76#75#74#73#72#71#70#69#68#67#66#65#64#63#62#61#60#59#58#57#56#53, and #51.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — al-Ṣamūd Magazine #195


To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]