Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: “Sharī’ah Lecture – ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā"

al-Bayyān Media Foundation presents a new article from Anṣār al-Sharī'ah in Egypt's Muḥammad Karm 'Alī: "The Flags of Guidance in the Time of Strife: ‘Ulamā' in the Face of Jāhilīyyah: The First Segment: The Shaykh Dr. Sayyīd 'Abd Allah 'Alī Ḥussayn al-Tīdī"

Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād presents a new article from Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al-Maqdisī: "Uncovering the Ornaments of Gold and Slander in the Fatwā of the ‘Ulamā' of the Sulṭān"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al-Maqdisī — “Uncovering the Ornaments of Gold and Slander in the Fatwā of the ‘Ulamā’ of the Sulṭān”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

Two new statements from Jabhat al-Nuṣrah

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Jabhat al-Nuṣrah — Detonating Two Cars of the Shabīḥah in Rural Ḥamāh
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Jabhat al-Nuṣrah — Raid Against Brigade 38 in the Village of Ṣaydā in the Governorate of Dara’ā

To inquire about a translation for these statements for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Muslim Youth Center: "Swift and Appropriate Action Demanded to Deal with Abū Manṣūr al-Amrīkī"

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Mombasa (29/03/2013) – MYC in Kenya, Tanzania and Somalia together with the majority of Mujahideen in Kenya have taken the prudent step to offer counsel to our committed and sincere Muhaajireen brothers to request from our beloved Amir Sheikh Abu Zubeyr that Al-Shabaab immediately considers swift and appropriate action against Abu Mansoor Al-Amriki for his persistence in fomenting dissent both within the ranks of Mujahideen in Somalia and with Al-Shabaab followers outside Somalia.
For over a year, Abu Mansoor has continued to use his self-propelled “popularity” to engineer confusion and attempt to discredit senior Al-Shabaab leaders. More recently and sinister, Abu Mansoor has being trying without success to sow discord among our brothers in Al-Qaeda. It is now time that Abu Mansoor’s megalomania is dealt with swiftly and appropriately. His public display of petulance and obvious disregard for the global vision of Jihad must be addressed decisively.
Like any Mujahideen, Abu Mansoor is entitled to raise legitimate concerns as a Muhaajireen within Al-Shabaab or with like-minded Mujahideen organizations like Al Qaeda. His communication to our beloved Amir Sheikh Abu Baseer in AQAP was initially seen as a dignified and honest way to seek redress to his “greviances”. But in true Abu Mansoor fashion he refused to accept the wise counsel of the Amir in AQAP.  Irritated and unable to accept the truth from Yemen, Abu Mansoor has endlessly resorted to both private and public criticism of our brothers in AQAP.
Recently, in Kenya, Abu Mansoor has been using social media to spread false reports about the situation of the Mujahideen from Kenya in Somalia. He erroneously claims East Africans are living in fear under Al-Shabaab and many senior Kenyan Mujahideen have fled Somalia to unilaterally start Jihad in East Africa. Nothing can be further from the truth: MYC and many other East Africans remain committed to Jihad, inside Somalia and beyond with the support and guidance of Al-Shabaab and AQEA. Attempts by Abu Mansoor to poison the minds of our cubs and lions will not be tolerated by MYC and should not be allowed by our brothers in Al-Shabaab and Al Qaeda.
With the grace of Allah, the Mujahideen are moving forward with their objective and vision of liberating Somalia from under the occupation of the Kuffar. Only recent did the brave Mujahideen of Al-Shabaab militarily dislodge Ethiopian troops from Hudur. It was of great surprise and regrettable to read on Twitter that Abu Mansoor was seeking to claim credit for this great victory claiming to have sent our beloved Sheikh Robow. Surely, such a misrepresentation by Abu Mansoor warrants decisive action.
While sad and unfortunate, the era of Abu Mansoor as an inspirer and inciter for those seeking to embrace Jihad is over, and Al-Shabaab must now put an end to Abu Mansoor’s public stunts.
We ask that Allah continue to give Amir Abu Zubeyr and our beloved Mujahideen in AQAP wisdom and patience.
Press Office

‘Umar Studio presents a new statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: "A Special Joint Operation by the Pakistani and Afghan Ṭālibān against NATO Forces and the Afghan Army and Police"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan – Statement No. 7
A Special Joint Operation by the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban against NATO Forces and the Afghan Army and Police

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, and may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his companions and his allies. Thereafter:
On March 5, 2013, the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban engaged in a special joint operation in the Giyan district in Paktia province in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan by attacking the joint military base for the NATO forces and the Afghan army and police.
The raid began when one of the sacrificing, martyrdom-seeking Afghan Mujahideen engaged in a martyrdom operation with a truck bomb on the military base.
Afterwards, more than 200 Mujahideen from the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan attacked all the checkpoints and military posts surrounding the military base.
When the Mujahideen from the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan attacked the military base, it had more than 200 soldiers from NATO and the Afghan army and police inside.
By the grace of Allah, the Mujahideen from the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan successfully liberated all the checkpoints and military posts located at the military base.
In the operation, the Mujahideen obtained 2 LMGs, 2 RPGs, and 5 assault rifles.
The Afghan government broadcast admitted when it published the news of the operation that the attack killed 20 infidel and apostate soldiers. In reality, the losses were much greater than the number that was mentioned.
The Mujahideen captured three soldiers from the Afghan forces in this operation, and when the Mujahideen were returning, they killed them along the way and took their heads with them.
In this military operation, there were no human or financial losses for the Mujahideen. Only the Mujahid who engaged in a martyrdom operation with a truck bomb was martyred in this operation, and the praise and thanks belong to Allah.
Allah is the Greatest

{But honour belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not.}

The Official Foundation for Production and Distribution
Umar Media
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan

Tuesday 14 Jumada al-Awwal, 1434
Source: (Echo of Jihad Center for Media)
The Global Islamic Media Front

Observing Mujahideen News and Inspiring the Believers

al-Andalus Media presents a new statement from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib: "To the People of France in General and the Families of the French Hostages in Particular"

UPDATE 3/30/13 11:59 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib — “To the People of France in General and the Families of the French Hostages in Particular” (En)

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib — “To the People of France in General and the Families of the French Hostages in Particular”