New statement from Mā’sadat al-Mujāhidīn: "Arson Attack On A Chemical Factory (in Israel)"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين والعاقبة للمتقين ولا عدوان إلا على الظالمين، والصلاة والسلام على إمام المجاهدين نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد :

يقول الله تعالى: {يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ}.

بحمد الله وتوفيقه تمكن بعض إخوانكم في أسود مأسدة المجاهدين مساء يوم الخميس 28 ذو الحجة 1432هـ من اشعال النار في مصنع ومخازن التيك الإستراتيجي للمواد الكمياوية والغازات السامة التي يستخدموها أعدائنا في حربهم على الإسلام والمسلمين في أرضنا المحتلة.
وقد أوقع هذا الحريق خسائر ضخمة في الموارد المادية والبشرية، وها نحن نسبق عدونا في نشر الخبر حتى لا يتكتم عن العملية كعادته في حجب خسائره وإخفائها أحيناً.

وتأتي هذه الغزوة المباركة ضمن سلسلة الغزوات التي أعلنا عنها وبدأناها في السابق والتي ستهدم بإذن الله صروح الإحتلال اليهودي البغيض، حتى يعود اليهود من حيث أتو فلا مكان لهم بيننا.

فبارك الله في جنود الرحمن وأسود التوحيد، سدد الله رميهم وثبت أقدامهم وتقبل منهم جهادهم وأعمالهم الصالحة، فقد أفرحوا الصديق وأغاظوا العدا.

ونقول لليهود وعملائهم إن هذا لكم خزي في الحياة الدنيا، ولكم في الآخرة عذاب عظيم، فأبشروا بما يسوؤكم فإن لكم عندنا مزيد المزيد، فاصنعوا ما شئتم فلن ينفعكم مكركم ولن تنفعكم خططكم فالله مولانا ولا مولى لكم، فإما أن نحيى تحت حكم الله وإما أن نستظل في ظل الله.

والله أكبر الله أكبر .. ولله العزة ولرسوله وللمجاهدين.
وَاللّهُ غَالِبٌ عَلَى أَمْرِهِ وَلَكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ
مأسدة المجاهدين في فلسطين الخميس 28 ذو الحجة 1432هـ الموافق 24 نوفمبر2011مالمصدر: مؤسسة رياح الإعلامية


English translation of interview: “With The General Mujāhidīn Official In Nūristān, Shaykh Dost Muḥammad” from Issue #61 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣamūd Magazine

NOTE: To view issue number sixty-one of the Ṭālibān’s magazine al-Ṣamūd see here.

The General Official of the Mujahideen in Nuristan Province is Sheikh Dost Muhammad, son of al-Hajj Safar Muhammad, and one of the sons of Nuristan in east Afghanistan. He conducted his elementary studies in this region, then traveled to continue his Shari’ah studies in Pakistan. After graduating, he became occupied
with teaching in a number of schools and has long experience in the fields of tafseer, Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. He has authored a number of books on Jihad and other Shari’ah matters, and is renowned as a professor on both sides of the border. The Sheikh has dedicated a large part of his life to Jihad and educating the Mujahideen in addition to teaching and writing. He has lived the life of the Mujahideen in the mountains, caves and forests, away from the pleasures of life. Although the Sheikh’s beard has whitened, his soul is still as strong as if he was in his twenties. Now the Sheikh continues to work in the general leadership of the Mujahideen in Nuristan province under the command of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Recently, al-Somood magazine met with him and conducted this interview, which we invite you to read.
Question: Your Excellency, to start we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to met you to learn the situation in Nuristan. We wish for you to give us a general overview of this province.
Answer: We praise Allah and we pray upon His kind messenger. Thereafter, we thank you also for bearing the hardship of coming here, and we ask Allah to reward you. To answer your question, Nuristan province is located in eastern Afghanistan and includes seven districts in addition to the center Parun. This province is divided into three main regions: eastern Nuristan, central Nuristan and western Nuristan. East Nuristan includes Barg-e-Matal and Kamdesh districts. Central Nuristan includes the Wanat and Wama districts as well as the province capital Parun. Western Nuristan includes three districts including Nur Karam, Dawab and Mandol. Nuristan province has a rocky, mountainous nature and the plains are few. Mountains, forests and rivers form the majority of the province’s landscape. Therefore the lands of this province are considered among the most suitable for Jihadist operations and guerrilla warfare. And so this province was among the most dangerous and damaging to the Russians during their occupation of this country and has now becomes one of the most dangerous for the Americans and their allies.
Question: What are the details of the situation in the various regions in this province, and which areas are under the control of the Mujahideen and which are under the control of the enemy? Are there bases for the invading foreign forces in the land of Nuristan?
Answer: Like in the rest of Afghanistan’s provinces, the Americans established their military bases in Nuristan. One of the strongest bases was in Nuristan in different areas of Kamdesh district. Through the grace of Allah and the sacrifices of the Mujahideen, the province of Nuristan has been cleansed of the presence of American forces and they now have no bases in all of Nuristan province with the exception of Nur Karam base in extreme western Nuristan adjacent to the village of Kalagush in Laghman province. They have no other presence in the rest of Nuristan. As for the districts of the province, the Mujahideen, through the grace of Allah, control three districts: Kamdesh, Mandol and Waygal are all under the complete control of the Mujahideen.
As for the districts of Wama and Barg-e-Matal, lackey forces are present in the district centers and cannot leave them because there are Mujahideen bases located no farther than 1 kilometer away. As for the center of Barun district, it is completed surrounded by the Mujahideen. The center is tantamount to a few square kilometers of land surrounded by a fence of security barracks. The rest of the district area and the roads leading to it are under the control of the Mujahideen. In general, American forces are only present in Noorgaram near Laghman province. The Lackey forces are besieged in the centers of Parun, Wama and Barg-e-Matal and supplies are delivered via air only. Allah Almighty willing, the Mujahideen will be successful through His aid to them, and they will conquer the remaining besieged centers and the lackey soldiers will surrender to the Mujahideen or they will flee on helicopters, Allah Almighty permitting.
Question: You spoke about the province center Parun. The lackey government has recently displayed great concern over it and said that the city is in danger of falling into the hands of the Mujahideen. Is there a plan for a comprehensive assault on it?
Answer: Yes,. The Mujahideen in Nuristan have reached the final stages of the plan drawn up to cleanse the center of the enemy, as they did in Kamdesh and Wanat. This year we intend to focus our operations upon the province center. If Allah Almighty grants it to us to conquer the province center, this will mean that Nuristan has been liberated in its entirety, Allah willing, because the rest of the province has already been conquered by the Mujahideen. In the remaining area where the enemy is present, this presence is weak and incapable of mounting resistance. All roads leading to the center have been closed and are under the control of the Mujahideen. The Mujahideen have attacked some of the enemy’s defensive positions as a prelude to the final assault, Allah Almighty willing. They have conquered three of these points and have also shot down a helicopter bringing supplies to the province from Kabul. But the final assault has not yet begun.
Question: If Allah wills success for the operation to liberate the province, what will your future plans be?
Answer: As we mentioned to you previously, some enemy forces remain, even if only in a token fashion, in the Barg-e-Matal and Wama districts, which have been under siege by the Mujahideen for a long time. We will seek to purify these districts also of their presence. With that, the presence of the enemy will be limited to the Nur Karam districts in west Nuristan only. As for the rest of the Nuristan, it will be purified of the ungodliness of the enemy entirely, Allah willing.
Question: The past years in Nuristan have witnessed, through the grace of Allah, great achievements for the Mujahideen. More than once, they liberated the Barg-e-Matal district, and they destroyed 5 strong American bases in Kamdesh. Lastly, they completely liberated Wanat Waygal district. So, what do you see as the secret of the Mujahideen’s victories?
Answer: We believe that our victories are derived entirely from the grace of Allah and the special mercy that he has granted to our unarmed Mujahideen to destroy the strongest American bases in the area. After that, we do not forget sacrifices of the Mujahideen and the general populace, because the people of Nuristan stand loyally and entirely by the side of the Mujahideen, and cooperate with them in carrying out the duty of fighting. Eliminating the enemy from this region is the best proof of the cooperation of the people with the Mujahideen. And now, throughout the entire province, there is no one who opposes the Mujahideen except some puppets in the province center. This because all of those who had allied themselves with the enemy has run away to Jalalabad or to the capital Kabul. The rest of the people are standing alongside the Mujahideen and praise Allah for that.
Question: Nuristan province is a mountainous, rocky region, and far removed from media coverage. Any time a battle takes place, the enemy claims they have inflicted big losses on the Mujahideen. It is hard to confirm some of these claims. So, are the losses of the Mujahideen indeed as the enemy claims?
Answer: Making such claims is the enemy’s last ditch effort to raise the morale of their defeated soldiers. The truth is that the Mujahideen’s losses are very few because the Mujahideen have now understood through their experiences of the past few years how to deal with enemy air raids and have to come to know ways of preventing them. Additionally, the terrain of Nuristan are mostly mountainous in nature and covered with vast forests, so the air raids do not have much of an impact. So if the enemy’s air raids have lost their impact due to natural factors and the enemy’s forces on the ground have become minimal or non-existent, then how could the Mujahideen face bog losses? Throughout recent years we haven’t witnessed any big blows inflicted on the Mujahideen. As for the enemy’s attacks on villages and homes, this has happened numerous times and many among the general public have been killed.
Question: You mentioned the enemy’s attacks on villages and homes and perpetrating massacres against civilians. Would you please give us some examples?
Answer: Years ago, American forces raided the village of Batikhel in Kamdesh district and killed 20 civilians, most of whom were women and children. Also, American aircraft bombed a passenger bus in Kordish village in the same district, killing 8 civilians. Additionally, they bombed a village in Barg-e-Matal killing 40 civilians, and killed more 30 civilians in an attack on a village in Dawab district. The story of heinous crimes committed by the

English translation of article by Abū Aḥmad: “The Oddities Of The Karzai Parliament!” from Issue #60 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣamūd Magazine

NOTE: To view issue number sixty of the Ṭālibān’s magazine al-Ṣamūd see here. For other translations from issue sixty see here.

On 14 June 2011, Hama Sultani, the representative for Ghazni province in Karzai’s Council of Deputies, claimed that she had been for some time hosting in her home the leader of the Islamic Emirate along with 12 top military commanders from the Islamic Emirate and that she had requested from this leader a resolution of the Afghan crisis through the conduct of peaceful negotiations with the administration of Hamed Karzai. She claimed that this leader agreed with her peaceful
ideas and he is now awaiting a response from the Karzai government and, for that purpose, is now staying at her house. Anyone who doubts her story can go to her house and see with his own eyes the leader of the Islamic Emirate.
Hama al-Sultani made these statements before the Council of Deputies and a large gathering of correspondents, news agencies and journalists and stated that she 12 times had gone to the Republican Palace with a letter from the Emirate’s leader to Hamed Karzai to conduct peace talks with him but Karzai didn’t want to do that and didn’t believe her statements. Hama Sultani’s comments created a great uproar in the media and on the local satellite networks who conducted multiple interviews with her on this issue. She insists that she is playing host to the Ameer ul-Momineen and twelve of his top ranking military commanders in her home.
The impact of these fantastical comments reached the point where the Islamic Emirate was forced to issue a statement to expose this laughable rumor as a lie. But the perpetrator of these claims is adamant in sticking to her comments and refutes the Islamic Emirate statement on the matter.
When asked by a journalist about the nature of her relationship with the leader of the movement, Hama replied that she became acquainted with him through Abdul Baseer, who is also a parliament deputy from Kunduz province. She claims that the above-mentioned individual was one of the leaders of the Taliban during the movement’s rule in Afghanistan and that later a strong acquaintance developed between them to the point that he came to her house and is now living with her in her house in the capital.
Hama Sultani, who is a Shia woman in her forties, kept the media busy for more than three weeks with her crazy statements and still insists that the Taliban leader is living with her with the purpose of conducting peace talks with the government of Hamed Karzai but that the Karzai government doesn’t want that.
What is even stranger than that is the other group of those deputies against whom was issued an order of expulsion from the Deputies’ chamber because of their fraud in the parliament elections of 2011 and who barricaded themselves in the parliament building, bringing in 140 persons as their armed supporters in rejecting the decision.
An armed group of deputies!!! Led by Zaher Qadeer and calling itself “Defenders of the Law” whose sessions threaten the head of the lackey government Karzai and address him in their media addresses as an agent of the Americans and violator of the law.
These are the stupid mentalities and fantastical ideas of the members of Karzai’s parliament which make small children laugh at their naiveté and idiocy. And these are the ones who regard themselves as running parliament’s affairs and constituting the legal representatives of the Muslim Afghan people.
The Americans are the ones who brought these crazy ideas to the parliament chamber through fraudulent elections on which the United Nations spent 120 million US dollars and 50,000 foreign soldiers were used to conduct them, and all local and global media instruments were used to publicize and promote, etc, etc…
Yes, the enemies impose such odious and frivolous people on Islamic peoples in order to purchase them at a cheap price and use them for the benefit of colonialism when and how they want, not only in Afghanistan but unfortunately throughout the Islamic world.
Translated From The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: Al-Somood Magazine Issue #60 (May-June 2011)

Nouakchott News presents an interview with Khālid Abū al ‘Abbās (Mukhtār bin Muḥammad Bilmukhtār) Amīr of the al-Mulathimīn Brigades from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib

The Global Islamic Media Front presents a new article: "Arm-Twisting the Facts: Statement #3 of the Political Prisoners in the Scorpion Prison (in Egypt)"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده صلى الله عليه وسلم الحمد لله رب العالمين , والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله محمد بن عبدالله وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم ثم أما بعد :

لا زال مدير مصلحة السجون اللواء محمد نجيب يمارس جنايته التي اعتاد أن يمارسها كل رموز العهد البائد في قلب الحقائق وتزيين الباطل والإصرار عليه حتى يخدع عامة الناس بزخرف القول ، وما زالت تصريحاته النارية تتصاعد عبر وسائل الإعلام كي يوهم الناس بصحة موقف مصلحته التي يترأسها مستخدماً عبارات فضفاضة قد دأب على استخدامها الطغاة من قبله ومن بعده وقد رصدنا البعض منها للدلالة على عقلية التعسف وعقيدة الظلم ومصادمة الآخر حتى وإن كان معه الحق ، ومن ذلك ما يأتي :

1- يدعي مدير المصلحة أنه ليس جهة الاختصاص في تلفيق القضايا ومحاكمة المتهمين وهو جهة منوط بها فقط تنفيذ القانون، ونحن نقول له إن المصلحة كانت طوال العهد السابق أداة تنفيذ أوامر أمن الدولة في سياساته القمعية والإذلالية التي كان يمارسها ضد معارضي مبارك.
لقد كانت المصلحة طرفا أساسيا في عمليات انتهاك الآدمية وقتل وسحق المساجين ومنع الطعام عنهم وتعذيبهم يومياً ومنع الدواء عنهم وتجريدهم من ملابسهم في الشتاء البارد، وكذلك منع الزيارة عنهم لمدة سبع سنوات مع استمرار حبسهم في زنازين انفرادية لا يرون فيها شمسا، بينما تدمر الأمراض أبدانهم، كل ذلك كان يقوم به رجال المصلحة الأشاوس بأوامر ضباط أمن الدولة مخالفين كل لوائح السجون والقوانين المحلية والدولية التي يتمسحون بها الآن.
ولو أردنا لأعددنا كشفا بالأسماء والتواريخ والتي ستؤدي إلى إدانة عدد كبير من ضباط المصلحة ورجالها الذين لا يزالون يعملون بها .

2- تخبط مدير المصلحة في ذكر الكيفية التي تم بها إدخال ما أسماه ممنوعات ومهربات من السجن؛ فتارة يقول إن المساجين قاموا بإدخالها عن طريق الزيارات العائلية ، فهل ممكن تهريب الملابس والأجهزة الكهربائية والدش داخل الطعام والبطيخ كما يدعي ؟ أم أنها دخلت تحت سمع وبصر ومباركة رجال المصلحة؟
وتارة يقول أنها أوضاع خاطئة قد فرضها النظام السابق من خلال جهاز مباحث أمن الدولة ، وكلها ادعاءات لا أساس لها من الصحة، فنحن نقول لمدير المصلحة أن جهاز أمن الدولة هو بالنهاية جهاز يتبع وزارة الداخلية والتي تتبعها أيضاً مصلحة السجون حيث قررت وزارة الداخلية منذ زمن طويل وضع نظم وسياسات في التعامل مع سجناء الرأي تختلف عن سياسات المجرمين والمسجلين خطر، فيا أيها اللواء أنت تتعامل مع سجناء رأي يحملون الشهادات العليا وأصحاب مراكز مرموقة وأصحاب فكر وقد وقفوا وقفة بطولية أمام طغيان الجيش في الوقت الذي قال فيه الكثير سمعاً وطاعة يا سيدي .
لم نرتكب الجرائم ولم نسرق أمتنا ولم نروع الآمنين، فكيف نتساوى في نظرك مع من قتل أباه وانتهك عرض جاره وسفك دم بريء وقطع الطريق ؟، ثم إن لائحتك نفسها تعطي الكثير من المزايا لحسني السير والسلوك والانضباط الخلقي فكلامك مردود عليك وحجتك داحضة، وإن شئت لقلت إنها سياسات قد أمليت عليك ولا تملك أن تدفعها، وإلا فأخبرني إن كنت صادقاً كيف تطبق اللوائح على منتجع طرة وقاتليه من النظام الفاسد البائد.

3- يقول رئيس المصلحة إنه قد أمر قادة حملة التفتيش بضبط النفس وحسن المعاملة ، وقد التزم هؤلاء بالفعل بالتعليمات الصريحة الصادرة لهم ، فها هو أحدهم يقتحم أحد الزنازين بينما يقضي المسجون حاجته ، وها هو الآخر قد دفع مسجوناً فقد عينه وبلغ الستين من عمره فكاد يقع على الأرض ، وأما الثالث فطرح المصحف على الأرض وطرح فوقه حذاءه بعدما اقتحم المسجد بالحذاء نفسه، فضلاً عن رابع أخذ يتهدد ويتوعد بأنه سيرينا أياما أسود من أيام مبارك، وأما باقي الحملة فقد صادرت كل شيء حتى الأدوية والمصاحف والأغطية ولذلك فإننا نشهد أن الحملة كانت في منتهى الانضباط والرقي فلم تقتلنا وتكسر عظامنا كما فعلت غيرها من قبل .

4- وأخيرا كانت دعوى استعادة الأمن تبدأ من السجون الهادئة التي يعيش فيها أصحابها منتظرين فرج الله ورفع الظلم عنهم ، فأين استعادة الأمن من البلطجية الذين عاثوا في الأرض فسادا وأهلكوا الحرث والنسل؟ ، وأين هم من قطاع الطرق وتجار المخدرات التي أتلفت عقول شبابنا ودمرت مستقبلهم؟ ، أين هم من الفساد والرشوة والمحسوبية المتفشية في ربوع البلاد؟ فذلك لا يهمهم، المهم أن تطبق لائحة السجن الظالمة على سجناء مستضعفين قد وهن عظمهم واشتعل الشيب في رؤوسهم ودمرت الأمراض أبدانهم، سجناء لم تصدر منهم إساءة واحدة خلال أيام الثورة ، فكيف يُلزمهم الآن البعض بأن معهم سكاكين وأسلحة بيضاء يُعدونها لغرض ونوايا غير طبية, فاتقوا الله يا أولي الألباب واعلموا أنكم ملاقوه وسائلكم عن النقير والقطمير .

وفي النهاية حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل نعم المولى ونعم النصير وعنده تجتمع الخصوم وينتصر المظلوم.

الإمضاء : السجناء الإسلاميين في سجن العقرب

——————————– لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
إخوانكم في 

الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين


The Global Islamic Media Front presents a new article from Shaykh Ḥasan ‘Umar: “The Islamic Perspective on Current Events from the Thoughts of the Egyptian Revolution #3″

NOTE: For earlier articles in this series see: #2 and #1.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده صلى الله عليه وسلم وبعد :
قبل أن نقول أي كلمة في حق الشيخ محمد حسان أو غيره نذكر أننا نعتقد اعتقاد السلف الصالح، وأننا لا يوجد بيننا وبين الشيخ محمد حسان خصومة شخصية أو علاقة على أي مستوى، ولكننا نتابع بعضًا من أحاديثه الكثيرة ولا يختلف أحد معنا في أننا نمتلك حق النقد والتوجيه والتعليق ما دمنا منضبطين بضوابط الشرع الإسلامي من جهة وما دمنا نتكلم بدون تجريح لأحدٍ، ونرفض ابتداء مبدأ تقديس شخص بعينه حيث لا عصمة لأحدٍ بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، والحمد لله أننا لسنا من المتكلمين في الفضائيات حتى لا يظن أحد أننا نتنافس مع الشيخ حسان أو غيره ولكن نكتب هذه الكلمات البسيطة لننبه الأمة الإسلامية جميعًا على أهمية التفكير بالعقل وفق الضوابط الشرعية من خلال هذه الكلمات، وحتى لا نطيل في هذه المقدمة نقول بعون الله :

1- أن الشيخ/ محمد حسان تناقض بقوة في موقفه مع الحكومة المصرية بل الحكومات العربية قبل ثورة 25 يناير وبعد نجاحها فقبل النجاح، ذهب الشيخ حسان عام (2008م) ومعه بعض السلفيين إلى ( ليبيا ) في شهر رمضان لتوزيع جوائز تحفيظ القرآن الكريم تحت رعاية الأخت! ( عائشة القذافي ) التي تقف الآن في خندق الطاغوت الليبي لقتل الشعب الليبي وقبل هذا كان الشيخ حسان يعلم جيداً أن القذافي علماني ولايحكم بالشريعة الإسلامية وأنه ينكر السنة النبوية تماماً بل إنه إذا تكلم عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يقول عنه إلا كلمة (محمد) فقط دون أدنى توقير بل قال -قاتله الله- أن النبي ساعي بريد، وبالطبع كانت الرحلة إلى ليبيا مدفوعة الأجرة وتكاليف السفر والإقامة …… إلخ.

2- عندما حدثت مشكلة (كامليا شحاتة) التي كانت نصرانية وأسلمت برغبتها وقامت الكنسية بخطفها وقت ذهابها لإشهار إسلامها بل أعلن الأنبا بشوي -المرشح لخلافة شنودة-: أنها محبوسة في أحد الكنائس، بعدها خرج علينا حسان ليعلق تعليقًا أمنيًا على الحدث وليس تعليقاً دينياً حيث قال: “أن ما حدث يمثل اعتداءً على سلطة الدولة”؛ ثم طالب العقلاء من الطرفين بمنع الفتنة بين المسلمين والنصارى، ولم يذكر شيئًا عن الاعتداء على الدين الإسلامي فبدا كأنه رجل أمن وليس برجل دين، أو بتعبيرٍ أدق ينقل ما يريده رجال الأمن، فالمهم عنده هو سلطة الدولة وألا تمس بسوء.

3- لم يكن من عادة الشيخ/ حسان أبدًا مهاجمة الحكومة المصرية لا شرعاً ولا واقعاً ولا يتحدث عن كفر أو ظلم وقعت فيه، بل كان ينتقد أي عمليات تحدث ضد الأمريكان بحجة أنهم مستأمنون دخلوا البلاد بتصريحٍ من (ولي الأمر) إلى أن أغلقوا له قناة الرحمة فهنا ناشد المسؤلين بفتح قناة الرحمة، و أخذ يتوسل ويذكر أنه وقناته لا يتحدثون في السياسة وليس لهم علاقة بأي احتقان طائفي وأنهم لا ذنب لهم حتى تغلق قناة الرحمة، ولم نسمعه يذكر كلمة انتقاد واحدة حتى بذكر الظلم أو بذكر من منع الخير عن الناس!، وقال حسان: “نحن والأمن في خندق واحد” وكأنه يستعطفهم لفتح القناة مرة أخرى، و لكن نظراً لأن إغلاق القنوات كان بطلب من شنودة الذي هدد بإغلاقه القنوات التي تهاجم الكنيسة أثناء قضية إسلام (كامليا شحاتة) فكان من العسير وقتها قبول شفاعته سريعاً.

4- عندما حدثت أحداث التحرير ظل حسان صامتًا بعض الشيء وكأنه يترقب ما ستسفر عنه الأحداث ثم ظهر على قناة المحور – المعروفة بموالاتها للنظام السابق وكل اللقاءات التي تقدمها في هذا الاتجاه تخدم النظام الحاكم- وكان ظهوره مخزيًا لعدة أسباب:
أ‌- الحديث إلى قناة تدعم النظام دائمًا خاصة من قبل مذيعيها ( الأخ/ سيد! والأخت/ هناء! على حد تسمية حسان).
ب‌- كانت الأخت هناء بكامل زينتها وشعرها المكشوف وفتحة الصدر المناسبة والشيخ السلفي ينظر إليها دون حرج ولم يرفض مجالستها على هذه الهيئة أو حتى يطلب منها أن تلبس أي شيء ساتر لشعرها وصدرها فهل هذا يليق برجل دين واعظ يحمل لحية كثة ويعتبر قدوة للناس وهو من أبرز من يدعوا إلى الحجاب وإلى غض البصر عن النساء فكيف تساهل حسان بل تساهل وهو يعلم أن الملايين يشاهدون لقاءه!.
ج‌- قال حسان كلمات خبيثة في لقائه المذكور منها زعمه “أنه يعلم أن هناك (أصوليين) يقفون خلف المتظاهرين في التحرير ولهم أغراض خاصة” وهذا كلام خبيث كاذب و اتضح للجميع كذب ذلك ومن جهة أخرى فكلمة (أصوليين) لا يستخدمها المشايخ ولكن يستخدمها الأمن والعلمانيون وهذا يدل على أن حسان يردد كلام الأمن، ومن العجيب أن يتهم حسان الجماعات الإسلامية بأغراض خاصة وهو يعلم أن كل القضية في التحرير أو غيره من ساحات مصر هي إرادة دفع الظلم والقهر الذي كبت المصريين وعذبهم مدة عقود طويلة و هذا يبين أن حسان شكك في الثورة كما فعل النظام و إعلامه قبل سقوط النظام.
د‌- قال حسان أيضًا: “لقد سمى الرئيس الشباب بالشرفاء، فلا تلوثوا ما قمتم به.. لا للتخريب.. ولا للتحريق” وهذا كذب من محمد حسان لأن رجال الثورة لم يخربوا ولم يحرقوا بل كان شعارهم وفعلهم هو(سلمية سلمية) وإنما الذي قام بالتخريب والتحريق هم الشرطة والبلطجية الذين أطلقت الشرطة جزء منهم لإحداث بلبلة عامة تجعل الناس تلعن الثورة بمن فيها … إذاً حسان كأنه يوجه خطابا للشباب وكأنهم ارتكبوا جريمة وهو ينصحهم للرجوع عنها.
ه- لم يوجه حسان كلمة واحدة للشرطة التي قتلت الناس بالرصاص الحي وداستهم بالسيارات المصفحة، ونفس الحال لم يوجه حسان كلمة للبلطجية الذين استأجرهم رجال الحزب الوطني لضرب المتظاهرين بالتحرير وهذا يدل على أن حسان يقر بالمنكر و لا يحب أن يغضب النظام والأمن في شيء ويدل على أن حديثه كان متفقاً عليه أمنياً باعتبار أنه كان يوجه الخطاب للمتظاهرين بالتحرير وكأنه يحملهم أعمال القتل والتخريب ولم ينكر على الفاعل الحقيقي لذاته.
و- أثناء تقديم هذا اللقاء حدث قطع لعرض مشهد خارجي وهو لقاء منتقى بدقة مع حوالي ست أو سبع شخصيات من الشارع يتم سؤالهم عن رأيهم فيما يحدث وكلهم يجيبون بإجابة واحدة وهي: (كفاية مظاهرات نريد أن نعود لحياتنا فأنبوبة الغاز ب 45 جنيه والسلع ارتفعت أسعارها والحال يزداد سوء وحرام على من تسببوا في التضييق على الناس)، وكان هذا قبل تنحي مبارك مما يعني امكانية انهيار الثورة.
ز- عرض المذيعين (الأخ سيد والأخت هناء على حسان أن يخطب بالمتظاهرين) ومن الواضح جداً لكل عاقل أنه اقتراح أمني قدمه المذيع العبقري فجأة كأنه اكتشاف اللحظة، ومن الواضح جداً أنهم كانوا يريدون امتصاص الثورة بمثل هذه الشخصية التي لها قدرة واضحة على الخطابة ومخاطبة العواطف حتى يمكن أن يوجه المتظاهرين أو أكبر كمية منهم كما يريد خلال تصدره

English translation of article by 'Abd al-Ra'ūf Ḥikmat: “The Prison-Break: How To Turn Fantasy To Reality” from Issue #60 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣamūd Magazine

NOTE: To view issue number sixty of the Ṭālibān’s magazine al-Ṣamūd see here.

Kandahar Prison
Kandahar’s main prison is located west of the city in the Sarpoza area, north of Kandahar-Herat highway. It is largest government prison in south Afghanistan, with the capacity to hold thousands of prisoners. The prison comprises several sections surrounded by high and impenetrable walls.
This prison is fundamentally well-built, with high surveillance and watch towers set up at its four corners. It is also surrounded by a number of subterranean walls, further to its high [over ground] walls, to prevent tunnels being dug to the outside.
Despite its strong construction and tight security measures, this prison has become the scene of a wonderful story not only in Afghanistan around the globe. Over the past eight years, political prisoners have been able to escape from this prison only three times. The first time was in June 2003 when Mujahideen prisoners dug a tunnel from inside the prison to the outside, enabling all 45 of this ward’s prisoners to escape via the tunnel. Also in June 2008, the Islamic Emirate launched armed and martyrdom attacks on this prison that resulted in the death of all the prison’s guards and released close to 1,200 Mujahideen prisoners. After this incident, the Americans and Kandahar officials paid close attention to the maintenance and preservation of this prison; Canadian forces trained special policemen to guard the prison, watch towers were increased and monitoring cameras installed; the entire prison was encircled by a deep and wide trench. Despite all these measures, the Mujahideen were able, after long planning, for the third time to release 541 prisoners on 25 April 2011.
Pure Fantasy
One of the Mujahideen in Kandahar city, who by his connections gained full knowledge of the inside and outside of the prison, pondered whether it would be possible to dig a tunnel from the inside of a house on the other side of the street into the prison as a means of releasing the prisoners. This fantasy and vision seemed laughable at first even to its owner; he dared not share his opinion with others, but, after more time and continued thinking, he reached a conclusion. On one of these days, while he was riding a motorcycle with two of his comrades, he shared that view with them. They thought it was impossible and deemed it dangerous to attempt, but they placed their trust on Allah and shared their opinion with the Mujahideen high command in Kandahar and they revealed to their trusted comrades their decision to implement this plan regardless of danger.
Concrete Workshop
Six months ago these Mujahideen rented a house opposite the south corner of Kandahar prison. Initially they built a new room. Then they brought in all necessary equipment and machines to make concrete, hiring a number of workers who worked during the day. But in the afternoon, when the workers left, the Mujahideen stayed under the pretence of serving as guards. It was during that time that they proceeded to dig the tunnel from within the room they had just built.
Hard Work for Four Months
At first, four Mujahideen implemented this process: one of them was to hit with the pickaxe, digging the tunnel, while the other three were to move the soil. The tunnel was narrow and the soil could not be moved out by wheelbarrows, so some operation planners went to the market and bought a number of children bicycles, removing their small wheels and fixing barrows on them. They were able to prepare wheelbarrows that suited their task. Now they filled these barrows with soil, pulling them by a rope to the tunnel opening and collecting the soil there before moving it to the lorry. In the morning, when the dirt trucks headed to the city for its sale, the Mujahideen would bring in their soil-filled lorry and sell the dirt to get rid of it. For two months, four Mujahideen were working in the tunnel digging, then their number increased to eight Mujahideen and they were digging four meters every night. When their continued work reached 100m, they faced the issue of ventilation and lack of oxygen; nevertheless they carried on until cutting a distance of 150m. At this point it was terminally difficult to continue working, due to lack of oxygen, and the work carried on no further. In the beginning they tried a ground fan; it resolved the ventilation issue but it was winter and the cold weather caused headaches. Then they made an air-pumping machine, delivering air by a pipe from the outside to the inside of the tunnel. This was the best method to resolve the ventilation and lack of oxygen – the machine worked quietly by a charged battery. But they then realized the risk of their digging a tunnel under the road that carried the heavy enemy vehicles to the interior of the prison: There was a possibility of a tunnel collapse under intense vehicle pressure. The question was how deep was the tunnel to be dug to exclude that possibility. As an experiment, they parked a lorry atop the tunnel; it suffered no damage, assuring them that it would not suffer because of enemy vehicles. The tunnel was 2.5m deep between the house and the public road, but as a precaution they deepened it further. Four months passed and the tunnel went 220m, a well iron pipe surprised them before realizing it was not a prison pipe but a pipe to a village south of the prison. In fact, the tunnel diggers, having no map, deviated from the correct path to the right, crossing the road and reaching a village close to the prison. Here Mujahideen recognizer that the target could only be reached with the prison map and distance measuring tools.
One and a Half Months of Efficient Work
The tunnel diggers who lost their way and made an extra 120m now downloaded the prison map off the internet and by which were able to pinpoint the prison location. Using earth measurement tools they re-dug at the distance of 100m of the tunnel directly towards the prison. However, with the passing of the winter, night was shorter. Consequently they increased the number of Mujahideen labourers until they reached twenty-one. Furthermore, earth evaporates less in summer, so ventilation was less of an issue, and the work was faster and more efficient. By digging 166m they reached the middle of the prison (it must be added that the Islamic Emirate’s site mentioned the distance dug by Mujahideen including the distance dug by error, giving a total of 360m, when the precise distance, excluding additional distance, was 266m. It is worth noting, however, that the tunnel’s height was 70cm and its width 60cm ). The Mujahideen inmates were in two separate locations within the prison: Most were in the political ward, where they numbered 530, but a small number were in a room called ‘Tawqif Khanah’ [detention room]. The tunnel was dug first towards Tawqif Khanah room, as it held a Mujahid aware of the case. He used to hit the ground for one reason or another so that the tunnel diggers would know whether they were ahead or behind or on target. Thus they were able to pinpoint the place, but for verification they poked a blade into the room, until the prisoner assured them of hitting the target. They moved on to the political ward. Five days produced a further 23m, reaching the political ward, cell 7 of which held two prisoners aware of the case. The aim was to take the tunnel to cell 7. Here again the tunnel diggers wanted to raise a blade to ascertain and avoid any error when opening the tunnel to the prison. The Mujahideen were hesitant: were they underneath cell 6 or 7? To keep the matter secret when the blade would be raised, the two prisoners held a Quran session; all the rooms were vacant, the two aforementioned prisoners left, one to room 6 and the other to room 7. When the blade was raised they realised they were under room 6, contrary to their expectation. Then two further meters were dug until reaching room 7. Now they could not vacate the rooms with the Quran completion excuse again, so the Mujahideen used the afternoon time when prisoners would go out to washing rooms and get prepared for the noon prayer; the blade was raised and it made it successfully to room 7. The opening place was specified for the escape operation day. It should be added that the blade raising operation was made subsequent to a wise and interesting plan: The prison ground was about 2.5m above the tunnel, with the tunnel’s height of 70cm, how a long blade could fit through this tunnel to reach the prison ground? The Mujahideen cut iron blades of 50cm length and joined them together; when they were raising a blade 50cm by a car jack, they would fix to it another blade and raise it by the jack. So for dismantling the blades, they prepared a machine that would be attached to each blade then hit by a hammer downwards. This was how they were able to pinpoint the location precisely.
The Plan to Extract the Prisoners
After construction of the tunnel, the persons responsible for digging finished their work and requested from the Islamic Emirate’s high command guidelines concerning the plan to extract the prisoners. Therefore officials from Kandahar Province’s and high ranking officials of the Islamic Emirate held continuous consultations in order to conduct a secure extraction.
As a result of the consultation, the following plan was adopted. The mastermind of this operation, who on his own swung the pickaxe laboriously to dig 300m of the tunnel, would himself be the commander of the prisoner extraction. During the operation, he would adopt

al-Katāi'b Media presents a new statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “Mujāhidīn Naval Forces Torch Kenyan Military Ships"

Mogadishu (20/11/2011) – Divisions from Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen’s Naval Forces stormed and burned military ships patrolling the waters along the Somali Coast , marking the first encounter between the Mujahideen and the invading Kenyan forces at sea.
Using high-powered speed boats and operating stealthily under the cover of darkness, two divisions from the Naval Forces launched a carefully calculated attack on two Kenyan navy ships travelling between the islands of Kudhaa and Madhawo, near Kismayo, at around 0300 hours Sunday morning. In the exchange of gunfire, one of the ships was set ablaze when hit by rocket-propelled grenades, while the other ship escaped unhurt.
The Kenyan ships were reported to have been patrolling the waters for weeks and persistently prohibiting local fishermen from fishing near the islands. In a series of recorded incidents, the Kenyan forces have previously sank at least 1 Somali-owned merchant ship and killed nearly 20 fishermen, thus prompting the Mujahideen Naval Forces to act with fierce force to stop the perpetrators.
On land, a dispatch of the Mujahideen military forces has successfully ambushed a convoy of 6 vehicles transporting Kenyan troops between the towns of Taabta and Dhoobley this morning. Two of the vehicles, including a white Toyota Land-cruiser carrying senior army officials, were burned down in the fire fight that lasted approximately 1 hour, before the Kenyan army fled the scene of the battle. 8 Kenyan soldiers were also killed in the ambush.
With the increased manoeuvres of the invading forces, Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen pledges to defend the Muslim people of Somalia from all forms of invasion, ideological as well as physical, which intends to subjugate the population, occupy their territory, plunder their resources and infect the teachings of Islam with the degrading values of democracy.
Press Office
Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen 