Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum presents an English translation of al-Malāḥim Media's audio message from Abū Hurayrah al-Ṣana'ānī of al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula: "Martyrdom in Defense of Our Honor"

NOTE: The original Arabic audio message was released in mid-July when Jihadology was on a summer hiatus. As such, for those interested, here is the original, too:
Abū Hurayrah al-Ṣana’ānī — “Martyrdom in Defense of Our Honor”

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al-Katāi'b Media presents a new press release from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “Maqadīshū (Mogadishu) Massacre: A Message to Burundi"

Since the change of military tactics by Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen on the 6th of August 2011, the battle for Mogadishu has taken on an entirely new dimension. The recent battles have lured the AU forces, who previously sought refuge behind their heavily fortified bases and underground bunkers, out into the open; thereby exposing their intense vulnerabilities and proving their inability to fight in an urban area. The massacre of more than 150 Burundian troops in the battle of Dayniile, Northern Mogadishu, on Thursday 20th October marked the success of the Mujahideen’s enhanced military strategy and stands as a true testament to the diversified military operations raging in Mogadishu. And while the media, both local and international, have recorded the video footage of the 76 slain Burundian soldiers displayed by the Mujahideen, complete in their AU uniform and badges, AMISOM propagandists chose to deny the deaths of their own comrades in order to mislead the families of the dead soldiers. The recent Mogadishu massacre is indeed exemplary of the unforgiving fate that awaits every foreign invader in Mogadishu, but our message is now specific to the people of Burundi. Your sons continue to perpetrate unspeakable atrocities against our innocent families in Somalia. And despite our persistent demands for the withdrawal of your troops, you remain obliviously adamant that your sons are serving a just cause by killing thousands of innocent men, women and children. The indiscriminate shelling carried out by your troops has displaced over a million people from their homes and has rendered them refugees in their own country. Half of our children do not attend schools as your troops continue to demolish and destroy our buildings and infrastructure. And in the course of these battles, hundreds of your sons have been killed in Mogadishu while fighting as mercenaries for a worthless cause and some are still being held captive. The recent deaths of your sons in Mogadishu serve as a just reward for the carnage that they have caused in the streets of Mogadishu and their corpses are now rotting in a distant land without even a funeral ceremony. Know that the indomitable people of Mogadishu will continue to massacre your troops as long as the streets of Mogadishu remain steeped in the blood of their loved ones. You now have a choice to make. Either you call for the immediate withdrawal of your troops from our country or you shall receive the bodies of your remaining sons delivered to you in bags. Think long. Think hard. Think of your son’s futures. Press Office Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen


New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "A Survey of Jihādī Situation in Logar Province"

Logar is one of the central provinces of Afghanistan. It is situated in the south-east of Kabul. Its area is small but it is one of the most densely populated areas of Afghanistan. When the Americans invaded Afghanistan,  the people of Logar also welcomed the call for Jihad and started their armed struggle just like the rest of the people. In the beginning, the Jihadi activities were few and secret but in the past two years, similar to the trends observed in other parts of Afghanistan, the resistance has substantially increased and the Mujahideen of this province, instead of fighting a guerrilla war, openly attack the enemy forces and convoys on the Kabul-Gardez main highway. They practically control and govern more than half of the province. Just now, with the exception of the centers of Charkh, Baraki Barak, Khoshi, Kharwar and Pul-i-Alam, where limited bases of the internal and foreign enemy are found, all other areas are under the direct control of Mujahideen. They also have a very strong presence in the Muhammad Agha district, situated at the outskirts of Kabul. All the areas and villages of this important district have now been liberated from the enemy. People supporting the foreigner invaders and their allies have either realized the facts and have left their services or have fled to Kabul, paving the way for an increase in the activities of Mujahideen. The capital city of Logar province, Pul-i-Alam is now nearly besieged, because all the surrounding areas are under the control of Mujahideen. The enemy cannot patrol even in the nearest areas of the central city. On the way from Logar to Gardez, the enemy has built a huge base named ‘Khadr’ which frequently comes under Mujahideen rocket fire. A short time ago, the enemy warned the adjacent villages of the base that if the base is attacked from any side they will bomb the area. Following this warning,  they brutally bombed a children’s school in revenge and martyred four children while injuring many others a few days earlier. In other districts of Logar province, the resistance forces are quite active. In Kharwar and Charkh districts, the enemy is forced to deliver resupplies through air because all the roads are under the control of Mujahideen. In Baraki Barak and Khoshi districts, the Mujahideen are even stronger than before. Only in Azra district, there is deficiency but Mujahideen have made strides and in the future it will be much more organized. Logar province is one of the areas of the country famous for producing intellectuals. It has a large number of students, scholars and the experts of the Holy Quran and Hadith. Regretfully saying that in the past thirty years, during the revolution and Jihad, a great number of the experts of the Islamic Sharia have been lost, resulting in a critical shortage of them, which needs serious attention. The people of Logar province not only actively participated in the armed struggle against the foreign invaders but also turned their due attention to acquire knowledge. They have encouraged the masses to build up madrassas, to maintain them and to send their children to these madrassas to get education. Therefore alongside schools, there are hundreds of functioning madrassas. We can say that similar to other provinces of Afghanistan, the civil and judicial setup of the Islamic Emirate is active in Logar province as well, which has been quite helpful in solving the petitions and suits of the people. In the same way, the Islamic Emirate supervises the educational process for better organization and evolution. The masses of Logar province have a good understanding with Mujahideen, because they have had love for Jihad, Knowledge and Ulema(scholars) from the very beginning. Although the enemy has harassed the people, bombed the houses, carried out search operations at night, martyred the innocent people and ambushed the villages and densely populated areas, but by the grace of Allah Almighty, it has not affected the commitment of the people of this province with Mujahideen and Jihad. The people of Logar province are standing with full firmness and are taking their due part in the armed struggle against the invaders alongside Mujahideen.


Questions of the Brothers for Shaykh Ḥussayn bin Maḥmūd About the Revolutions #14

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أسئلة الإخوة للشيخ حسين بن محمود حول الثورات (14) س: قُتل القذافي ج: الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات. س: هل تعتقد أنه قُتل في الإشتباك أم أُعدم من قبل الثوار؟ ج: الظاهر أنه أُعدم. س: هل كان القبض عليه أفضل أم إعدامه ج: كنا نريد أن يقبضوا عليه لفترة يذيقوه العذاب في الدنيا قبل الآخرة، ولكن قدّر الله وما شاء فعل. ربما إذا قبضوا عليه حياً وسلّموه للسلطات يقومون بمسرحية يسمونها محاكمات كما يحدث في مصر الآن ويشغلون الليبيين عن الأولويات كما يفعلون في مصر. في قتله راحة لليبيين وتطلّع للمستقبل بأسرع وقت، وفي إبقائه إشغال لهم عن التخطيط للمرحلة القادمة. س: سيف القذافي استطاع الهروب. ج: لعله يسقط في يد الثوار قريباً أو يُقتل. كل من شارك في قتل الليبيين وهتك أعراضهم يجب أن يُقتل. س: البعض ينادي بالعفو والصفح. ج: العفو والصفح مع الرجال، أما أهل الدياثة والخيانة والعمالة فلا عفو عنهم لأنه ليست لديهم مبادئ ولا مواقف ثابتة، ولذلك الغرب يحاول أن يُبقي على أكبر قدر ممكن من هؤلاء ليستخدمهم في المرحلة القادمة. هؤلاء عناصر فاسدة نتنة في المجتمع يجب التخلص منهم بالقتل. س: هل من دليل على هذا! ج: قول الله تعالى {مَا كَانَ لِنَبِيٍّ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَهُ أَسْرَى حَتَّى يُثْخِنَ فِي الأَرْضِ} (الأنفال : 67)، فالإثخان في الأرض لتطهيرها من رؤوس المشركين ولكسر شوكتهم أمر ضروري في بداية المرحلة الجهادية وفي بداية مرحلة تكوين الدولة الإسلامية، لا بد من التظيف والتمهيد قبل وضع قواعد للبناء. س: البعض قال بأنه ما كان للمجاهدين أن يعاملوا القذافي بتلك المعاملة الغليظة! ج: الذي يده في الماء ليس كالذي يده في النار. القذافي أتى بأقذر عبدة الأصنام من أدغال أفريقيا وأعطاهم السلاح والمال ثم وزّع عليهم حبوب “الفياجرا” ليهتكوا ستر المسلمات الطاهرات في ليبيا، وقد فعلوا. كيف كان المفروض أن يتعاملوا معه! نحن نلوم الثوار على هذا التعامل اللّيّن معه، كان المفروض أن يناله التعذيب والتنكيل قبل قتله. لكن الذي يسلّينا أن الله – جل وعلا- شديد العقاب. س: الدليل! ج: قال تعالى {وَإِنْ عَاقَبْتُمْ فَعَاقِبُوا بِمِثْلِ مَا عُوقِبْتُمْ بِهِ} (النحل : 126)، وقصة العرنيين: النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قطع أيديهم وأرجلهم وسمل أعينهم وتركهم بالحرة حتى ماتوا لأنهم فعلوا ذلك بالرعاة، فالذي فعله القذافي بالليبيين لا يقارن بما فعله العرنيين، فهو يستحق أكثر مما فُعل بالعرنيين. القذافي كان حرباً على دين الله وهو من أكبر المفسدين في الأرض، والله تعالى يقول {إِنَّمَا جَزَاءُ الَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ اللهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَنْ يُقَتَّلُوا أَوْ يُصَلَّبُوا أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُمْ مِنْ خِلاَفٍ أَوْ يُنْفَوْا مِنَ الأَرْضِ ذَلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْيٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَلَهُمْ فِي الآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ} (المائدة : 33)، فميتة القذافي بهذه الطريقة كانت مخرجاً له سهل. الغرب يريد أن يُظهر أن عنده إنسانية ورحمة، ويتناسى هؤلاء الكفار ما تفعل طائراتهم بأطفال الباكستانيين والأفغان واليمنيين والصوماليين وغيرهم، ونسي هؤلاء ملايين المسلمين الذين قتلوهم في كل بقعة من الأرض، ونسوا ما فعلوه بالدول الإسلامية قبل أقل من قرن واحد من سفك للدماء وهتك للأعراض وبقر لبطون الحوامل وإحراق الأحياء وقطع أطرافهم واتخاذها قلائد، فهؤلاء الخبثاء يفعلون الأفاعيل بالمسلمين في فلسطين والعراق وأفغانستان والصومال وغيرها من البلاد ثم يطالبون المسلمين بالرفق واللين بأعداء الإسلام! س: ماذا تعتقد أن يحدث الآن في ليبيا. أنا أتابع القنوات الإعلامية الغربية كالبي بي سي والفرنسية والقنواتة الأوروبية وغيرها هذه الأيام، وهم منذ مدة يضربون على وتر القبليّة والجماعات الإسلامية الليبية والإرهاب والأسلحة وحقوق الإنسان وغيرها من المبررات للتدخّل المستقبلي. ينبشون كل صغيرة يجعلونها كبيرة، ويحاولون أن يجدوا لأي موقف أو عبارة أو كلمة أو شخص أو أي شيء دلالات وعلامات يختلقونها ليفرّقوا بين الشعب الليبي. لن يتركوا ليبيا حتى يزرعوا الشقاق بين أهلها ويضمنوا كفر حكومتها وعمالة حكامها لهم، وعندهم وقت طويل قبل الإنتخابات لفعل كل هذا. طبعاً لا ننسى الإعلام العربي الرسمي. ج: وماذا يفعل أهل ليبيا. س: عليهم معرفة خبث ومكر وغدر هؤلاء وأن يجعلوا قول الله تعالى نصب أعينهم {مَا يَوَدُّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَابِ وَلاَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ أَنْ يُنَزَّلَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ} (البقرة : 105)، وأهل الكتاب هم اليهود والنصارى. ما دمنا مسلمين فإنهم لا يريدون لنا الخير، ومن قال غير هذا فهو معاند مكابر مخالف لصريح القرآن. فرنسا نصرانية، وكذا أمريكا وإيطاليا وألمانيا والدنمارك والناتو، فكل هؤلاء لا يريدون الخير لأهل ليبيا، لأن أهل ليبيا مسلمون. أكثر الحروب الصليبية على الأمة الإسلامية كانت بقيادة فرنسا. س: سيدفنون القذافي في مصراته. ج: لو دفنوه في الصحراء لكان أفضل. مصراته أرض طهر وجهاد لا ينبغي أن يُدفن فيها هذا النجس. س: نجس! ج: {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ}. س: البعض دعا للصلاة عليه! ج: سبحان الله! لا تجوز الصلاة عليه ولا الترحّم عليه ولا دفنه في مقابر المسلمين. القذافي كافر مرتد يُدفن في الصحراء أو في مقابر الكفار لا مقابر المسلمين. لا يجوز دفنه في مقابر المسلمين. من حق أموات المسلمين أن لا يُدفن الكفار معهم. سبحان الله! عذّبَهم في الدنيا ويجاورهم في القبور!  س: ماذا ينبغي للمجاهدين في ليبيا فعله الآن بعد موت القذافي، خاصة وأن الأنظار والتركيز الإعلامي عليهم! ج: عليهم أن يخرجوا للوجود وأن يبرزوا في الإعلام كقوة محررة لليبيا ومخلّصة لشعبها، لا ينبغي لهم أن يتقوقعوا بحجة الضغط الغربي، ولا أن يتركوا الساحة الإعلامية لعملاء الغرب. عليهم أن يكسبوا الشارع الليبي وأن يتغلغلوا في القبائل والمدن وأن يدعوا إلى الله على بصيرة، مع التركيز على وحدة الصف، فهم الآن حماة ليبيا الحقيقيون. يجب أن يعرف الشعب الليبي هذا جيداً: معرفة لا غبش فيها. يجب أن لا يغفلوا عن أسلحتهم: سواء القتالية أو الدعوية أو السياسية، يجب أن ينخرطوا في المجتمع الليبي بكل قوة وبكل ثقة، ويجب أن يُعلنوا إسلامهم ويعتزوا به ويزرعوا العزة في صفوف رجال ليبيا، العزة بالإنتماء للإسلام. كما يبنغي لهم أن يحرصوا على المناصب القيادية في الدولة. س: ربما يُحدث هذا مشاكل مع الغرب.

ج: هذا يقوله من وقع تحت

New statement from the ‘Abdullah ‘Azzām Brigades: “Statement Number 7 within the series ‘Identifying the Way of the Offenders’ “Harbingers of the Epic Battles”"

UPDATE 11/7/11 8:25 AM: Click here for an English translation of the below statement in Arabic.

NOTE: To see earlier statements in this series see: #1#2#3#4, #5, and #6.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: ‘Abdullah ‘Azzām Brigades — “Statement Number 7 within the series ‘Identifying the Way of the Offenders’ “Harbingers of the Epic Battles””

New statement from Mā’sadat al-Mujāhidīn Fī Filisṭīn: "A Series of Recent Fires in the Occupied Territories"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين والعاقبة للمتقين ولا عدوان إلا على الظالمين، والصلاة والسلام على إمام المجاهدين نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد :

يقول الله تعالى: {يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ}.

ففي يوم من أيام الله، وبفضل من الله ومنة منه وتسديده، انطلقت سرايا المجاهدين في غزوة مباركة جديدة، أعدوا فيها عدتهم الإيمانية والأمنية، وأخذوا بالأسباب المتيسرة، لاستهداف أماكن استراتيجية متفرقة من أراضينا المحتلة،يتجاوز عددها العشرين بعثاً، أشعلت النار في لحظة واحدة، وفي أماكن مختلفة، لتشتت قوات العدو المتكبر، ولترغمه على الإعتراف بالحقيقة التي طالما أنكرها، وقد حصل ما كنا نبغي ونرمي إليه، فآتت هذه الغزوات أكلها، حيث قال بعض متحدثيهم بأن هذه الحرائق وما قبلها أتت بفعل فاعل وأنها وبكل صراحة “انتفاضة الحرائق” التي ستجتاح الديار وتجتاز البحار، وأن وقعها عليهم شديد وأنهم لا يعرفون حتى الآن كيف يضعوا حدا لهذه الظاهرة المرعبة، ولنثبت للقاصي والداني أنه لا تزال طائفة من الموحدين في بيت المقدس وأكنافه تتسلح بسلاح التقوى وتعلن حربا لا هوادة فيها، بقليل الإمكانيات وبكثير المعنويات، على عدو يحسب له العالم أجمع ألف حساب، ولتظهر للناس ضعف وجبن وهزال المحتل، الذي يتغطرس في كل يوم دون رادع ولا حسيب ورقيب، وأنه يمكن هزيمته بقليل الإمكانيات.
ورغم كل محاولاتهم البائسة في السيطرة على تمدد الحرائق وحصرها في عشرة مواقع إلا أننا نعلن أن عددها أكثر من ذلك بكثير، وأن بعضها لا تزال قائمة إلى لحظة كتابة هذا البيان، دون أن تصلها طواقم اطفائهم وربما دون أن يصلهم خبرها رغم تدخل الطائرات في ذلك.

وتأتي هذه الغزوة المباركة ضمن سلسلة الغزوات التي أعلنا عنها وبدأناها في السابق والتي ستهدم بإذن الله صروح الإحتلال اليهودي البغيض، حتى يعود اليهود من حيث أتو فلا مكان لهم بيننا.

فبارك الله في جنود الرحمن وأسود التوحيد، سدد الله رميهم وثبت أقدامهم وتقبل منهم جهادهم وأعمالهم الصالحة، فقد أفرحوا الصديق وأغاظوا العدا.

ونقول لليهود وعملائهم إن هذا لكم خزي في الحياة الدنيا، ولكم في الآخرة عذاب عظيم، فأبشروا بما يسوؤكم فإن لكم عندنا مزيد المزيد، فاصنعوا ما شئتم فلن ينفعكم مكركم ولن تنفعكم خططكم فالله مولانا ولا مولى لكم، فإما أن نحيى تحت حكم الله وإما أن نستظل في ظل الله.

أقذف النيران تحرق الرومان
حاربي ضلالا تعبد الصلبان
كم أذاقوا قومي ظلمهم أزمان
يا جموع الحق ثوري
في الوغي بركان
والله أكبر الله أكبر .. ولله العزة ولرسوله وللمجاهدين. وَاللّهُ غَالِبٌ عَلَى أَمْرِهِ وَلَكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لاَ يَعْلَمُونَ مأسدة المجاهدين في فلسطين السبت 24 ذو القعدة 1432هـ الموافق 22 أكتوبر 2011م المصدر: مؤسسة رياح الإعلامية


New article from a member of the Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum: "For The Muslims In The West: 'Huge Difference Between The Common People And Those Who Have Sold Their Lives To Their Lord'"

Salaam Alaykom wa rahmatollah wa barakatuh,
in the name of Allah,most gracious,most merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of Creation; Lord and Supporter of the oppressed monotheists; Breaker and Vanquisher of unjust tyrants. Peace and blessings be upon the Seal of the Prophets, and their master; Imam and exemplar of the Mujahideen; and upon his household and his companions and those guided by his guidance; revive his Sunnah until the Day of Judgment.
** Huge difference between the common people and those who have
sold their lives to their lord ** ** They took a smiling at death, while swords gazed at them frowningly ** ** They turned their chests into shields for the cause of islam ** Sheikh Osama Bin Laden (May Allah have mercy on him)
My dear brothers and sisters,
We have experienced many historical events in the last 10 years. First we witnessed the wonderful raids on the source of infidelity and corruption. The raids on Manhattan, Washington and Pennsylvania healed the chest of the Islamic Ummah. The moment the 2 airplanes hit the World trade center we felt honour and glory. Some of us were too young to understand what was happening but we were celebrating because our family members were celebrating. The false god America was attacked by the grandsons of the Companions (May Allah be pleased with them). 19 brave men attacked America and not 19 armies.
Allah says in the Glorious Quran: Remember ye implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered you: “I will assist you with a thousand of the angels, ranks on ranks. Allah made it but a message of hope, and an assurance to your hearts: (in any case) there is no help except from Allah. and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise. (Anfal 8: 9-10)
On October 7, 2001, the forces of infidelity and corruption invaded Afghanistan. With their huge armies in cooperation with the traitors, they killed and slaughtered thousands of Muslims. The 4 weeks of happiness turned into sadness. On the news we saw the horrific bombardments on the poor people of Afghanistan. The forces of infidelity and corruption didn’t differentiate between civilians and gunmen. Every Muslim with a beard and a turban was considered a possible threat.
Allah says in the Quran: When they are told, “Do not spread corruption on earth,” they answer, “We are but improving things!” (2:11 Baqara)
Two years After the invasion of Afghanistan, The US government in agreement with the Arab traitors invaded Iraq. The crusader army and the filthy puppet rejectionist killed and imprisoned thousands of Muslims. With all the false rumours we heard from the American government, we expected some resistance from the Iraqi army. The Army of Saddam Hussein was eliminated without any difficulties. What did we expect from an army which is built upon the deviant ideas of Michel Aflaq and Salah al-Bitar?!
Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the friends of Shaytaan. Surely, Shaytaans strategy is always weak. (Nisaa 4:76)
The crusader governments were acting like raging bulls. They thought that no Muslim would dare to fight against them. They forgot that the Islamic Ummah is a nation which gives birth to people like Salahuddin Ayyubi, Tariq ibn Ziyad, Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah and other righteous servants may Allah be pleased with them.
In the land of the two rivers we heard the name Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi R.A. What about Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi?! We heard a voice which was filled with love for the believers and hatred towards the unbelievers. We heard a voice filled with the blessing of Allah. We heard the voice of Al-Qa’qaa’ Ibn ‘Amr At-Tameemi R.A.
Abu Bakr, may Allaah be pleased with him said: “The mere voice of Al-Qa’qaa’ in the army is better than a thousand fighters
May Allah accept our beloved Sheikh Abu Mus’ab in the highest Paradise.
In the land of the Students we witnessed the true meaning of patience and steadfastness. The students and the muhajireen showed the whole world that victory comes only from Allah. Mullah Muhammad Umar Mujahid – may Allah protect him – said: “Allah has promised us victory, and Bush promised us defeat, and we will see which promise is true.”
Victory cometh only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise (Imran 3:126)
My dear brothers and sisters,
I want to ask you a question, what are the sons of Washington, Ottowa, Brussels, Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam, Warsaw and London doing in the other side of the world?
Many of you will answer “kill Muslims and spread corruption” Right?
So my next question is, what are millions of Muslims doing in the above mentioned cities?
I think you all know the answer!
This reminds me of a story during the Muslim conquest of Andalusia. The crusader forces used to send spies for special operations. One spy came back from his journey and said to the leader of the polytheists that the time has not come to recapture Spain. The leader asked him why?
The spy answered “When I arrived at the gates of the Islamic state I saw a young boy crying”
Conversation between the spy and a young Muslim boy:
SPY: Why are you crying?
YOUNG BOY: I missed 1 of 10 targets at arrow shooting.
SPY: There is no reason to cry. I can’t even hit 5 targets.
YOUNG BOY: It makes me sad if I kill 9 crusaders instead of 10 crusaders!
The spy was shocked and said to the young boy that he is in a hurry.
The crusader leader couldn’t believe what the spy was telling him and asked the other spies if this is true. The other spies confirmed to the leader that the spy is speaking the truth. After many years the crusader leader ordered his spies to travel to the Islamic state. The same spies traveled to Andalusia. When they arrived at the gates of the Islamic state they saw a crying teenager.
Conversation between the spy and a Muslim teenager:
SPY: Why are you crying? TEENAGER: My girlfriend dumped me! SPY: Don’t cry you will probably find another girlfriend TEENAGER: Crying his eyes out…. SPY: I need to go! The spy travelled back and said to his leader with a loud voice “NOW THE TIME HAS COME TO RECAPTURE SPAIN FROM THE MUSLIMS” What I’m trying to say with this example is that, we have become weak like the crying teenager. We should be like the young boy. By Allah! If we had the same motivation as the young boy we would have recaptured all Islamic countries including Spain (With the permission of Allah). My dear brothers and sisters, Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: Then fight in the cause of Allah, you are not tasked (held responsible) except for yourself, and incite the believers to fight along with you. (An-Nisa 4:84) ”Imam Ahmad recorded Sulayman bin Dawud saying that Abu Bakr bin `Ayyash said that Abu Ishaq said, “I asked Al-Bara’, `If a man attacks the lines of the idolators, would he be throwing himself to destruction’ He said, `No because Allah has sent His Messenger and commanded him,
Then fight in the cause of Allah, you are not tasked (And incite the believersto fight, by encouraging them and strengthening their resolve in this regard. For instance, the Prophet said to the believers at the battle of Badr, while organizing their lines, (Stand up and march forth to a Paradise, as wide as the heavens and Earth.)  There are many Hadiths that encourage Jihad. Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said, (Whoever believes in Allah and His Messenger, offers prayer, pays the Zakah and fasts the month of Ramadan, will rightfully be granted Paradise by Allah, no matter whether he migrates in Allah’s cause or remains in the land where he is born.) The people said, `O Allah’s Messenger! Shall we acquaint the people with this good news’ He said,
(Paradise has one hundred grades which Allah has reserved for the Mujahidin who fight in His cause, the distance between each two grades is like the distance between the heaven and the Earth. So, when you ask Allah, ask for Al-Firdaws, which is the best and highest part of Paradise, above it is the Throne of the Most Beneficent (Allah) and from it originate the rivers of Paradise.) The biggest wish of a Mujahid in AfghanistanIraqYemenSomalia and other fields of Jihad, is to travel to the lands of kufr and let them feel what the Muslims feel…….. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! O Allah, grant victory to the Mujahedeen over their enemy… Don’t make them reliant on their sayings and doings, and be merciful upon them and be for them and not against them… O Allah, make them from the believers who remember You and fear You and rely on You truly, and make them, O Allah, from the repenting worshippers who fear and obey You… O Allah, make them from those who are the victors before You, those who are deserving of Your victory.. O Allah, reveal upon them your victory, O Lord of the worlds… O Allah, reveal upon them your victory and make them steadfast and shake the earth from below the feet of their enemies, O Victory granter O Helper! And Allah knows best… and peace and blessings of Allah on our Prophet Muhammad and on his family and companions altogether… Was salaam Alaykom, The poor and weak servant of Allah ANSAR ________