Jihadology presents Think Tank/NGO/Policy/Gov Reports and Articles of 2013, Part V

For previous posts in this series see:

Cole Bunzel — Al-Qaeda Advises the Syrian Revolution: Shumukh al-Islam’s “Comprehensive Strategy” for Syria
Cole Bunzel — Are the Jihadi Forums Flagging? An Ideologue’s Lament
Cole Bunzel — Caliphate Now: Jihadis Debate the Islamic State
Cole Bunzel — Introducing the “Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria”
Cole Bunzel — Jihadism’s Widening Internal Divide: Intellectual Infighting Heats Up
Cole Bunzel — Stealth Takfir: The Discreet Excommunication of Muhammad Morsi
Cole Bunzel — The Islamic State of Disobedience: al-Baghdadi Triumphant
Cole Bunzel — Toward an Islamic Spring: Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi’s Prison Production
Dan Byman — The Dangers of Success: Why it’s not so simple to crush and kill al Qaeda affiliates
Dan Byman and Benjamin Wittes — Tools and Tradeoffs: Confronting U.S. Citizen Terrorist Suspects Abroad
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross — al-Qaeda’s Influencial Online Strategist: Abu Sa’id al-Amili
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross — Ansar al-Sharia Tunisia’s Long Game: Dawa, Hisba and Jihad, International Centre for Counterterrorism
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross — Is the Terrorist Threat Declining? The Use and Abuse of Statistics
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross — The Cuban in the Desert
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Aaron Y. Zelin — Uncharitable Organizations
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Bridget Moreng — Al-Qaeda’s Offensive Against Iraq’s Sahwa
David Cook — Boko Haram: Reversals and Retrenchment
Ed Husain — A Global Venture to Counter Violent Extremism
Elizabeth Dickinson — Playing with Fire- Why Private Gulf Financing for Syria’s Extremist Rebels Risks Igniting Sectarian Conflict at Home
Fabio Merone — Salafism in Tunisia: An Interview with a Member of Ansar al-Sharia