NOTE: To view issue number fifty-six of the Ṭālibān’s magazine al-Ṣomūd see here.
Safar 23, 1432 A.H, Friday, January 28, 2011
By Fida’i
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
Allah Almighty creates a reason for everything, whether for the existence or continuation of something or for its non-existence or disappearance. The Almighty is He who causes effects. When He wants to bring something into existence or remove it, He appoints a cause or causes for that. Two decades ago, the world witnessed, with the permission of Allah SwT; the world, and most especially the Islamic peoples, the salvation of the world from the great evil; the evil of the Soviets, who wanted to spread their control over the earth. To achieve this goal they attacked a country which had been crowned more than once with the medal of heroism in breaking tyrants, conquering the haughty and expelling evil transgressors. Their doom was sealed when they chose to attack this country.
To wit, they destroyed themselves! Yes, this great event confused the entire world which did not expect this occurrence, because this country did not have to its credit great discoveries, inventions and technologies. Yet, Allah SwT willed to make the sacrifices of thisproud and zealous people the cause for the liberation of dozens of countries occupied by that tyrant. Additionally, it became a cause for removing their occupation of other Muslim lands, especially those countries neighboring Afghanistan. More important than all of this is that America – which has committed the same crime as the Soviets against this proud and zealous people – was itself saved by virtue of the Jihad of the Afghans – from those misfortunes which were expected to befall it – as if Allah SwT desired for those misfortunes to later befall it at the hands of the Afghans themselves and they therefore decided to stand by the side of Afghan Muslims, not because they loved the Afghans and the Muslims or because they wished them well. Rather, they sought after their own self-interest. It was therefore reasonable for the world to thank the Afghans.
Yet, unfortunately, they were ungrateful for the favor with an ingratitude that never occurs to anyone’s mind! After the defeat of the Russians, who left dragging their tails in shame and failure, some of those countries, which Allah had fated to continue to exist by virtue of the Jihad of the Afghans, toyed with the accomplishments of that great people. Indeed, they had a main role in creating problems and afflictions never before witnessed in the history of the country.
Today, the same tragedy is being replayed, but at the hands of another tyrant. Shaytan has enticed this (tyrant) into attacking that people who were the reason he still existed on the face of the earth, forgetting that favor that deserved thanks and a good turn; and not ingratitude and ungraciousness. Indeed, Allah SwT has here ordained the same fate He ordained for the Soviet attack on Afghanistan, which is the salvation of the world and especially the Islamic world from the grip of a tyrannical transgressor.
America wanted, as did its contemporary Soviet Union, to extend its control effectively over the entire world, and re-make it in its own image. Its wealth and its power seduced it into dreaming this dream but achieving this disgraceful dream was completely unreasonable – it is a morass from which it will be happy to escape half alive! Thus, we see today that America has retreated from all its goals – and more – for the sake of which it plunged into the unjust war, the certitude of which was a matter on which no two disagreed! Neither has it been able to take hold of the matter they thought they had a grip on from one day to the next, nor to obtain a guarantee for the security of its people! Rather their terror increases day after day and now it (America) wants to retain its self-respect and nothing more – and this is its great victory, but will it be able to do even that? They are like one who has attacked a person unjustly. When that person grabs them and shakes them, they say to him: “leave me alone and I will leave you alone!”
It is impossible for it now to be seduced by its dream of arrogance, aggrandizement and tyranny, or to spread its influence in the lands of others, or extend its control there. Rather its most pressing concern is to preserve what its forefathers gained!
Because of this the entire world and especially the Islamic world is indebted to the Afghan Jihad. Because of this Jihad, the snake has become preoccupied with itself rather than thinking about swallowing them. When Afghanistan has become a thorn in its throat it cannot advance and cannot return back!
The world has been saved from American aggression and barbarism in all fields: political, economic and security. America had wanted to spread its influence in Eurasia, half of which includes the Islamic countries, then extend their political and economic control over them, and take their affairs firmly in hand. If they were able to do that, then no one on the other continents could stand and face them. But Allah desired other than what America desired. If they had been able – Allah forbid – to realize their initial goals then subsequently it would have been very easy to swallow and digest the Islamic world. This was a turn of events for which it waited impatiently and for which sake it spared no expense. But through the grace of Allah first and then through the sacrifices of that proud and zealous people, it was not able to realize its dream. Rather, the entire Islamic Ummah was saved from those plots which those iniquitous hands wove in the world of fantasy.
Among the most prominent gains made by the Afghan Jihad for the Islamic Ummah which can be indicated here is the protection of the Holy Quran from fire and abuse, four months ago at the hands of a lunatic American: that vile minister who intended to burn a copy of the Glorious Quran in revenge for the events of September 11. Yes, what happened there with that idiotic man was not personal or unique to him, rather it was the voice of many of them and evidence was that they did not refrain from committing that crime out of respect for the sacred things of others or for human dignity! Rather, it was to preserve their bravado and prestige by protecting the lives of their soldiers deployed on the field of battle and to be precise; to avoid receiving the combat strikes of the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate! Which they were certain to receive if they did not take that crazy man into their foolish hands! The commander in chief of the NATO Alliance, David Petraeus and others warned of the consequences of that action and stated that it would cause calamities for their soldiers present in Afghanistan. The lunatic minister therefore had to reconsider his plan and back down. He in his turn was more concerned with the defeat of his co-religionists and kinsmen, than in venting his anger against Muslims by burning the Noble Quran as if he considered – if the expression is apt – that the cost of this heinous act would outweigh its benefit. Here we must draw attention to certain points:
1. There are no doubt in the Islamic Ummah has many ideological, political and religious parties; and there are undoubtedly in Islamic countries (many) regimes that rule them – and there are more than 50 governments! But neither America or NATO or its commander in chief were troubled and they did not say that (these) regimes and rulers of Islamic countries or their varied and diverse parties and movements would cause problems for America or weaken it if that great crime were committed! For one reason: they had cast Jihad behind their backs!
2. Then why do the Americans fear the Mujahideen? What that commander stated means that those different parties and diverse movements in their great number and those governments armed to the teeth with even nuclear weapons(!) did not and will not be considered to constitute a threat to them! There is therefore no need to warn against them! As if they understood well that the Mujahideen were those who would avenge their sacred things. This is a matter that truly conforms to reality and fact. This is the reason behind infidel attacks launched against Jihad and its people over the course of time in all corners of the earth and in all rounds they struggle, and especially in this modern era. They are convinced that Jihad is the apex of the pinnacle of Islam, as was said by that leader of the Mujahideen, Muhammad ibn Abdullah (SAW). Meaning Islam is protected by Jihad only! The enemy is therefore terrified of Jihad and the Mujahideen, and tries with all the capabilities he possesses to mar the image of Jihad and the Mujahideen one way or another.
3. The commander’s statement that the burning of the Noble Quran would cause problems for his soldiers in Afghanistan only(!) – although Jihad continues through the grace of Allah SwT in other countries as well – indicates that the occupiers have learned through living in the hills and rugged mountains of Afghanistan over the past nine years; the message that the soldiers of the Islamic Emirate are at the forefront of the legacy of Islam,
Category: Somūd Magazine
English translation of Ikrām Miyūndī's "The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan And Its Successful Administrative Policy" from Issue #55 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's al-Ṣomūd Magazine
It is patently clear from the experiences of those who preceded us and firmly established from our own observations that the success of Islamic governments, as well as democratic and despotic governments, and the prosperity of religious; educational; governmental and other establishments lies in the superiority of its administrative regime in heeding its important elements (lofty aims, the abilities of its leader, having a righteous entourage around him,etc.). Complete victory in this field requires diligent efforts from those heading it to implement decisions issued; established regulations and fixed principles. Attention must also be paid to the impartiality of the administration through the good selection of personnel who are recruited to work there.
I do not intend to list the components of successful administration or to declare the characteristics of an Islamic Administration. What concerns me here is to shed light on the Islamic Emirate’s policy in the realm of administration and coordination despite the difficult circumstances surrounding it connected to its heavy involvement in the Holy Jihad and the bitter war against the Americans and their partners in their repulsive crimes. I also strive to place before you, as Allah enables me, simple information regarding the order of the Islamic Emirate – or the Taliban regime, as they say, so that perhaps it will benefit the readers of our heroic magazine “al-Somood” to”heal the breasts of the Believers” and “Nor is that for Allah any great matter”.
The loftiness of the desired objective and the sanctity of the anticipated goal – combined with the firm anchoring of this sanctity within those who belong to this administration after they are made fully aware of it – are together a strong factor in successfully achieving the declared and sought-after goal. It is also the secret behind reviving the spirit of altruism, dedication and sacrifice in the spirit of the staff (members). When they are convinced of the importance of their jobs they will compete in rushing to complete their assigned tasks and exert the utmost of their efforts for the sake of achieving the highest objective and sacred goal, because they will see the laudable results and great benefits behind their activities and above the ceiling of their own invaluable works. As Allah Almightysays in this regard:“They are those who, if We establish them in this land , establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of all affairs.” (al-Hajj: 41).
Moreover, concern must be paid to attracting trustworthy and competent persons, and choosing specialized cadre; contingent upon piety and impartiality. Specialization without piety corrupts an administration and piety without competence weakens it. In the event of a contradiction, the pious one is given preference, because he is like the shepherd whose legs are tied and is unable to benefit the flock or serve the people. But the corrupt one is a ravenous wolf spoiling the earth and harming others. Preventing damage takes priority among wise men and in any event the selection of righteous people is a strong element of successful administration. This is in accordance with the words of the Almighty: “Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due”(al-Nisa: 58)and “Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you.” (al-Hujurat: 13).
The capacity of the personality of the leader who directs the people religiously, politically and ideologically is no less important than any of the above. Indeed, it is considered one of the most important elements of successful administration. The leader is the axis around which matters pivot. He employs the community to achieve his goals and directs people to goodness and happiness. He warns them against evil and danger according to his lights. Among the duties of the leader – after trust in and reliance upon his Lord and Creator – is to make a diligent effort in directing the activities of all the employees and volunteers who assist him – in an atmosphere of cooperation – towards the fixed goal. He is also responsible for creating strong feelings among the people to move quiet hearts and slumbering eyes, and energize the human power for self-sacrifice for the sake of achieving high and lofty goals. It is notable that among the qualities of the successful leader are that he is free; male; of sound mind and emotion; with knowledge; vision; strength; courage; wisdom; organizational skills and other qualities mentioned in the books of fiqh and ‘aqidah. So seek it where you would expect to find it.
1. After this pleasant introduction, I take you to the subject of this study by saying: In its entire organization, the Islamic Emirate relies on the Book of Allah Almighty and upon the Sunnah of his Messenger (SAW), the Sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs and the sayings of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all. It utilizes the fatwas of the followers and the opinions of mujtahid scholars, may Allah Almighty have mercy on them. The Emirate borrows from the history of bygone nations and its system consists of the components of a successful administration balanced with the sanctity of its goals, the vision of its leader, and the strength of its faith and the qualifications of its workers with regards to piety; devotion; trust; competence, etc.
2. Based on this, the Administrative System of the Islamic Emirate is based upon the principles of the Islamic Caliphate from the era of the rightly guided Caliphs, may Allah be pleased with them, in dividing the country into provinces, appointing pious and righteous governors, guiding workers to piety and justice, encouraging the establishment of a religious and worldly policy, tending to the needs of the people, instructing them in matters of religion and encouraging them to make the utmost effort in promoting virtue and preventing vice. Regulations have been drawn up for the guidance of the Mujahideen fi sabeel Allah. Messages are constantly sent for this purpose to guide them; direct their deeds; illuminate their thoughts and have them follow in the footsteps of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them. Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, spoke to the people thus, saying ”O people, by Allah I do not send you governors to flog you or take your wealth but I send them to teach you your Religion and the way you should follow (sunnah). If anything other than this is done to anyone, he should refer the matter to me. By Him in whose hand is Umar’s soul, I will provide justice for him.” (History of Islam/Dr. Hasan Ibrahim/part 1, page 455).
Uthman ibn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, wrote to his governors in the provinces, saying: “Allah has decreed the imams to be shepherds, he did not ask them to be tax collectors. When this Ummah emerged, they were created as shepherds; they were not created as tax collectors. Your imams are on the verge of becoming tax collectors and not shepherds. If that happens, diffidence, fidelity and loyalty will be torn apart. The best course is to look to the affairs of Muslims and what is requested of them. Give to them what is their due and take from them what you ought”.(Previous reference/part 1/page 455).
3. The area of our Muslim country of Afghanistan is approximately 650,000 square kilometers with an estimated population of at least 33 million people. The country is divided into 34 administrative units, each named a province such as Qandahar, Helmand, Herat and Balkh province. Moreover, each province is divided into multiple directorates, big and small such as Marjah in Helmand province, Arghandab in Qandahar province, etc. Each directorate contains beautiful areas and numerous villages. There are a total of 400 provinces, while there are tens of thousands of villages.
4. In each village, there is a faithful leader (appointed) by the Emirate and who is responsible for civilian and military affairs. He has around him from 10 to 50 Mujahideen depending on the prevailing circumstances. A new leader is selected from among them if the previous leader is martyred or is unable to continue to lead for any reason. In case of a disagreement, the matter is elevated to the amirs above them. This battalion – called a front – is ready for combat and to fight against the enemy night and day. They are also recourse to which people
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #56 of al-Ṣomūd Magazine
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #56 of al-Ṣomūd Magazine
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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue 53 of al-Somūd Magazine
al-Somūd Magazine Number 53
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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue 51 of Somūd Magazine
al-Somood Magazine Number 51
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